Cinnamon Lowers Serum T3?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Ashwagandha can help with weight loss but I don't think the results would be that significant unless you put in the effort to lose weight. There are only two substances that I know of that nearly guarantee weight loss no matter what you do but they both come with significant side effects. Losing weight shouldn't be done at the expense of one's health. Blocking progesterone with ru486 or anything else is a bad idea. Blocking progesterone lowers cortisol because cortisol, like many hormones, is made from progesterone.

I've pretty much always been lean, even when bulking for a prolonged period of time. The highest weight I ever reached was 195lbs at a measured 11 percent body fat at 6' 1". Maybe it's genetic because both sides of my family are skinny. I'm 150lbs now but I'd like to be around 180lbs. The only two times in my life where I ever really gained fat was when I tried keto over 4 years ago and a separate period of extreme stress coupled with prolonged overexertion. Keto caused a horrifyingly fast rebound but I returned to and have maintained my starting weight since then. I do take T3 now but it isn't for weight loss. It doesn't cause weight loss by itself. I started taking it based on some lab results and to resolve cold intolerance, low body temperature, and brain fog. Perhaps it helps me stay lean but I'm no leaner now than I was in my early 20's. What I'm trying to say is that I achieved my level of leanness naturally and I now take T3 for peripheral reasons.

Yeah, I've heard that about grains of paradise. I doubt it's a real risk when you're just using a few twists from a pepper grinder. After all, black pepper isn't good for the liver either but you don't really hear about people having issues from it.

I don't recommend yohimbe unless you're trying to lose that last bit of stubborn fat. It causes extreme anxiety and even panic attacks. Its effect is pretty unique in that it blocks the alpha adrenergic receptors which are most common in stubborn fat. You can still lose stubborn fat without it though.

Shwag is fairly popular for a reason. It works but you just have to look out for side effects. KSM66 is more effective but it's also riskier since it's an extract. I distrust most powders as they come from India which is notorious for heavy metal contamination in their supplements. Oregon Wild Harvest sells an organic shwag powder that is grown in the Pacific Northwest. I've never tried shilajit as I'm not keen on the idea of eating soil/humus. I personally think it's snake oil. I bet it's great for your garden though.
which substances mate, which two substances.

thats crazy what was your keto was it a pure fat diet or protein fat mix.
overexertion from what?

how/why do you say T3 doesnt cause weight loss? also it caused weight gain for me, and seemed to burn up muscle tissue too! its powerful and crazy stuff.


Mar 27, 2018
which substances mate, which two substances.

thats crazy what was your keto was it a pure fat diet or protein fat mix.
overexertion from what?

how/why do you say T3 doesnt cause weight loss? also it caused weight gain for me, and seemed to burn up muscle tissue too! its powerful and crazy stuff.

You sure you weren't overeating on T3? It increases appetite.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
You sure you weren't overeating on T3? It increases appetite.
yeah mate, lowered appetite for me. it messed with something, I think it raised cortisol somehow... it was i believe 40mcg a day split into every 8mcg every two hours... I was using T3 by itself not sure if added T4 would have helped. it also thinned my hair out. used it for about 6 to 8 weeks and put on 12 pounds!
Randle Cyclist
Aug 14, 2019
The Lone Star State
which substances mate, which two substances.

thats crazy what was your keto was it a pure fat diet or protein fat mix.
overexertion from what?

how/why do you say T3 doesnt cause weight loss? also it caused weight gain for me, and seemed to burn up muscle tissue too! its powerful and crazy stuff.
Lol bro, you seem to ask a million questions. What exactly is it that you're hoping to discover? Is it the recipe for perfect health? A magic weight loss solution? I can assure you that neither exists. Ironically, many who seek after such things often worsen their health or become neurotically obsessed in the process. The internet is full of examples and this forum is far from exempt. It was a path I traveled myself years ago. It led only to disappointment and regret.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Lol bro, you seem to ask a million questions. What exactly is it that you're hoping to discover? Is it the recipe for perfect health? A magic weight loss solution? I can assure you that neither exists. Ironically, many who seek after such things often worsen their health or become neurotically obsessed in the process. The internet is full of examples and this forum is far from exempt. It was a path I traveled myself years ago. It led only to disappointment and regret.
yep, ive definitely worsened health in the pursuit of for instance, being unhappy at 12% bodyfat, and looking for an edge to get to 8% without side effects. i was curious which two substances you discovered that cause weight loss!
Randle Cyclist
Aug 14, 2019
The Lone Star State
Dude, that is EXACTLY what caused me to go on a downward spiral and lose my health in the first place. I was content with how I looked at 195lbs at 11% and everyone thought I either looked great or was on steroids. I wish I had never measured my body fat because I thought I was for sure sub 10% when I was actually at 11%. Now that I am well under 10% I can say without any inkling of a doubt that it's not worth it. It really is vanity. If only I could go back in time and undo the damage...

The two substances are cloprostenol and DNP. Both have debilitating side effects. The first one will have you spending a lot of time in the bathroom and the second one has a good chance of killing you. There's a reason why most pro bodybuilders stay away from both.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Dude, that is EXACTLY what caused me to go on a downward spiral and lose my health in the first place. I was content with how I looked at 195lbs at 11% and everyone thought I either looked great or was on steroids. I wish I had never measured my body fat because I thought I was for sure sub 10% when I was actually at 11%. Now that I am well under 10% I can say without any inkling of a doubt that it's not worth it. It really is vanity. If only I could go back in time and undo the damage...

The two substances are cloprostenol and DNP. Both have debilitating side effects. The first one will have you spending a lot of time in the bathroom and the second one has a good chance of killing you. There's a reason why most pro bodybuilders stay away from both.
ah ive heard of DNP a lot, i thought some on here like it as its pro uncoupling/pro metabolic? isnt the risk of DNP essentially it can overheat you and boost the metabolism too much? other than that it seems amazing. i imagine since it burns fat up, the bodybuilders may have issues with it as so many of them are into pufa? whereas someone with a lower pufa, high SFA diet could do better!
cloprostenol, the name sounds familiar but ive never studied it.
Randle Cyclist
Aug 14, 2019
The Lone Star State
I don't think there's a general consensus on DNP here. Overheating is a real risk given that DNP is unpredictable. You might be fine one hour and then the next you have a runaway fever. Sounds like you're trying to rationalize it. I had been consuming less than 5g of pufa for years before I tried DNP and it still messed me up. It's toxic stuff.

Cloprostenol is used to induce abortion in livestock. It destroys fat cells locally but induces contractions in bowels, basically making it as though you have Crohn's disease.


Mar 28, 2020
Since starting cinnamon few days ago I noticed low heart rate in the morning 59-60 bpm (before was 64-65) and worse mood,
I mostly had hypo symptomps during the cold months and was fine in the summer

So there is possible anti-thyroid effect from cinnamon,.. i will stop using it and report in a few days

The good side is I think i was less bloated because of cinnamon
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