Weed gave me ED, anhedonia and sexual anxiety


Feb 18, 2018
Big time ex smoker here. I loved how it made me experience euphoria and get in tune with my emotions and have deeper more insightful existential thoughts. However it did not help with my communication, executive function or memory, and did not help me with my rational thinking in terms of food decisions. Do I think it was the source of all my problems? Certainly not, but I had to give it up, as it was not HELPING me and instead hindering me figuring out what the hell is going on with me.


May 27, 2022
Weee would make me euphoric. Everything was better.. food, watching TV, talking to people. Eventually though, it made it too easy to sit and do nothing and it stalled my progress in the things that matter. I smoked daily for two years and towards the end it really didn’t do much for me but I was dependent on it for sleep. I’ll say that some of my best memories with my friends come the beginning of this period.

Back when I was healthy, it didn’t negatively affect my libido and being with a girl while high was a great experience. Both with sex and just talking.

Eventually though, it was just negative overall. No more euphoria, food tasted normal but bad when sober. Also, even when I wasn’t high, as a smoker, my brain was just dumbed down. It took me months after quitting to get full brain capacity back.. mainly short term memory. I had my fun with it but I don’t think anyone should smoke chronically unless it’s for a health condition, if it truly can help.

Life moved a lot faster as a smoker, because I was high for a good part of my day. I don’t remember too much of this part of my life, not like when I was sober. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend it but everyone is different.


Feb 12, 2020
never smoked weed but lived with two heavy users (male) for half a year so I have some impressions from the perspective of an observer.
Made them antisocial, detached, more open minded and laid back, very effeminate, they came across as homosexual (in behaviour, mannerisms, tone of voice, movement) when using it and as heterosexual when sober (deeper voice, more assertive behaviour). Their Attractiveness dropped to a zero whenever using. Did not even register as a sexual being. They also had extremely poor memory.


Sep 9, 2019
If it's of interest the vanilla end of my relationship with pot can be found here Mr Hans.

With specific reference to your article, I've found it to be very deflating (not sure how else to describe it) for the vasculature. Before I had any sense of how the circulatory system actually works and how it's inextricably linked with renal function I could experience all 3 of the sides you mentioned at random.

These days I find them easy(ish) to correct almost simply by eating well and replacing fluid and salt, carefully, in moderation. It's practically an aphrodisiac but there has to be something in sense to take my mind there. Like some heavenly company who's also down to get caked.

This study takes the biscuit for me in explaining what's going on.



Sep 9, 2019
never smoked weed but lived with two heavy users (male) for half a year so I have some impressions from the perspective of an observer.
Made them antisocial, detached, more open minded and laid back, very effeminate, they came across as homosexual (in behaviour, mannerisms, tone of voice, movement) when using it and as heterosexual when sober (deeper voice, more assertive behaviour). Their Attractiveness dropped to a zero whenever using. Did not even register as a sexual being. They also had extremely poor memory.

Scathing, poor boys.


Sep 21, 2014
Never tried it myself, but I had two acquaintances/friends who used it pretty extensively. Both were pretty likeable and laid back guys, but one had severe side effects years later (psychosis and I think some brain damage. The last time I saw him he spoke very slowly and couldn't remember stuff).

In general, I preferred to spend time with those guys than with people who drank a lot of alcohol.


May 27, 2022
I forgot to mention it made me less assertive. I don’t ever remember being angry either during this time but not in a good way. It can convince you everything is OK at this very moment. It’s destructive in a subtle sense over the long term

I’ll give weed one positive: quitting was really easy but I guess it’s highly dependent on the individual. No physical withdrawals just boredom for a while. If anyone has tried to quit a benzo or any other real drug they usually find quitting weed a breeze

It’s weird because while weed made me complacent and OK with my (worse) life situation at the time, sometimes it’d cause me to spiral into anxiety in regards to getting my life together. Those high realizations triggered me quitting and going even behind that and improving my life in all possible aspects


Feb 18, 2018
If it's of interest the vanilla end of my relationship with pot can be found here Mr Hans.

With specific reference to your article, I've found it to be very deflating (not sure how else to describe it) for the vasculature. Before I had any sense of how the circulatory system actually works and how it's inextricably linked with renal function I could experience all 3 of the sides you mentioned at random.

These days I find them easy(ish) to correct almost simply by eating well and replacing fluid and salt, carefully, in moderation. It's practically an aphrodisiac but there has to be something in sense to take my mind there. Like some heavenly company who's also down to get caked.

This study takes the biscuit for me in explaining what's going on.

I’m trying to understand you correctly but it seems like there is a way to safely use cannabis? I really enjoy the drug but with my paranoia, decreasing cardiovascular health, and psychiatric symptoms becoming more aggressive I’ve had to stop to fix those.

Could you explain more in layman’s terms how it interacts with the above?


Sep 9, 2019
I really enjoy the drug but with my paranoia, decreasing cardiovascular health, and psychiatric symptoms becoming more aggressive I’ve had to stop to fix those.
You're doing the right thing man. Stay away from all narcotics until you have a handle on these things. I assume you have a thread and if not, make one.


Feb 18, 2018
You're doing the right thing man. Stay away from all narcotics until you have a handle on these things. I assume you have a thread and if not, make one.

