Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawal?


Oct 3, 2014
I used a decent amount of progest-E one day, and also supplemented thyroid. Withdrawing from progest-E has given me serious insomnia and RLS when I stopped taking it, but this time the withdrawal symptoms were very serious, and perhaps dangerous, maybe because I also took T3.

I'm not kidding, I had electric shock sensations for hours while laying there trying to all asleep. My arms flailed every 10 to 15 seconds while I was laying down. I had this horrible feeling like I was being electrocuted. My restless leg syndrome was much worse when I withdraw from progest-E as well. I had RLS and poor sleep since I was a kid. But I have this uncontollable arm flailing/twitching whenever I get angry and can't do anything about it, or even whole body shaking from rapid flexing and relaxing muscles. Usually I deal with my anger by taking action, and it happens if I can't, but I had no feelings of electric shock.

This time it was for no reason at all. I never had any full seizures, or any electric shock sensations in the past, just anxiety and anger. Sometimes unexplained anger that comes along with unexplained fatigue. I often have bad coordination and fatigue, especially in the morning. It goes away with tianeptine, it works extremely well for me for some reason. I don't drink at all or take anything else btw.

This is the most horrible experience I have ever had, my pre-existing symptoms were nothing compared to this hellish experience. I don't know what to do anymore. PS stimulates GABA and it's anti-excitatory, but apparently one gains tolerance and has withdrawal symptoms from it, just like to other GABAergic drugs. I have possible epilepsy, and progest-E is supposed to help, but withdrawing amplifies the epilepsy, and can be dangerous. Progesterone's half-life is 3 hours, I would have to take it 4-5 times per day consistently, which isn't convenient.

I feel scarred from this experience. I know progest-E would be especially right for me, but I really don't want to experience this again. Not only is there the risk of causing a serious seizure and brain damage, but it's also extremely uncomfortable.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

:welcome Kenobi. Sorry to hear about your difficulties. A bit more detail on how you had been dosing the Progest-e and thyroid prior to this incident (length of time in days, weeks, months? and dose amounts) might give others some insight into your experience. I have only heard stories of Progest-e helping people with seizures. Take care.


Oct 18, 2013
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

If I recall correctly progesterone is an aldosterone blocker which makes you lose calcium and sodium instead of potassium and magnesium. When it wears off then aldosterone might be shooting up to compensate which makes your potassium and/or magnesium crash. The tolerance might be the body adapting its corticosteroids to offset any losses and then progesterone starts to work less and less(maybe).

Just an idea.


Oct 3, 2014
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

Blossom said:
:welcome Kenobi. Sorry to hear about your difficulties. A bit more detail on how you had been dosing the Progest-e and thyroid prior to this incident (length of time in days, weeks, months? and dose amounts) might give others some insight into your experience. I have only heard stories of Progest-e helping people with seizures. Take care.
I haven't been using T3 at all, because I never felt any different taking it. I took around 25 mcg per hour just to see what would happen. I still didn't feel much, until a lot of time had passed since my last progest-E dosage. Maybe what happened was I was in a hyperthyroid state and progest-E was temporarily restraining the excitatory effects of hyperthyroidism. Is that possible? But see, I didn't have any other effects of hyperthyroidism like high temp or sweating. And usually HYPOthyroidism is associated with seizures, not HYPERthyroidism.

What made me think progest-E withdrawal is partly responsible is that progesterone stimulates GABA like benzos do, and when I looked up symptoms of benzo withdrawal, I actually found the electrical sensations symptom. It's also caused by SSRIs. Cypro didn't help, neither did niacinamide. But when I took tianeptine, the sensations seemed to stop and I fell asleep. Anti-prolactin or dopaminergic drugs are sometimes given to treat RLS, but I don't know whether this was RLS-related.

When I masturbated (sorry for bluntness, lol), the sensations and twitching temporarily stopped, maybe because of the dopamine stimulation. I gave myself several orgasms although I know that's not really healthy, it temporarily helped. Maybe when I'm mad and can do something, this brings dopamine and calms my twitching, if I'm helpless I twitch because there is no dopamine.

My parents and teachers always noticed how I couldn't stand still. Doubt it's endotoxin-related, probably some issue with dopamine.


Oct 3, 2014
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

SaltGirl said:
If I recall correctly progesterone is an aldosterone blocker which makes you lose calcium and sodium instead of potassium and magnesium. When it wears off then aldosterone might be shooting up to compensate which makes your potassium and/or magnesium crash. The tolerance might be the body adapting its corticosteroids to offset any losses and then progesterone starts to work less and less(maybe).

