Supplements to help promote anti cancer environment.


Oct 22, 2014
Hi All

My mom (our angel) who is 64 years old, was recently diagnosed with cancer in her left breast and had some breast tissue removed. It was a DCIS type cancer that Ray described to us as the very slow growing kind that does not usually metastasize. What was interesting is that it only took Ray 1 look at her first tissue biopsy report to tell us the same thing as the doctors finally did - But they took another 2 months and 6 very invasive type tests to finally get to the same conclusion!

Though she had some tissue removed and the margins came back clear the good old oncologist has recommended 6 weeks of ionizing radiation as a further precautionary. As I have learned this will certainly alter and disturb the cells in her body to a point of opening the door to future potential cancers down the road.

Fortunately she has opted not to go with radiotherapy and has instead begun to enjoy the health and energy benefits provided by a Peaty inspired diet. Our strategy is as follows:

Toxins - Happy to say she has given up on smoking. Her stress seems to have lowered and her attitude towards life is the best I have ever seen in a while.

Hormones - She has confirmed raised estrogen levels (tested) which she told me she has been aware of since she was 18! No doubt this played a huge role. Her arms are also covered in quite a bit of Lipofuscin so there's another big clue. Also her cholesterol is on the high side.

The strategy
NDT - Are Thyroid and Thyroid S the favored products or are there any better? This should help the cholesterol convert to the good hormones my mom needs and start improving her metabolism / respiration.
Progest - E is on the way to us and any advice on how to take it would be appreciated? She is obviously no longer menstruating. This should balance the hormones better, offsetting some of the toxic effects of the excess estrogen.
Lipofuscin - We have removed as much PUFA from the diet as we can and are trying to combat iron absorption through coffee, milk etc.
Vit D3 and K2 from Thorne - What would be a good way to use these please and at what dosages? She is using 1 x 325mg Aspirin per day (drinks the sour water).
Vit E - What dosage of mixed tocopherols should she consume per day or per week please for a protective action?
Niacinimide - Should she add this?
Meals - Are now closer together with protein, fats and fruit to maintain steady blood sugar levels and minimize PUFA release.

For the rest she is doing the OJ, meat broths, liver, shrimp, sunlight (20 minutes per day), carrot salad, magnesium baths and drinks coffee. Only uses butter or coconut oil and gets her calcium from milk.

Any responses would be hugely appreciated. Thank you so much!!


Oct 10, 2012
There are several types of drug---carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, to increase carbon dioxide in the tissues, lysergic acid derivatives, to block serotonin and suppress prolactin, anti-opiates, antiexcitotoxic and GABAergic agents, anesthetics, antihistamines, anticholinergics, salicylic acid derivatives---that could probably be useful in a comprehensive therapy for cancer, but their combinations won't be explored as long as treatments are designed only to kill. ... rone.shtml


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
In the recent KMUD radio interview entitled Longevity RP talks about thiamine up to 300mg daily in divided doses for cancer.


Aug 16, 2012
He also speaks very favorably of DCA (Dichloroacetic acid) which can be bought from canada.
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