What is stopping people from re-growing entire limbs ? Our organ tissue can re-grow and Deer and Lizards can re-grow lost bones as well

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Interesting - I think I saw another user on this forum say that he had said a dog regrew its lost eyeball after starting to drink more milk - let me see if I can find it - I do find it interesting that salamanders can re-grow its lost limb even bigger with the application of Vitamin A and that some of these studies show the metabolism regulates "stem cell fate determination" in the body - it makes me think what exactly are the limits of an organism when its metabolism is working efficiently
im looking for a post where it was mentioned vitamin C regenerates vitamin E can you help with that

bone marrow is a dietary source of stem cells iirc, maybe other foods have them
Ray mentioned regrowing organs or maybe everything with high CO2 present
ray talks about morphogenic field theory a lot, and it basically asserts (and i probably dont understand it completely or perfectly) that we are a psychic or magnetic field that our physical beingness alligns to. this alligns with emf readings of the human body and of specific organs, traditional cultures understanding of the human body, scientific discovery of thinking about lifting weights increasing MPS, and the tips of fingers growing back. i wonder if having a sense of abundant energy, a lack of fear, and a stimulating exciting life would increase the potential of limb regrowth and body recomposition. i think wed all agree that when a stressful stimuli disappears, things like weight loss are easy to understand.

thinking of weight lifting builds muscle?
less stress causes weight loss due to better metabolism?


Jun 22, 2021
In short: nothing apart from your own state of metabolism. At any given moment your metabolism is limited to working within a specific set of processes. This determines your true state of health. Examples: at a poor level of metabolism, not even wounds heal. At a decent level of metabolism, moles will disappear and dentin will regenerate. At even higher levels of metabolism, profound anti-aging processes will activate. Re-growing lost limbs can only happen when there are no lower level processes that are requiring energy. For most people all this energy is required for mere maintenance and recovery from daily wear & tear.
100% agree with you the SIR - I am willing to believe that there is a state that humans and animals are constantly striving towards in a healthy metabolism - large/forward skulls, higher intelligence, maybe taller height/bigger size for example - I am willing to believe that maybe the size that someone reaches AKA their "Genetics" is maybe generations of metabolic health being passed down through the lineage combined with their own diet.

If people go to the Deep Sea they see species of animals that grown massively in size compared to their shallow water relatives - if people go to the mountains they find very large skulls that look extra-ordinary compared to the average person- with these environments encouraging metabolic health I am willing to believe just about anything is possible in the presence of a healthy metabolism especially long-term and over generations


Jul 31, 2019
At a decent level of metabolism, moles will disappear and dentin will regenerate.

You can't regrow any significant amounts of dentin, even with an optimal metabolism, since dentin is not part of the living tissue affected by metabolic processes.


Dec 14, 2013
This has been discussed on the forum before: The Human Organism Is An "electrome" And Diseases Can Be Cured By Controlling Electron Flow

Look up the work of Michael Levin, he's recently been talking about humans regrowing limbs. They use progesterone inside a container that is sealed around the end of a amputated limb.



Jan 6, 2019
I am willing to believe that maybe the size that someone reaches AKA their "Genetics" is maybe generations of metabolic health being passed down through the lineage combined with their own diet.
This is close to the Lamarckian way of conceptualizing evolution, and I have to say I'm fond of it too as it's less fatalistic, leaving more power to the individual specimen in regards to the evolution of their species. Instead of being subjected to the whims of seemingly random mutations you're actively partaking in shaping the future generations.

You can't regrow any significant amounts of dentin, even with an optimal metabolism, since dentin is not part of the living tissue affected by metabolic processes.
Dentin is living tissue -- you might be confusing it with enamel. I've experienced some dentin regrowth myself as confirmed by a dentist. Others have noted how black spots on their teeth disappeared after a profound change in their state of health.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
In short: nothing apart from your own state of metabolism. At any given moment your metabolism is limited to working within a specific set of processes. This determines your true state of health. Examples: at a poor level of metabolism, not even wounds heal. At a decent level of metabolism, moles will disappear and dentin will regenerate. At even higher levels of metabolism, profound anti-aging processes will activate. Re-growing lost limbs can only happen when there are no lower level processes that are requiring energy. For most people all this energy is required for mere maintenance and recovery from daily wear & tear.