Just an idea.
I didn't notice tolerance, just that when I stopped taking progest-E, my insomnia was a lot worse, and I felt worse than I would normally. But maybe you're right, if there was an adaption to inhibit aldosterone, and suddenly there's no progesterone doing that and sodium and calcium are low, then aldosterone might shoot way up, along with PTH, which may increase intracellular calcium and therefore excitation of cells like nerve cells.


Oct 3, 2014
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

Once again my arms have this horrible sensation and I have to move them and I can't get to sleep. It's like being trapped in a prison, I don't know what to do. I took neither thyroid nor progest-E today.


Mar 29, 2014
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

Sounds horrible - hope it improves soon.
No guarantees that you'll get responses you can use from the forum, but if you want to, you might get more ideas if you fill in a bit more information, eg about your health history, what you have tried so far, what and how much you are eating, why you started taking progest-e in the first place, how much progest-e you've been using, for how long, what difference you think it made, and why you stopped. When you say you have possible epilepsy, was that since before trying progest-e?

Sounds like you've identified feeling angry and powerless as a trigger for some of your symptoms. Have you identified any other patterns?
I haven't had any epilepsy-like symptoms, but my issue is migraine, which seems to have some similarities with epilepsy.

Are you getting lots of carbohydrates, and enough protein (~80-100g), minerals, vitamins etc? Have you been avoiding PUFAs for a while? Is your anger or other symptoms related to hunger/relieved by food?

I guess if going from high dose progest-e to nothing seems to give you severe withrawal symptoms, maybe that is an indicator either that your body really needs it to deal with dangerously high estrogen levels and/or that withdrawing more slowly might be easier on you by allowing the rest of you system to gradually adapt to the change. I have used progest-e ~5x/day for the last year. I think quite a few people do take it this often, while others seem to get benefit from 1, 2, or 3 times a day. Seems very variable from one person to the next. I haven't been tempted to stop, and I'm a bit scared of potential withdrawal effects. I don't manage to get the spacing completely even, and cost is an issue, but convenience wise, I find it amongst the easiest tactics I use.

I have not tried supplementing T3 yet, but 25mcg/hour T3 seems very high - I think a healthy body tends to make about 4mcg/hour. Peat has suggested nibbling a small amount, like ~1mcg every hour or so (eg ~25mcg spread over a whole day), to top up the body's own production, watching for effects, and adjusting accordingly.
Raising metabolism can increase the need for nutrients - so if you were deficient in anything important before, adding T3 and possibly progest-e could make it worse.

Your symptoms seem serious - are you doing any of this in consultation with a doctor? If you are at risk of seizures, do you have someone around who will notice and help if you have a worse one?


Oct 3, 2014
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

I've been eating Peat-wise for about 4 years, in fact I have another account on here (Ben), but the passwords to my account and to my original email are on a flash drive, and all I have is my phone until I move in somewhere and receive my comp. I'm in the process of moving to Denver or to an area around ski resorts. I'm finding housemates for a party house.

As for diet, I drank plenty of orange juice (the good sort) and ate cheese (a lot with artificial rennet, but it didn't seem to bother me.) Some liver on occassion, and I didn't know how to supplement coconut oil besides to make starches healthier so I didn't use it at all. I tried mixing it into milk, but for some reason the natural fatty acids of milk mix, but coconut oil doesn't.

I ate a high sodium diet, and high calcium too due to cheese. I used to get normal anti-depressant effects from caffeine, but after not consuming it for a while, I developed some sort of allergy with plugged ears and the effect opposite to the anti-depressant effect. So very disappointing, I miss the flavor of coffee, sugar, and milk.

Milk, I always get diarrhea from, even if it's a small glass. I tried to create more lactase by supplementing progest-E, since progesterone helps with that, but as of a week or so, it's still not working. Milk is very cheap so I will continue to try

Tianeptine is unusually effective for me. In the morning, I have bad coordination almost like a half-drunk person, and fatigue with lack of motivation, but when I take tianeptine, it all goes away, and I can in fact get very outgoing. I know that such substances aren't good to rely on, but that's just how it is, I learned. If I don't take it, I can't concentrate and I fail. If I don't take it, I don't feel like doing anything and I stay in bed. But here I am, wanting to host parties, because I want the oppurtunity to be creative, meet people, etc. I wonder what would happen if this substance went prescription only. I'm so scared of that that I don't tell people about it, for fear they will abuse it and it will be scheduled.

