Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

Wow Athrunzala there was so much in this article I can relate to….

“Iatrogenesis” is a term everyone should get to know. It is an illness caused by medical treatment. Oxford Languages describe it as “relating to illness caused by medical examination or treatment.” Wikipedia helpfully adds that it is “the causation of a disease, a harmful complication, or other ill effect by any medical activity, including diagnosis, intervention, error, or negligence” and may include “mental suffering via medical beliefs or a practitioner’s statements.”

Iatrogenesis is something usually not discussed in medical circles, perhaps understandably so considering it is the fifth leading cause of death globally (see “Iatrogenesis: A review on nature, extent, and distribution of healthcare hazards,” Rafia Farooq Peer and Nadeem Shabir, 2018, Iatrogenesis: A review on nature, extent, and distribution of healthcare hazards). A 2013 Global Burden of Disease research piece pegged it at 20 million negative effects arising from medical treatment. In the US alone, a 2016 study “calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error” (“Study Suggests Medical Errors Now Third Leading Cause of Death in the US,” John Hopkins, 2016,“
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“This opportunistic pathogen is the leading identified cause of hospital diarrhea associated with antibiotic therapy worldwide and is considered an urgent public health threat by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States. In fact, in 2020, 113,451 C. difficile infections were reported in the US among hospitalized patients, including community-onset and hospital-onset infections. More worrisome, C. difficile infection has increased in severity, supported by CDC data showing that 1 out of every 11 patients aged 65 or older with a healthcare-associated C. difficile infection die within 1 month of diagnosis.“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
My dad is in the hospital battling C.diff now….

“Drug-resistant infections are on the rise, driven by antibiotic overuse and leaks into the environment in antibiotics production.

Public health researchers put the combined number of people dying per year from antibiotic-resistant infections in the United States and the European Union at close to 70,000.”



Jun 26, 2022
I have been reading about Clostridium Difficile because my husband has been diagnosed with it today. It is a "super bug" bacterial infection with a high mortality rate. The doctor said he got it from his last hospital visit for a spinal compression fracture. This is some scary stuff, but it is also suggested that it is under reported in Covid patients deaths. This is such a shocker to me in more ways than one!

"The dearth of studies regarding secondary infections, such as Clostridioides difficile, in COVID-19 patients makes it difficult to measure the effect of the pandemic on antimicrobial stewardship programs and on long term antimicrobial resistance. While increased awareness regarding personal hygiene and extensive use of protective equipment may lead to reductions of healthcare associated infections, the challenge of strictly isolating and managing COVID-19 patients in many healthcare systems, often in proximity to patients colonized with C. difficile, and the inevitable higher workload imposed on healthcare staff could lead to additional hospital transmissions. The increased use of antibiotics to treat COVID-19 may, inadvertently, have resulted in an under-reporting of C. difficile infection. Actually, Spigaglia (2020) has published an article expressing her opinion about the COVID-19 and the impact in elderly patients, who will probably become more susceptible to CDI. The author also demonstrates her concern about the low number of bacterial infections cases related to patients with Sars-Cov-2. To ensure appropriate treatment and to improve patient outcome, increased vigilance and improved diagnosis are both necessary. Given that future emerging viral diseases are highly likely, we would urge increased awareness of the issue and call for informed debate around how to implement effective measures to meet these challenges.

In conclusion, it seems highly likely that cases of CDI are being under-reported among COVID-19 patients and the increased use of antibiotics may, in part, be responsible."

"The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we practice medicine and lead our lives. In addition to pulmonary symptoms; COVID-19 as a syndrome has multisystemic involvement including frequent gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea. Due to microbiome alterations with COVID-19 and frequent antibiotic exposure, COVID-19 can be complicated by Clostridioides difficile infection. Co-infection with these two can be associated with a high risk of complications."

"Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) has emerged as a major health care–associated infection; incidence, hospitalizations, and mortality rates are increasing (1,2). Reported case-fatality rates are 6%–30% and seem to be rising."