CO2/oxygenation is the answer as far as regenerative metabolism goes (well, oxygenation, hydration and cellular voltage are all part of the same essence). In Indian tradition there are anecdotes of people re-growing lost hands or feet with dedicated pranayama practice, which supercharges the metabolism even beyond the youthful metabolism of young children.
how does pranayama boost the metabolism, is it because you retain more co2? since it supercharges metabolism it should be able to heal every disease?


Jul 31, 2019
This is close to the Lamarckian way of conceptualizing evolution, and I have to say I'm fond of it too as it's less fatalistic, leaving more power to the individual specimen in regards to the evolution of their species. Instead of being subjected to the whims of seemingly random mutations you're actively partaking in shaping the future generations.

Dentin is living tissue -- you might be confusing it with enamel. I've experienced some dentin regrowth myself as confirmed by a dentist. Others have noted how black spots on their teeth disappeared after a profound change in their state of health.

Yeah, I confused it with enamel. I had two very large black spots on one of my wisdom teeth, a few years ago. They disappeared completely when I eliminated any wheat from my diet, started taking an extra 1000mg of calcium from eggshells, 2000 I.U. of vitamin D, and rinsed my mouth with coconut oil, three times a day.
Ray said in one of his interviews with Danny that it is basically impossible to fill a cavity because the capacity to regnerate dentin is very limited.
Feb 7, 2020
@JamesGatz would highly recommend the following:


Oct 7, 2020
Ray has described (KMUD?) how young children CAN grow back severed finger tips. Finger must be covered with a metal tube. I think he said this allows for CO2 to build up. Children's bodies are still generally working optimally, so that may explain it.
Is it even possible nowadays to maintain child-like health-giving such feats? Why do animals seem to maintain many advanced functions even after childhood whereas humans seem to start degrading fast after hitting puberty?


Jan 1, 2020
ray talks about morphogenic field theory a lot, and it basically asserts (and i probably dont understand it completely or perfectly) that we are a psychic or magnetic field that our physical beingness alligns to. this alligns with emf readings of the human body and of specific organs, traditional cultures understanding of the human body, scientific discovery of thinking about lifting weights increasing MPS, and the tips of fingers growing back. i wonder if having a sense of abundant energy, a lack of fear, and a stimulating exciting life would increase the potential of limb regrowth and body recomposition. i think wed all agree that when a stressful stimuli disappears, things like weight loss are easy to understand.
I think he means the field as more of the immediate cellular surrounding. Cells all have various electrical charges, for instance.


Jan 11, 2019
I think he means the field as more of the immediate cellular surrounding. Cells all have various electrical charges, for instance.
you might be right, but i read about it and frankly i dont see the difference between the field given off by a single cell and the collective field given off by a collection of cells. heres a quote “The term [morphic field] is more general in its meaning than morphogenetic fields, and includes other kinds of organizing fields in addition to those of morphogenesis; the organizing fields of animal and human behaviour, of social and cultural systems, and of mental activity can all be regarded as morphic fields which contain an inherent memory.” - Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past (Chapter 6, page 112).
So if morphogenetic field theory is a subset of morphic field theory that only includes organic material, but its parallel to things like social systems, i think its more complex than /only/ cellular charges. Maybe im wrong though, ive gotta learn more.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Last edited:


Jan 6, 2019
how does pranayama boost the metabolism, is it because you retain more co2? since it supercharges metabolism it should be able to heal every disease?
Yes. All your cells become more oxygenated. Most diseases are either directly or indirectly based on cellular hypoxia.
Yeah, I confused it with enamel. I had two very large black spots on one of my wisdom teeth, a few years ago. They disappeared completely when I eliminated any wheat from my diet, started taking an extra 1000mg of calcium from eggshells, 2000 I.U. of vitamin D, and rinsed my mouth with coconut oil, three times a day.
Ray said in one of his interviews with Danny that it is basically impossible to fill a cavity because the capacity to regnerate dentin is very limited.
Coconut oil might be doing some magical things. I was oil pulling with it twice a day when my dentin was confirmed to have regenerated.


