Calcium with Vit D3


Oct 4, 2018
So what is the consensus on supplementing Calcium while using high dose Vitamin D3 at 10,000Iu, soon to reduce to 5000IU? I'm also taking Vitamin K2 along with magnesium. I'm afraid of disturbing my electrolytes. I have an electrolyte powder which includes some Calcium but afraid to cause more calcium to enter into bloodstream. I'm taking Vitamin D3 to thicken blood as I have profuse bleeding with watery blood. (I'm a female) It's helping a bit but I notice intermittent heaviness on my chest, where I need to breath deeply. Afraid it may have pushed calcium to my lungs but I'm hoping this is just a start up effect of initiating Vitamin D3. I was pounding Vitamin K1 to clot my blood and while there were clots, my blood was still a watery consistency. Clotting may not be my issue after all. I've been housebound for 5 years so vitamin D3 is a must, also I can't consume dairy due to lactose/casein intolerance. At the moment, this electrolyte powder would be the only calcium source I have in the house. Was hoping electrolytes or Calcium would help thicken my blood, in addition to the D3. I also have very thin bones due to malnutrition and dietary intolerances. This is all after SSRI/Benzo withdrawals and high dose birth control to initially control the profuse bleeding 5 years ago. After high dose birth control pills, my stools turned yellow so i know my bile is now not breaking down fat soluble vitamins. I haven't taken recent Vitamin D3 bloodwork due to not being able to leave the house but a doctor told me years ago I was deficient in Vitamin D by a 25(OH)D test but I became so sick following medication withdrawals, that everything would cause flareups in symptoms. Now I'm stable enough to try, despite the bleeding issue still present. Bleeding issue was brought on by oral supplementation of glutathione given by a naturopath. Thanks for reading!


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Are you able to get outside and sit in the sunshine at all? I find it does wonders for well-being beyond just the vitamin D angle. Are you physically able to take gentle walks outside? When I wasn’t able to do much else just getting some natural light and movement in nature helped me tremendously. I will defer to others on the D/electrolytes/calcium question because the more I’ve read about it the more controversial and individual it seems tbh. I prefer to get my D from sunshine but that’s not possible for everyone depending on where one lives. We have 6 months of vitamin D winter in my location so I do use the tanning bed judiciously for part of the year just because works for me. I’d highly recommend getting tested though if at all possible. I don’t think it’s optimal to just guess when it comes to vitamin D. I’ve been both low and high at different points and neither is good.


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Feb 10, 2016
For a long time, I needed 10-15k IU vitamin D for my levels to budge.
I was hypercalcemic when my vitamin D was low - yep.
Now I only need 2k IU per day of vitamin D and my calcium has normalized, and PTH and prolactin are lower.
I was never able to tolerate K2 until my vitamin D levels became closer to 50.
Now I handle it fine, and if I get palpitations, I know I need more calcium. A 1/4 teaspoon of powdered coral / eggshell calcium does it.
As you get better, try to reincorporate dairy in your diet.
Do not be afraid of calcium. In the patients that I work with, I only see them hypercalcemic if they abuse TUMS or have very high PTH due to illness, or are immobile.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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