Ukraine Crisis

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
The behaviour of western and especially European, leaders during the crisis is exactly what we would expect from this kind of political culture. In particular, there is a total incapacity to relate the various elements and consequences to each other. So at some level, western politicians must understand that the game is over, and they will have to deal with a strong and angry Russia quite soon. But this co-exists with a belief that somehow the West is going to win, if we only keep doing the same things, based largely on derivative thinking: surely all those experts and all the national leaders I meet can’t be wrong? Their lack of any actual knowledge about anything, including such mundanities as energy supplies, global supply chains, military production and procurement and for that matter war itself, means that the “debate” itself is at a derivative level, about who said what when and whether it was anti-Russian enough. Whether the political system is actually capable of accepting reality, and what will happen if it can’t, are things we need to start thinking about now.

Ironically, critics of the war and similar adventures fall into the same errors, through desperate attempts to impose a rational, left-brain interpretation on something which is an incoherent mess brought about by a political system that has gone mad. Once you give up the attempt to interpret the behaviour of western leaders as if it were rationally-based, it is no longer necessary to construct elaborate and complex master plans pursued over decades, in an attempt to force on events a unity that they do not possess. Nor do we need to mimic the behaviour of schizophrenics, for whom there are hidden meanings and menaces everywhere.

I would argue he slightly overstates his case, as there is an old masterplan behind it. Crazies do not act randomly, they have some tenuous connection to reality, in this case decades long project to use Ukraine against Russia. It's just that they can not deal with reality or update their views. In the 70s you could support UA nazis in hopes of them weakening USSR, and that was a decent plan I suppose.


Aug 10, 2014
I suspect the number are much higher. I don't think international press have been allowed near the cemeteries. The pentagon papers said the Russians achieved a 7:1 kill ratio. Russian losses are said to be ~50k from Russian sources and higher from western sources. That would make 350,000 dead Ukrainian troops.

I figured all the kamikaze missions the Ukrainians were sent on during the last ridiculous 'offensive' may have just been to empty out the country of fighting age males so nobody can fight back when what's left of their country is plundered by US corporations.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
But it makes much more sense if we realise that this is, in fact, an existential Final Battle, against the one power in the world which could obstruct the fulfilment of the historical process and the building of the New Jerusalem. (The irony of a post-religious culture thinking in classically religious terms is almost painful.) So the correspondences are obvious: Russia is the Babylon of the Book of Revelation, Putin is the Beast, and the Mark of the Beast is the “Z” on Russian equipment. And the new Russian General commanding the troops in Ukraine, is nicknamed “General Armageddon.” No, seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. Actually, there’s a lot more correspondences you can have fun with, but that will do for now.

Victory, however, is assured, because this is not a real battle, but a symbolic one. Just as God frequently gave the Israelites victory over massively superior forces through supernatural intervention, so the war in Ukraine will assuredly be won, not by mundane things like military superiority, but by the power of ideas and norms. After all, the Deputy Defence Minister of Ukraine is a woman, and NATO has a full-time diversity officer. Thus, even if the short term involves suffering and trials, even if the Covid plague still has to be endured, even if parts of the Earth are baking, even if the weather has gone mad, even if, above all, people freeze in the winters to come, all these ordeals must be accepted, because victory and the coming of the New Jerusalem are assured thereby. Indeed, all these things are actually positive signs because they mean the End is Near.



Aug 10, 2014


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Jul 5, 2023
Millions of deaths, many millions of related lives severely damaged. In all of man's years on this planet, we have learned little, continuing to destroy the lives of the innocent while manipulating and pissing on those that can't or won't step the way that deemed "the best way". What's the definition of insanity? Well, we're there on a grand scale... again.
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