Jordan Peterson's Chicken And Broccoli Diet


Dec 17, 2015
Maybe serotonin is associated with success because that energy conserving (conservative)/defensive behaviour it favours promotes more selfishness and hoarding.


Jul 14, 2016
What movement does serotonin promote, aside from palsy?
I was thinking about chorea when I wrote that, and also the fact that the raphe nuclei innervates what is thought to be the motor area of the brain. The serotonin nucleus starts firing right before a person wakes up, and is dormant when sleeping. I think serotonin is necessary to form the brain junctions which allow movement.
I tend to associate dopamine with activity, open-mindedness, and exploratory behaviour ...and serotonin with energy conservation, territorialism, and defensive behaviours... There's a lot of interesting obesity/dieting research on how impaired dopamine signalling will promote physical inactivity
This seems right. You'd expect neurotransmitters to transmit nerve energy by their categorical name alone, which seems to be more‐or‐less generally true for more than one of them (acetycholine as well). I think an exception could be histamine, which seems to cause withdrawal and self‐isolation (yet still agitation, which can be seen as a type of movement).
On that note, I would counter the argument that serotonin would be associated with bigger muscles. Cells respond to an enormous amount of signals at any given time, and the end result is going to be the balance of everything. Growth hormone can be anabolic through it's stimulation of IGF-1 production when supported by other steroid hormones, and maybe this would be the response to a brief exercise stressor ...but when growth hormone is released as part of the counter-regulatory stress response to help survive during perceived starvation ...with elevated adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol, glucagon, prolactin, etc - then growth hormone's action will be primarily lipolytic/catabolic.

Serotonin itself can be quite detrimental to muscle tissue (as with many other tissues).
I was thinking that besides releasing growth hormone, serotonin is a biomarker for tryptophan consumption; the muscle proteins titin and myomesin need a good deal of tryptophan as a structural amino acid. Whey is particularly high in tryptophan and commonly sold as a 'bodybuilding supplement.'


Aug 17, 2016
Maybe serotonin is associated with success because that energy conserving (conservative)/defensive behaviour it favours promotes more selfishness and hoarding.
Great Koveras! I am tallying a list--which should probably include estrogen. I think the vocabulary "de-differentiating agents" fits well. Hoarding what?! Defending what!? And ultimately, what power?! There is only power over oneself.


Feb 13, 2018
I tend to associate dopamine with activity, open-mindedness, and exploratory behaviour ...and serotonin with energy conservation, territorialism, and defensive behaviours... There's a lot of interesting obesity/dieting research on how impaired dopamine signalling will promote physical inactivity
I've often thought that, for all the harm they do, one reason why SSRIs might appear to improve the quality of life for a depressed or anxious person is that they raise serotonin and thereby decrease their trait Openness. To the extent that these illnesses cause a person to act irrationally, Openness becomes a liability rather than an asset. Arguably, it's a liability under the best of circumstances -- on balance neutral or perhaps favorable, but high-risk/high-reward.


Mar 25, 2016
Not much wrong with that diet, its pretty much what my good Lady and I have been following for the last four years. I'd like to eat less chicken and more lamb, beef etc, but you have to compromise in a partnership. Very similar, especially the chicken liver.

It also has had the same effect on us, weight loss, less gerd for the Mrs, generally much healthier as long as we eat some organ meat.


Feb 28, 2018
this is a typical bodybuilder diet which should only be done temporarily max 1 month. The meals re really good for drainage and detox. Brocolli increase cyp450 is really good to come in shape and rice is also good for water removal cause of potassium. Chicken for proteins.
I think i dont need to mention that brocolli is a vitamin bomb


Feb 20, 2013
this is a typical bodybuilder diet which should only be done temporarily max 1 month. The meals re really good for drainage and detox. Brocolli increase cyp450 is really good to come in shape and rice is also good for water removal cause of potassium. Chicken for proteins.
I think i dont need to mention that brocolli is a vitamin bomb
The typical bodybuilder diet of rice, chicken and vegetables will improve your health compared to eating SAD.
I don't think there is anything special about brocolli. Kale or mushrooms are probably better.


