". Doing It Every Day(soap) Is An "Endocrine Disrupter. "


Jun 23, 2017
I have no idea how people where I live are able to find decent soaps, it's puzzling. More curious than that is the self-proclaimed soap makers that use an industrial base (which is already the soap), melt it, add crap, mould it to fancy shapes and sell an overpriced (inferior) product in luxurious packages being proud of their creation, enough so to teach others. But I digest.

Some of the added craps are the essential oils (essences). I used to think these were harmless as long as there wasn't an immediate overreaction to them (which isn't rare), but I'm not sure if this is the case. These might also be detrimental in subtler ways, being responsible for an unsuspected impairment. They have some therapeutic uses indeed but more care is needed because they're not as binocules as many of us suppose.

They're for the most part defensive compounds to repel or deter pests. Koch manifested his concern with them on every chance that he had, suggesting that such compounds require proper oxidation for clearance, so they can function as inhibitors especially when the body is impaired. Vit C must help (or they might increase its need):

- Pathogenesis And Immunity As Conveyed By Ethylene And Carbonyl Groups In the Cause and Cure of Cancer, Allergy, and Infection

"The stable peroxides tend to catalyze the polymerization of bodies of free valency as mentioned [before], and hence the tendency toward the accumulation of un-oxidized materials corresponding to the accumulation of more and more complex terpenes in plants as their age advances."​
"The diet should be selected to give adequate nutrition in dynamic factors but to avoid tannin, the terpenes of fruit skins and the acids that rob the colloids of their cations. These acids are mainly tartaric and oxalic."​

- Natural Immunity Via Aerobic Glycolysis - As Conveyed By Carbonyl And Ethylene Groups

"The history of the individual himself, both with respect to the pre-growth toxic state, its psoriasis, neuritis, gastric ulcer, neurosis or what not, and with respect to the mode of development of the malignancy, its rhythmicity, and its relation to the pre-growth changes, will tell much that is useful in the conduct of treatment. We night differentiate two factors in the rhythmicity, the essential rhythmicity, which is a genetic affair that is well illustrated in the case of a two and a half year old girl with malignant gliomata of both eyes that had become well metastasized to the lungs and other organs. This child demonstrated mounting aggravations each day of the last quarter of the moon. This was the mother's usual menstrual period. With the next change of the moon, the subjective symptoms improved somewhat, but the progress of the growths made during the bad period would remain stationary until the next last quarter, when another advance in the disease was made. This change was sharp and invariable whether the mother menstruated or not. I do not consider this characteristic an environmental affair, well recognizing the fact that light reflected from large surfaces, like the moon and the ocean, is circularly polarized and can affect photochemic responsiveness. The rhythmicity is probably a part of the larger order of things which takes in the moon changes as one of the concomitants. However, environmental affairs have their significance and diet, elimination, toxic exposures, as to terpenes, anesthetics, narcotics, fatigue, and the like, may set up variations of irregular rhythm. The victim of cancer is a poor oxidizer and susceptible to any form of allergy."​
"Other sources of poisoning than the colon often exist, and the teeth are frequent offenders. All dead teeth should preferably be removed before the treatment is given. Toxic elements in the diet are to be avoided too, coffee and tea, pepper and other spices, the terpene derivatives of some fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruit and mangoes and all green fruits should be eliminated. Turpentine and perfumes should not be breathed; nail enamels, and cosmetics as a rule should be dropped from the environment."​