I'm sorry about your husband.. and pray for a good recovery. I believe someone mentioned the fecal transplant as a very effective treatment for C Diff ; and in the U.S. the only thing it is approved for. If you are near a major medical center, you could check into it. Hopefully he won't need it. They do it in a pill now, so it isn't as awful as it sounds :) .

I don't think C Diff is responsible for most of the deaths attributed to "Covid". I don't think any one thing is, as just about anything is called Covid these days, and with the invalid PCR and other spin off tests, who knows who actually has or had a coronavirus infection. C diff has always been around, I'm not sure the incidence is any higher now.

Although.. the fact that all these supposed "prevention measure" are no doubt causing a great INCREASE in spread of infections, I suspect lots of nosocomial (hospital acquired) infections to be on the rise. Normally, one would don a mask and gloves and new gown going into the room of a patient in isolation AND before exiting the room - those things were all removed and disposed before leaving the room. Now, I cringe at the site of medical personnel, let alone the public wearing the same mask for a shift, going from room to room.. touching it, adjusting it, touching a patient in room A.. pulling the mask down to breathe a bit.. in between going to see patient B.

In my never to be humble opinion, the main thing that is killing people said to have died of "covid" are the experimental injections with the toxic protein that is supposed to be the pathogenic portion of the virus, along with other toxins; as well as all of the ridiculous measures taken to support "prevent the spread of deadly virus'. The medical community will continue to look for other scapegoats.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I'm sorry about your husband.. and pray for a good recovery. I believe someone mentioned the fecal transplant as a very effective treatment for C Diff ; and in the U.S. the only thing it is approved for. If you are near a major medical center, you could check into it. Hopefully he won't need it. They do it in a pill now, so it isn't as awful as it sounds :) .

I don't think C Diff is responsible for most of the deaths attributed to "Covid". I don't think any one thing is, as just about anything is called Covid these days, and with the invalid PCR and other spin off tests, who knows who actually has or had a coronavirus infection. C diff has always been around, I'm not sure the incidence is any higher now.

Although.. the fact that all these supposed "prevention measure" are no doubt causing a great INCREASE in spread of infections, I suspect lots of nosocomial (hospital acquired) infections to be on the rise. Normally, one would don a mask and gloves and new gown going into the room of a patient in isolation AND before exiting the room - those things were all removed and disposed before leaving the room. Now, I cringe at the site of medical personnel, let alone the public wearing the same mask for a shift, going from room to room.. touching it, adjusting it, touching a patient in room A.. pulling the mask down to breathe a bit.. in between going to see patient B.

In my never to be humble opinion, the main thing that is killing people said to have died of "covid" are the experimental injections with the toxic protein that is supposed to be the pathogenic portion of the virus, along with other toxins; as well as all of the ridiculous measures taken to support "prevent the spread of deadly virus'. The medical community will continue to look for other scapegoats.
Unfortunately my husband couldn’t beat the C.diff and died in January, at 53. It is a horrific thing to get. My dad finally got his first jab in January, had two fall out of bed dizzy spells and now has “drop foot”, which I never heard of in my life. He went home and now he is back in with C.diff and a blood clot in his lungs. Everyone around me is deteriorating, and BINGO, that is what is really killing people the nefarious stuff they keep keep injecting into people and stuff up their noses. A vaxxed family member of mine went on a camping trip a week ago with several unvaxxed people and he got a bad stomach something and had to go to urgent care for testing. He is perplexed cause they all ate from the same batches of food and he is the only one that got sick, he had a hard time for several days.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
SSKI and kefir by the bucketfulls to fix C. Diff.

I never thought of a procedure like a colonoscopy causing C.diff. How would one know if everything was killed from the person before?…..

