Calcium in milk products precipitates intestinal fatty acids and secondary bile acids and thus inhibits colonic cytotoxicity in humans


Feb 8, 2017
Dietary calcium may reduce the risk of colon cancer, probably by precipitating cytotoxic surfactants, such as secondary bile acids, in the colonic lumen. We previously showed that milk mineral, an important source of calcium, decreases metabolic risk factors and colonic proliferation in rats. We now report the effects of the habitual intake of milk calcium on metabolic risk factors in healthy subjects. A double-blind, cross-over metabolic study was performed in 13 healthy males. Placebo milk products (calcium, 3 mM) were compared with regular milk products (calcium, 30 mm). In each 1-week period, the habitual diet was recorded, and urine and feces were collected for 1 and 3 days, respectively. Milk calcium significantly increased fecal pH and fecal excretion of phosphate (132%), total fat (139%), free fatty acids (195%), and bile acids (141%), indicating intestinal complexation. In fecal water, the concentrations of long-chain fatty acids, secondary bile acids (deoxycholic and lithocholic acid), neutral sterols, and phospholipids were about halved (P <0.05). Consistent with these changes in soluble hydrophobic surfactants, calcium decreased the cytotoxicity of fecal water from 68 +/- 9 to 28 +/- 12% (P < 0.005). Calcium in milk products precipitates luminal cytotoxic surfactants and thus inhibits colonic cytotoxicity. Therefore, habitual dietary calcium may contribute to a nutritional modulation of colon cancer risk.

@haidut @Amazoniac


Nov 9, 2020
I feel like this thread needs a lot more attention... I upped my calcium via calcium carbonate powder (1/4 tsp 1-2x daily with food) for a while and got backed up bad, with grey stool and a HUGE need for retinil acetate. Felt terrible, like a decent hangover... all from 1/2 a teaspoon of calcium carbonate powder in a day.

Then, this post popped up and showed me it WASN'T calcium overload, it was a damned BILE deficiency due to calcium binding to my bile and helping me detox bile-bound rubbish + lowering resorption of liquid rubbish!

1 450mg capsule of andrographis 2x daily and tudca with meals and it's been an absolute night and day difference.

@x-rain remembering my experiences has reminded me I meant to let you know about this calcium/bile connection, in case it helps. Seems like an easy way to lower bowel toxicity if tudca and andrographis isn't helping as expected

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I feel like this thread needs a lot more attention... I upped my calcium via calcium carbonate powder (1/4 tsp 1-2x daily with food) for a while and got backed up bad, with grey stool and a HUGE need for retinil acetate. Felt terrible, like a decent hangover... all from 1/2 a teaspoon of calcium carbonate powder in a day.

Then, this post popped up and showed me it WASN'T calcium overload, it was a damned BILE deficiency due to calcium binding to my bile and helping me detox bile-bound rubbish + lowering resorption of liquid rubbish!

1 450mg capsule of andrographis 2x daily and tudca with meals and it's been an absolute night and day difference.

@x-rain remembering my experiences has reminded me I meant to let you know about this calcium/bile connection, in case it helps. Seems like an easy way to lower bowel toxicity if tudca and andrographis isn't helping as expected
I took calcium supplements for the first time this summer and also suffered the worst constipation of my life. It was truly horrible. I was puzzled because I thought calcium was supposed to help motility. I feel like I had gallbladder issues since then especially. I notice that when I took some taurine I immediately felt better.


Nov 9, 2020
I took calcium supplements for the first time this summer and also suffered the worst constipation of my life. It was truly horrible. I was puzzled because I thought calcium was supposed to help motility. I feel like I had gallbladder issues since then especially. I notice that when I took some taurine I immediately felt better.
That's more data in support right there... taurine is the T in tudca, I believe.

And, thanks @Rock_V for the original post :):


Jan 25, 2014
I took calcium supplements for the first time this summer and also suffered the worst constipation of my life. It was truly horrible. I was puzzled because I thought calcium was supposed to help motility. I feel like I had gallbladder issues since then especially. I notice that when I took some taurine I immediately felt better.
I think upping calcium too much in a short time can do this. When I tried the all milk diet, I also got the absolute worst constipation of my life. I don't think I was getting much calcium at the time (I think I was pretty paleo back then), so that could have been an issue.

I tried taking more calcium this summer (using calcium carbonate and eggshell/oyster shell), and had no serious constipation. I got to the point where I was taking an extra 3 grams a day..... no issues. Although, I have been using Taurine regularly, so maybe that has something to do with it.


Nov 9, 2020
Hi @tankasnowgod how do you go with the random bits of too large eggshell go through you when you use that for calcium? I have what feels like serotonin storms for the next 3-4 days and my retinil intake goes to 10x usual.

My working theory is I've just swallowed a mini knife and it's now slowly slicing its way through... i'm basing this on a restaurant giving me a meal where I found a bit of stainless steel scrubber in one mouthful, and I reckon I swallowed another bit. Worst 4 days of my life. Eggshell grit gets me to about 7/10 of that reaction.


May 2, 2021
I think this thread is incredibly underrated. As with many of the concepts Peat or this forum offers I often find myself doubting whether something that is revelational to me personally is just a known known for others here. Calcium is one such topic. I have tried to supplement calcium on many occasions, each time frustratingly leading to constipation, and for me that brings with it a painful dermatitis type condition. I know my calcium to phosphorus ratio is not in favor of calcium, (as is typically recommended) and I exhibit many signs of high prolactin, (hence my desire to raise calcium intake). I assume that the issue is related to endotoxin as each time I experience the skin issues activated charcoal is able to remedy the situation. It would make sense that if calcium and bile act as a “soap” for the intestines - something I read about in another thread long ago - that a lack of that “soap” could cause excess bacteria to accumulate and thus precipitate the excess production of endotoxin.

I’ll try taurine and or ox bile along with calcium this time and see if I can’t make it work. I continue to be interested in making calcium work for me because for the first day I supplement, it’s total bliss. Typically it takes a day to a day and a half of higher calcium before the constipation and dermatitis attack.

Thanks in advance to everyone who contributed to this thread!


Apr 22, 2019
1 450mg capsule of andrographis 2x daily and tudca with meals and it's been an absolute night and day difference.

@x-rain remembering my experiences has reminded me I meant to let you know about this calcium/bile connection, in case it helps. Seems like an easy way to lower bowel toxicity if tudca and andrographis isn't helping as expected
Thank you, Zoltan.
Andrographis 300-400ng* 2-3 day does not make any difference for me. I can currently tolerate only a half-cup of milk at a time. Waiting for TUDCA and Ox bile to try.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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