I can finally order online by myself, and I tried lisuride and cypro. I'm not sure lisuride even has an effect on me. Cypro definitely makes me drowsy, which makes it interfere during daytime, but it doesn't help with insomnia even at higher doses than they recommend. Maybe it just got me more stuck in bed, with the restless limbs and awful sensations.

I have a problem with anger, but I just watched a video again that made me want to stop being angry. Why should I be? I'm very aware of the greed and coldheartedness, disgusting egoic behavior that pervades this culture. Average people rationalize that they are good people. bull****. They are good people for whoever is within their group, and bad, cold people for whoever isn't. Furthermore, people pathetically try to find fulfillment in money, fame, relationships, instead of trying to do what is best for the world. These are facts, that I am reminded of every step of trying to help this messed up culture. I should learn to just accept people as who they are, and have inner peace, instead of getting so angry. It's not their fault they're born a certain way into a certain type of culture. I have a selfless goal to improve the culture, and improve the world. I realized that working toward that is true fulfillment, expecting anything or anyone else to fulfill you is silliness.

I probably have low progesterone because I have naturally low sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) as shown by a blood test, and the fact that I have high muscle with some fat. My father shows the same pattern. I think it's more adaptive to have high SHBG and progesterone though, because nobody really needs testosterone these days, and estrogen is bad.

I have very prominent bulging veins on my hands and feet, I have never once seen more prominent veins in a human being. Progest-E, even if applied topically, does not do a thing. I also have several small varicoceles in my testicles. Doctors say it is not a big deal, but they make laying positions uncomfortable. I'm not sure whether to get them removed or not. Maybe they are just enlarged veins like I have in my hands and feet. I dunno.

I'm "slow" maybe because I'm open-minded. This is more about speed to thinking of solutions, rather than reaction time. A study showed "fast" people are more likely to lack creativity and be more simple. I have trouble executing plans and following through with them, or creating routines and following them. I have a history of creating plans, taking them seriously, then losing interest because the results are not good enough, or there have been no results yet. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I plan on creating a website because my knowledge is so broad about subjects that truly matter. But I do fear I will be unsuccessful because I can't keep at any one subject, just my broad "life dream" of helping the world. I couldn't be less suited to today's education system.

I'm not sure if my health insurance is accepted in hospitals in CO. Hopefully. My only experience was with one ***hole of an endo that thought my health issues weren't serious, and one b**** of an endo who promised a trial of testosterone if my level was below 400, but then broke her promise due to a slightly elevated prolactin result, then made me wait with my health issues, gave me hyperthyroidism so my testosterone and prolactin came out normal. I swear, if you put me in front of her right now, I would say some of the nastiest things possible. I will write an article about my experience with her as revenge. Because of her, I'm still left untreated, high prolactin and low testosterone. Doctors like this still get a living because most people don't educate themselves and blindly listen to doctors, or don't stand up to them. It's the WHOLE that's pathological, not just the doctors.

I bought a bag of activated charcoal to use, but I keep forgetting to use it. I should create reminders. Once every three days at bedtime is ideal, right? I thought about coconut oil before bed on the other nights to kill bacteria. Carrot salad is not only a task for me to make, but also to eat. I have sensitive teeth, so it's stressful for me to eat them. I don't know if it's really helpful. I felt nothing from it. On the other hand, I crave fruit juice a lot, the sweetness and flavor. It makes me feel the opposite of stress, a sort of elation. I try to keep a bottle with me at all times, even if I go to public places or bathrooms.

Spirituality is one consistent hobby of mine, though my meditation methods differ. I have anxiety, if I care. But I got good at watching myself caring, and thus not caring. I have no close friends at the moment, my family is too close-minded to interact with me in a stimulating fashion. I care for my mother, and I feel like she is dying because she doesn't eat right and she was worsening rheumatoid arthritis, and it makes me cry, in fact I'm crying right now. She's the only person who ever stayed with me, and she has to be the one to die. My other family hurt me and doesn't care about me. That's part of the reason I left home, but the main one one by far was to be able to meet people and help the world.