“I have only had cdiff for about 1 month and have not enjoyed it at all. I have diverticulitis and issues from a parasitic condition from 1992 and this has certainly complicated my life. I am on Flagyl and over 500 million of probiotic per day. The diarrhea has stopped and the pain is still there most of the time. I have lost 22 lbs and all this happened from antibiotics and a colonoscopy as I had no c diff in my stool just prior to the scope. CAN I SUE THE HOSPITAL as this is really bad?“


Jun 26, 2022
I am so so sorry, "Rinse", for writing what my seem to be an insensitive comment. I had know idea that you lost your husband, and so recently. I've been reading the forum for about a year, but only days ago was accepted in, and just beginning to comment. I didn't realize this was an older post until after I wrote. I'm just learning that the 'new' posting are listed by the date the most recent comment was made, and doesn't mean the thread is recent (hope that makes sense). I have read many of your posts and really enjoy them and have learned a lot from you. I see many 'regulars' here , and so it may have been common knowledge that your husband passed away. This was a long thread and I admit I did not read the whole thing; however I want to now, as from what I have read, it seems that this problem is increasing (or being reported more). I did at least want to say something now and tell you how so sorry I am. He was so young. How are you doing?

Was he healthy before, other than his compression fracture? How long did he have the C Diff, and was he diagnosed with Covid? (asking based on the title of your post). I understand if you don't want to talk about this, or maybe you wrote about this in the thread; but I am curious about this, especially with some of the other posts here. Gee - there is so much going on that I/we don't know about - I'm not making any conclusions or accusations now, except that from direct observation the state of health care in the U.S. is abysmal now. It has been declining, but since the 'pandemic' was ushered in, it's reached a critical low; and the covid narrative is now used to justify all manner of horrors, and especially keep family members or others away, so no one can see what goes on.

As I alluded to, I think most here (I hope) understand that we are not being told the truth about anything, that the medical system is horribly corrupt and is now basically run by the government (albeit indirectly). I don't want to go off on too much here - but C. Diff has always been a nasty nasty, difficult to treat injection, but it doesn't usually kill an otherwise young, healthy person (usually) I just browsed through a study you posted, and I may have missed something, but the summary anyway says nothing about the age, or health status of the patients, other than that they were in a hospital.. so I'm assuming perhaps they were already ill? I need to read a lot more. I just know I have lurked in many GI forums, and talked with many people living with (or having suffered from C Diff). So, I am curious about may be different. Sometimes we can never know.

Re: the last part of your reply - I am experiencing the same thing, and it is absolutely a reality. I'm sorry about your father, and it is interesting that he also has C diff. Is he in the same facility as your husband. I have not heard of anyone I know having it, or of it being more of a problem in my area. How is your dad doing?

My mom died as a result of her Pfizer injections. Not immediately, but I am certain it was the cause. She was ill with flu like symptoms immediately after, then had a heart attack that week, and in the hospital, had 3 episodes of heart failure. She was on a vent for 5 days. i could never see her b/c of the "covid' rules, naturally. Her heart was barely functional, she was in kidney failure, diabetic, hypothyroid, and had demential, edema, etc etc. Prior to that, she was an active, independent 83 year old who took care of her home, my dad, helped family and friends and had an active social life. I moved home to care for her so she would not go to one of the camps they call nursing homes. She lived for a year, but it was a steady gradual decline. She lived because she was a strong woman and she was at home, and I did my best to keep her away from the medical system and doctors as much as possible :) . She died in April and I miss her a lot.

I too see the decline in all of the elderly around me, and many have died suddenly. I know that can happen, but it is different now. Also rapid decline in existing problems. My father was a very active healthy man, except for arthritis. Which now, has gotten much worse- not normal progression. I worked as a PT in my early lie, and went on to study science,; teach and research; but have been around hospitals, the elderly in my personal and professional lives. I think it's the cumulative effect too - all these older people are getting the yearly flu jab, (which are more toxic than ever( along with the covid boosters, shingles, and pneumonia jabs. Their doctors are all pushing these things, and they don't question.

I feel like I'm in the middle of a twilight zone episode, and am witnessing this genocide, especially against the elderly, with the assistance of the medical establishment. I know after the Nuremberg trials for the doctors and nurses.. the big take away was "never again let medicine be controlled by the government". And here we are.