- The Basic Chemistry Of Our Diet

"Another class of inhibitants are substances of terpene structure, or substances that present a hydrogen atom in alpha position to an ethylene linkage or other double bond. Hydrogen atoms in this position are exceptionally active and can reduce the Carbonyl initiators as well as the free radical carriers of the oxidation chains. We, therefore, avoid tomatoes, cocktails, citrus fruit oils, paint polishes, wax solvents, etc., mangoes, and other foods containing substances of this order, as the diet outline shows. It is of interest to note that the synthetic carcinogens possess several hydrogen atoms of high mobility in alpha position to their respective ethylene linkages. Thus they are able to hinder oxidation chain initiation and conduction that protects the cell. The carcinogens thus have the upper hand once they become established in a cell. Their double bonds exhibit the specific fluorescence required for transferring energy from glycolytic processes into the chemical processes to mitosis. Thus it is easy to understand the persistence of the neoplastic process as we a pointed out in our “Chemistry to Natural Immunity” 1936, 1937, and 1939. These very double bonds and the active hydrogen atom alpha thereto offer the means of destruction of the carcinogen by an effective Carbonyl oxidation initiator."​
"The value of the lipoids in metabolism is well known now. The natural unsaturated, fatty acids aid in the auto-induced oxidation of toxic materials as the carcinogens. [But of course not being worth the disorder they cause] (1) People who use a diet of natural fats have the benefit of the protection they offer. It might be stated that the very first confirmation by scientists outside our group to our Hypothesis that the natural immunity is a matter of auto-induced oxidations, came with a demonstration that the fatty unsaturated acids, such as linoleic acids, when undergoing auto-oxidation could induce the destructive oxidation of carcinogens. We have shown for many years that the unsaturated derivatives of sugar metabolism did this very thing, and that the ordinary fatty acids, by possessing a hydrogen atom of high activity alpha to a Carbonyl group, subjected the carbon chain to de-saturation alpha-beta to this Carbonyl group and hence, the breakdown of fatty acids to a two carbon withdrawal at each step. Thus even the saturated fatty acids became unsaturated in their oxidation and the burning there of for function aided the natural immunity. (2) In this way we pointed out that the unsaturated products of sugar oxidation and the fruit acids of apples aided the oxidations of function and that the colder the winter where the apples grew, the better acceleration was expressed. The citrus fruits, on the other hand, tend to lower the body temperature no matter what the interpretations of citric acid behavior may be. This is largely due to the terpenes they offer. Ascorbic acid present in such fruits tends to oxidize the terpenes, however, and here again Nature presents the first recognized product of sugar oxidation which scientists outside our group have found to undergo auto-oxidation which induces destructive oxidations in carcinogens. (3) The fruits of the North and of the Tropics both serve the oxidation mechanism in a protective way."​
"The whole fruit should be eaten; skin and all when dealing with pears and apples or peaches and plums, but the skins of the citrus fruits and the oils they shed should be carefully avoided because of their terpene content. Wild, unripe mangoes are deadly poison because of their terpenes. They protect the fruit from pests, and are a lesson again that the tree ripened fruit is the product Nature wishes us to use. But for cancer patients’ mangoes and other terpene fruits must be avoided."​

- An Efficient Single Dose Treatment For Diabetes, On A Full Carbohydrate Diet Without Insulin

"Foods containing quinones and terpenes that serve as negative oxidation catalysts [he refers to various toxins this way] must also be eliminated from the diet."​

- Neoplastic And Viral Parasitism Their Basic Chemistry And Its Clinical Reversal

"The sensitizing or initiating pathogen may be a synthetic carcinogen that has been dehydrogenated by the FCG during anoxia, or the free radical of an incompletely combusted metabolite, a dehydrogenated sulfydryl bacterial product, or a free radical produced by sun rays in the polymerizing units of a maturing pollen. The latter would be the initiating pathogen in hay fever or asthma."​

