Friend lost his smell and taste after covid. Did something really help for this in here ?


Apr 17, 2017
Zinc deficiency and taste dysfunction; contribution of carbonic anhydrase, a zinc-metalloenzyme, to normal taste sensation

The present study was designed to clarify the effect of zinc deficiency on sodium chloride preference, the lingual trigeminal and taste nerves transduction, and carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity of the tongue surface and salivary gland. Male SD rats, 4 weeks old, were divided into four groups, and fed zinc-deficient (Zn-Def), low-zinc (Low-Zn), and zinc-sufficient diets with free access (Zn-Suf) and pair-feeding (Pair-fed). After taking part in the preference tests for 42 days, the rats were provided for the chorda tympani and lingual trigeminal nerves recordings, then finally sacrificed and the tongue and submandibular gland excised to measure CA activity. Sodium chloride preference increased only after 4 days of the feeding of zinc-deficient and low-zinc diets, which means that the taste abnormality appears abruptly in zinc deficieny and even though in marginal zinc deficiency. Reduced CA activities of the taste-related tissues in zinc-deficient group paralleled well with the decreased taste and lingual trigeminal nerves sensitivities.

Potential pharmacologic treatments for COVID-19 smell and taste loss: A comprehensive review​

Zinc is a trace element that contributes as one of the growth factors in taste and smell function. It has been shown that growth factors activate stem cells in both taste buds and olfactory epithelial cells. Zinc is a constituent of the salivary enzyme carbonic anhydrase VI, which plays a vital role in the maintenance of taste and smell function. Therefore, zinc deficiency could result in anosmia and dysgeusia (Komai et al., 2000; Wrobel and Leopold, 2004). Also, Equils et al. (2021)suggested that a reduction of nasal zinc level is a common nasal immune reaction to acute viral infections such as SARS-CoV-2 and involves the pathogenesis of anosmia.

Moreover, they proposed that patients with zinc deficiency have long-lasting anosmia and severe COVID-19 (Equils et al., 2021;Ozlem Equils, 2020). Previously, several reports of anosmia caused by the zinc-containing nasal product (Zicam) forced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to recall them. Moreover, Davidson and Smith (2010) suggested that intranasal zinc gluconate can cause anosmia or hyposmia in patients (Davidson and Smith, 2010). Also, intranasal zinc sulfate (5%) is well known to induce anosmia in animal models (Cancalon, 1982; McBride et al., 2003). In a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial, administration of 50 mg elemental zinc sulfate two times per day showed no significant improvements in chemotherapy-induced taste and smell dysfunctions in comparison with the placebo group. However, the small sample size (n = 58), lacked standard methods to evaluate sensory variations, and various concurrent medication used in patients increased the risk of bias in this study (Lyckholm et al., 2012).

Tretinoin (derived from VITAMIN A) Increases expression Carbonic anhydrase VI.

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Oct 7, 2021
Both my boyfriend and I have had loss of smell and taste since mid July 2021, when he caught this ***t from staying a few days with his large and fully jabbed family, came back home sick and then I caught it too.

We lost 100% smell + taste for more than a month, then very very VERY slowly began to progressively regain a bit. But it's been now 5 and a half months -which have felt like years- and we're still maybe at 50% at best (depends on the day as well, sometimes it seems like we can smell or taste more, some others much less).

We're sick of this ***t, believe me. We've tried many things like zinc plus all the quercitin, C, NAC etc., smell training, artemisa annua, vitamin A, MSM... I can't even remember all of them anymore. Didn´t take ivermectin as it's impossible to get here. Recently finally bought a good nebulizer and as soon as I receive the 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide will give that one a go. CDS is the last hope, and will be the last thing we try, right after the nebulizer.

Out of all I tried I think what may have helped me the most was taking 50.000 IU of D3 once a week. On the days I took it I noticed it was a particularly good smell/taste day. My levels of 25(OH)D3 when I last tested them in late September last year were of 35ng/mL, that's why I started on this supplement, though I was already taking 2000 to 5000 IU daily anyway. I'm testing my D levels again this month and once I get the result consider taking those high doses more often than once a week and see if I notice even better improvement.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Both my boyfriend and I have had loss of smell and taste since mid July 2021, when he caught this ***t from staying a few days with his large and fully jabbed family, came back home sick and then I caught it too.

We lost 100% smell + taste for more than a month, then very very VERY slowly began to progressively regain a bit. But it's been now 5 and a half months -which have felt like years- and we're still maybe at 50% at best (depends on the day as well, sometimes it seems like we can smell or taste more, some others much less).

We're sick of this ***t, believe me. We've tried many things like zinc plus all the quercitin, C, NAC etc., smell training, artemisa annua, vitamin A, MSM... I can't even remember all of them anymore. Didn´t take ivermectin as it's impossible to get here. Recently finally bought a good nebulizer and as soon as I receive the 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide will give that one a go. CDS is the last hope, and will be the last thing we try, right after the nebulizer.