Jun 26, 2022
Well, the injections do weaken a person's immune system, so it could be that; perhaps he could fight off the offender as well. However, it is also common that a group of people can all eat the same things & only one gets sick. So, who knows. Could also not be related to the food at all. Hope he is feeling better.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I am so so sorry, "Rinse", for writing what my seem to be an insensitive comment. I had know idea that you lost your husband, and so recently. I've been reading the forum for about a year, but only days ago was accepted in, and just beginning to comment. I didn't realize this was an older post until after I wrote. I'm just learning that the 'new' posting are listed by the date the most recent comment was made, and doesn't mean the thread is recent (hope that makes sense). I have read many of your posts and really enjoy them and have learned a lot from you. I see many 'regulars' here , and so it may have been common knowledge that your husband passed away. This was a long thread and I admit I did not read the whole thing; however I want to now, as from what I have read, it seems that this problem is increasing (or being reported more). I did at least want to say something now and tell you how so sorry I am. He was so young. How are you doing?

Was he healthy before, other than his compression fracture? How long did he have the C Diff, and was he diagnosed with Covid? (asking based on the title of your post). I understand if you don't want to talk about this, or maybe you wrote about this in the thread; but I am curious about this, especially with some of the other posts here. Gee - there is so much going on that I/we don't know about - I'm not making any conclusions or accusations now, except that from direct observation the state of health care in the U.S. is abysmal now. It has been declining, but since the 'pandemic' was ushered in, it's reached a critical low; and the covid narrative is now used to justify all manner of horrors, and especially keep family members or others away, so no one can see what goes on.

As I alluded to, I think most here (I hope) understand that we are not being told the truth about anything, that the medical system is horribly corrupt and is now basically run by the government (albeit indirectly). I don't want to go off on too much here - but C. Diff has always been a nasty nasty, difficult to treat injection, but it doesn't usually kill an otherwise young, healthy person (usually) I just browsed through a study you posted, and I may have missed something, but the summary anyway says nothing about the age, or health status of the patients, other than that they were in a hospital.. so I'm assuming perhaps they were already ill? I need to read a lot more. I just know I have lurked in many GI forums, and talked with many people living with (or having suffered from C Diff). So, I am curious about may be different. Sometimes we can never know.

Re: the last part of your reply - I am experiencing the same thing, and it is absolutely a reality. I'm sorry about your father, and it is interesting that he also has C diff. Is he in the same facility as your husband. I have not heard of anyone I know having it, or of it being more of a problem in my area. How is your dad doing?

My mom died as a result of her Pfizer injections. Not immediately, but I am certain it was the cause. She was ill with flu like symptoms immediately after, then had a heart attack that week, and in the hospital, had 3 episodes of heart failure. She was on a vent for 5 days. i could never see her b/c of the "covid' rules, naturally. Her heart was barely functional, she was in kidney failure, diabetic, hypothyroid, and had demential, edema, etc etc. Prior to that, she was an active, independent 83 year old who took care of her home, my dad, helped family and friends and had an active social life. I moved home to care for her so she would not go to one of the camps they call nursing homes. She lived for a year, but it was a steady gradual decline. She lived because she was a strong woman and she was at home, and I did my best to keep her away from the medical system and doctors as much as possible :) . She died in April and I miss her a lot.

I too see the decline in all of the elderly around me, and many have died suddenly. I know that can happen, but it is different now. Also rapid decline in existing problems. My father was a very active healthy man, except for arthritis. Which now, has gotten much worse- not normal progression. I worked as a PT in my early lie, and went on to study science,; teach and research; but have been around hospitals, the elderly in my personal and professional lives. I think it's the cumulative effect too - all these older people are getting the yearly flu jab, (which are more toxic than ever( along with the covid boosters, shingles, and pneumonia jabs. Their doctors are all pushing these things, and they don't question.

I feel like I'm in the middle of a twilight zone episode, and am witnessing this genocide, especially against the elderly, with the assistance of the medical establishment. I know after the Nuremberg trials for the doctors and nurses.. the big take away was "never again let medicine be controlled by the government". And here we are.

Oh my gosh Olivia I call it the Twilight Zone too! You didn’t offend me in any way. I put my life all out there in hopes that my experiences, and whatever else good I have stored up in my brain, can be of help to someone, so ask anything :)

As far as my husband goes he was in great health until days after getting, foolishly not thinking, a tetanus booster, in August 2020. In a matter of days he started getting a lot of pain, with a knot that creeped up on top of his rib cage, and it just snowballed from there. We are committed to not accepting the vaccines, and had to prove our stance, with him dying in the hospitable without me and his son by his side, though his vaxxed brother and other vaxxed loved ones were there. another tragic twist huh?

