Can Red Light Ever Be Damaging To Eyes?


Mar 2, 2018
Just got my red light device now, apparently red light is not meant to be harmful to the eyes, I find this very very bright, is there ever a time where it could be dangerous to the eyes? Has anybody had any bad experiences with eyes?

Apparently best not to look directly at it but I’ll want to mount it on my desk right next to me pointing at me while I work, is that okay for eyes?

And is there a good eye protection that one could use? I have blue light blocking glasses, normal uv blockers etc..

This is the one I got:
Red light device - Red Light Man
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Mar 1, 2013
i dunno red light suppose to reduce inflammation to eye I could see uv or blue light being damaging but in extremes possibly? the device is at max 100 watts that means it can't be that bright. It nothing compared to the sunlight in summer time in most places you can take it outside and see you barely if even see the red light coming out so I wouldn't worry. My friend was saying a single wavelength of red if intense enough can burn but I have a hard time believing that. That have to be in thousands of watts range of red led and nothing like that exists yet in terms of chips and even then I have a hard time believing that. I'm more inclined to believe it be the infared.
Nov 21, 2015
I have exposed my eyes deliberately, very close range, 100 watt red light, and didn't suffer any effects. My eyes have been very healthy in fact, but it started to feel weird so I stopped. I use red light often but I don't look at it for a long time deliberately anymore.


Mar 24, 2017
I've been using near infrared light at 830 nm on my eyes for just over a year and my eyesight is better now than it was five years ago (I'm 59). I don't use it for more than a minute on my eyes/face though and I try to keep the power density around 20 to 30mW/cm2 by placing it far enough away. I then do a minute on each side, back and top of my head to help cognition and reduce tinnitus. I do this almost every day. I've just bought a 660 nm device and it is extremely bright and uncomfortable to the eyes for more than a few seconds even with my eyes closed. I've heard that it lowers free radicals in the eye that blue/UV light causes, but I'm no expert. I've heard 660 is good for the skin and hair growth/health and for increasing testosterone by shining it on your testes, which is why I bought it.
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