Ultimate gaslighting


Dec 27, 2015
Solid gold wisdom here that you mined from the depths of your Soul with immense effort. Treasure it because it ignites the light of insight within in contrast to those clutching to their security blanket of ignorance which is, by sheer coincidence, knitted from the same wool they've had pulled over their eyelids.

On the flip you could've lived and died running the wheel within a wheel. A dream within a dream which is actually a nightmare but now your eyes are open and you see the state of play for what it is and thus are equipped to not only make better decisions but help those who find themselves wandering through the valley of the shadow of death wondering what happened.

That I know well and in a sense you can see the process as a resurrection of the child within who never accepts a surface level explanation and probes the depths, pushes the limits to find out for Self. Treasure it. Its precious even though you may currently feel sensitive as the old calloused existence has been ripped from your awareness to reveal your true tenderness beyond the illusion.

You will appreciate this. Of that I'm certain as it was a gift that allowed you to unwrap the present.
From the bottom of my heart, I'm truly blown away by your words of kindness and validation. Thank you.


Dec 27, 2015
I applaud you. How? How did you wake up? What was the journey and or the tipping point? What reached you?
Thank you:) My sons were both diagnosed with Autism in 2009. I woke up when reading about diet. I wondered why no one was really sharing this information. One eye opening thing led to another (vaccines, chemicals, governments, my religion...) and I ate handfuls of "redpills" for months on end. I'm lucky I didn't go crazy. There wasn't any reality I knew that wasnt torn down.I was so angry, but also excited, to share my new knowledge with EVERYONE. I spent years trying and trying to wake people and never really got anywhere. The tipping point was when I couldn't reconcile that there wasn't ANYTHING doctors or therapists could really offer us. Suddenly, their white coats and stethoscopes didn't equal knowledge when it came to my family and I was suspicious of the sheer unadulterated HATE I received when mentioning other benign alternative treatments.
I think people will wake up when they can no longer fit the square peg in a round hole. They awake when they can no longer reconcile what they believe as truth with what they see. I've learned
(and still have to try sometimes!) to respect their journey no matter what it costs them. I know that sounds harsh. It's hard to describe the very thing that enabled me to "see" when I first started researching. I've met plenty of people with kids on the spectrum who turn their back on the same information. For me, and only me, it took my kids being hurt for me to see (there is still an UGH! when I write that) For some, their kids die and they still won't see.
I see that it had to be this way. I wasn't going gently into that good night any other way.


Dec 15, 2022
Thank you:) My sons were both diagnosed with Autism in 2009. I woke up when reading about diet. I wondered why no one was really sharing this information. One eye opening thing led to another (vaccines, chemicals, governments, my religion...) and I ate handfuls of "redpills" for months on end. I'm lucky I didn't go crazy. There wasn't any reality I knew that wasnt torn down.I was so angry, but also excited, to share my new knowledge with EVERYONE. I spent years trying and trying to wake people and never really got anywhere. The tipping point was when I couldn't reconcile that there wasn't ANYTHING doctors or therapists could really offer us. Suddenly, their white coats and stethoscopes didn't equal knowledge when it came to my family and I was suspicious of the sheer unadulterated HATE I received when mentioning other benign alternative treatments.
I think people will wake up when they can no longer fit the square peg in a round hole. They awake when they can no longer reconcile what they believe as truth with what they see. I've learned
(and still have to try sometimes!) to respect their journey no matter what it costs them. I know that sounds harsh. It's hard to describe the very thing that enabled me to "see" when I first started researching. I've met plenty of people with kids on the spectrum who turn their back on the same information. For me, and only me, it took my kids being hurt for me to see (there is still an UGH! when I write that) For some, their kids die and they still won't see.
I see that it had to be this way. I wasn't going gently into that good night any other way.
So your children were a bigger, greater gift than you could have imagined!


Jan 17, 2023
From the bottom of my heart, I'm truly blown away by your words of kindness and validation. Thank you.

