Glycine Reduces NAFLD by modulating fatty acid oxidation, glutathione synthesis, and the gut microbiome - 2020


Feb 22, 2014
Not sure what you mean by documentation. I kept notes but are you asking for my notes? I'm not in the Ray Peat category, remembering all the details. ;)

I'd read a lot back when I'd tried glycine. Something about the process of separating out or synthesizing glycine was the lightbulb event for me.

Still, I was wanting to use glycine, for some forgotten benefit, but every time, even adding a 1/4 teaspoon to a smoothie, I would experience and IBS attack. I use about 2 teaspoons of gelatin now..

I just wanted to put that out in case it might help somebody with IBS and experiencing attacks like I did.
Sorry- just asking if you had researched info to support your experience. Thanks for your feedback!


Jan 30, 2021
Dark circles under eyes and light swelling of the upper eyelid are the most obvious.
Wow. I started taking glycine 3g per day based on Klinghardt's recommendation to use it to lower glyphosate levels, and I got dark circles under my eyes for the very first time in my 71 years. I thought it was due to lack of sleep, which is also a problem. Thank you for this info. I will lower my dose of glycine fortthwith. Klinghardt said 4g for a couple months then drop to 2g, but I weigh a whopping 90 pounds and even my reduction to 3g was likely not enough.
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