Can chronicly elevated prolactin levels make you less emotionally interested in your date/GF/wife?

Daniel North

Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2023
Oslo, Norway
I dont know If this is the right place to ask this.

As i have understood it, elevated prolactin levels after ejaculation is responsible for the phenomenon we often call post-nut-clarity, where you can instantly become disinterested in a girl you have sex with, or to some degree less interested.

If you have chronicly elevated prolactin levels, can this have the same effect to some degree?


Aug 15, 2015
Yes, chronic elevated prolactin means cortisol and estrogen are elevated. And testosterone will be reduced. It means lower drive and lower libido. But sometimes too much cortisol and estrogen could make you sex maniac because the ejaculations are not that satisfying. The less the better for a man. When I was fasting in Ramadan, my stress was off the roof since I had family crisis, work load, and no food. My prolactin was at 13. I didn’t check my testosterone but I am pretty sure it was not that high.


Jun 7, 2016
@Daniel North there is a news story online about a 40 year old virgin from England who got a pituitary tumor and was prescribed bromocriptine an ergot derivative and started dating women, using escorts etc and ended up suing because it made him highly sexually active, risk taking and destroyed his life.

Ergot derivatives lower prolactin, I've used lisuride and metergoline and in various dosages and does the opposite of post nut clarity. I don't know what causes post nut clarity or a coldness and numbness towards ones partner, I totally know what your talking about though.

I have heard that it's oxitocin which creates the pair bonding which is meant to keep the couple togeather while they raise the offspring.

One has to think if all this drive and lusting for women is real at all, is post nut clarity reality and everything before it is absolute delusion and fantacy being projected onto a women.
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Mar 4, 2019
As I understand it, elevated prolactin levels after a sexual experience can act as a defense mechanism to not indulge yourself with multiple partners. It is essentially a bonding hormone. You become less sexually interested but this is only until the prolactin normally goes down - as it should. The major issue is when it stays chronically elevated and does not go down - either through stress not letting your liver metabolize it, an illness, or a deficiency in vitamins and minerals that aid its removal. There are theories that if it stays elevated this can cause a desensitization and cause chaos to how you respond to stimuli. In this case, prolactin is essential as a brake so as to not have children from multiple partners and you are not able to manage the children, which could cause more havoc to the family structure and human race if the children are not cared for.


Mar 4, 2019
I have heard that it's oxitocin which creates the pair bonding which is meant to keep the couple togeather while they raise the offspring.
It's possible that an inability to produce oxytocin alongside prolactin is what makes a human find no issue trying with a different partner when there is no bond with the previous partner after prolactin lowers.


Jun 7, 2016
@HumanLife I don't know, I think it's too complex to know imo. The oxytocin is supposed to last enough for children to be raised, prolactin should lower pretty fast, a few days to a week.

The oxytocin has to be built up enough to make a strong bond to last year's and this is all the things which happen before sex. That's why taking it slow with someone should yield a longer relationship.

Some situations it doesn't matter how many times someone nuts they are trying to posses the women and are turning into a vampire. Some situations is post nut revolt against the women.

There are talks of magnetism and electric vortexes created between two people.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
elevated prolactin levels after a sexual experience can act as a defense mechanism to not indulge yourself with multiple partners. It is essentially a bonding hormone
There was an interesting study showing that refractory period is only long with one partner. With rats, when another receptive female was added to the cage, the male was ready to go with the new female, but not the previous one.
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