I appreciate your appreciation and am here to help. In the interim I think you may enjoy this article:

"To take what life gives and then bend it to his will with a sprinkle of intuition and intellect as we experiment with what we get as failure isn’t an option. Feedback here is the king. Such a simple switch of the lens gives perspect and he keeps on keeping on with his invention. Until one day it clicks, he looks at what he built and its perfect. All this time, the wind was waiting in the wings waiting to put him to the test and then swoops in, wailing and screaming hoping to incite dread. And yet nothing happens.

The pig sits within and thinks “Thats interesting as I changed how I think which flipped what I get and thus what was an obstacle actually became the path instead”.


Dec 27, 2015
So your children were a bigger, greater gift than you could have imagined!
Yes, they were. I've not lost a minute of that thought and I'm so grateful that I didn't. If I get to feeling sorry for myself in the struggle, I remember that I didn't have to see any of it. I could've just said "my bad genes..." and rolled on asleep. The thought of that still scares me lol. Don't get me wrong it didn't "feel" like a gift in the beginning, but I KNEW I had a whole new life. I soon recognized that the situation was not just for them, it was also for me and everyone that knew us. My true awakening came when I realized I didn't need to tell everyone else what they should be seeing and getting out of it. I'm still working on that and it's a toughie with everything going down out here.
I see in retrospect that the gift I got was prepping me for this present time:)


Nov 29, 2017
I appreciate your appreciation and am here to help. In the interim I think you may enjoy this article:

"To take what life gives and then bend it to his will with a sprinkle of intuition and intellect as we experiment with what we get as failure isn’t an option. Feedback here is the king. Such a simple switch of the lens gives perspect and he keeps on keeping on with his invention. Until one day it clicks, he looks at what he built and its perfect. All this time, the wind was waiting in the wings waiting to put him to the test and then swoops in, wailing and screaming hoping to incite dread. And yet nothing happens.

The pig sits within and thinks “Thats interesting as I changed how I think which flipped what I get and thus what was an obstacle actually became the path instead”.
You are bringing a lot of good insight to this forum since you started posting. Can you start a thread of your own to share thoughts and general stuff? I'd like a resource in one spot (if possible).


Apr 26, 2018
You are bringing a lot of good insight to this forum since you started posting. Can you start a thread of your own to share thoughts and general stuff? I'd like a resource in one spot (if possible).
At the end of Warrior's posts he adds a link to his blog. It is quite interesting and he makes quite long posts about different thoughts. I did comment on one of them but he never responded even though I left my email and info. I was disappointed but continue reading his thoughts.


Jan 17, 2023
You are bringing a lot of good insight to this forum since you started posting. Can you start a thread of your own to share thoughts and general stuff? I'd like a resource in one spot (if possible).

Thanks, thats a great idea and I shall consider it.

At the end of Warrior's posts he adds a link to his blog. It is quite interesting and he makes quite long posts about different thoughts. I did comment on one of them but he never responded even though I left my email and info. I was disappointed but continue reading his thoughts.

Would you like to ask it here? Comments are turned off on my blog as most of the people reading it are already in conversation with me.


Dec 8, 2022
Puerto Rico
It is not just vaccines that are the issue. Below is a very small list off the top of my head that the Corporate-Establishment would have us all belief are safe and benign. When one of us goes to educate a friend or family member, they in turn go to Google and the first thousand hits are just repetition checkbook research claims of safety.

Root canals
Mercury fillings
Statin / cholesterol drugs
Vitamin k injections baby
Bromide in bread
Enriched grains, cereal
Removing wisdom teeth
Nonstick cookware, teflon
Canned foods
Chemical fertilizers
Wireless everything
Microwave ovens
Breast Implants
Iron supplements


May 4, 2022


Most medications
X-rays/CT scans
Contrast dyes
Most investigative medical procedures (such as endoscopy, colonoscopy)
Everything used in Dentistry
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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