Profound experience with zinc - thoughts?


Jan 15, 2022
Hello all :)
I’ve been experimenting with zinc supplements this week because there’s absolutely no way to get oysters for the time being and it slapped me in the **** face with its effects.

I have strong neurotic tendencies show up these past few years, very weak senses, like touch smell taste, lack of physical pleasure, low libido and erections, dry hair, and a tendency to powerfully ruminate 24/7 and antisocial. Let me tell you, the ruminating thoughts… boy those are something else. Every situation I’m in my head is filled with ten of the worst possible scenarios within that context.

I took 50mg of Carlson Zinc blend (various forms in it) and I cried 2 hours after my first dose… not sure why but I felt super present in the moment. My mind shut off! I felt sleepy for the first time in years! I felt drugged on the zinc in the best way possible. Last night I felt nearly euphoric and couldn’t sleep after taking my zinc I slept at 7 AM so I’m skipping the zinc today… although the first few days it did the opposite and made it hard to stay awake

I didnt get bloodwork yet but I should soon. I feel as if life is more lubricated, like from my thoughts to social situations. Hard to put in words :) is this indicative of a zinc deficiency? I think I’m gonna stop on the 14th day because copper deficiency, zinc toxicity, etc


Jan 15, 2022
Hello all :)
I’ve been experimenting with zinc supplements this week because there’s absolutely no way to get oysters for the time being and it slapped me in the **** face with its effects.

I have strong neurotic tendencies show up these past few years, very weak senses, like touch smell taste, lack of physical pleasure, low libido and erections, dry hair, and a tendency to powerfully ruminate 24/7 and antisocial. Let me tell you, the ruminating thoughts… boy those are something else. Every situation I’m in my head is filled with ten of the worst possible scenarios within that context.

I took 50mg of Carlson Zinc blend (various forms in it) and I cried 2 hours after my first dose… not sure why but I felt super present in the moment. My mind shut off! I felt sleepy for the first time in years! I felt drugged on the zinc in the best way possible. Last night I felt nearly euphoric and couldn’t sleep after taking my zinc I slept at 7 AM so I’m skipping the zinc today… although the first few days it did the opposite and made it hard to stay awake

I didnt get bloodwork yet but I should soon. I feel as if life is more lubricated, like from my thoughts to social situations. Hard to put in words :) is this indicative of a zinc deficiency? I think I’m gonna stop on the 14th day because copper deficiency, zinc toxicity, etc
I didn’t mention this but my face and hair are glowing and my face is much slimmer. I can see my jaw line now and my abs are showing
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May 10, 2018
I’m guessing a strong reaction like this must mean you were deificient in zinc or something? Interested to hear of anyone else has experienced this as well, or if someone can point to the physiology of your profound response to the zinc.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
You're not going to get zinc toxicity from 50mg per day, short term, especially so if you are deficient. You can supplement copper to not have to worry about depleting it. Eating dark chocolate or something else would probably be enough.


Feb 3, 2020
If you don‘t eat red meat daily or shellfish regularly, you are very likely deficient. Zinc is not stored in the body, so you need a daily dietary source for it.

You can maximally saturate the zinc transporter with around 7-10mg, and it takes around 4-5 hours until your body can re-absorb zinc again.
So I‘d personally split dose zinc into morning and evening doses.

It seem like you have 50mg tablets. I‘d split them into multiple pieces and take a quarter (12.5mg of elemntal zinc) twice a day.

Zinc excess is very unpleasant as it blocks copper absorption in higher amounts. I‘d keep to a max. total amount of 30mg daily.

I prefer ground beef for a source of zinc > supplements, but I used supplemental zinc for specific purposes in the past, too.


Jan 15, 2022
If you don‘t eat red meat daily or shellfish regularly, you are very likely deficient. Zinc is not stored in the body, so you need a daily dietary source for it.

You can maximally saturate the zinc transporter with around 7-10mg, and it takes around 4-5 hours until your body can re-absorb zinc again.
So I‘d personally split dose zinc into morning and evening doses.

It seem like you have 50mg tablets. I‘d split them into multiple pieces and take a quarter (12.5mg of elemntal zinc) twice a day.

Zinc excess is very unpleasant as it blocks copper absorption in higher amounts. I‘d keep to a max. total amount of 30mg daily.