- Selected oxidized fragrance terpenes are common contact allergens

"Terpenes (mainly mono‐ and sesquiterpenes) are common fragrance compounds of natural origin containing double bonds and are therefore prone to oxidation on air exposure (autoxidation) (2). R‐(+)‐Limonene (d‐limonene) is obtained from the peels of citrus fruits and is one of the most commonly used fragrance chemicals in scented products (3, 4) (Fig. 1). Oxidative degradation of R‐(+)‐limonene was shown to take place at room temperature, turning the non‐allergenic compound into a complex oxidation mixture with sensitizing capacity (5). Patch test studies on several thousand consecutive patients showed the oxidized limonene to be a common cause of contact allergy in dermatitis patients in Europe (6, 7). This is in contrast to earlier studies using pure limonene or limonene of unknown quality, which revealed very few cases 8-10)."​
"Other terpenes than limonene used as fragrance chemicals have the same capability of formation of allergenic autoxidation products."​
"In previous studies (6, 7), the highly significant correlation between fragrance allergy and allergy to oxidized limonene in several test centres gave clinical support for oxidized limonene being a good fragrance allergy marker. Our current study proved that the same correlation holds true for other oxidized fragrance terpenes, especially linalool."​
"Autoxidation of fragrance terpenes contributes to fragrance allergy to a great extent. In our current study, no positive reactions to non‐oxidized linalool (tested up to 20% pet.) were seen when 3 patients with known allergy to oxidized linalool were retested. Previous studies showed (27) that non‐oxidized limonene produced no positive reactions when 30 patients with known contact allergy to oxidized R‐(+)‐limonene were tested."​
"Allergic contact dermatitis from fragrance ingredients may present with localized or generalized symptoms. Facial, hand and axillary eczema (1) as well as dermatitis on the legs (42) have been frequently reported in fragrance‐allergic patients. Rare localizations such as anogenital eczema and generalized symptoms have also been reported (1). Patients in our study reacting to oxidized fragrance terpenes presented most often with leg, hand and facial dermatitis."​

- Allergy to oxidized limonene and linalool is frequent in the U.K.

- TocoVit - Liquid Vitamin E From Wheat Germ Oil
- Adult Acne. What The Hell Is Wrong With People Like Me?

@haidut - This might interest you.
rip marmalade.


Nov 27, 2016
Using soap everyday causes dry skin... people who work day jobs in a office and soap down their body everyday are stupid. If you're a mechanic and get oil everywhere, that makes sense.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
- How Often People in Various Countries Shower | The Atlantic

"A Euromonitor poll from July found":



Jul 13, 2014
I have no idea how people where I live are able to find decent soaps, it's puzzling. More curious than that is the self-proclaimed soap makers that use an industrial base (which is already the soap), melt it, add crap, mould it to fancy shapes and sell an overpriced (inferior) product in luxurious packages being proud of their creation, enough so to teach others. But I digest.

Some of the added craps are the essential oils (essences). I used to think these were harmless as long as there wasn't an immediate overreaction to them (which isn't rare), but I'm not sure if this is the case. These might also be detrimental in subtler ways, being responsible for an unsuspected impairment. They have some therapeutic uses indeed but more care is needed because they're not as binocules as many of us suppose.

They're for the most part defensive compounds to repel or deter pests. Koch manifested his concern with them on every chance that he had, suggesting that such compounds require proper oxidation for clearance, so they can function as inhibitors especially when the body is impaired. Vit C must help (or they might increase its need):

- Pathogenesis And Immunity As Conveyed By Ethylene And Carbonyl Groups In the Cause and Cure of Cancer, Allergy, and Infection

"The stable peroxides tend to catalyze the polymerization of bodies of free valency as mentioned [before], and hence the tendency toward the accumulation of un-oxidized materials corresponding to the accumulation of more and more complex terpenes in plants as their age advances."​
"The diet should be selected to give adequate nutrition in dynamic factors but to avoid tannin, the terpenes of fruit skins and the acids that rob the colloids of their cations. These acids are mainly tartaric and oxalic."​

- Natural Immunity Via Aerobic Glycolysis - As Conveyed By Carbonyl And Ethylene Groups

