Perceive, Think, Act versus Faith


Jul 4, 2023
On multiple occasions during my attempts to regain lost health, I have found certain things to promise recovery by long-term adherence to the protocol. This adherence will often require an element of faith in the healing process, since negative symptoms can present themselves which might dishearten the person undertaking the protocol, causing them to quit. The negative symptoms are usually a result of the abuse your body and mind have been subjected to in the past. The good symptoms are usually the ones that arise from re-balancing of the body. I have definitely seen some negative and positive changes in regards to some protocols but I can see that some things (raw veganism for example) have the potential to seriously mess up some lives under the idea of faith. People will ignore their own instincts by hanging their hopes on some diet, protocol, or supplement even though it doesn't appear to be working as claimed.
PUFA depletion is an example of operating on faith for the promise of better health, though the good thing about the PUFA idea is you can try certain things and gauge the effects, such as coconut oil's saturation offsetting the damaging effects of unsaturation (Instant relief). Vitamin e has quite profound benefits as well. However there ARE things where the negative feelings are actually part of the healing and the only thing to do in this case is to weather it out. A perfect example of this is the practice of semen retention/nofap.
The positive effects of this practice are slow to ramp up (timescale of months) with periods of negative feelings in between, the severity of which are determined by how bad your previous use of porn and masturbation were. The cessation of the supernormal stimuli of porn and masturbation causes a lack of neurotransmitters prompting the body to upregulate the receptors involved. If I had quit this practice at the first hurdle and convinced myself that it's a load of crap, I never would have discovered the differences in reality between the two habits. In fact, the differences are so big I conflate it together with the effects of an improving metabolism. I experience improved sleep, food tastes better, less groggy in the mornings, less anhedonia, a sense of sturdiness, better skin, second puberty event, better cognition, increased resilience to stress and the list goes on. Nobody can convince me that this practice isn't essential for men. Especially if they are hypothyroid.

Perceive, Think, Act
There have been times in the past where I would suffer through unpleasant symptoms just because I refused to use pharmaceutical drugs. Thinking back, I would have been much better off taking some aspirin or something instead of relying on the body to do something it was struggling to do. So there are definitely times where an intervention would improve quality of life in the short-term and long-term. Also the Think, Perceive, Act model is a great teacher. It can help you understand the workings of certain hormones and neurotransmitters by enabling them or inhibiting them.
This philosophy has been quite valuable to me, however there could be circumstances where you keep interrupting a process of healing because you feel bad in the moment. Sometimes this can manifest as a symptom management cascade that has you taking a variety of different supplements to try and curtail the problem, only to cause another problem because it's impossible to completely account for the body's complexities.

How do you guys determine whether you should intervene with a problem instead of just leaving it alone?


Dec 8, 2016
Faith is woven throughout PTA

Even if one is not aware of it
They are not exclusive

To answer your question there at the end-
I personally:
Collect the data
Look for patterns
Change one thing only
Collect the data
And so on and so on….

No panic
No worries
No emotion
Trusting my body
Which is on my side- wanting wholeness

It hasn’t let me down
A huge learning curve to not misinterpret the “signs and symptoms” it’s giving me
Years and years of me overthinking etc
I’ve absolutely learned more from my missteps than my victories


Jul 8, 2014
How do you guys determine whether you should intervene with a problem instead of just leaving it alone?

I have a long history with raw veganism/fruitarianism and the “healing crisis” or “detox” and after years of reversing the devastating damage it caused, I no longer believe in the theory that health gets worse before it gets better. If something is healthy for me, I feel better within a day or two of implementing it, not worse, and if I start to feel worse, it means something isn’t right and I adjust what I’m doing. It was a tough pill to swallow knowing that I had wasted so many years following theories out of desperation to heal, only to get worse and blame my body, not the theories.


Nov 21, 2012
How do you guys determine whether you should intervene with a problem instead of just leaving it alone?
In general I take in a lot of information, often conflicting ones and then (lately) I let decide and follow what my intuition tells me.
Which isn't always easy to decipher between what's my intuition and what's mind chatter, but I figured 'intuition' only wants the best for you and has no hidden agenda or financial gains by promoting all kinds of protocols and supplements.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole. Luke 17:19
When we trust and abide in the Lord everything works out. He guides us to perceive, think and act and brings the right people into our lives to help in my experience.


Jul 4, 2023
And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole. Luke 17:19
When we trust and abide in the Lord everything works out. He guides us to perceive, think and act and brings the right people into our lives to help in my experience.
It's a bit fortuitous you should mention god. I've been speaking to missionaries lately since I started having synchronous events regarding religion. These missionaries approached me in the street while I was just starting to question whether it was totally impossible for there to be a creator.


