How to measure and protect from EMF?


Jun 19, 2016
I live in a flat. I’m pretty sure my neighbor has a wifi strengthener. I can’t really afford to move anywhere else unless I move back in with my parents.

What I want to do is measure where in my room the EMF is the lowest, so I can position my bed there. However I heard there are many different ways to measure EMF. How do you go about this?

Second, how do you protect yourself against EMF when you can’t turn off the source? Is it feasible to build some sort of faraday cage?


Feb 7, 2017
Living in any kind of building with that kind of proximity to other homes and wifi signals, you're best bet is to get your health robustly healthy. If you can sleep in a faraday tent at night for sleep, that might be enough to mitigate the rest of the day that you might be exposed to the EMF.

You can turn off all your stuff, but the neighbor's signal(s) will still come through your place.

If you don't sleep well in general, anything that will facilitate that internally and environmentally (blacked out room, no electronics nearby and the faraday tent of course :)


Jun 19, 2016
Living in any kind of building with that kind of proximity to other homes and wifi signals, you're best bet is to get your health robustly healthy. If you can sleep in a faraday tent at night for sleep, that might be enough to mitigate the rest of the day that you might be exposed to the EMF.

You can turn off all your stuff, but the neighbor's signal(s) will still come through your place.

If you don't sleep well in general, anything that will facilitate that internally and environmentally (blacked out room, no electronics nearby and the faraday tent of course :)
Thanks. You reckon a faraday tent would be good? I’m not really at home aside from sleeping anyway.


Mar 11, 2021
I've heard that grounding will have a significant protective effect against emf. Ray has also asserted this in the 'anti-stress home' episode with Danny Roddy, it might be worth listening to for other ideas as well. You can buy grounding bed sheets or you could make your own.


Feb 7, 2017
Thanks. You reckon a faraday tent would be good? I’m not really at home aside from sleeping anyway.
There you go. I know of people who've used them. Just make sure, the one you potentially use, isn't a sham.

If I had a reference to a good one, I'd share it.

Our plan, in our new house, is to do all the mitigation strategies (i.e- turn off wifi at night, make our own version of a faraday room with certain window covers, RU95 paint, etc.)

Good luck!

Judd Crane

Feb 7, 2017
What I want to do is measure where in my room the EMF is the lowest, so I can position my bed there. However I heard there are many different ways to measure EMF. How do you go about this?

Second, how do you protect yourself against EMF when you can’t turn off the source? Is it feasible to build some sort of faraday cage?
A radiofrequency meter is what you want.

You can also buy insulating paint to paint the walls with, or just cover with tinfoil.


Apr 28, 2018
There you go. I know of people who've used them. Just make sure, the one you potentially use, isn't a sham.

If I had a reference to a good one, I'd share it.

Our plan, in our new house, is to do all the mitigation strategies (i.e- turn off wifi at night, make our own version of a faraday room with certain window covers, RU95 paint, etc.)

Good luck!
Good advice. I had a great change of physiological (maybe mental too?) By being as thoughtful on my interior. No offgassing synth flooring, only wool carpeting/carpets, no presswood frame furniture, no synth fabric pillows curtains upholstery, especially paid attention to no glue.
Breathe deep and be well!


Apr 28, 2018
Ok. I have been charting a good dose of thiamine from a vendor cited as reliable on this forum. As yet, 6weeks, there is no marked improvement. Where to get reliable TTFD?


May 8, 2017
I don't know if it actually works but supposedly scalar energy/frequency protects against EMF. The below device is pricey and there is more information on how it works on the website.



Some good info here



Dec 11, 2020


Apr 28, 2018
Purchase EMR Protection Technology | EMF Modulator - airestech

When i asked dr. peat about portable protection he said its BS. yet people swear by these things. really need something- 5 G towers everywhere and i am emf sensitive. What do you guys think?
We just had a public Borough meeting where reps of 3 wildlife groups gave testimony. Their basic function is to organize birdwatchers and enthusiasts to participate in the "counting" of the millions of shorebirds that migrate to Alaska as well as innerstate species. They reported that since the towers went up in 2020 during "covid" that the numbers (of all species combined) were multiple incidents of dead and disfigured. And the the current reports ofcall members at their feeders for 8 winter species was next to zero.
Thats what I see. I have been feeding and observing those 8 species since 1989. I have two chicadees and 2 jays that come every day, no more flocks, no more family groups, no more of the single species. Only a scavenger or two in 6months.
The grumbling from the back of the room was " cut weld one leg in a masked vehicle and let it fall"
Last edited:


Mar 26, 2014
We just had a public Borough meeting where reps of 3 wildlife groups gave testimony. Their basic function is to organize birdwatchers and enthusiasts to participate in the "counting" of the millions of shorebirds that migrate to Alaska as well as innerstate species. They reported that since the towers went up in 2020 during "covid" that the numbers (of all species combined) were multiple incidents of dead and disfigured. And the the current reports ofcall members at their feeders for 8 winter species was next to zero.
Thats what I see. I have been feeding and observing those 8 species since 1989. I have two chicadees and 2 jays that come every day, no more flocks, no more family groups, no more of the single species. Only a scavenger or two in 6months.
The grumbling from the back of the room was " cut weld one leg in a masked vehicle and let it fall"

Purchase EMR Protection Technology | EMF Modulator - airestech

When i asked dr. peat about portable protection he said its BS. yet people swear by these things. really need something- 5 G towers everywhere and i am emf sensitive. What do you guys think?