I prefer ground beef for a source of zinc > supplements, but I used supplemental zinc for specific purposes in the past, too.
I eat red meat nearly daily and shellfish a few times a month. I think maybe I have an issue absorbing zinc. I'm not consistently hitting the rda, but you'd think I wouldn't be that deficient. I noticed that when I skipped it yesterday I regressed a bit, almost makes me think that high dose zinc just has that effect on me outside of correcting a deficiency, is this possible ?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I eat red meat nearly daily and shellfish a few times a month. I think maybe I have an issue absorbing zinc. I'm not consistently hitting the rda, but you'd think I wouldn't be that deficient. I noticed that when I skipped it yesterday I regressed a bit, almost makes me think that high dose zinc just has that effect on me outside of correcting a deficiency, is this possible ?

Just curious, what's your bmi like?


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
It’s a stronger NMDA blocker than MG, and is a mild Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor and works on Post Synaptic 5HT1A either blocker or agonist, I forget.


Jan 15, 2022
It’s a stronger NMDA blocker than MG, and is a mild Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor and works on Post Synaptic 5HT1A either blocker or agonist, I forget.
Thanks @Frankdee20 I believe I may have issues with NMDA. I'm not very educated on NMDA because it seems incredibly complicated, at least compared to other receptors. Well, I guess it's all complicated but it's the only one I don't think I understand at all. But I say I think I have an issue with it because I used to have heavy derealization, heavy enough to make me feel a little crazy. It stopped out of nowhere one day though but I think I have an issue with this system along with high glutamate.

Do you know where I could read more about this and how I could fix this? I feel like Zinc may be acting like a band-aid.
Nov 16, 2012
Does anyone have experience with varying zinc salts/chelates, which ones do you find the best?

I've just found out about Zinc Ascorbate, which, at least on paper, sounds like a really good salt. Less dubious than the gluconates, picolinates and the like. Thoughts?


You're not going to get zinc toxicity from 50mg per day, short term, especially so if you are deficient. You can supplement copper to not have to worry about depleting it. Eating dark chocolate or something else would probably be enough.
Unfortunately chocolate cannot replace copper supplementation. The copper in chocolate is barely enough to deal with the histamines it contains.


Oct 21, 2018
I remember when I first started supplementing zinc I got to a point my joints were hurting really bad. two other forum members reported this symptom. I stopped supplementing zinc. past three weeks I have noticed something. Every single time I consume zinc my asthma gets exacerbated very badly. hell i Just end up getting way more allergies.
I tested this like 8 times to ensure it was the zinc. It’s bizarre how such a thing is not reported to be an issue.

my only theory for why this is happening is zinc is shuttling more retinol cause that would increase th2?

any ideas folks ?

it may be time for a big supplement break


Oct 20, 2021
United States
I remember when I first started supplementing zinc I got to a point my joints were hurting really bad. two other forum members reported this symptom. I stopped supplementing zinc. past three weeks I have noticed something. Every single time I consume zinc my asthma gets exacerbated very badly. hell i Just end up getting way more allergies.
I tested this like 8 times to ensure it was the zinc. It’s bizarre how such a thing is not reported to be an issue.

my only theory for why this is happening is zinc is shuttling more retinol cause that would increase th2?

any ideas folks ?

it may be time for a big supplement break
Many people do report that zinc supplements should not be used. You are probably tanking your copper levels even further considering you have made posts in the past talking about allergies and dandruff.


Oct 21, 2018
Many people do report that zinc supplements should not be used. You are probably tanking your copper levels even further considering you have made posts in the past talking about allergies and dandruff.
Ya maybe although I always made sure to supplement copper. But the dandruff thing had me obsessed. I think I am just gonna stop caring.


Mar 22, 2022
I remember when I first started supplementing zinc I got to a point my joints were hurting really bad. two other forum members reported this symptom. I stopped supplementing zinc. past three weeks I have noticed something. Every single time I consume zinc my asthma gets exacerbated very badly. hell i Just end up getting way more allergies.
I tested this like 8 times to ensure it was the zinc. It’s bizarre how such a thing is not reported to be an issue.

my only theory for why this is happening is zinc is shuttling more retinol cause that would increase th2?

any ideas folks ?

it may be time for a big supplement break
Whenever I take zinc I get tendonitis.

Not joking.

It takes forever to go away even with treatment.

I recently had my zinc and copper tested and they were both bottom of regular range.
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