Jul 4, 2023
I have a long history with raw veganism/fruitarianism and the “healing crisis” or “detox” and after years of reversing the devastating damage it caused, I no longer believe in the theory that health gets worse before it gets better. If something is healthy for me, I feel better within a day or two of implementing it, not worse, and if I start to feel worse, it means something isn’t right and I adjust what I’m doing. It was a tough pill to swallow knowing that I had wasted so many years following theories out of desperation to heal, only to get worse and blame my body, not the theories.
It was a tough pill to swallow knowing that I had wasted so many years following theories out of desperation to heal, only to get worse and blame my body, not the theories.
Seems we both were suckered by a sense of desperation. I tried the raw vegan diet for a while as well in my younger years and this type of diet fractured my mind. I went into it already pretty malnourished in retrospect so when I attempted to ignore my cravings in favour of a diet plan, I ended up developing a sort of split personality problem. I would stick to the diet for a week or 2, then the cravings would become too ravenous to ignore and it would effect my ability to concentrate on anything else. I would indulge in the object of my cravings, feel guilty, then punish and torment myself for not sticking to what I said I would do. I was at war with myself. Now I know I was craving the salt, sugar and proteins that my body was lacking. Thanks to ray peat.


Nov 21, 2012
but I figured 'intuition' only wants the best for you and has no hidden agenda or financial gains by promoting all kinds of protocols and supplements.
I should clarify that I meant your soul wants the best for you, bc that's what I believe your I believe our intuition is. It's our soul sending us messages to help guide us.


Jul 4, 2023
I should clarify that I meant your soul wants the best for you, bc that's what I believe your I believe our intuition is. It's our soul sending us messages to help guide us.
Would you consider this to be the holy ghost?


Sep 12, 2015
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.


Nov 21, 2012
Would you consider this to be the holy ghost?
I'm not that knowledgeable/familiar with the Holy Ghost , but from what I gathered it's a separate entity stemming from The Bible/religion...
I believe the soul, imo, is not a separate entity, it's the core of who we are. On earth,it's enclosed in a flesh body as its vessel,in order to 'experience' the human life.
The Holy Ghost and the soul both do have in common that they're esoteric (non-solid/materialised) in nature.


Jul 8, 2014
Seems we both were suckered by a sense of desperation. I tried the raw vegan diet for a while as well in my younger years and this type of diet fractured my mind. I went into it already pretty malnourished in retrospect so when I attempted to ignore my cravings in favour of a diet plan, I ended up developing a sort of split personality problem. I would stick to the diet for a week or 2, then the cravings would become too ravenous to ignore and it would effect my ability to concentrate on anything else. I would indulge in the object of my cravings, feel guilty, then punish and torment myself for not sticking to what I said I would do. I was at war with myself. Now I know I was craving the salt, sugar and proteins that my body was lacking. Thanks to ray peat.

That’s scary. You fractured your mind and I fractured my spine. It may have seemed like weakness at the time, but good for you for giving in to your cravings. I wish I had. I might have saved my spine.


Jul 4, 2023
That’s scary. You fractured your mind and I fractured my spine. It may have seemed like weakness at the time, but good for you for giving in to your cravings. I wish I had. I might have saved my spine.
Sorry to hear about your spine. Must have been rather terrifying especially so young. Have you recovered much from it?
The fractured mind was a result of me not being able to trust my own word. I would attempt to stick to a diet, but ravenous cravings would take over my actions leading to a conflict with myself. Since adding salt, sugar and protein and getting rid of the oils, this fracture has sealed up leading to a more cohesive personality. I can almost trust myself again in regards to food. Being malnourished can open you up to demonic possession or whatever you may call it.


Forum Supporter
Dec 2, 2022
omaha nebraska
Luckily I am very frugal as I suspect lots of Peat People are. Because if I were to have had access to endless money, I would have bought every damn crystal generator vortex injection nano lipolized DIY chamber particle Excelerator etc…, I would have moved to every remote mountain farm spring water having ancestral village to get better.
To feel good, is so Fu(/;ing amazing. To feel good to think good. Man. It’s worth it.
Luckily I don’t have a bunch of money, and can only buy the crystals, oils and devices with really really really good reviews! 🤣
Yeah percieve think act is gold. TShirt worthy at least! And luckily for me Ray was just so endlessly fascinating and creative.
Creativity is what I personally think is missing in every aspect of our modern lives. Play. Play around with everything from your health status to your thoughts and dreams. Play and feel free! Explore and don’t limit your thinking or day dreaming.
I would like to submit…
Think perceive dream act play!


Jul 8, 2014
Sorry to hear about your spine. Must have been rather terrifying especially so young. Have you recovered much from it?
The fractured mind was a result of me not being able to trust my own word. I would attempt to stick to a diet, but ravenous cravings would take over my actions leading to a conflict with myself. Since adding salt, sugar and protein and getting rid of the oils, this fracture has sealed up leading to a more cohesive personality. I can almost trust myself again in regards to food. Being malnourished can open you up to demonic possession or whatever you may call it.

Thank you. :) Yes, it was terrifying, and I have recovered from it, thankfully. Within the first year of switching to a high-fat, dairy-based diet, I had built back all the muscle that had atrophied and 50% of my bone density, and I learned how to walk again. It has taken over a decade of learning and unlearning to get to my current state, though. I’m very glad you’re at a point where you can almost trust yourself again with food. Being malnourished leaves us vulnerable, for sure.
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