As far as my dad goes, no, he lives an hour away and we haven’t seen him at all this year because of his trouble making girlfriend. I had all I could take of her sneaky scamming ways and distanced myself from them physically. My husband died 5 months ago and my dad just got C. diff so no possible connection. He got it from his first lengthy hospital stay, which the doctor said was how my husband got his infection. I have been surprised how many people have been dealing with C.diff, as I never heard of it before my husband got it. I know several people dealing with it or know someone who has or is too. I guess you just have to bring up the subject.

Thanks for the sweet compliment and I look forward to more chats with you. Welcome to the forum :)
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“They noted that toxigenic C. difficile, the type of C. difficile that causes diarrhea, was absent in the samples that did not cause tumors, but was present in the samples that caused tumors in mice. When the researchers added this bacterium to the samples that originally did not cause tumors, it induced colon tumors in the mice. Further testing showed that C. difficile alone was sufficient to prompt tumor formation in the animal models.

Additional experiments led by co-author Nicholas Markham, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and study co-leaders Franck Housseau, Ph.D., associate professor of oncology at Johns Hopkins, and Ken Lau, Ph.D., associate professor of cell and developmental biology and surgery at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, showed that C. difficile brought about a range of changes within colon cells that made them vulnerable to cancer.

Cells exposed to this bacterium turned on genes that drive cancer and turned off genes that protect against cancer. These cells produced reactive oxygen species, unstable molecules that can damage DNA, and they also prompted immune activity associated with harmful inflammation.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“So, phrased differently, the reason so many of the hospitalized patients with COVID-19 died may not have been due to the viral lethality but rather due to the pro-inflammatory effects of the GC drugs those people were invariably given to actually treat their sepsis, cytokine storm, organ failure, pneumonia, etc secondary to COVID-19. Remember, aside from the infection, COVID-19 is mostly an inflammatory disease/cascade driven by the angiotensin, serotonin and prostaglandin (COX) systems. And we now have evidence that GC therapy promotes all three of those systems...“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This is what I am talking about, you go into the hospital for a procedure and it snowballs into disaster! My aunt goes into the hospital two and a half weeks ago to get a cancer spot removed from her lungs and was suppose to be out days later, but she caught pneumonia. So the pneumonia situation has been going on for two weeks, with her on antibiotics and eventually intubated, and she almost didn’t make it. Now she got the tubes out and hasn’t eaten for days and now I get this text…..

“Good news everyone! Mom passed her swallow test with flying colors and will be able to eat real food again. Her belly is painful and distended so they did a CT scan and it showed a whole lotta gas. They are going to give her an enema which will take care of that issue. Her blood pressure is up and steady. She is only on 2 Liters of oxygen with a nasal cannula. She is still weak but PT got her into a chair which she was sitting in when we arrived. We spoke to the PA who assisted Dr. Ali with the surgery and she stated mom is a miracle and definitely ready to get home. She has a rare bacteria that only shows up in about 500 people a year in the U.S. We have no idea where it came from. The good thing is the antibiotics she has been on are treating it, however, she will have to continue them for weeks or months to get rid of it. Bizarre! Mom was joking with everyone, even as weak as she is! There is a possibility she may have to go to a rehab facility for major PT and OT for a couple weeks to gain her strength back before returning home. One day at a time! We thank God for helping her to heal. Love you!“
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This is what I am talking about, you go into the hospital for a procedure and it snowballs into disaster! My aunt goes into the hospital two and a half weeks ago to get a cancer spot removed from her lungs and was suppose to be out days later, but she caught pneumonia. So the pneumonia situation has been going on for two weeks, with her on antibiotics and eventually intubated, and she almost didn’t make it. Now she got the tubes out and hasn’t eaten for days and now I get this text…..

