New, happy but tired!


Mar 25, 2015
I'm confused.
I've been peating for a little over two months. The first two weeks were total bliss, I had so much energy, I lost a few pounds, my mind was clear! Wow! I never knew what to eat, so I ate a lot of bone broth, drank coffee (which I never could before), had milk, cheese, oatmeal, fruits.
My challenge is, I have two teenagers to feed! They don't like bone broth THAT much. And here in Canada, gelatin and collagen hydrolysate are very hard to find or very expensive. Meals are complicated, but I think I manage.
So the confusion is this: why am I tired now? My motivation is quite low. I want to sleep all day. No amount of coffee seems to wake me up. Brain fog is back.

I have to say, we're at the end (?) of a never-ending winter here, everyone is depressed around me, and I don't go out enough (vitamin D?). I'm not depressed! I just want to hibernate, and watch the whole netflix offer.

But let's back up a little.
Since I started peating I had a lot of health improvements:
in no particular order:
-no more bleeding gums
-better hair, a little less oily, better skin
-body less stiff
-much better breast "texture" (less prolactin?), like before getting pregnant
-no more bloating (goodbye gluten)
-my feet went back to pre-baby size (?!)
-no more cravings, so I decided to stop all alcohol a month ago. It was easy. I never thought I would do that.
-face no longer puffy (goodbye red wine)
-no longer look a million years old
-no more double chin, thiner tongue (?)
-much lighter periods, hurray!
-lost a few pounds
-whole family is happier :): My son has more concentration, less anxiety. The kids get along better, and my husband is less stressed out. Husband has better hair, but gained weight.

I think I went through a few weeks of detox. I tried oil pulling, but it gave me strong headaches. I think coconut oil gives me migraines? would that be detox symptoms?
Epsom salt baths seem to help a lot. Daily carrot is great. Also the kids love it.

I had daily ice cream for a few weeks, and then I realized it contained carrageenan. It cleared a few headaches though.

Also, I found out I'm allergic to nickel. So I put nail polish on my jeans buttons and it's fine. However, when i eat chocolate in particular, or shrimps, my breathing gets difficult. I've been mouth-breathing a lot. I think stainless steel might be a problem. I frequently use a macbook, seems like the finish contains nickel.

I had a lot of allergies before, pollen, cats, I had eczema (many years ago). I removed processed food a while ago. I think red wine gave me allergic reactions and I didn't know it was the cause.

A lot of non-peat food give me flu-like symptoms, like tomato seeds, cucumber seeds. Will I ever build a resistance to non-peat food? how did I survive before?!

So here's what I'm thinking.
- first, maybe I should be patient...
- I think I used to be driven by adrenaline. It worked... I'm just much too young to retire now!
- I'm thinking maybe I eat too much meat vs not enough gelatin (had less bone broth in the last month)
- is organic porcine gelatin ok? I used to make jello.
- I find it hard to balance calcium-phosphorus ratio? not enough calcium in my diet? not enough protein?
- my beef is not grass-fed, but my milk and eggs are organic
- I would prefer to snack all day, but I have to cook something for the kids
- is peating a full-time job for you? :):


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Welcome Pina! Winter seems challenging for many because of the lack of light. I've been using infrared and incandescent lights from late fall through early spring for supplemental lighting. Transitioning from running off stress hormones when that is what you are accustomed to can sometimes feel like a bad thing (although it isn't) until the thyroid gets up to speed. For me tired usually means nothing more than I need to rest because my body has healing work to do! Best of luck to you. Congratulations on the improvements you've experienced already.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Pina, :welcome

I had the same thoughts as Blossom. You are healing now and the body just needs rest.

-Yes, patience is a must. Slow and steady wins this.

-Another reason you might be tired, adrenaline has dropped. This would be a good sign, just need to try and stay on top of it with good nutrition, light, least amount of stress as possible and all the other Peaty things.

-I myself have moved away from meat naturally, I try to have it a couple times a week though.

-I think Ray used the red can gelatin, I think thats porcine? One thing to watch out for is to make sure it dissolved really good so stomach discomfort is avoided.

-calcium to phosphate is very important. Eggshell powder, or calcium carbonate to balance if needed.

-Just do the best you can. :)

-I pretty much am snacking at least every hour, even if its just apple juice.