Speaking of my negative symptoms, I now believe they are related to sickness. I had a horrible experience last night, when I got up to go to the restroom, my head suddenly felt so hot that I thought I was going to faint, and I did lay down in middle of the floor moaning, keep in mind this is in a hostel. I felt like throwing up but ended up just having a small bowel movement. I always padded toilet seats in publet restrooms, but this time I was so weak I could not even do that. I could not even keep my head up. Eventually I did end my business, then called my parents for advice. I was in such pain I just wanted an ambulance to come and take me away, but I didn't know whether that was a good idea. I decided not to call. Once morning came, I could fall asleep. For some reason the mornings are the best for RLS sufferers, maybe that's why I consistently fall asleep in the morning.

I asked someone if I have a fever, he put his hand on my forehead and said it's likely a low-grade fever.

I didn't mention, yesterday and today feel "mystical". I love this for some reason. Everything is so mysterious, like life is a "Legend of Zelda" video game. Normally I'm far more shallow and logical, actually I always loved mystic environments like LOZ, I crave them. I don't like happy themes, I like dark and mysterious ones. So I'm getting exactly that which I always wanted, from this low-grade fever.

This is also worrisome because mystic experiences are triggered by temporal lobe epilepsy, and I have a history of olfactory hallucinations prior to sickness, always a burning-carpet type smell. Not this time though, but never had the mystic effect, only had it when I played some video games for days in a row, or watched a whole anime series in a span of a few days. The unexplained anger and fatigue which sometimes occurs for me may also be a symptom. Once I had it with a green aura which occured for a few seconds. I also had experiences of extreme euphoria to the point of tears, but I believe the mood was self-induced by extreme presence. I have to experiment further with this, I suppose.

I feel great right now, all mystic-perceiving. If I stayed that way, or learned how to stay that way, my life would be perfect. I was so sick of my life being so empty and meaningless. All I ever wanted was for life to feel less happy/logical/shallow. I've wondered what I had to do for that for years, I wondered why everything was so unknown and mysterious as a kid, and what I had to do to get that. I feel complete right now, hopefully I won't be forced back into my "normal" state.


Oct 3, 2014
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

I feel empty again, I don't know why I feel better mentally when I'm sick than when I'm healthy. I must really be screwed up.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

:greenwave :yellohello hi Ben! Good to hear from you. I had a realisation as I started to get well that the only time I felt loved or that I got any attention as a child was when I was sick. It's really hard sometimes to figure out what exactly is going on but one thing is for certain you need to treat yourself with love and kindness whether you consider yourself well or not. There is no judgment. I admire your perseverance. It's challenging when we feel socially isolated which it sounds like you might. Recently I started reaching out to extended family that I had lost contact with over the years and found I was able to connect with a few of them in a positive way that has been very healing. I have had to give up concerning myself with other people's eating and lifestyle practices for the most part to reduce my own unnecessary stress. I'm just sharing this as personal experience and not necessarily advice. Hang in there. Sorry I don't have any specific supplemental advice to give but I was touched by your story and wanted to reply. The best thing I can think of at this time is to stick with the Peat Inspired foods and lifestyle changes that have helped you thus far and go easy on yourself. It sounds like you are in a transition of moving which can be stressful. I've come to have a newfound respect for how much stress can have an impact on my own life. I make managing stress a top priority these days.


Aug 24, 2013
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

Kenobi said:
Tianeptine is unusually effective for me. In the morning, I have bad coordination almost like a half-drunk person, and fatigue with lack of motivation, but when I take tianeptine, it all goes away, and I can in fact get very outgoing. I know that such substances aren't good to rely on, but that's just how it is, I learned. If I don't take it, I can't concentrate and I fail. If I don't take it, I don't feel like doing anything and I stay in bed. But here I am, wanting to host parties, because I want the oppurtunity to be creative, meet people, etc. I wonder what would happen if this substance went prescription only. I'm so scared of that that I don't tell people about it, for fear they will abuse it and it will be scheduled.


I think you MUST get off this medication RIGHT AWAY. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors cause massive rises in Serotonin, which contrary to the medical establishment is NOT a feel good hormone. It is making you crazy. I can hear the panic and frustration in your email. It causes a huge reduction in cellular respiration, and you want to have exactly the opposite of what it is doing to you.

My boyfriend was on an SSRI when I met him and he started going nuts—manic with his emotions, acting irrationally, losing sleep, saying strange things. This is the result of excess serotonin caused by the medication. He stopped it a long time ago after I told him it seemed to be making him worse. Years later I discovered Ray Peat and learned the actual science of serotonin, and it explained exactly why he had that reaction. You too will not get better until you stop this drug and do everything you can to naturally lower serotonin levels... including peat eating and daily niacinamide.