“Good news everyone! Mom passed her swallow test with flying colors and will be able to eat real food again. Her belly is painful and distended so they did a CT scan and it showed a whole lotta gas. They are going to give her an enema which will take care of that issue. Her blood pressure is up and steady. She is only on 2 Liters of oxygen with a nasal cannula. She is still weak but PT got her into a chair which she was sitting in when we arrived. We spoke to the PA who assisted Dr. Ali with the surgery and she stated mom is a miracle and definitely ready to get home. She has a rare bacteria that only shows up in about 500 people a year in the U.S. We have no idea where it came from. The good thing is the antibiotics she has been on are treating it, however, she will have to continue them for weeks or months to get rid of it. Bizarre! Mom was joking with everyone, even as weak as she is! There is a possibility she may have to go to a rehab facility for major PT and OT for a couple weeks to gain her strength back before returning home. One day at a time! We thank God for helping her to heal. Love you!“
Aha! Here is the bacteria my aunt has gotten since being in the hospital for 3 weeks, this Thursday. My cousin texts this….

“Nocardia is a bacteria found in soil and water. It is rare and requires treatment with antibiotics for months. It affects people who are immunosuppressive. That's all I remember from my Microbiology days. Ha! I need to find out more as well! Love ya“

I looked it up and found this……

“These bacterial species belong to the genus Nocardia giving the disease its name. Nocardia and other related bacteria are considered to be opportunistic pathogens. These are bacteria that infect humans and animals when the conditions are right. They can cause severe infections in people with weakened immune systems who have difficulty fighting off infections (for example, people with cancer or those taking certain medications such as steroids).

Infection often happens:

When someone breaths in dust that contains the bacteria (lung infection)

When soil or water carrying nocardiosis bacteria gets into the skin through a cut or scrape (traumatic inoculation)

When a hospitalized patient is infected from contaminated medical equipment or from bacteria getting into a wound after surgery (hospital-acquired infection)

Nocardiosis can show up in the body as a skin or lung infection or as an infection that has spread throughout the body (disseminated infection).

In the United States, nocardiosis most often shows up as a lung infection. In all cases, if the disease is left untreated, it can spread to other parts of the body, including the spinal cord and the brain. The brain is the most common site of disseminated infection. Up to 44% of all people with infection in the brain or spinal cord die. The risk for death is much higher for patients with very weak immune systems—more than 85% of them die after developing nocardiosis of the brain or spinal cord.“

Last edited:
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This makes me sad….

“Researchers noted that TRPV1+ nociceptors contribute to tissue protection following DSS-induced intestinal inflammation and injury by controlling the microbiome composition. Vancomycin-sensitive Gram-positive bacterial population increases the susceptibility of mice to colitis in the absence of TRPV1+ nociceptors

In a murine model of intestinal damage and inflammation, targeted chemogenetic silencing, adenoviral-mediated colon-specific silencing, or pharmacological ablation of TRPV1+ nociceptors resulted in a higher susceptibility, suggesting that the TRPV1+ nociceptors in the gut protect from tissue damage.

When TRPV1+ nociceptors are transiently silenced or permanently ablate, changes in the intestinal microbiota occur and transplantation of microbes from mice with dysregulated nociception worsens intestinal injury and inflammation. It has been shown that TRPV1+ nociceptor-mediated tissue-protective actions are associated with Gram+ bacterial modifications, and selective colonization of germ-free mice (GF) with Gram positive Clostridium species enhances tissue protection. Furthermore, chemogenetic silencing or pharmacological ablation of TRPV1+ nociceptors decreased levels of nociceptor-derived substance P, while therapeutic administration of substance P mitigated severe inflammation in animals with defective nociception.“



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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"In nutshell, severe sepsis and septic shock are life-threatening conditions that require immediate and aggressive management. Paradoxically, antibiotics may evoke circulatory collapse in some individuals due to the extensive release of inflammatory mediators."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“In multiple organ failure, which can be caused by profound shock caused by trauma, infection, or other stress, aspirin is often helpful, but carbon dioxide and hypertonic glucose and sodium are more important.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“However, more recent research has found that Saccharomyces boulardii, a different type of yeast that's also a probiotic, is effective against C. diff infection.”

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