The @Gbolduev Whisperer


Jan 5, 2016
I've been finding the writings of @gbolduev very interesting over the past few days. His post are very scattered and difficult to piece together, so I have been taking notes and attempting to collate them to get a better understanding. There have been people asking him the same questions repeatedly (probably because of the scattering), so I hope this thread can alleviate this problem.

Gbolduev if I've misunderstood or misrepresented you let me know and I will change it ASAP.

Bases some of his ideas on Dr. Paul Eck's work:
Recommends reading a basic anaesthesiology textbook.

The 8 Metabolic Types:

Slow Oxidisers / Hypoventilation (high blood co2, low cell cmo2) / Adrenaline < Serotonin :

1) low adrenaline with normal serotonin
2) high serotonin and normal adrenaline
3) low adrenaline and low serotonin but adrenaline is lower than serotonin
4) high adrenaline and high serotonin, but serotonin is increased higher than adrenaline.

All these need to be corrected differently. You need to find out why you have low adrenaline, is it because of SamE, or is it from a methylation block? These will cause high CO2 in venous blood and will cause potassium to decrease in the cell thus lowering metabolism.

Off hand comment: “If you have a low metabolism you either lack progesterone ( potassium) or you lack sympathetic nervous system which does not allow your potassium to rise.”

Note: High co2 in blood means the body is getting too acidic, thus it will slow metabolism down and not produce co2 in the cell due to concern that it will not be able to expel the co2 fast enough in the breath, causing acidosis and death. The opposite is true of a fast oxidiser.

Fast Oxidiser / Hyperventilation (low blood co2, high cell co2) / Adrenaline > Serotonin:

1) high adrenaline (e.g. COMT problems, overmethylating) normal serotonin
2) normal adrenaline low serotonin ( increased MAO-A break down)
3) high adrenaline and high serotonin but serotonin is lower than adrenaline
4) low adrenaline and low serotonin but adrenaline is higher than serotonin.

In alklaosis (low blood co2), potassium goes inside of the cell and this increases metabolism, in acidosis potassium goes outside of the cell, it decreases metabolism. It is very obvious and logical, since metabolism increases acidity by creating CO2.
If you are more acidic then body will want to lower metabolism to decrease production of CO2. and if you more alkaline body will want to increase metabolism to increase production of CO2.
“fast oxidizer has either COMT problems, MAO problems, or lack of magnesium or too sensitive adrenaline receptors.”

Tests to check yourself, before you wreck yourself:
Hairtest, VBG ( CO2, bicarbonate, electrolytes, standard test with the special machine in the hospital) and urine cathecolamines with serotonin.

Every oxidation rate has its symptoms. the most energy you will get in the middle of oxidation.
This is why longetivity answer is the balance, not faster or slower.

i.e. slow oxidisers have low adrenaline etc and can't handle carbs. If they exercise regularly this will raise their adrenaline and their carb tolerance.

General Suggestions:

1) getting a hair mineral analysis (easy and non-invasive)
2) For hairloss: recommends 30mg zinc and 10mg manganese a day if androgenic pattern baldness
3) For Slow oxidisers:
-He suggests exercising while fasted as being very healthy. “move more eat less” advice. Especially ocean swimming for more minerals.
-Also recommends veggie juice or water only 40 day fasting protocol (or working up to it) followed by at least 20 liver flushes (Andreas Moritz style), one every month, following the fast. Refeed after fast with lemon egg rice soup.
- recommends 'thorn extra nutrients' to increase methylation
4) Recommends against sugar and co2 water!! He says sugar and co2 will lower the co2 in the actual cell = hair loss
“for your thyroid to work and for you to produce high CO2 INSIDE OF THE CELL. You need to utilize this CO2 well, breathing it out or converting it to bicarbonate with zinc based enzyme. This is why the worst thing you can do is sit on your **** and eat a lot of carbs. This way, your sympathetic nervous system is not active and you don't breathe out CO2 properly”
5) for fast oxidisers (rare) he recommends peat diet.
6) says any supplements will age you (don't use them long term). Fasting will balance your minerals even if diet has imbalanced them (Slow oxidiser) without aging. Zeolite + Fulvic will chelate minerals. Thinks seafood is a great chelator. Recommends ocean swinning for minerals (and even better while fasting, 2 hrs a day). Recommends Zeolite + Fulvic taken for a year to chelate heavy metals (if you have them, take hair test to see).
7) Recommends heavy drinking tomato juice for one week every month if you want to feel more 'androgenic' which works on a contrarian endocrinology approach.
8) Your oxidation rate will only change if you have deficiencies or infections. Normally your oxidation rate won't change, and you can only support it. “Your heart wont become bigger, or your kidneys will not raise blood pressure faster than you can physically. This is what oxidation rate is and usually you cant change it.”
9)Don't take progesterone, take anti-progesterone:
this creates more 'progesterone receptors' so once you come off the anti-progesterone, you will feel better than before


