SSRI Withdrawal=Pro dopamine/Anti Serotonin?


Dec 1, 2021
United States
This is gonna sound really weird but hear me out:

When I initially started ssris, I was depressed and anhedonic, my balls were numb, life was numb, I felt nothing at all, so I quit. When I quit I became manic/suicidal for a while, but when the manic episodes stopped I felt very, VERY different.

I had so much energy and confidence for the first time in a long time, music sounded amazing (Even if I would listen to awful songs and get a huge euphoria from it) I had lots of motivation, focus, I loved life. I had strong erections in the middle of the night and became horny too easily (wasn't that much of a good thing but that's got to do with elevated dopamine for sure).

But after that, the fun ended and I actually started to get manic/suicidal tendencies again, now I'm stuck in this half anhedonic half motivated state which occasionally swings around depending on how stressful life is (also depending on my bowels and stomach because I have digestive issues and at the moment it's horrible). Now I don't use any drugs.

So ssri withdrawal probably temporarily deactivated my serotonin but after the deactivation my body probably tried to compensate for it and increased my levels even further.


Mar 21, 2021
My brother was in the same situation, the one thing that seemed to work Pepcid ac with the main ingredient famotidine.

This case report suggests that the histamine type 2 receptor antagonist famotidine may be an effective emergency treatment for serotonin syndrome. Meperidine-induced serotonin syndrome is a very rare adverse event that may occur during anesthesia that is often missed or treated inadequately.

I think it was Haduit that posted an article on low grade serotonin syndrome, not fatal, but my brother really rebounded after taking it.
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