"The history of the individual himself, both with respect to the pre-growth toxic state, its psoriasis, neuritis, gastric ulcer, neurosis or what not, and with respect to the mode of development of the malignancy, its rhythmicity, and its relation to the pre-growth changes, will tell much that is useful in the conduct of treatment. We night differentiate two factors in the rhythmicity, the essential rhythmicity, which is a genetic affair that is well illustrated in the case of a two and a half year old girl with malignant gliomata of both eyes that had become well metastasized to the lungs and other organs. This child demonstrated mounting aggravations each day of the last quarter of the moon. This was the mother's usual menstrual period. With the next change of the moon, the subjective symptoms improved somewhat, but the progress of the growths made during the bad period would remain stationary until the next last quarter, when another advance in the disease was made. This change was sharp and invariable whether the mother menstruated or not. I do not consider this characteristic an environmental affair, well recognizing the fact that light reflected from large surfaces, like the moon and the ocean, is circularly polarized and can affect photochemic responsiveness. The rhythmicity is probably a part of the larger order of things which takes in the moon changes as one of the concomitants. However, environmental affairs have their significance and diet, elimination, toxic exposures, as to terpenes, anesthetics, narcotics, fatigue, and the like, may set up variations of irregular rhythm. The victim of cancer is a poor oxidizer and susceptible to any form of allergy."​
"Other sources of poisoning than the colon often exist, and the teeth are frequent offenders. All dead teeth should preferably be removed before the treatment is given. Toxic elements in the diet are to be avoided too, coffee and tea, pepper and other spices, the terpene derivatives of some fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruit and mangoes and all green fruits should be eliminated. Turpentine and perfumes should not be breathed; nail enamels, and cosmetics as a rule should be dropped from the environment."​

- The Basic Chemistry Of Our Diet

"Another class of inhibitants are substances of terpene structure, or substances that present a hydrogen atom in alpha position to an ethylene linkage or other double bond. Hydrogen atoms in this position are exceptionally active and can reduce the Carbonyl initiators as well as the free radical carriers of the oxidation chains. We, therefore, avoid tomatoes, cocktails, citrus fruit oils, paint polishes, wax solvents, etc., mangoes, and other foods containing substances of this order, as the diet outline shows. It is of interest to note that the synthetic carcinogens possess several hydrogen atoms of high mobility in alpha position to their respective ethylene linkages. Thus they are able to hinder oxidation chain initiation and conduction that protects the cell. The carcinogens thus have the upper hand once they become established in a cell. Their double bonds exhibit the specific fluorescence required for transferring energy from glycolytic processes into the chemical processes to mitosis. Thus it is easy to understand the persistence of the neoplastic process as we a pointed out in our “Chemistry to Natural Immunity” 1936, 1937, and 1939. These very double bonds and the active hydrogen atom alpha thereto offer the means of destruction of the carcinogen by an effective Carbonyl oxidation initiator."​
"The value of the lipoids in metabolism is well known now. The natural unsaturated, fatty acids aid in the auto-induced oxidation of toxic materials as the carcinogens. [But of course not being worth the disorder they cause] (1) People who use a diet of natural fats have the benefit of the protection they offer. It might be stated that the very first confirmation by scientists outside our group to our Hypothesis that the natural immunity is a matter of auto-induced oxidations, came with a demonstration that the fatty unsaturated acids, such as linoleic acids, when undergoing auto-oxidation could induce the destructive oxidation of carcinogens. We have shown for many years that the unsaturated derivatives of sugar metabolism did this very thing, and that the ordinary fatty acids, by possessing a hydrogen atom of high activity alpha to a Carbonyl group, subjected the carbon chain to de-saturation alpha-beta to this Carbonyl group and hence, the breakdown of fatty acids to a two carbon withdrawal at each step. Thus even the saturated fatty acids became unsaturated in their oxidation and the burning there of for function aided the natural immunity. (2) In this way we pointed out that the unsaturated products of sugar oxidation and the fruit acids of apples aided the oxidations of function and that the colder the winter where the apples grew, the better acceleration was expressed. The citrus fruits, on the other hand, tend to lower the body temperature no matter what the interpretations of citric acid behavior may be. This is largely due to the terpenes they offer. Ascorbic acid present in such fruits tends to oxidize the terpenes, however, and here again Nature presents the first recognized product of sugar oxidation which scientists outside our group have found to undergo auto-oxidation which induces destructive oxidations in carcinogens. (3) The fruits of the North and of the Tropics both serve the oxidation mechanism in a protective way."​
"The whole fruit should be eaten; skin and all when dealing with pears and apples or peaches and plums, but the skins of the citrus fruits and the oils they shed should be carefully avoided because of their terpene content. Wild, unripe mangoes are deadly poison because of their terpenes. They protect the fruit from pests, and are a lesson again that the tree ripened fruit is the product Nature wishes us to use. But for cancer patients’ mangoes and other terpene fruits must be avoided."​