-It's a lifestyle. :hattip


Jan 3, 2014
I had a good start then a slump too. Think my stress hormones started dropping. It passed. Took time to build momentum though. But so worth it. You'll easily fix that calcium ratio when you have more milk but it takes time. It's an adjustment. Eggshell is useful stuff. Calming. Best of luck


Mar 25, 2015
How does one use infrared or incandescent lights for therapy? (Probably a dumb question). Also, is it better to sleep in darkness? I sleep in total darkness.

I'll try the eggshell powder.

I was wondering if I should take vitamin E, and how to choose it?

I think that in the morning, I'm just waiting for a spike of stress to kick in (like it used to be). And since it doesn't anymore, I'm just waiting, and waiting... when I should just be doing what I have to do without over-thinking... it's quite an adaptation to a new "approach" to my day & energy management. (I'm self-employed, kicking my own butt...or not)

I took an anti-depressant before, and it got my mood all even, no highs, no lows. I hated it. Are "highs" still possible without adrenaline, or stress? I think I want my stress back. (:):-O


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
By searching 'red light' here on the forum you'll find lots of information. I use brooder lamps (250 watt) that can be purchased from a farm supply store for infrared and regular incandescent bulbs (highest wattage I can find)with clear glass for general lighting in my regular lamps. I try to get a total of two hours with one or the other of these shining directly on bare skin but don't always achieve that with work and all. The infrared are also 'heat lamps' so I reserve using those for use in colder weather. You can break up the time of exposure however you like but using them before bed is supposed to be helpful in lowering cortisol.


Mar 29, 2014
:welcome Pina

Glad you've had so many improvements. :)
Lots of good advice above.

My kids don't want to eat my soups and some of my other food either. I often prepare food for them that I don't want to eat myself, and food for me that they turn their noses up at. And often I cook dinner for them including enough meat for me to have for lunch the next day, because it seems to work better for me if I eat more protein earlier in the day.

I spend less time chopping veges and chewing salad etc, so it's not all more work. :) Fruit juice is quick and easy. So is milk, if it agrees with you, and cheese. I'm finding I'm eating and drinking a lot more simple food than I used to. But I still spend more time preparing food than I'd like. It depends a bit how much you want to do yourself, and to what extent you rely on readily available commercial products.

I tend to snack a lot too.


Mar 29, 2014
I get a lot of migraines, but I've never heard of coconut oil being implicated. I've considered oil pulling, but once I get out of bed in the morning, I usually want my first glass of juice NOW.

A couple of things that can contain nickel are I think plates and bridges etc holding in false teeth, and some stainless steel pots. There is a thread on safe cookware that discusses the latter, I think.

Lots of people are fine with porcine gelatine, but a few seem to react badly to pork and do better with beef gelatine. Most likely either will be fine.
Nov 26, 2013
The first two weeks your thyroid is still working extra hours, but without the burden... then it relaxes. Now you know how it feels to have good metabolism!


Mar 25, 2015
Thanks everyone for all this very useful info and advice. Makes such a difference!

I spent countless hours reading about all this, and sometimes it's still not all that clear. (brain fog!)
A few infographics would be helpful... I already know about this food chart :
This one is useful too:

Are there other charts? like a ratios chart?
I saw some cute graphics with carrots or pie charts, but they didn't translate very well for me into a meal plan.


Mar 29, 2015
Pina said:
Thanks everyone for all this very useful info and advice. Makes such a difference!

I spent countless hours reading about all this, and sometimes it's still not all that clear. (brain fog!)
A few infographics would be helpful... I already know about this food chart :
This one is useful too:

Are there other charts? like a ratios chart?
I saw some cute graphics with carrots or pie charts, but they didn't translate very well for me into a meal plan.

I wouldn't worry too much about the ratios. Just get a good amount of protein (80g+) but not too much (150g+). Fat is probably the biggest controversy, I usually hover around 30-35% calories, 70-80g personally. 2500-3800 calories. No more than 4g pufa per 2000 calories.



Mar 25, 2015
Thanks a lot, You! Very useful.

I have much more energy already. Snacking a lot (and spending less time in the kitchen).
Nov 26, 2013
Pina said:
Thanks a lot, You! Very useful.

I have much more energy already. Snacking a lot (and spending less time in the kitchen).

Score 1 for infographics :cool:


Jun 20, 2015
Pina said:
-no more double chin, thiner tongue (?)

My tongue feels like it is too big for my mouth. I read that this can be related to hypothyroidism. You are giving me me hope that this is reversible. :)


Mar 25, 2015
Hello Giraffe!
Peating definitely helped me with my "swollen" tongue. Keep us posted!
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