Good Or Bad Blood Work?


Feb 29, 2016
I have been on the Peatarian diet for about 3 weeks. Had some labs done last week and am freaked by the Cholesterol and the ALT

Cholesterol total 367mg/dl
HDL 124
LDL 227
Triglygerides 79
Chol/HDLC ratio 3.0
Non HDL Cholesterol 243

AST 34 U/L
ALT 46 U/L

TSH 5.58 Am taking 1/2 grain Dessicated porcine liver 4:1 T4/T3
1mg K2, 25,000 A, 1 drop stressnon, 400iu E no tricotreinols, lots of milk and sugar, raw egg yolks, orange juice, salt, liver once a week,5 cups of coffee with sugar and cream, some potatoes juiced.

I was on time released T3 for about a year and it was a failure. I feel good and have a lot of energy
Nov 21, 2015
were you drinking 5 cups of coffee a day before the test?

May want to increase the K2 to 10mg X 3/day

Your liver is still fatty, possibly causing a lot of issues?


Feb 29, 2016
Was drinking at least 3 cups of coffee during the day

I am getting a headache almost every night between 1 AM and 3AM and have for 2 years. I actually drink coffee before bed and wake myself up every few hours to drink sugar and milk.

I was on estrogen supplementation for a long time without any progesterone. Now I am on 30mg of progest E. We were on the Bulletproof diet for about months prior to the test, ie butter in coffee and lots of mct coconut oil and meat.


Mar 29, 2014
Good that you have some energy.

The bulletproof diet could have contributed to reduced metabolism. high cholesterol and high TSH both point to reduced thyroid function. I think it might be worth giving it a bit of time to see how much it bounces back with better nourishment. It probably takes more than 3 weeks. Hopefully you see gradual improvement along the way.

Measuring body temps can give you an easy way to monitor improvement day-to-day/week-to-week without having to get lab tests all the time, though you might want to test again after a while.


Feb 24, 2016
Sugar is like the perfect food for boosting endogenous cholesterol production, and as I understand it, cholesterol gets high as an attempt to compensate for the absence of strong thyroid function and to protect against insults/poisons. Peat always mentions this study where they compared participants drinking orange juice vs. participants eating eggs, and the OJ ones got much higher cholesterol than the latter.
As Tara said, your TSH most probably indicates thyroid is not working well (Peat says he's never seen optimal thyroid function with TSH above 1), and it can take a while for thyroid function to get strong again.
Estrogen and PUFA are the two most ubiquitous and powerful anti thyroid factors there are.


Feb 29, 2016
In the OJ study the cholesterol went up but now I am doing so much OJ.
We were eating like a quarter of a pound of butter a day and now it is mostly milk and sugar and OJ and eggs and the rest of the Peat diet. We eat no to little PUFA's.
The thyroid I take is the T4/T3 type and It is not kicking my thyroid in I guess.
The estrogen I was taking is a factor I am sure.
Would it be helpful to up the Progest E?
I increased my K2.
My temperature is hovering around 97 in the middle of the day.
Any help is most appreciated, I have no where else to look


Feb 24, 2016
Dear achillea,
A lot of us come very confused and quite ill here, at least it seems you are in a better place since you say you have energy and feel fine, so I'd say, don't stress about it :) You're just in the beginning! Stress and impatience, well... that does no good at any rate.
It takes a lot of effort to understand and experiment with things. That's a personal journey, but I feel we're so fortunate to have honest and very intelligent people like Peat sharing valuable information with us.
I'd say read through the forum on progesterone. You'll find lots of experiences here, both good bad, although the great majority are good ones -including mine-. May I ask what Progesterone product you are using?
In a nutshell the more estrogen stored, the more Progesterone+Thyroid supporting actions are required to shift gears. The goal is to get out of estrogen dominant state. Dosage varies from person to person, but most women seem to need highish doses of progesterone at first. You may be interested in reading:
Progesterone Summaries - Progesterone Deceptions - Progesterone Supplementation - Dosage of Progesterone

It also would be super helpful to know what your typical diet looks like. You can track it in cron-o-meter and share it with us if you'd like. Maybe people here can give you insights. It is also very important to ingest enough calories to support metabolism; some people don't realize they are undereating until tracking their food in cronometer. Thyroid function depends, upon many things, on good nourishment. Undereating->Failure.

