Sexual Effects Of Methylene Blue Noticed?

Nov 21, 2015
MB can increase serotonin. That means it *may* have an effect in delaying ejaculation for men.

Not sure about its effect on women.

It also is an aromatase inhibitor.

I'm taking 1mg X 2/day and seeing what happens. So far it seems pretty sweet. Erection quality may be better, certainly no worse despite MB being an NO scavenger and conventional thinking that NO and NOS is required for erections.

I feel a lot better in general. I'm doing a zero fat PUFA depletion experiment and the MB makes me feel tons better.


Feb 21, 2016
I remember Haidut once saying that methylene blue at daily doses below 5 mg should not increase serotonin levels, so probably there is nothing to worry unless you increase your MB intake substantially.


Oct 10, 2012
Methylene blue inhibits prolactin and Increases dopamine. The serotonin effects don't come unless you are taking hundreds of milligrams per day.
Nov 21, 2015
Methylene Blue continues to deliver. I take about 2mg X 2. Very happy with it. My mental acuity has increased over the past couple weeks noticeably. I think erection quality is much better. Libido is higher. No side effects to speak of. Wow. I can see taking this for a long time.


Mar 20, 2013
Methylene Blue continues to deliver. I take about 2mg X 2. Very happy with it. My mental acuity has increased over the past couple weeks noticeably. I think erection quality is much better. Libido is higher. No side effects to speak of. Wow. I can see taking this for a long time.

Any updates over the past few years? Did you continue with it? If so, did you note anything? I'm very curious about your continued experiences with MB over the past several years.

I've been on one drop of the Kordon methylene blue (I think it's about 1.15mg or so?) per day for a few weeks now. It's hard to say if I'm noticing any effects. I want to say that I feel less depressed. I have not been having sex, so I can't comment on any potential sexual effects, but I'm very curious about them as premature ejaculation has been a major issue for me.

In my solo sexual experiences (sorry, gross, TMI but don't know how else to phrase that), it's been hit or miss with PE. I want to say I feel like it's given me a slightly greater sensation of control, but again, mostly hit or miss. Erection quality somehow seems to be much better, and much longer lasting. Prior to starting MB I was having a lot of problems even just in solo sexual experiences, like not being able to maintain a consistent erection. Could have been from guilt/shame/anxiety etc. but in either case, this issue has seemingly gone away on 1mg MB per day.

I feel very slightly more "flatlined." Flatline is too strong a word perhaps. Just not as emotional, not as overwhelmed. I can still get overly sexually excited, and the past few, rare times recently where I was with my ex girlfriend, I felt about as excited and over-stimulated as I always did, so not sure if the MB is blunting that at all.

Overall, very subtle effects. It's purely anecdotal but it seems erection quality/duration is a definite benefit I've experienced from 1mg per day. If there is any effect resulting in delaying ejaculation, perhaps this could be evident over time as it builds up in the system? In my experience, delaying ejaculation primarily seems to be a result of a shift in my state of mind: calming down into a less excited, less stimulated state of mind. Over-excitation resulting in PE could perhaps have something to do with estrogen?

Anyway, just rambling. Some people are adamant about doses of MB exceeding 500mcg will raise serotonin and induce significant MAO inhibition. I'm not sure what to make of this. I will continue taking 1 drop of Kordon methylene blue per day, but it would be nice to hear more anecdotes from personal experience, and to get an idea of exactly why I'm taking this supplement in this amount on a daily basis. My personal experience does seem to corroborate what Ray's heard about 1mg doses having a fairly pronounced antidepressant effect. If it turns out it can aid in delaying ejaculation that would make MB a complete winner for me. Though I do worry a little about it accumulating in the system, and any potential withdrawal symptoms of going off of it, long-term neurological adaptations as a result of taking it for extended periods of time, etc.
Nov 21, 2015
no I didn't continue. I take it now and then when I'm feeling like I am run down.

I've been taking metergoline and exemestane in small quantities and it has been very helpful sexually.


Mar 20, 2013
no I didn't continue. I take it now and then when I'm feeling like I am run down.

I've been taking metergoline and exemestane in small quantities and it has been very helpful sexually.

Where do you get these from? Both sound interesting.
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