Androgenic – too much DHT opposing estrogen, not enough progesterone. Signs: good sex drive, maybe too much, hair loss. Causes; zinc deficiency (means you can't make enough progesterone) often caused by too much ejaculation.
Sugar also wastes zinc and manganese, needed for insulin, thus you get hairloss.
*Post-finastride-syndrome is the opposite, using too much Progesterone to oppose estrogen and not enough DHT (usually resulting in no sex drive, and no hair loss).

Lower your estrogen by chelating copper. Take zinc (30mg) and manganese (10mg). Zinc means you will produce enough progesterone, and manganese will make sure you don't over produce it to make your DHT not sensitive. He says you can also take “Thorn Extra Nutrients” instead of this combo. Red light chelates copper. This supplement regime should provide the correct hormone balance to allow you regrow hair, but the scalp itself may need work.
“The best thing to do is to get granulated salt go in the shower and take that salt and put it in your head. Scratch your head with it every day for a month. Sodium is a solvent, it keeps calcium in solution. this granulated salt will damage your scalp which will grow your hair like crazy. You need to damage your scalp if you lost your hair long time ago. Otherwise nothing will grow it again.”
He also recommends putting lecithin on your hair, which “will emulsify the fats that clog up your follicles and phosphorus in lecithin will dilute calcium. It will take a year or so.”

Lifestyle changes: “long fasts on Breuss protocol regrow crazy amounts of hair. All your head is in new hairs. since your venous blood CO2 falls down which allows your body to raise the metabolism in the cell.”

Note: I assume you need to keep taking the zinc and manganese until you retest your hair and see that your copper is now normal. Gbolduev can you clarify?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

He recommends exercising a lot for a year. Walking / running. Makes you hyperventilate and increase adrenaline and thus dump copper.
He also recommends fasting.
“Fasting does this very well, reloads adrenaline receptors, cortisol progesterone.
Fasting is a cure for CFS.( unless you have a methylation block) this you can tell from urine dopamine noradrenaline and adrenaline)
I do fasting with exercise. THIS IS SO NONPEAT. but results are crazy
fasting depletes you from PUFA in 30 days. NOT 4 years”

“Fast Oxidisers” shouldn't be fasting, however.

“Anyone with chronic fatigue can snap out of it in year if you just force crazy exercise.

Same as any one with certain cancers can get rid of it with running. I recommended this to many people with cancers and many got rid of cancers. they increased their sympathetic nervous system and hyperventilated , this caused you to dump copper. SINCE COPPER IS RETAINed when you are hypoventilating , your ceruloplasmin is low.

And ceruloplasmin goes up with a SHOT OF ADRENALINE. since if adrenaline is high , body will start dumping copper,since body will want to use serotonin”


“I stay away from meat milk, cheeses, anything that has hormones in it. I eat only sea food( shrimps oysters, crab, mussels., eat some fruit. Drink almond milk that I make myself for calcium. I eat rice. I think rice is really good, It keeps me clean and absorbs toxins. that is why it is used during poisoning.” He comments to keep fruit / rice low unless being active.

“Seafood has all the minerals. SOILS don't have all the minerals , they are all tampered with. SO cattle on those soils is also sick, milk is also bad( hormones), meat is bad( hormones). Fruits not that great.( lack of certain minerals and overload of others).”

On Aging:

“YOU AGE because
1) chronically eat the same foods, this creates imbalances
2) chronically smoke or drink
3) chronically take a multivitamin
4) you take some minerals or supplements
5) you take some hormones
6) you have a certain life style where you repeat the same things over and over again
7) too much sex
YOU see repeating is what ages you .

Fasting allows you to stop all these repeating processes while you are fasting.

You fast and you don't eat your normal food. lets say your food intake was overloaded into a copper side or zinc side or aluminum side.

While fasting you allow your body not to get toxic in this overload and it allows time to get balanced and to get rid of this directional imbalance that you were causing with your food intake.

fasting is like a laundry day. You don't allow new toxins go in and you get rid of old ones.

You don't chronically starve. that is why you cant look at fasting as catabolic process. Who cares what it is. It is a short term procedure. During which you get rid of your pufas, you get rid of toxic metals, you get rid of bacterias and viruses. And then you refeed .

