Edging Without Ejaculation? Is It Safe?

Nov 21, 2015
Thank you for your advice. Recently, this woman has been very insecure and sad because she thinks it is her fault that she is unable to satisfy me. But the problem lies deeper. It's my history of misuse of pornography. However, I believe if I completely avoid all pornography and edging from similar online content, eventually I can rewire my brain to this.

I appreciate your advice. Can any supplement work for this? Or is this a case of just rewiring how the brain works?
I think it's rewiring. It creates neural networks that are capable of incredible sensation, and results in amazing connection with your partner. It's essential to explain the issue to a partner so she doesn't think it's her. She may anyway but you can only do so much.


Dec 28, 2019
I think it's rewiring. It creates neural networks that are capable of incredible sensation, and results in amazing connection with your partner. It's essential to explain the issue to a partner so she doesn't think it's her. She may anyway but you can only do so much.
Thank you for your advice!


Dec 28, 2019
when you find a woman you like, suggest that you sleep together 3 or 4 times without having sexual intercourse or oral sex. Cuddle and snuggle and then, after the 4th time, when you do have intercourse, aim for not ejaculating, and relaxing your pelvic floor. It’s fine to discuss this with her in advance if you want. You can explain you are recovering from a problem. Women admire a man who tackles a problem.

Over time, if you avoid ejaculatory sex, you will become more and more wired to sensation. Focusing on your pelvic floor, what I call the root, is essential. You will over time easily ejaculate if you want to.
@ecstatichamster @BearWithMe Hi both, thank you for your advice regarding the issue I raised months ago about delayed ejaculation. Thankfully, I am now entirely cured. I ejaculated twice the past weekend through simply receiving good oral. This is the first time I've ever ejaculated in my life other than having wet dreams.

The main thing that has helped me is to quit pornography and no longer edge to anything entirely. This is the primary fix besides having healthy communication with my partner.

In addition, I've also maintained my healthy diet and habits (very peaty, bioenergetic friendly). The additional protocol I did might be helpful for others as well.

Supplements to increase fertility and libido that I experimented with that might've sped up my recovery:
- L-Histidine (500mg daily and 1.5g before intimacy - note that I was probably deficient in histamine because I have a very high copper intake as well as taking supplements like Cypro here and there)
- Daily honey consumption (and before intimacy)
- Bee pollen
- Royal Jelly
- Tongkat, Macca root, and Horney goat weed (trio combo for sexual performance)
- Moisturizing my scrotum and flaccid with tallow and emu oil (the product I use)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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