Hypothalamic amennorrhea, osteoporosis and recovery


May 2, 2021
I am a 38 year old woman with bacround eating disorder (no longer) and 11 years of hypothalamic amennorrhea as well as osteoporosis. I´ve used HRT for years, but now I wan´t to stop it. I practice bodybuilding (for 8 years and still loving it) and now doing my best to stop excessive aerobic exercise and constant compulsive moving. I implement Ray Peat’s thoughts and I have studied his works a lot (devoured, to use better word ;) ). I have changed my diet to fit his thoughts and I no longer have any struggles in disordered eating. I have really found from Peat my own way of life, it is as if I have finally come home.
I would ask, does anyone have any experiences of a similar “recovery”? Is there anything special I could consider, e.g. about hormones or supplements? Should I avoid estrogen, or should I now ignore possibility of excessive estrogen in my body now that I need to reawake all my sexhormones again? I have checked on a chronometric that my intake of various nutrients is in place (there is too much phosphorus due to oats and rye).
I no longer have issues with eating, and I eat a lot with an endless appetite. I also need to gain weight and bodyfat, rather quickly. My intestinal function has always been brilliant and clock-accurate, I always have energy (anxiety and need to dododo and gogogo) and I feel symptoms of a lively thyroid gland (suprisingly enough considering my situation being still in too low bodyfat).

I am so happy with this forum, appreciative atmosphere, knowledge and I value every view :kiss:.


Dec 11, 2020
I was diagnosed with hypothalamic amenorrhea when I was 17 and put on birth control and other estrogen/progestin-progesterone regimens for 12 years due to my body's "mysterious inability to produce hormones". bone scans over those years showed osteoporosis. i progressively became like an old woman with Alzheimer's and a different diagnosed psychiatric disorder every couple of years in my 20's and by 28 was told my breasts were proliferating from the estrogen and I was at risk for breast cancer. By an act of God, I was handed Dr. Peat's book From PMS to Menopause in a health food store in NYC and cried my way through the book (which I was somehow miraculously able to comprehend despite my estrogen-destroyed brain function) as I learned how poisoned I had been by estrogen for 12 years and why I had developed every symptom known to man. I had a phone consultation with Dr. Peat and went off all of the medical hormones cold turkey. Took Progest-e. had first real period about 6 months later and pregnant 9 months after that. The doctors who poisoned me with estrogen told me I would never be able to get pregnant- complete BS. When I later added thyroid supplementation when I was your age (38), had perfect regular periods for the first time in my life. Im 50 now and my cycles are like those of a healthy 25 year-old and so is my general health. Bottom line- thyroid deficiency which most likely could have been corrected by diet when I was a teenager was behind all. instead of being dosed on estrogen for 12 years, I should have just been told to eat more fruit. I dont know all of the details of your situation but I would find it highly unlikely that your thyroid is balanced if you are having hypothalamic amenorrhea at 38. With the history you relayed, your thyroid was no doubt suppressed. Thyroid and cholesterol and vitamin A make progesterone which is responsible for healthy menstruation. My educated hypothesis is that you need to get off the estrogen and get your thyroid working. Estrogen actually causes bones to break down, not the opposite as doctors told me. Progesterone builds them. I lost all of the cartilage in my first metatarsal of my right foot when I was on estrogen in my twenties! The doctor who operated on it finally when i was in my thirties said it looked like the foot of a 90 year old woman! That is what estrogen will do for your connective tissues. Progest-E saved my life at 28 and then thyroid from 38 onward. I have continued with the Progest-E calibrated with the second half of my menstrual cycles for 22 years as well. I am happy to correspond with you privately. Your post really touched a nerve as I get very upset when I hear that women are still being given estrogen in light of my personal journey ( I Iost the vitality of my late teens, twenties and most of my thirties due to that atrocity) and the fact that it is well know how carcinogenic it is and that proper thyroid function and progesterone production are the proper ways to address situations such as yours.


Jun 10, 2020
@Advocate2021 that's a powerful story. Thank you for sharing.

@tiinafin The strong sistas, Ash and Sarah, have battled Hypothalamic Amennorrhea and documented it on their youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSpofOL75STGMvUUlD5em7g

Their instagram (@strong.sistas) also has lots of good information too, moreso their posts and videos on diet rather than the ones about regenerative agriculture. Sarah regained her period after years of intense over-exercise and low carb dieting. I think Ashley is still working toward getting hers back.


May 2, 2021
Thank you for tagging me in! There´s a lot to devour and I will start chewing immediately :p:
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