If you swim in the ocean while fasting, your refeeding will be very easy since you won't lose any electrolytes. You wont lose HCL”


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Harvest room!
Very good idea if we put here only what we gather. No comments here!
May be some sort of disclaimer to not mislead ourselves. We behave as responsible persons and will not take things blindly without investigating what is fine for ourselves, investigating how it works, before implementing anything. No short resumé will tell it all, so we know these are general lines to guide our research, and no more!

So I clap my hands, and to not be only commenting... I follow you, and I add:
- He said his diet is for slow oxidizers like him. Also he has cushings from adenoma on adrenal gland.
- Never go out of a fast with fruits or you will ruin your efforts.
- the advice to read anesthesiology books is about understanding CO2:
"It is so so crazy to talk about CO2 good or bad for everyone. this is simple anesthesiology. I will never understand why people still discuss this stuff instead of just reading one anesthesiology book and be really clear how this all works."
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Feb 4, 2015
Fasting allows you to stop all these repeating processes while you are fasting.

You fast and you don't eat your normal food. lets say your food intake was overloaded into a copper side or zinc side or aluminum side.

While fasting you allow your body not to get toxic in this overload and it allows time to get balanced and to get rid of this directional imbalance that you were causing with your food intake.

fasting is like a laundry day. You don't allow new toxins go in and you get rid of old ones.

You don't chronically starve. that is why you cant look at fasting as catabolic process. Who cares what it is. It is a short term procedure. During which you get rid of your pufas, you get rid of toxic metals, you get rid of bacterias and viruses. And then you refeed .

"Who cares what it is.."? Odd thing to say. It's not short nor is it simple. It's intense. And you can kill yourself from re-feeding improperly, not to mention drinking too much water and losing too much Na and K.

It's irresponsible to just throw the word "fasting" around. You must define "fasting." Some people think consuming only maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper is fasting. True fasting in water-only induced ketosis until it's broken, in a rested state, while being supervised, in appropriately selected individuals.

I highly doubt even the most weird "fans" of this random Ruskie who's mean to people have the guts to do a water-only fast anywhere near the 40 days he was talking about. I doubt he even did it himself.

Warning to those who are dumb enough to try it on their own because gbold is your new cult leader: do your research. There is only one legal clinic that does this in the Unites States, True North Health, and one in Costa Rica called the Tanglewood Wellness Center. Tanglewood is run by Loren Lockman. If you do it on your own, you're likely to do it incorrectly if you have no experience.

There are videos of people complaining about Lockman but he often uploads new videos of his newer clients on his channel who share their stories.

Fasting: An Ancient Solution for Modern Problems

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Jul 25, 2013
I highly doubt even the most weird "fans" of this random Ruskie who's mean to people have the guts to do a water-only fast anywhere near the 40 days he was talking about. I doubt he even did it himself.

Oh, I see. So, gbolduev is a "Ruskie". Should we take his ethnic background into account now?

The McCarthyism-style trial on gbolduev has already started on this forum.


Oct 5, 2014
Lol and Georgi ( Haidut)is Bulgarian. So it seems Eastern block does all the research here after all.
Cut that crap please man. It's not useful for anyone. Go to the important point : does m_arch post summarize well your points or not? If not, please help to correct it.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Ho yes, very useful, it made me laugh, and this is very good to lower cortisol!
Really makrosky, it was the best way to answer to what was indeed not useful to anyone!

Edit after @gbolduev post: yes you are right. That might also help if you do not answer what you think you answered before. People will know then that they have to hit the search button!
Let's make our best to just group some posts/ideas/informations.
We just want that questions do not repeat themselves.
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Jun 26, 2014
Cut that crap please man. It's not useful for anyone. Go to the important point : does m_arch post summarize well your points or not? If not, please help to correct it.

I am not going to thru all the threads that sum my posts. Charlie stated not to create new threads. it is all in Q and A . people can create threads and misinterpret stuff and I am not going to go over new threads


Oct 5, 2014
I am not going to thru all the threads that sum my posts. Charlie stated not to create new threads. it is all in Q and A . people can create threads and misinterpret stuff and I am not going to go over new threads
Yet you jump into any new thread created that is about you. Man, you don't have to go through your own posts or anything. You just have to sit down for a couple of hours (you spend more than that daily answering people) and summarize your thoughts and your protocol. But you refuse to do that again and again. Why ? I don't get it. Is it because you can't summarize it ? Because it's all random bits of pieces here and there ? Well, no problem with that. Say it. Explain it thoroughly. There's no problem about having gaps in your health views. 3 years ago you were posting things in curezone like you were working with ARL ?


