Low Estradiol and Low DHEA-S (Joint Pain, Night Sweats, Paresthesia)


Kaur Singh


View: https://youtu.be/siLj4RhfDcA

View: https://youtu.be/2_r6vPXp4Cw

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Dec 3, 2019
I'm using this one: Products - Pregnenolone - healthnatura.com

I took 1/4 teas (= about 600mg)/day for about 6 years. In February I increased the dose to about a gram/day. I could tell I improved on that higher dose so I am continuing with it. I also take about 44mg of progesterone daily.

What's recommended? by who? Here's a Ray Peat article that discusses pregnenolone:
also this one:

Thanks, I'll check it out!


Jun 9, 2018
Don't focus on your estradiol.
Focus on fixing your testosterone levels.
Increasing your testosterone will bring up your estradiol as by product.
Lift weights, get enough sun, walk at least an hour per day outside, eat fatty beef, eat enough gluccose, stop all supplements, no dairy.


Nov 6, 2020
Allithiamine gave me a raging headache. Thiamine hcl, on the other hand, saved my life. You will see more studies using allithiamine; it's synthetic and newer whereas hcl is generic and dirt cheap, but that does not mean that hcl doesn't work; it's just old and boring.

What you describe (paresthesia) points to nerve inflammation/damage. I've recently been through that. Thiamine corrects this problem. Dr. Costantini of Italy treated over 4,000 Parkinson's Disease patients successfully with thiamine hcl. He stated that it is the only one that would "get into the neurons". Here's his website: HIGH-D0SE THIAMINE (HDT) THERAPY for Parkinson's Disease

If you want to try the thiamine hcl, it's cheap and safe and over the counter. If not, that's okay, suit yourself.

If you want to pursue the DHEA supplementation, you might consider taking pregnenolone instead; it turns into DHEA but it won't make too much. Taking too much DHEA can be problematic because it can turn into estrogen which is inflammatory. I've supplemented with pregnenolone for over 6 years. My DHEA levels on my blood work are optimal.

Because I spent over 40 years being estrogen dominant and suffered a LOT from joint pain all that time, I tend to doubt your idea that joint pain is from estrogen deficiency. Estrogen's sole purpose is to cause inflammation. See Ray Peat's articles about estrogen here: Programmable Search Engine

After about 40 years of the estrogen dominance, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, including some pretty serious joint degeneration. The rheumatoid arthritis and the joint degeneration resolved from taking an optimized dose of prescription natural desiccated thyroid (Acella brand) with the help of a good endocrinologist, along with a large dose of progesterone daily which drove the estrogen out of the cells so the liver could detox it. After six years, the joint pain returned last fall with a vengeance due to severe thiamine functional blockage (caused by Bactrim antibiotic). That joint inflammation resolved via high dose thiamine hcl. The common thread in this story is joint pain is a symptom of damaged metabolic energy production. Estrogen lugs down your liver so it can't convert T4 to T3, causing hypothyroidism. Both hypothyroidism and also thiamine deficiency/blockage cause severely reduced metabolic energy production.

PUFA causes joint inflammation too, basically in the same way that estrogen does. It too causes severely reduced metabolic energy.

You might find reading about the thyroid helpful. Here's a link to Ray Peat's articles about thyroid: Programmable Search Engine

Start with this one that talks about hypothyroidism and arthritis: Blocking Tissue Destruction

There's also a trio of Ray Peat interviews on Politics and Science that discuss estrogen and progesterone that you may find helpful:

I'm using this one: Products - Pregnenolone - healthnatura.com

I took 1/4 teas (= about 600mg)/day for about 6 years. In February I increased the dose to about a gram/day. I could tell I improved on that higher dose so I am continuing with it. I also take about 44mg of progesterone daily.

What's recommended? by who? Here's a Ray Peat article that discusses pregnenolone:
also this one:
@mostlylurking , if I may ask, in reference to the pregnenolone resulting in good dhea levels, is your reference as a male or female?


Feb 3, 2020
Do you know your copper status via bloodwork?

Serum copper and ceruloplasmin are the best blood markers for copper status.
Copper deficiency disrupts steroidogenesis and results in lack of hormones. (especially DHEA and E!)



Nov 6, 2020
Female. Ray Peat has said that the safe way to increase DHEA levels is to supplement with pregnenolone. It worked for me
Thank you, I appreciate your time to reply.
Do you also take a multi-b to balance out the high dose thiamine hcl?
Many people post the site Hormones Matter and Dr Lonsdale in reference to thiamine.
I have been doing some reading there and it seems he advocates for a b supplement in addition to the thiamine.


May 13, 2015
Thank you, I appreciate your time to reply.
Do you also take a multi-b to balance out the high dose thiamine hcl?
Many people post the site Hormones Matter and Dr Lonsdale in reference to thiamine.
I have been doing some reading there and it seems he advocates for a b supplement in addition to the thiamine.
Well, I was taking Pure Encapsulations B-complex and thought it would work for me; however, I got blood testing done and my b-12 was through the roof so I stopped the b-complex. I'm still working on finding a replacement. I take additional niacinamide, riboflavin, biotin; I ordered some p5p powder so I can weigh it out to take a minuscule amount but it has not arrived.


Nov 6, 2020
Well, I was taking Pure Encapsulations B-complex and thought it would work for me; however, I got blood testing done and my b-12 was through the roof so I stopped the b-complex. I'm still working on finding a replacement. I take additional niacinamide, riboflavin, biotin; I ordered some p5p powder so I can weigh it out to take a minuscule amount but it has not arrived.
I have Energin, and I wonder if that in juice, or on the skin would suffice. It does not have B12.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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