Coffee And Bowel Movements


member 2106

As much as I love coffee, I am just about as certain as I can be that drinking it every day does me more harm than good. I only ever drink at most two cups per day, but always from cafes, where perhaps the caffeine content is higher than normal (can anyone verify?).

Anyway, the main problem for me is how it affects my bowel movements. If I drink it regularly, I naturally feel the call of nature more often than usual, but what I produce is typically incomplete and insubstantial, and this causes me a great deal of distress. I also have issues with my pelvic floor, and stressful bowel movements are really the last thing I need. When I reduce my intake of coffee, I seem to poo normally, and naturally.

Does anyone else have this problem? As I said, I love coffee and, aside from this, it generally makes me feel pretty good. Is the problem cafe coffee? I always have my coffee with sugar and try my best to have it with food, but don't always succeed. Is this issue indicative of some other health issue? Any advice would be much appreciated. Maybe I'm just more susceptible to stimulants than normal?



Mar 15, 2014
Coffee makes some people poop. Doesn't matter what kind, and it's not the caffeine.

I only drink it in the morning for this reason.


Apr 8, 2016
I have the same problem and it is the caffeine, at least for me. It makes my stools very watery. I try to take it with food to reduce the impact and when I do take caffeine pills I take 100mg at a time instead of 200mg which is the normal dosage of caffeine pills. Of course coffee effects me the same way as caffeine pills.

I started taking caffeine again and I have been suffering as a result of this. I've been looking for caffeine patches but the only ones I can find have B vitamins in them for whatever reason.

Haidut, if you see this post I would be forever grateful if you offered transdermal caffeine in your product line. :)
Apr 22, 2019
transdermal caffeine in your product line. :)

Maybe a coffee foot soak? You might be onto something there.

Boiling ground coffee and then letting it steep in water overnight, warm it on the stove in the morning and spend 15-30min with it as a foot soak.

Since it's water soluble I'd wager there's some kind of transdermal effect, however minuscule.

According to the Caffeine Wikipedia page: "Caffeine is moderately soluble in water at room temperature (2 g/100 mL), but very soluble in boiling water (66 g/100 mL)."


Nov 29, 2017
Vitajing herbs just did a video on topical caffeine for hairloss. The amount used in studies was minuscule and he recommended coffee topically instead of caffeine. Why not just use instant coffee and save yourself the time of brewing? I’m going to add it to my hair rinse with rosemary oil (for camphor) and niacinamide.

Edit: I’m an idiot. Didn’t read your blurb about boiling water and absorbance. My apologies. I have a habit of not reading (especially after eating burrito bowls—-pufa brain)
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