Jun 26, 2014
Yet you jump into any new thread created that is about you. Man, you don't have to go through your own posts or anything. You just have to sit down for a couple of hours (you spend more than that daily answering people) and summarize your thoughts and your protocol. But you refuse to do that again and again. Why ? I don't get it. Is it because you can't summarize it ? Because it's all random bits of pieces here and there ? Well, no problem with that. Say it. Explain it thoroughly. There's no problem about having gaps in your health views. 3 years ago you were posting things in curezone like you were working with ARL ?

I dont refuse to do anything, I stated that I will post big posts in the near future when I have time
I summarized plenty of posts in q and a. And spent many hours.
No reason creating these new threads


Jun 26, 2014
Yet you jump into any new thread created that is about you. Man, you don't have to go through your own posts or anything. You just have to sit down for a couple of hours (you spend more than that daily answering people) and summarize your thoughts and your protocol. But you refuse to do that again and again. Why ? I don't get it. Is it because you can't summarize it ? Because it's all random bits of pieces here and there ? Well, no problem with that. Say it. Explain it thoroughly. There's no problem about having gaps in your health views. 3 years ago you were posting things in curezone like you were working with ARL ?

4-5 years ago I worked with ARL system testing it. Then I started my own research

I dont work in medical field. I am not a doctor. It is just a hobby. I dont practice medicine. And not planning to
All these threads are killing me and I did not ask for them. I guess I will just ignore them


Jan 25, 2014
All of you are talking about human health,how do you have define a human being?

Is there an unseen aspect of the human being or the human being consists of brain,kidney,liver...etc?

Being forced to drink 2 litres of milk a day looks like a curse.


Oct 5, 2014
All of you are talking about human health,how do you have define a human being?

Is there an unseen aspect of the human being or the human being consists of brain,kidney,liver...etc?

Being forced to drink 2 litres of milk a day looks like a curse.
LOL! Indeed, it can be a curse for many people. Nobody is forcing you to do that. Nor take any hormones or supplements. This is not Ray Peat. You don't get him.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
All of you are talking about human health,how do you have define a human being?

Is there an unseen aspect of the human being or the human being consists of brain,kidney,liver...etc?

Being forced to drink 2 litres of milk a day looks like a curse.
You read too much about geese fattening!
What I read is my own business,right?
ok let's laugh now, as this threat is already going into dicussions that will make it impossible to go on the original purpose.
As context is not taken into account any more in this thread, well, it means not many read it before posting, so I removed my post about context. I will make a separate thread about it, and anyone discussing in another way in this thread will be asked to be banned. Honestly, my idea is not to ban but to suppress posts... but it means time for moderating children.... and I understand @charlie
Already 14 posts should be suppressed in this thread....
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May 30, 2017
damn spent the last few years of my life learning an applying Peat and now this happens. Seems everyone is jumping ship now. What will I tell all my friends and family that I told sugar and milk is good and Ray Peat is king? I recommended progesterone to people. They're all gonna laugh at me. Thanks Ray Peat forum. Thanks a lot.

The guy who wrote this eats insects; I literally do not know what to eat anymore. Yesterday it was coffee milkshakes. Today maybe a bug only fast?

Maybe we should change name to GBolduev forum now?

Someone should send this to Ray Peat and hear his thoughts on this.
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Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
@cyclops you can go on what you eat, nobody will tell you it is bad unless you decide it yourself, based on your results.
You cannot tell people to take progesterone out of context.

What will I tell all my friends and family that I told sugar and milk is good and Ray Peat is king?
lol very difficult, that is why we should never laugh at people, so that they can change more easily!

Nothing is good, it is good in some contexts... That is what Gb is trying to tell all the time.
Now try to figure out how to use relativity so that you get out of the trap of right or wrong!! ;) :)
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Oct 23, 2015
I highly doubt even the most weird "fans" of this random Ruskie who's mean to people have the guts to do a water-only fast anywhere near the 40 days he was talking about. I doubt he even did it himself.

Reading through all his posts, I think he water fasted up to 14 days. Bruess protocol was used for the longer fasts.

500ml Bruess juice per day (180cal, provides 3g plant protein, 18g carbs, potassium, salt, magnesium and beta carotene)


"If you can't explain it to a six year old you don't understand it yourself"...Einstein

There are a lot of very knowledgeable people here, but very few good teachers, I find.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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