I wish you well :)


Mar 29, 2014
Any help is most appreciated, I have no where else to look
Can you tell whether things are improving over the last three weeks since you changed your diet? Temperature trend is one sign you can monitor, but how you feel is also important.
If so, I'd say keep it up and give it a bit more time.
I think the body can take a while to trust that the food supply is going to stay reliable before it brings up metabolism again.
If not, I'd second PikPak's suggestion to plug your typical day's diet into cronometer and post so we can look at whether you are missing anything obvious (and all PikPak's other ideas:).

I sympathise about the headaches. I don't know what exactly would help yours.
For me, I find coffee can sometimes interrupt a beginning headache or migraine, but the more coffee I drink the worse the headaches when they do come. Many people do fine with coffee, so this is not a general anti-coffee idea, just a possibility since people sometimes respond differently to things. Drinking either too much or too little water can get me. Low blood sugar can get me. I haven't got my own sorted out yet, and I know there can be multiple factors involved and different for everyone. (Poster burtlancast cleverly worked out he was vulnerable to lettuce. :))
Have you tried some magnesium supplementation?
Getting regular sunlight?
You could try more progest-e and see if it helps, but good to read those articles if you haven't.


Feb 29, 2016
What is a Cron-o-meter?
I take 3 drops of Peats Progest E 3 times per day.
I start the day with a glass of orange juice. Then 2 cups of coffee with cream and sugar.
After that while fixing breakfast I will have 8 ounces of milk with sugar and egg yolk.
Breakfast is typically 2 pieces of bacon drained and re cooked with coconut oil. Maybe some rice or potatoe. Some orange juice with gelatin
Lunch is the big meal with meat, carbs and greens. Started drinking coffee with the meat. Of course a carrot salad
Afternoon coffee, cream with cinnamon toast
Dinner is potatoe or mushroom soup broth. And a carb. Ususally a carrot salad and cottage cheese
Dessert is custard or rice pudding or gelatin and whipped cream or ice cream.

Now that I write it out I can see it is not enough protein or food
I was depressed today and wondered if I was nuts to be eating all this sugar, but I know it makes sense.
Thank you all for your help


Mar 29, 2014
What is a Cron-o-meter?

Unless you have some personally intolerances to some of those foods, your diet doesn't look bad to me. But iot is about figuring out what works for you personally. Peat's not keen on wheat, but some people seem to be fine with it.
You'd probably get more benefit from the carrot salad by eating it between meals instead of with meals - I think of it as a broom to sweep out what's in there.

I was depressed today and wondered if I was nuts to be eating all this sugar, but I know it makes sense.
Peat has said a craving for sugar usually indicates a need for sugar. If it's tasting good to you that's one indicator. I wouldn't keep forcing in more sugar when it starts to taste bad.


Feb 29, 2016
I cannot figure out if I am supposed to be drinking water. Not much if any?
Can I take 500 mg of niacinamide 3x/day
I will order a chronometer and see what happens and let you know.
I also put collagen protein in my morning coffee.
You have greatly calmed my angst. Thank you. I think I will have some more ice cream


Mar 29, 2014
I cannot figure out if I am supposed to be drinking water. Not much if any?
Peat recommends drinking water only if thirsty for it.


Mar 29, 2014
Can I take 500 mg of niacinamide 3x/day
I don't know. People vary. Peat usually recommends 50-100mg at a time with meals, but several times a day is OK. SOme people are fimne with much higher doses, some get symptoms. It suppresses lipolysis, so tends to increase sugar burning, and can sometimes lower sugar too fast, esp. if not enough is going in.

I will order a chronometer and see what happens and let you know.
So far I've only used the free on line version.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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