Excess serotonin also causes anti=social behavior, helplessness, nervousness, and anxiety. All of which you are experiencing. This medication might alleviate your problems temporarily through other mechanisms, but long term it is keeping your serotonin very high and preventing a permanent healing.

Focus instead on increasing levels of CO2 in the body and eating plenty of energy-fueling foods. Bag breath, use carbonated beverages, vitamin e, progesterone does have an effect though your use of the SSRI might be counteracting that. Physical problems with the male reproductive area (especially vascular) are signs of excessive estrogen and serotonin. Increasing the CO2 concentrations there (by application of progesterone/vitamin e/sunlight/taking CO2 internally, will cause blood flow to increase to the these areas and stimulate healing, as well as increase the production of healthy sex hormones and prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which happens to a high degree in oxygen/co2 starved testicles.


Mar 29, 2014
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

natedawggh said:
Kenobi said:
Tianeptine is unusually effective for me. In the morning, I have bad coordination almost like a half-drunk person, and fatigue with lack of motivation, but when I take tianeptine, it all goes away, and I can in fact get very outgoing. I know that such substances aren't good to rely on, but that's just how it is, I learned. If I don't take it, I can't concentrate and I fail. If I don't take it, I don't feel like doing anything and I stay in bed. But here I am, wanting to host parties, because I want the oppurtunity to be creative, meet people, etc. I wonder what would happen if this substance went prescription only. I'm so scared of that that I don't tell people about it, for fear they will abuse it and it will be scheduled.


I think you MUST get off this medication RIGHT AWAY. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors cause massive rises in Serotonin, which contrary to the medical establishment is NOT a feel good hormone. It is making you crazy. I can hear the panic and frustration in your email. It causes a huge reduction in cellular respiration, and you want to have exactly the opposite of what it is doing to you.

My boyfriend was on an SSRI when I met him and he started going nuts—manic with his emotions, acting irrationally, losing sleep, saying strange things. This is the result of excess serotonin caused by the medication. He stopped it a long time ago after I told him it seemed to be making him worse. Years later I discovered Ray Peat and learned the actual science of serotonin, and it explained exactly why he had that reaction. You too will not get better until you stop this drug and do everything you can to naturally lower serotonin levels... including peat eating and daily niacinamide.

Excess serotonin also causes anti=social behavior, helplessness, nervousness, and anxiety. All of which you are experiencing. This medication might alleviate your problems temporarily through other mechanisms, but long term it is keeping your serotonin very high and preventing a permanent healing.

Focus instead on increasing levels of CO2 in the body and eating plenty of energy-fueling foods. Bag breath, use carbonated beverages, vitamin e, progesterone does have an effect though your use of the SSRI might be counteracting that. Physical problems with the male reproductive area (especially vascular) are signs of excessive estrogen and serotonin. Increasing the CO2 concentrations there (by application of progesterone/vitamin e/sunlight/taking CO2 internally, will cause blood flow to increase to the these areas and stimulate healing, as well as increase the production of healthy sex hormones and prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which happens to a high degree in oxygen/co2 starved testicles.

I agree that SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake INHIBITOR) and the resultant increase in serotonin are dangerous. However, the drug referred to here is tianeptine, which I think is considered a serotonin reuptake ENHANCER, and could be expected to have the opposite effect to SSRI, instead reducing serotonin. It seems reasonable to me that it would be helpful.

I agree that measures to increase CO2 could well be helpful.