- An Efficient Single Dose Treatment For Diabetes, On A Full Carbohydrate Diet Without Insulin

"Foods containing quinones and terpenes that serve as negative oxidation catalysts [he refers to various toxins this way] must also be eliminated from the diet."​

- Neoplastic And Viral Parasitism Their Basic Chemistry And Its Clinical Reversal

"The sensitizing or initiating pathogen may be a synthetic carcinogen that has been dehydrogenated by the FCG during anoxia, or the free radical of an incompletely combusted metabolite, a dehydrogenated sulfydryl bacterial product, or a free radical produced by sun rays in the polymerizing units of a maturing pollen. The latter would be the initiating pathogen in hay fever or asthma."​

- Selected oxidized fragrance terpenes are common contact allergens

"Terpenes (mainly mono‐ and sesquiterpenes) are common fragrance compounds of natural origin containing double bonds and are therefore prone to oxidation on air exposure (autoxidation) (2). R‐(+)‐Limonene (d‐limonene) is obtained from the peels of citrus fruits and is one of the most commonly used fragrance chemicals in scented products (3, 4) (Fig. 1). Oxidative degradation of R‐(+)‐limonene was shown to take place at room temperature, turning the non‐allergenic compound into a complex oxidation mixture with sensitizing capacity (5). Patch test studies on several thousand consecutive patients showed the oxidized limonene to be a common cause of contact allergy in dermatitis patients in Europe (6, 7). This is in contrast to earlier studies using pure limonene or limonene of unknown quality, which revealed very few cases 8-10)."​
"Other terpenes than limonene used as fragrance chemicals have the same capability of formation of allergenic autoxidation products."​
"In previous studies (6, 7), the highly significant correlation between fragrance allergy and allergy to oxidized limonene in several test centres gave clinical support for oxidized limonene being a good fragrance allergy marker. Our current study proved that the same correlation holds true for other oxidized fragrance terpenes, especially linalool."​
"Autoxidation of fragrance terpenes contributes to fragrance allergy to a great extent. In our current study, no positive reactions to non‐oxidized linalool (tested up to 20% pet.) were seen when 3 patients with known allergy to oxidized linalool were retested. Previous studies showed (27) that non‐oxidized limonene produced no positive reactions when 30 patients with known contact allergy to oxidized R‐(+)‐limonene were tested."​
"Allergic contact dermatitis from fragrance ingredients may present with localized or generalized symptoms. Facial, hand and axillary eczema (1) as well as dermatitis on the legs (42) have been frequently reported in fragrance‐allergic patients. Rare localizations such as anogenital eczema and generalized symptoms have also been reported (1). Patients in our study reacting to oxidized fragrance terpenes presented most often with leg, hand and facial dermatitis."​

- Allergy to oxidized limonene and linalool is frequent in the U.K.

- TocoVit - Liquid Vitamin E From Wheat Germ Oil
- Adult Acne. What The Hell Is Wrong With People Like Me?

@haidut - This might interest you.
Sorry so what's the problem with d-limonene??


Jul 13, 2014
Do you know how the body responds to something such as sodium stearate coming through the skin? It's concerning since most of the things that you put on your skin can be felt within seconds.
isnt stearic acid puported to have a huge number of health benefits??

- Stearic Acid Increases Mitochondrial Function, May Treat Parkinson Disease (PD)
- Just 20g Stearic Acid Daily Improves Cardiovascular Health In Human Males
- Dietary Stearic Acid Reduces Visceral Fat By 70% And Increases Lean Mass
- Stearic acid (SA) is an estrogen receptor antagonist

i wonder if the sodium version- sodium stearate would also offer these benefits??
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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