Out of all I tried I think what may have helped me the most was taking 50.000 IU of D3 once a week. On the days I took it I noticed it was a particularly good smell/taste day. My levels of 25(OH)D3 when I last tested them in late September last year were of 35ng/mL, that's why I started on this supplement, though I was already taking 2000 to 5000 IU daily anyway. I'm testing my D levels again this month and once I get the result consider taking those high doses more often than once a week and see if I notice even better improvement.

This would be the first thing I'd try. Let us know if it works. Perhaps in your case the Zn dosage wasn't high enough or for long enough



Oct 7, 2021
This would be the first thing I'd try. Let us know if it works. Perhaps in your case the Zn dosage wasn't high enough or for long enough

Very interesting, I'd been taking 50mg zinc for the last 3 plus months, in a supplement that also came with 200mcg selenium and 3mg copper. Just recently stopped it as I hadn't really noticed improvement.
So yes according to that I wasn't taking enough zinc. I'm willing to try the 100mg a day this time, I suppose I should have some selenium and copper with it as well?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Very interesting, I'd been taking 50mg zinc for the last 3 plus months, in a supplement that also came with 200mcg selenium and 3mg copper. Just recently stopped it as I hadn't really noticed improvement.
So yes according to that I wasn't taking enough zinc. I'm willing to try the 100mg a day this time, I suppose I should have some selenium and copper with it as well?

I dunno. 50 mg per day for 3 months is a lot. More than that person took. Sounds like you took a good supplement, unless the zinc was zinc oxide (not very absorbable)


Jun 14, 2018
I burned my tongue with really hot gelatinous soup, made of chicken bones & skins. After this event my taste sensitivity improved instantly.

Also if you consume chocolate with high content of sugar and then drastically switch to low% chocolate you will get a sensitivity kick/reset again


My cousin caught Covid in Spain back in March 2020 and only got his sense of smell back again in December 2020 after a 72 hour fasting. Fasting is said to cause cell regeneration in many tissues, especially neuronal.


Oct 7, 2021
I burned my tongue with really hot gelatinous soup, made of chicken bones & skins. After this event my taste sensitivity improved instantly.

Also if you consume chocolate with high content of sugar and then drastically switch to low% chocolate you will get a sensitivity kick/reset again
Interesting, thanks.


Oct 7, 2021
My cousin caught Covid in Spain back in March 2020 and only got his sense of smell back again in December 2020 after a 72 hour fasting. Fasting is said to cause cell regeneration in many tissues, especially neuronal.
Yes, but I won't do fasting anymore. I used to do it and it damaged my health on many levels. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Jul 2, 2015
I lost mine around christmas with Covid. Hasnt come back since. I took Taurine now 2 days in a row and that seemed to really bring some improvement.


Jul 13, 2014
@nymuscle89 I'm very similar to you

I never got vaccinated and avoided first two waves of covid but got omicron early 2022 and taste and smell definitely affected. Omnicron was literally just sniffles for a few weeks. But several weeks on I've also noticed a few heart issues that I'm worried about. I've not been to a doctor.

Would be interesting to work out the mechanism behind the loss of taste/smell
Mar 10, 2021
I have read that fresh horseradish can help bring back one's "sense of smell" after a bout of Covid.

"Smell training is a key activity to help overcome the problems of post-viral smell disorders. Not everyone finds it easy, though, so other self-help measures include other forms of nasal stimulation, such as sniffing horseradish or mustard, which activate the trigeminal nerve."



Mar 20, 2021
? why do you think this ???!!!!!

Those are just assumptions based on absolutely nothing! Enough people lost it and went to testing because of it and were positive.

People had it before testing and masks! From beginning on a major symptom is complete loss of smell and taste!

You guys have excuses for everything.

Why do health care workers who wear masks not have increased loss of smell and taste? I mean I know a few and there have never been issues like this.

Guys pls
Hi there! I clicked on this thread because I've been fighting covid for the past week and I have a really weird smell from my sinuses and I wanted to read everything about this issue. Interestingly, your thread seemed to attract the conspiracy theorists, 😆 lol!

From what I've heard from others it just takes a few weeks for normal smell to come back.

You've made a valiant effort to speak reason to others in this thread, just so you know I'm rooting for you!

I'm sure by now your friend is back to normal. Do you have any updates as to how long it took?


Jul 13, 2014
Probably already posted but I saw something where Brian Ardis said try nicotine patches (or nicotine drops like I have) for loss of taste after Covid


Oct 7, 2021
Probably already posted but I saw something where Brian Ardis said try nicotine patches (or nicotine drops like I have) for loss of taste after Covid
I hadn't heard of this yet, will look into it. Are you getting good results from the nicotine drops?
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