

Dec 8, 2016
Anyone ever uncover whats beyond the veil's?
Interesting question.

I have no idea.

Here’s the thing:
Even if they explained it “publicly” - it wouldn’t even mean that it’s true.

They are all about secrets and symbols and codes.

They would have a superficial definition- but would only be a 1/2 truth if that.

They say 80-90% of masons don’t understand what is really behind the largest fraternity/secret order.


Feb 18, 2016
Interesting question.

I have no idea.

Here’s the thing:
Even if they explained it “publicly” - it wouldn’t even mean that it’s true.

They are all about secrets and symbols and codes.

They would have a superficial definition- but would only be a 1/2 truth if that.

They say 80-90% of masons don’t understand what is really behind the largest fraternity/secret order. View attachment 39599
My guess in power and control, thats all we really need to know when you think about it.


Dec 8, 2016


Jul 13, 2014
So some people believe that Zionism rules the world.
Certainly, fascists control the world. Certainly eugenicists imperialists control the world. Certainly, Trump is a Zionist, an imperialist, which is benefited by and supports the likes of the Rothschild. He is part of the agenda that aims to control and rule peoples live, make them serves and slaves. He is an elected terrorist, that killed thousands of innocent people.

A little talked about topic on here, a different branch of Zionism:

Whitney Webb
(@_whitneywebb) Tweeted:
Here I detail how Christian Zionists and the American elite were trying to use Jews as pawns of prophecy well before Herzl and are still doing so today, esp under Trump
The Untold Story of Christian Zionism's Rise to Power in the United States
View: https://twitter.com/_whitneywebb/status/1149725639190167552?s=20

Red Kahina (@RedKahina) Tweeted:
@MoonofA @cordeliers but yes 20th c Zionism and Nazism were born as ideology in same city in same year, brainchildren of men if same class who were both German identified but positioned as slightly foreign (Austrian, Jewish), but agreed German Is Best

View: https://twitter.com/RedKahina/status/807680793518739456?s=20

Bruce Baird (@drbairdonline) Tweeted:
Zionist Group Awards Trump its Highest Honor: 'No President Has Done More' to Promote Zionism Zionist Group Awards Trump its Highest Honor: 'No President Has Done More' to Promote Zionism https://t.co/GAYBXMuF3C
View: https://twitter.com/drbairdonline/status/941909172291022848?s=20

@yerrag @Regina @Drareg @LeeLemonoil

Daniel Estulin (@EstulinDaniel) Tweeted:
Parte d guerra entre intereses d Rockefeller y Rothschild. Rothschilds van ganando 4:0. Crimea, refugiados, Brexit y Trump
(Part of the war between Rockefeller and Rothschild interests. Rothschilds are winning 4:0. Crimea, refugees, Brexit and Trump)
View: https://twitter.com/EstulinDaniel/status/873231869575389184?s=20

Zionism is and was used to endorse imperialism. Zionism is and was a segregationist movement. Trump supports all that, as Hitler also would.
Zionism is a supremacist movement, why would Trump aids it?
Rothschild is a eugenicist elite, why they would assist him?
Why would Trump aid the eugenicists by endorsing and approving them, giving positions of power to them and giving billions throught operations like Warpspeed?

Trump endorses the cream of the cream of the elite, the Rothschild.

View: https://twitter.com/DefundIsraelNow/status/1785172425833083027?t=YRi8emT8PM7OYOyO4LgRPw&s=19
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