Digestion and Likely Thyroid Issues


Oct 24, 2023
I posted a thread recently detailing my struggle with dysbiosis and what I believe to be SIBO/SIFO causing significant digestive issues. I was advised to look into thyroid related problems as the root cause and what I found out indicates that may have been the right path. I have have taken my temperature every morning upon waking now for a couple weeks and I am consistently getting a reading of 96.9 degrees under the tongue. In addition, I had labs done and they revealed I have high cholesterol. These two results in addition to my sensitivity to cold, long term digestive issues, and fatigue make me think that I do indeed have thyroid problems. However, I went to my GP and he ordered a TSH check which came back in the normal range. I am trying to get a referral to an endocrinologist regardless because of the body temperature, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

The stomach issues are basically wrecking my life. The biggest of these issues is the BLOATING and GAS. It's never ending, I genuinely feel like all my body does is produce gas. Additionally, the gas is very hard to pass and requires me usually to do yoga stretches to release, and very often is accompanied by large quantities of mucus. I've tried eliminating various foods as well as adding the carrot salad to my diet but none of this has even really reduced the gas amount. I have no "trigger foods" besides beer, so I don't really know what to do as far as diet. I have tried low fiber, high fiber, high protein and fat, you name it; no help. I even tried cyproheptadine which DID help with the mucus, but unfortunately caused me to be constipated and so the bloating wasn't solved, just different. These issues cause me a huge amount of anxiety which simply makes the whole thing worse; that was also helped by the cyproheptadine but after stopping it has come back severely.

I have some solid resources on thyroid stuff and I'm really just waiting to see what my doctor says to determine whether I will start with that or if I'll have to do it myself. Unfortunately I really need some relief from the gas soon because it is destroying my mood and ability to have any normal quality of life. I'm currently taking magnesium glycinate and b vitamins, along with some zinc and quercetin (family is sick rn, I cycle these only when around cold/flu/etc). Any advice helps, thanks.


Feb 3, 2020
I‘d ask for a reverse T3 (RT3) and serum cortisol test. (AM)

That can cause hypothyroid symptoms (euthyroid-sick syndrome) despite having „normal“ TSH, fT4 and fT3 levels. Gut issues can be huge source of stress for the body, so it’s a very tricky situation. (it raises RT3)

View: https://youtu.be/QT2NVQWO4W8?si=vHodDU75GNzSTB05

This could be interesting for you.


Jul 17, 2015
The fact that you have to solve the thyroid problem doesn't imply you have to wait for solving the flatulences and gaz. And manage the source of histamine.
I'll get informed on MMC (possibly linked with thyroid), how to calm down the microbiote (overgrowth) and help to get rid of excess of histamine (food list + enzyme DAO 1 000 000 Unit).


May 10, 2020
eat a diet rich in carbohydrates (60%) and the rest of protein for an equal part of fat, that is, high carb and low fat, consume more of these carbohydrates in the form of potato and rice starches, and lean proteins in ruminant meat ...and consume about 5 boiled eggs a day for the choline.

high carbohydrates and low fat will favor the oxidation of carbohydrates and an increase in co2 in the body, increasing positive feedback in the body, co2 will increase gastric juice... in 1 week of high carb and low fat you will see the difference, continue with the cipro, and after each meal take aspirin.


Jul 17, 2015
consume more of these carbohydrates in the form of potato and rice starches
Not advised if the MMC is a problem. Twice pooped a day. Otherwise the problem becomes worse. The way must be free in the decond prt of the colon (no stase).
Useful info on MMC:
The migrating motor complex (CMM or MMC in English) is an electrical and contractile activity of digestive motility which takes place in the inter-digestive periods (between two meals), and interrupted by food intake. Each MMC is accompanied by an increase in gastric, pancreatic and duodenal secretions. They are thought to serve to evacuate contents in the small intestine between meals, and also to transport bacteria from the small intestine into the colon. An alteration of this phase notably favors the development of chronic bacterial colonization of the small intestine, a source in particular of bloating, diarrhea, or even steatorrhea, of the majority of food intolerances. When contractile activity is low, we then speak of lazy intestines. Support and rehabilitation is often necessary, with a prokinetic (Resolor 0.5 mg), initially.

Ahmed ELH

Sep 9, 2023
Hey Nick, I've just read your other thread.

Often time ginger is a hit or miss, have you tried other things like peppermint, artichoke, gentian?

How do you react to coffee, do you feel an increase in gut motility when taking it?

How is your salt and other electrolytes intake?


Forum Supporter
Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
I posted a thread recently detailing my struggle with dysbiosis and what I believe to be SIBO/SIFO causing significant digestive issues. I was advised to look into thyroid related problems as the root cause and what I found out indicates that may have been the right path. I have have taken my temperature every morning upon waking now for a couple weeks and I am consistently getting a reading of 96.9 degrees under the tongue. In addition, I had labs done and they revealed I have high cholesterol. These two results in addition to my sensitivity to cold, long term digestive issues, and fatigue make me think that I do indeed have thyroid problems. However, I went to my GP and he ordered a TSH check which came back in the normal range. I am trying to get a referral to an endocrinologist regardless because of the body temperature, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

The stomach issues are basically wrecking my life. The biggest of these issues is the BLOATING and GAS. It's never ending, I genuinely feel like all my body does is produce gas. Additionally, the gas is very hard to pass and requires me usually to do yoga stretches to release, and very often is accompanied by large quantities of mucus. I've tried eliminating various foods as well as adding the carrot salad to my diet but none of this has even really reduced the gas amount. I have no "trigger foods" besides beer, so I don't really know what to do as far as diet. I have tried low fiber, high fiber, high protein and fat, you name it; no help. I even tried cyproheptadine which DID help with the mucus, but unfortunately caused me to be constipated and so the bloating wasn't solved, just different. These issues cause me a huge amount of anxiety which simply makes the whole thing worse; that was also helped by the cyproheptadine but after stopping it has come back severely.

I have some solid resources on thyroid stuff and I'm really just waiting to see what my doctor says to determine whether I will start with that or if I'll have to do it myself. Unfortunately I really need some relief from the gas soon because it is destroying my mood and ability to have any normal quality of life. I'm currently taking magnesium glycinate and b vitamins, along with some zinc and quercetin (family is sick rn, I cycle these only when around cold/flu/etc). Any advice helps, thanks.
I have very similar issues, and I'm going to write a post with a diet that worked for me.

I also had to focus hard on a stress reduction diet and activities.

It has ended up being extremely expensive.

I'm curious, have you had a sleep study done?

And do you know how well your upper sinuses pass air?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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