Histamine, Hormones, Gut Function, Oh My!


Jul 14, 2016
I have been following a Ray Peat based diet (via Kate Deering's, How To Heal Your Metabolism) for around 6 weeks.

I have histamine intolerance (HIT) so although many of these new dietary recommendations are higher histamine foods (cheese, tropical fruits, OJ, coffee) I thought that perhaps healing my metabolism (which has classic signs of running low) would bring benefits in the long term, is spite of short term discomforts. Was I wrong?

My chronic constipation is worse and my thinning hair is thinning at a more alarming rate. Parts of my body are positively bald. My bloating has got worse too.

I've just ordered some Estroban (thank you Haidut) in the hopes of resolving the constipation, since it may be caused by high prolactin.

My metabolism occasionally feels better--warmer hands and feet, slightly higher pulse. The higher histamine foods (which I try not to overdo) can cause my histamine bucket to overflow, which probably stresses my body somewhat?

At least on this diet I don't feel hungry all the time, though I still can't seem to put weight on. I'm 157cm/5'2" and weigh 45kg/100lbs.

I have my first appointment with a new doctor at the end of February and plan to have my thyroid tested and also my prolactin levels.

Any other suggestions please?
I would say that constipation is largely caused by exorphins found in dairy products and wheat; these foods have actually been experimentally proven to do this. All opiates do this.

I would also say that the mast cells which are releasing histamine are also releasing prostaglandin D₂, which is what is causing the hair loss.

I would switch to goat milk, since this has much less opiate effect due to an amino acid substitution. And having different proteins—possible antigens—it may also release less histamine.


Im telling you- Redbull and Claritin D ( 12 or 24 hour ) for a few days and you are super unbloated.


Aug 1, 2017
We have a lot of women and men who know more than me here; hopefully you'll get the appropriate help. I remember haidut mentioned prolactin test to be a very useful tool to predict serotonin and estrogen. So that might be a good start along with thyroid test. Good luck in your endeavors!

BTW, regarding the constipation, do you supplement magnesium? maybe it will prove helpful.

@milk_lover where he mentioned prolactin test and what is the prediction giving the idea if its low prolaction means low serotonin and low estrogen?
Mar 10, 2021
Hello Supernature,

Many of the foods Peat recommends appear on some lists as high histamine (lists vary confusingly). So for example, cherries, watermelons, cheese all appear as high histamine. My body responds accordingly. I have been hoping my histamine processing ability might improve as my metabolic rate improves. For sure I don't have the reactions I did pre-peat, but that could just be because I'm actually eating more protein (eggs, milk) than before.

My body has trouble processing excess histamine (and, possibly, other biogenic amines), so when my levels get too high my body responds with a diverse range of symptoms. Since Peating, the symptoms have ranged between classic allergy symptoms (wheezing, sneezing), chills, nausea, kidney aches, fibromyalgia, joint pain, sinus headache, depression, insomnia, tremor. Also, as mentioned in my post, my chronic constipation and bloating has increased.

Typically, when histamine/amines are higher, I have a lot of energy and little appetite.
I so relate to your struggle with histamine tolerance Cairncra. I have have had everything from rashes to angioedema (my tongue swelling out of my mouth while I was sleeping) so I know histamine intolerance very well. I will suggest thinking outside of the realm of food and considering that the chemicals in in the fabrics you wear and the furniture you sit and sleep on as well as the flouride in our water also play a role in the equation. It may seem like a pain in the rear, but I am grateful my body tells me something is wrong before it is too late and I end up with something irreversible like liver failure, heart attack or end up in a protective bubble ?
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