Don't forget the Earth's "magnetic shield" is dropping, at an increasing rate as we progress through a 6,000 year solar cycle. (Even since 1989). Hence the auroras appearing at ever lower latitudes.

Not that I like 5G etc, but:

-Life is adapted to receiving/being bombarded by all sorts of energy from outer space (Cosmic rays, for example)
-Life is cyclical by nature, so there may be natural factors to these population events

I saw something about thiamine helping deal with EMF/thiamine deficiency causing EMF sensitivity. There was that thread here about thiamine being deficient in the oceans for some reason.

Again this isn't to justify 5G just to provide some reassurance(?).


Apr 19, 2020
Purchase EMR Protection Technology | EMF Modulator - airestech

When i asked dr. peat about portable protection he said its BS. yet people swear by these things. really need something- 5 G towers everywhere and i am emf sensitive. What do you guys think?
I know people who wear a similar pendant, and .... even though they live quite rural, no 5G where they are, they still feel bombarded. My old iphone 6 gets 0 reception there, soo... I think it is in his mind. Anyhow, I have known people to wear pendants for EMF protection since the mid 1980's, and.... ? I still myself haven't seen any proof. I am sensitive myself to BS, so at $100 or $555 it is a scam in my mind. As folks said in various threads and above, faraday cage. Or just stay away. I mostly stay away, and choose to live 'farther away' from towns and cities most of the time, and if I need in the future to go completely rural/cave situation, to be free of excessive EMF (manmade I should add), I, or should I say we, my wife also, will be happy to live that way.

I have been on a variety of 'machines' for healing, from a 'chakra machine' in 1985 to recently a state of the art machine setup ($250,000 !!!) with 24 video screens and bombarding a central area to produce scalar waves, etc., and yes I felt something, but no, not for me. I have been most impressed in recent years with powerful PEMF machines, based on the Schumann frequencies, but 5 years ago it was 40k$ USD. I would say go more rural, or deal with the consequences. I also bought a little Schumann frequency generator for 20$ to try it a year + ago, mainly for sleeping, and I don't notice anything, but my wife uses it on her side of the bed, and she notices better deeper sleep. It is a very weak generator for 20$. (But when I plugged it in and listened to music with and without, and so did my wife, we noticed we heard a change in the music! ... this was also an expensive type hi fi add on a few years ago, kinda a fad, but... I felt it changed "me" and how I heard music, and my better half had the same experience. - It wasn't better with the machine, but it definitely changed the experience of hearing music .... ).

Sophia Institute in Seattle area under the direction of Dr. Klinghardt has worked with folks and been successful in treating cancer etc, by mitigating EMF signals from smart meter installations, etc.. . Usually the silver fabric and faraday type protections in the room were the exterior treatment. Other treatments for internal. (He has gone far into 'other' regions of medicine now, but he was cutting edge 30 years ago, and probably still is.).

OH - I did check your website out.... and below from that:

An attenuator within the microprocessor diffracts the EMF and its energy level by creating a holographic canceling coherent electromagnetic wave which essentially reverses/cancels the original chaotic energy wave emitted by the source of EMF.

The microprocessor is comprised of 1.2 million circular resonators etched on a surface of a Silicon Wafer using a state of art Lithography equipment. It creates a microscopic Nano Fractal Diffraction Matrix that initiates direct and inverse Fourier transform in its interaction with electromagnetic radiation.

Seems a similar Tech to the noise cancelling headphones. I do not know if I would take a punt on this 'microchip', but if you try something, let us know! Hope this all helps.


Jan 23, 2017
A very inexpensive solution is to get Shungite rock, which absorbs EMF waves. You can get it in different shapes and forms, such as jewelry to wear, or a small squares of it to attach to smart phones and wifi arrays, all of which is what I do. Amazon has vendors to buy it from. Also books about it. This blog has articles about (there are Youtube videos on it too): Blog - Oraphim Shungite

Some citations:

- "Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Shungite against Ultraviolet B Irradiation-Induced Skin Damage" from PMC - NCBI discusses the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of shungite against skin damage caused by ultraviolet B irradiation[1].
[1] Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Shungite against Ultraviolet B Irradiation-Induced Skin Damage in Hairless Mice
- "Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system" from PMC - NCBI explores the effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system[2].
[2] Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system
- "Shungite" from Ministry of Tomorrow discusses the EMF protection capabilities of shungite, stating that tests have confirmed its ability to absorb EMF radiation and neutralize dangerous frequencies[3].
[3] Shungite
- "Are There Health Benefits of Shungite Stones?" from WebMD mentions that some animal studies show shungite lowers inflammation in mice radiated with UV-B rays and that shungite stones can protect against electromagnetic frequency, although there isn't clear evidence to support these claims[4].
[4] Are There Health Benefits of Shungite Stones?
- "Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of lightweight and flexible ultrathin shungite plates" from ScienceDirect discusses the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of lightweight and flexible ultrathin shungite plates[5].
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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