Feb 13, 2021
This verges into the metaphysical, but many sages/monks/saints/spiritualists of the past have described feeling like they're much bigger/more expansive than their physical bodies.

Some of these people could reportedly change the moods of those in close proximity to them. Spontaneous healings and miracles were also said to occur.

I've often wondered if this stuff is partially caused by the electrical fields they threw off. Were their fields actually much larger than normal?

If you could increase the intensity and reach of your electrical field, that would probably be good for anything near your extremities...

...whether limbs or hair or whatever.


Apr 15, 2015
if you read Autobiography of a Yogi you’ll read about instances of limb regeneration and Paramahansa Yogananda actually taught methods to accomplish that..


Jan 6, 2019
This verges into the metaphysical, but many sages/monks/saints/spiritualists of the past have described feeling like they're much bigger/more expansive than their physical bodies.

Some of these people could reportedly change the moods of those in close proximity to them. Spontaneous healings and miracles were also said to occur.

I've often wondered if this stuff is partially caused by the electrical fields they threw off. Were their fields actually much larger than normal?

If you could increase the intensity and reach of your electrical field, that would probably be good for anything near your extremities...

...whether limbs or hair or whatever.
I've read about those things too, it's fascinating stuff. Even just the gaze of a spiritually advanced person is said to be able to induce spontaneous self-realization or enlightenment-like states in others. Conversely, folk legends know a phenomenon called 'the evil eye', a stare that is able to bring forth illness and bad fortune. Clearly with great power comes great responsibility.

Our electromagnetic field should be what is in certain circles referred to as aura. Allegedly some qi-gong masters project their aura to dozens of meters away. Being around these kind of people is said to be very intense. People who naturally take control of any social space with their presence probably have huge auras too. Minimizing stress, maximizing co2 tolerance and practicing abstinence seem to be the most powerful ways to improve your electrical field. Respectively they lead to increased cellular hydration, cellular oxygenation and cellular voltage, all of which feedback on each other in order to electrically charge your body, resulting in the aforementioned electric field.

It is known that cancer can be cured with electric current, cancerous cells have positive millivoltage whereas healthy cells have negative millivoltage (or something like that, I'm ashamedly uneducated in physics), and feeding the voltage from the healthy cells to the tumor reverses it. So those healing abilities may be explained by the electrical fields of the healers as you suggest. I think reiki practitioners for example learn to electrically charge their hands, which when then brought to close proximity to an injury would significantly enhance recovery. Perhaps they are even able to discharge their electrical charge onto to patient's body?


Feb 8, 2017
@JamesGatz . In terms of optimal clothing... Have you considered linen? Here's a good article...

Flax fabric is an excellent filter protecting against chemical exposure, noise and dust. – Linen clothing reduces solar gamma radiation by almost half thereby protecting humans wearing linen. -Flax fiber retrieved from contaminated soil appears to be totally resistant to harmful radiation. – Linen underwear heightens positive emotions as well as possessing rare bacteriological properties. Resistant to fungus and bacteria, flax is found to be an effective barrier to some diseases. According to Japanese researchers, studies have shown that bed-ridden patients do not develop bedsores where linen bed sheets are used. Wearing linen clothes helps to decrease some skin diseases – from common rash to chronic eczemas. -Linen is highly “œhydroscopic” meaning it rapidly absorbs and gives up moisture. Adsorbing water as quickly as a pond surface, before giving a feeling of being wet, linen cloth can absorb as much as 20% of its dry weight. This explains why linen cloth always feels fresh and cool.
Linen does not cause allergic reactions and is helpful in treating a number of allergic disorders. Linen is effective in dealing with inflammatory conditions, reducing fever, and providing a healthy air exchange. Some neurological ailments benefit from the use of linen clothing.