Feb 28, 2018
pretty nice
i added 500 gramm from each item


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Nov 26, 2013
9g sugar... well at least he won't get t1 diabetes like our users :lol:

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Maybe serotonin is associated with success because that energy conserving (conservative)/defensive behaviour it favours promotes more selfishness and hoarding.
Hans Selye wrote that men are made that way that they are hoarding things for future bad times.
Only through effort, often aggressive egoistic effort, can we maintain our fitness and assure our homeostatic equilibrium with the surrounding society and the inanimate world. To achieve this state, our activities must earn lasting results; the fruits of work must be cumulative and must provide a capital gain to meet future needs. To succeed, we have to accept the scientifically established fact that man has an inescapable natural urge to work egoistically for things that can be stored to strengthen his homeostasis in the unpredictable situations with which life may confront him.
The Freeze Response At The Root Of "learned" Helplessness


Dec 17, 2015
Hans Selye wrote that men are made that way that they are hoarding things for future bad times.

The Freeze Response At The Root Of "learned" Helplessness

That's an interesting perspective, and goes back to where is the balance found between hoarding for the future self and building for the future of all.

Many more conservative minded individuals disregard the environment in the pursuit of wealth for their present and future (that individuals lifetime... maybe immediate family as the next extension of self)

Could say a more liberal minded individual is attempting to preserve the environment for the future of humankind, often at the expense of self.


Apr 13, 2014
I think an exception could be histamine, which seems to cause withdrawal and self‐isolation (yet still agitation, which can be seen as a type of movement).

I would like to read more about it. Can anyone provide me the links/ studies?


Aug 7, 2019
I love that less than a year after this thread was posted Jordan Peterson is checking himself into therapy and getting put on drugs and his daughter released the laundry list of drugs she’s been on. I thought “meat heals”. Maybe they were secretly “poisoning themselves with carbs”. Just lol.
And obviously I don’t love that these bad things have happened to them, but they’ve been getting fat off of lying to people.


Feb 21, 2017
I love that less than a year after this thread was posted Jordan Peterson is checking himself into therapy and getting put on drugs and his daughter released the laundry list of drugs she’s been on. I thought “meat heals”. Maybe they were secretly “poisoning themselves with carbs”. Just lol.
And obviously I don’t love that these bad things have happened to them, but they’ve been getting fat off of lying to people.

I find it rather hypocritical as well, especially given his subject matter.

If anyone has found some kind of solace in what Peterson talks about he's basically giving a bastardised version of stoic philosophy, without the beautiful parts. Stoicism talks about the beauty of nature and our part in it. It talks about our duty to other humans and the concept of self mastery but also self care; Peterson takes a far more hateful approach (possibly his empathy is eroded by benzos?).

For a more holistic, complete and wholesome development on his ideas I like Seneca, Marcus Aurelius (Meditations) and Musonius Rufus. He's obviously the furthest thing from a stoic when in reality, but he's getting at some of the core concepts.


Apr 15, 2015
"And I was snoring badly, so that disappeared in a week, and that was amazing. I thought, oh, that's interesting.

"And then I had gas reflux disorder, and that went away, and then I lost seven pounds in the first week, and I thought oh that's a lot, seven pounds.

"I had psoriasis, that went away. I had floaters in my right eye, which is also an autoimmune problem that went away.

"I have had gum disease for 30 years. That went away. That went away. That went away. It's amazing. I'm 55, like my gum disease went away.

"I'm down to the same weight I was when I was 25."

Mr Peterson also said he was never a morning person, but after switching a diet of broccoli and chicken, he has no problem waking up immediately.

He said: "Yeah, no kidding and I've got lots of energy. I wake up in the morning, and I wake up.

"That's never happened to me in my life. My whole life, I've always had to have a shower like took me an hour to wake up my whole life.

"That's gone. I'm not hungry."
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