What Regimen Would One Adopt To Save This Baby's Life?


Apr 27, 2015
Pretty sad story. Here's the link:

18 month old Richie Bonillas needs your prayers


"First a little history .... The last week of November, Richie received several vaccines which included the flu vaccine.

On December 2nd, he was hospitalized with paralysis of his arms and legs. He was put on a respirator and the outlook was bleak."

"The doctors are in agreement that Richie will never progress more than where he is right now. Probably not coming off the ventilator and the physical therapists are saying he has very little voluntary muscle movement. We believe in God’s power. We believe the power of God is above all else."


Okay, "the doctors being in agreement" doesn't mean much. We in this forum know that countless people who died or had to have limbs amputated due to "irreversible genetic issues" would probably have been spared their fate if they simply had stopped consuming massive quantities of PUFAs.

So... if this were your baby. How would you try to kick his nervous system back into life? What kind of supplement do you guys think would help dispel the effect of (probably) the vaccine excipients that were inserted into his bloodstream?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
So... if this were your baby. How would you try to kick his nervous system back into life?
Fruits, berries and melons, certain veggies. Very specific herbs. Light, inclined bed therapy, grounding.
Last edited:


Feb 13, 2016
Gradually work the baby up to very high levels of CO2 exposure to increase circulation, pump out toxins, and induce regeneration and ATP production because CO2 is something that works for literally everything.

No clue as to any specific treatments... maybe mild blood letting??


Oct 2, 2018
Probably needs some kind of chelation to remove some of the aluminum he received in the vaccines.


Jan 25, 2014
So... if this were your baby. How would you try to kick his nervous system back into life? What kind of supplement do you guys think would help dispel the effect of (probably) the vaccine excipients that were inserted into his bloodstream?

As per Helen Saul Case's testimonial on Orthomolecular.org, high dose Vitamin C. Probably starting with IV Sodium Ascorbate- Vaccinations, Vitamin C, and "Choice"


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Pretty sad story. Here's the link:

18 month old Richie Bonillas needs your prayers


"First a little history .... The last week of November, Richie received several vaccines which included the flu vaccine.

On December 2nd, he was hospitalized with paralysis of his arms and legs. He was put on a respirator and the outlook was bleak."

"The doctors are in agreement that Richie will never progress more than where he is right now. Probably not coming off the ventilator and the physical therapists are saying he has very little voluntary muscle movement. We believe in God’s power. We believe the power of God is above all else."


Okay, "the doctors being in agreement" doesn't mean much. We in this forum know that countless people who died or had to have limbs amputated due to "irreversible genetic issues" would probably have been spared their fate if they simply had stopped consuming massive quantities of PUFAs.

So... if this were your baby. How would you try to kick his nervous system back into life? What kind of supplement do you guys think would help dispel the effect of (probably) the vaccine excipients that were inserted into his bloodstream?

The nerve damage may be reversed by progesterone and niacinamide. Both are know as possibly the most potent neuroprotective agents in clinical use today. Sadly, most doctors do not even know of those properties as the clinical trials with them are always for very specific conditions and named diseases. So, if niacinamide say reverses Alzheimer or progesterone treats traumatic brain injury (TBI), doctors would not consider using those for something like paralysis, as the condition is "specific". There are animal trials with niacinamide/progesterone for paralysis too but most doctors will not risk using even OTC chemicals like niacinamide/progesterone unless there is human data for the "specific" condition in question.
Inosine, pregnenolone, thyroid, methylene blue, etc also have solid evidence behind them for nervous system issues and inosine is currently in clinical trials for treating stroke damage and even its associated paralysis. Again, not sure how willing a doctor would be to use any of these considering they can get sued by the parents for using unapproved therapies, or get their license revoked by the state board.
So, in summary, the options are many but most doctors will fight tooth and nail against trying anything (especially on a critically ill patient) that is not approved by the FDA.


Jan 23, 2016
Again, not sure how willing a doctor would be to use any of these considering they can get sued by the parents for using unapproved therapies, or get their license revoked by the state board.
So, in summary, the options are many but most doctors will fight tooth and nail against trying anything (especially on a critically ill patient) that is not approved by the FDA.

The other tragic thing is I believe the medical system and the providers receive a higher reimbursement for critically ill patients that remain in the hospital; even if it means their eventual demise inside.


Jan 25, 2014
So, in summary, the options are many but most doctors will fight tooth and nail against trying anything (especially on a critically ill patient) that is not approved by the FDA.

If anyone is actually in this situation, Dr. Levy offers some good advice on how to use the law and the threat of lawsuit to help a critically ill patient use a remarkably safe, cheap, and proven effective treatment, like the one's haidut discussed-



Jun 19, 2016
The nerve damage may be reversed by progesterone and niacinamide. Both are know as possibly the most potent neuroprotective agents in clinical use today. Sadly, most doctors do not even know of those properties as the clinical trials with them are always for very specific conditions and named diseases. So, if niacinamide say reverses Alzheimer or progesterone treats traumatic brain injury (TBI), doctors would not consider using those for something like paralysis, as the condition is "specific". There are animal trials with niacinamide/progesterone for paralysis too but most doctors will not risk using even OTC chemicals like niacinamide/progesterone unless there is human data for the "specific" condition in question.
Inosine, pregnenolone, thyroid, methylene blue, etc also have solid evidence behind them for nervous system issues and inosine is currently in clinical trials for treating stroke damage and even its associated paralysis. Again, not sure how willing a doctor would be to use any of these considering they can get sued by the parents for using unapproved therapies, or get their license revoked by the state board.
So, in summary, the options are many but most doctors will fight tooth and nail against trying anything (especially on a critically ill patient) that is not approved by the FDA.
Everytime you refer to progesterone, is it the same as taking pregnenolone, as it converts mostly to progesterone? I dont know how much 100g of preg actually converts to prog but im hoping it's a good amount.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Everytime you refer to progesterone, is it the same as taking pregnenolone, as it converts mostly to progesterone? I dont know how much 100g of preg actually converts to prog but im hoping it's a good amount.

It is not the same. Some of pregnenolone converts into progesterone and the higher the amount of pregnenolone taken the more it favor the progesterone route. Nobody knows exactly how much converts into each downstream steroid as that would require locking people in a metabolic ward and doing all kinds of invasive studies. Even then it would not be very reliable as it varies so much across people as it depends on their hormonal balance, age, health, etc.
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