Linen cloth does not accumulate static electricity – even a small addition of flax fibers (up to 10%) to a cloth is enough to eliminate the static electricity effect.
Linen possesses high air permeability and heat – Heat conductivity of Linen is five tmes as high as wool and 19 tmes as that of silk . In hot weather those dressed in Linen clhothing are found to show the skin temperature 3’°-4’°C below that of their silk or cotton-wearing friends. According to some studies, a person wearing linen clothes perspires 1.5 times less than when dressed in cotton clothes and twice less than when dressed in viscose clothes. Meanwhile in cold weather linen is an ideal warmth-keeper.

Silica present in the flax fiber protects linen against rotting – the preserved mummies of Egyptian Pharaohs were wrapped in the finest linen cloth.Linen rejects dirt and does not get a furry texture; linen and linen-containing articles are easily laundered in hot water, may be boiled and dried in the sun, besides they may be hot-ironed thereby ensuring maximum sterilization; Linen provides a sensation of gentle, natural relief. Linen’s smooth surface and matte luster appears beautiful and feels pleasant to the touch. The more linen is washed, the softer and smoother it becomes.


Jun 22, 2021
@JamesGatz . In terms of optimal clothing... Have you considered linen? Here's a good article...

Flax fabric is an excellent filter protecting against chemical exposure, noise and dust. – Linen clothing reduces solar gamma radiation by almost half thereby protecting humans wearing linen. -Flax fiber retrieved from contaminated soil appears to be totally resistant to harmful radiation. – Linen underwear heightens positive emotions as well as possessing rare bacteriological properties. Resistant to fungus and bacteria, flax is found to be an effective barrier to some diseases. According to Japanese researchers, studies have shown that bed-ridden patients do not develop bedsores where linen bed sheets are used. Wearing linen clothes helps to decrease some skin diseases – from common rash to chronic eczemas. -Linen is highly “œhydroscopic” meaning it rapidly absorbs and gives up moisture. Adsorbing water as quickly as a pond surface, before giving a feeling of being wet, linen cloth can absorb as much as 20% of its dry weight. This explains why linen cloth always feels fresh and cool.
Linen does not cause allergic reactions and is helpful in treating a number of allergic disorders. Linen is effective in dealing with inflammatory conditions, reducing fever, and providing a healthy air exchange. Some neurological ailments benefit from the use of linen clothing.

Linen cloth does not accumulate static electricity – even a small addition of flax fibers (up to 10%) to a cloth is enough to eliminate the static electricity effect.
Linen possesses high air permeability and heat – Heat conductivity of Linen is five tmes as high as wool and 19 tmes as that of silk . In hot weather those dressed in Linen clhothing are found to show the skin temperature 3’°-4’°C below that of their silk or cotton-wearing friends. According to some studies, a person wearing linen clothes perspires 1.5 times less than when dressed in cotton clothes and twice less than when dressed in viscose clothes. Meanwhile in cold weather linen is an ideal warmth-keeper.

Silica present in the flax fiber protects linen against rotting – the preserved mummies of Egyptian Pharaohs were wrapped in the finest linen cloth.Linen rejects dirt and does not get a furry texture; linen and linen-containing articles are easily laundered in hot water, may be boiled and dried in the sun, besides they may be hot-ironed thereby ensuring maximum sterilization; Linen provides a sensation of gentle, natural relief. Linen’s smooth surface and matte luster appears beautiful and feels pleasant to the touch. The more linen is washed, the softer and smoother it becomes.
I have not very interesting effect - I am not sure if I have clothes in linen to experiment - more recently everything in my closet is 100% cotton i find it hard to tolerate polyester or these nylons - it's a very clear estradiol increase when I touch these materials - especially when i see people wear the down jackets in the winter that whole shell looks polyester to me - i think i do have linen materials i could test out in my house im definitely going to test this out this week
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