Vitiligo appeared in 5 year old

Feb 6, 2020
Hello everyone,

My Relative’s daughter who just turned 5 has spots of depigmentation which started at 4.5 yo and is spreading now — areas include right side underarm, right side eyelid, and base of back of neck.

According to literature, including Ayurveda and TCM, what helps:
black seed oil topically 2x daily
increase vitamin D orally or by sunshine
vitamins (a,c,e)
minerals (zinc, selenium)
b-vitamins (specifically folate, pantothenic acid)

Giving up wheat, dairy, soy
Giving up gluten

According to TCM, it’s a deficiency in liver, kidney; blood and QI stasis/disharmony with long list of herbs that might help… licorice was ther only one I recognized

According to Ayurveda, turmeric and mustard oil topically might help.

The diet:
Mostly whole food diet
Grass fed meat a few times a week (with liver mixed in ~2-3 times a month)
Regular cow milk mixed with camel milk and collagen
Grass fed cheese
Fresh fruits
Everything at home cooked in coconut oil or butter
Dark chocolate, brown sugar, coconut flour, raw honey
Half Store-bought bread with palm oil and lots of additives, half the time homemade bread
Outside junk food (1-2 meals per week during social gatherings… pizza, chicken nuggets, fries).

Supplements on and off: elderberry syrup, k2, black seeds, nutritional yeast in small amounts due to inhalation hazard, manuka honey.

The only thing different in lifestyle is that she is getting a little less sleep than usual because she started school and has to wake up 6 am …. So some days she is sleepy. I’m wondering if that triggered an autoimmune response?

They are trying to increase nutrients in diet and applying black seed oil topically. they haven’t cut out bread, but have reduced it, since she eats mostly clean, they don’t want to get too restrictive unless a blood test indicates allergy or something.

They really really do NOT want to give her steroids or UVB lamp therapy.

Does anyone have recommendations on which lab tests they should order to try to get to root cause?

🙏 thanks everyone


Aug 17, 2018
I developed one vitiligo patch when I was little as well. It basically remained the same my whole life no matter what vitamins I take. Never tried black seed oil topically though.

Personally, I think you are right that it has something to do with stresses of life. Even though, now I am not stressed the patch is still there. I stopped worrying about it.
Feb 6, 2020
Thank you - she also had just one spot underarm when she was about 4, and they never sought treatment or anything. Then gradually the patches began increasing, so now they are a little worried that it will progress even more. The doctor said they will check the thyroid markers, because usually vitiligo patients also have thyroid /autoimmune issues as well.
The patches by themselves are not too much of a problem. What they really want to be proactive about is correcting anything that can lead to other autoimmune issues.


May 30, 2018
I developed a small patch of vitiligo on my upper lip and eyebrow when I was about 13. It stopped and never progressed. Last summer I bought tacrolimus cream from All Day Chemist (which is a immunosuppressive) to apply as that was one of the most recommended treatment on vitiligo subreddit along with UV treatment or just sun exposure. The recommended treatment is twice per day, but I usually only ended up doing it once. To my surprise I actually did start to see some repigmentation in the Fall. Surprising because it has been over 20 years since I first developed it. Unfortunately I'm not sure how safe it is. It would disturb my sleep and if I applied it to my eyelid area it caused some disturbing dreams. This year I plan to continue the treatment and get early morning sun exposure. Trying to apply it very lightly and I won't be applying it to my eye lid.

There may be other treatments that might be safer and worth looking into. I think hydrogen therapy might hold some promise as it it involves neutralizing the hydroxl radicals found in viitligo lesions. I tried some hyrodgen therapy, both topical, drinking and inhaling a couple years ago and I'd like to resume it again when I can afford it. Also combined with sun/UV/red light. There are small UV lights you can buy for targeted treatment, but I think sun is probably enough. A very clean diet is helpful that reduces inflammation to a minimum. I removed wheat in particular.

Overall I'm pleased to see even the very beginning of repigmentation as I had long assumed it was untreatable.


Oct 13, 2017
Thank you - she also had just one spot underarm when she was about 4, and they never sought treatment or anything. Then gradually the patches began increasing, so now they are a little worried that it will progress even more. The doctor said they will check the thyroid markers, because usually vitiligo patients also have thyroid /autoimmune issues as well.
The patches by themselves are not too much of a problem. What they really want to be proactive about is correcting anything that can lead to other autoimmune issues.
severe betrayal/separation conflict see german new medicine

has the girl been separated from something she loved ?

"separation conflict related to the deepest layer of the epidermis is – subjectively - perceived as particularly cruel or “brutal” (loss of a loved one, physical abuse). The white macules appear at the site(s) associated with the separation. Hair that grows on areas affected with vitiligo turns white. "



Sep 12, 2015
I think hydrogen therapy might hold some promise as it it involves neutralizing the hydroxl radicals found in viitligo lesions. I tried some hyrodgen therapy, both topical, drinking and inhaling a couple years ago and I'd like to resume it again when I can afford it.
Wouldn't melatonin neutralize that radical safely?


Nov 1, 2021
@Panopticon very interesting. Matches up to me very much.

I developed vitiligo when I was 18 - shortly after my first love dumped me, my grandfather died, and my brother left home - all around the same month.

Many autoimmune conditions take hold around stressful / traumatic times, but it was very interesting to see that vitiligo has been linked to separation and betrayal - all things I experienced to the highest degree at that age, which I wasn't prepared for.

OP - definitely good to do a thyroid panel. I also have significant autoimmune antibodies in the thyroid, though fortunately I am not suffering from any other autoimmune conditions (to my knowledge).

Minor spots can definitely be reversed with UVB therapy, but if the condition is progressing fast, it's like trying to scoop water back upstream... at least, that's how it's been in my experience.

I would also say that the mental scars from the condition have changed my life for the worse, and ironically made the condition progress even faster. Stress often brings on new progression to the patches. Making sure she feels loved and cared for is the best thing to progressing (and the best thing all around anyway).

Cutting out grains, poorly digested dairy products, and keeping stress low, seem to slow the progression but do not reverse it.

If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line.

Best wishes.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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