I do have a thread. Been a while since I posted but I may have to again. I had a veggie soup with a small amount of butter today and felt a million times better from that than anything I’ve eaten in a long time. My next points of focus are going to be figuring out how to make sure I get clean vegetables that aren’t tainted by herbicides and pesticides and maximizing mineral intake and absorption, which I believe is causing most of my health problems.


Jan 15, 2016
I've never personally experienced it, and I think I'm just straight up allergic to at least the burnt compounds that are emitted. Whenever I've been around any area where someone has partaken, it both smells awful to me(overly sensitive sense of smell), and just triggers some kind of mild allergic reaction. Which is odd? I haven't really heard of people being allergic to cannabis; alas, I don't really have an interest in trying it anyways. However, tobacco always smells wonderful to me.

An ex boyfriend of mine began using it(hash oil) after our tumultuous break up, and after about a year or so of no contact we remained friends from a distance. I would occasionally hear him on call having a good time with others while smoking, laughing(of course), and just letting go of regrets; which was nice to hear. It definitely seemed to fragment his memory though, I wouldn't say it was causing memory loss; it was as if they were just more difficult to reach and connect with. I think at times "escapes" are necessary, it's important to at least try to alleviate suffering or to remove oneself from the constant anxiety of life; but of course, all things in moderation.

very effeminate, they came across as homosexual (in behaviour, mannerisms, tone of voice, movement)
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "effeminate" or to come across as "homosexual"? I've personally known people who are gay or bisexual that have a rather "masculine" disposition. It just seems as if you are associating passivity with the former, or even a lack of interest as being somehow "effeminate", which just raises a lot of questions about how language is used culturally, as in to immediately connect positive or negative behaviors with "masculine" or "feminine".
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Feb 12, 2020
I've never personally experienced it, and I think I'm just straight up allergic to at least the burnt compounds that are emitted. Whenever I've been around any area where someone has partaken, it both smells awful to me(overly sensitive sense of smell), and just triggers some kind of mild allergic reaction. Which is odd? I haven't really heard of people being allergic to cannabis; alas, I don't really have an interest in trying it anyways. However, tobacco always smells wonderful to me.

An ex boyfriend of mine began using it(hash oil) after our tumultuous break up, and after about a year or so of no contact we remained friends from a distance. I would occasionally hear him on call having a good time with others while smoking, laughing(of course), and just letting go of regrets; which was nice to hear. It definitely seemed to fragment his memory though, I wouldn't say it was causing memory loss; it was as if they were just more difficult to reach and connect with. I think at times "escapes" are necessary, it's important to at least try to alleviate suffering or to remove oneself from the constant anxiety of life; but of course, all things in moderation.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by "effeminate" or to come across as "homosexual"? I've personally known people who are gay or bisexual that have a rather "masculine" disposition. It just seems as if you are associating passivity with the former, or even a lack of interest as being somehow "effeminate", which just raises a lot of questions about how language is used culturally, as in to immediately connect positive or negative behaviors with "masculine" or "feminine".
I had a private tutor that was a gay man. he had certain mannerisms/tone of voice/movements that were unmistakably gay. I guess those mannerisms are not "effeminate", they're homosexual mannerisms. Didn't put that much deep thought into the semantics of this when writing it. Not all gay men have those mannerisms though, but the men who do have them are almost always gay


Oct 28, 2019
I smoked weed a lot when I was a teenager and was quite shy back then. I never put two and two together until recently when I smoked some with a friend for the firt time in years. I was ok at the time but the next day I went to a BBQ and felt very antisocial, just like my teenage self again. Made me wonder what my teenage years could've been like if I hadn't smoked weed.


Aug 21, 2020
I have no first hand experience with weed and no interest in trying it.

However, I do remember reading on multiple occasions about its supposed estrogenic effects.

That would partly explain why the elites are promoting it – and why we shouldn't.
May 13, 2020
When I was in my lowest point in life - depressed, financially broke, alcoholic and new father at the same time - weed saved my life. I could not quit alcohol - but replacing it with weed helped me. For 2 or so years I think I was using it pretty responsibly - low dose 1-2 times per week. But then I started to feel that weed acts on me in the same way as alcohol and I realized that I have replaced one drug with another.
So I started to research how exactly weed is bad and found a lot of ways how THC is destroying brains.

In same time I see cannabis as medicine. But as with food and other things - problem is in peoples willingness to get best price/performance and "industry" will gladly offer us that - 30% THC strains which are common right now. That is not the only problem with "medicine". Also theres a lot of synthetic cannabinoids used on some kind of cheap industrial cannabis flowers which are wrecking peoples brains. I did purchase 5 synthetic cannabinoid tests to check what are we smoking there. I had 2 control samples - home grown CBD and THC strains and 3 random samples from friends. Control gave negative results, but 2 of 3 random sapmes showed some kind of reaction. I have experience with smoking poisoned weed which gave me paranoia, depression, fear, anxiety.

So the problems with weed now-days are:
1) Too strong THC strains
2) Not containing any other cannabinoids in reasonable amounts
3) Contamination with synthetic cannabinoids
4) Contamination with other components like pesticides, mold etc.
5) Combining weed with other drugs

Solution to this could be:
1) Mixing Heavy THC strains with CBD/CBG and other with at least 1:5 proportion
2) Not smoking weed every day is crucial
3) Not smoking joints with tobacco as mixing dopaminergic drugs will make weed more addictive

Weed as harmless drug is a delusion. Weed is gateway drug. Weed can also be a miracle medicine dosed right in right time. I am starting to see where it fits and where not.
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