Oct 3, 2014
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

Blossom said:
:greenwave :yellohello hi Ben! Good to hear from you. I had a realisation as I started to get well that the only time I felt loved or that I got any attention as a child was when I was sick. It's really hard sometimes to figure out what exactly is going on but one thing is for certain you need to treat yourself with love and kindness whether you consider yourself well or not. There is no judgment. I admire your perseverance. It's challenging when we feel socially isolated which it sounds like you might. Recently I started reaching out to extended family that I had lost contact with over the years and found I was able to connect with a few of them in a positive way that has been very healing. I have had to give up concerning myself with other people's eating and lifestyle practices for the most part to reduce my own unnecessary stress. I'm just sharing this as personal experience and not necessarily advice. Hang in there. Sorry I don't have any specific supplemental advice to give but I was touched by your story and wanted to reply. The best thing I can think of at this time is to stick with the Peat Inspired foods and lifestyle changes that have helped you thus far and go easy on yourself. It sounds like you are in a transition of moving which can be stressful. I've come to have a newfound respect for how much stress can have an impact on my own life. I make managing stress a top priority these days.
Thanks Blossom. I'm not so much socially isolated on a superficial level because I have lots of acquaintances, but rather on the deeper level. I have no close friends, and I have had none for about 4 or 5 years. Not many people are spiritual enough for me to relate to them. Other people care about stuff that is short-sighted like alcohol, drugs, sex, or other pleasures, or about stuff that is long-term and self-serving, like getting rich, getting a degree or career, "settling down", etc, but never a long-term goal to improve the world.

Most peoples' unconscious is ridden with pain. Most people either try to cover it up with short-term pleasures, which often leads to addictions, or they try to cover it up with logical goals like getting rich, finding that special someone, or even doing things to be healthy. But until the pain is directly confronted, the person will act to reduce their own pain instead of doing what he or she believes is best for the world.

While therapy and manual self-work can help, I don't think it's possible to awaken many people without force. Stress can lead to exhaustion, and therefore a person falling back onto their natural state and being forced to confront the unconscious mental pain. Another method is by amplifying the unconscious. I think thyroid or caffeine have the potential, but psychedelic drugs are proven to do this and have a lot of different proven benefits on mental health. I think rather than promoting substances that reduce stress, I think it's a better idea to promote self-work and substances that amplify the unconscious.

Got a little carried away, lol. But you get my point, most people are stuck in a place of relieving stress and I can't relate to them, at least not equally. Studies have shown that people are most stimulated by other people of a similar intellectual standing, rather than higher or lower. But that's what forums are for, thank god, lol.


Oct 3, 2014
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

natedawggh said:

I think you MUST get off this medication RIGHT AWAY. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors cause massive rises in Serotonin, which contrary to the medical establishment is NOT a feel good hormone. It is making you crazy. I can hear the panic and frustration in your email. It causes a huge reduction in cellular respiration, and you want to have exactly the opposite of what it is doing to you.

My boyfriend was on an SSRI when I met him and he started going nuts—manic with his emotions, acting irrationally, losing sleep, saying strange things. This is the result of excess serotonin caused by the medication. He stopped it a long time ago after I told him it seemed to be making him worse. Years later I discovered Ray Peat and learned the actual science of serotonin, and it explained exactly why he had that reaction. You too will not get better until you stop this drug and do everything you can to naturally lower serotonin levels... including peat eating and daily niacinamide.

Excess serotonin also causes anti=social behavior, helplessness, nervousness, and anxiety. All of which you are experiencing. This medication might alleviate your problems temporarily through other mechanisms, but long term it is keeping your serotonin very high and preventing a permanent healing.

Focus instead on increasing levels of CO2 in the body and eating plenty of energy-fueling foods. Bag breath, use carbonated beverages, vitamin e, progesterone does have an effect though your use of the SSRI might be counteracting that. Physical problems with the male reproductive area (especially vascular) are signs of excessive estrogen and serotonin. Increasing the CO2 concentrations there (by application of progesterone/vitamin e/sunlight/taking CO2 internally, will cause blood flow to increase to the these areas and stimulate healing, as well as increase the production of healthy sex hormones and prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which happens to a high degree in oxygen/co2 starved testicles.
Tianeptine is a serotonin antagonist (SSRE like tara said), used in some countries for depression. It works unusually well for me probably because I have a problem with excess serotonin in specific. Others respond better to cypro because they have more of an issue with histamine. I think it's because I have more methyl groups but less histamine, while others have more histamine but less methyl groups. I made a thread on this (username "Ben").

And about CO2, I agree completely. One of the reasons I came to CO is for CO2 (matching acronyms too, lol). I am curious though, have you noticed any effects from paper bag breathing?


Oct 3, 2014
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

Oh yeah, and I feel better now. I just waited it out and the RLS or unpleasant sensations are no longer an issue at night. So I'll try progesterone and thyroid again and see if I get a different effect. I'll take it easy this time, maybe I caught a virus because of too much thyroid.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Electric shock sensations ALL NIGHT- Progest-E withdrawa

:partydance :partydance YAY! I'm glad you feel better Kenobi/Ben.
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