What causes lesbianism; environmental, society, hormonal, toxins?


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Apr 5, 2016
Someone I know recently came out as being in a relationship with a women for a number of years. She does not exhibit any of the stereotypical lesbian characteristics, she presents relatively feminine although I would say she is more aggressive than the typical women.

I do not believe that she is actually a lesbian and is in fact bisexual and her current sexual preference is due to being in an extremely left wing environment for most of her life and likely a number of other health issues that cause a number of hormonal imbalances.

I've seen a few discussions on the forum on homosexuality but this is mainly focused on male homosexuality and I think this is quite different to female homosexuality.

What are peoples opinions on possible biological causes of lesbianism? One thing I have read on the forum is that PCOS is very common in lesbianism. My theory is that high estrogen, high serotonin, cortisol and low progesterone is a big causal factor.


May 31, 2018
This needs to be VERY CLEAR:

The lesbians you see "on the news" are LIBERAL lesbians. Non-Liberal lesbians (and gays), and Conservative lesbians, keep to themselves and go through life without the hysteria shown by the left in the media, the news, in the entertainment industry.

They act the way they are because they are LIBERALS, NOT because they are gay.


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Apr 5, 2016
I don't dispute this. I'm not concerne
This needs to be VERY CLEAR:

The lesbians you see "on the news" are LIBERAL lesbians. Non-Liberal lesbians (and gays), and Conservative lesbians, keep to themselves and go through life without the hysteria shown by the left in the media, the news, in the entertainment industry.

They act the way they are because they are LIBERALS, NOT because they are gay.

I don't dispute this I'm not concerned with their politics I'm merely concerned with what the causes of lesbianism may be


Aug 17, 2016
Someone I know recently came out as being in a relationship with a women for a number of years. She does not exhibit any of the stereotypical lesbian characteristics, she presents relatively feminine although I would say she is more aggressive than the typical women.

I do not believe that she is actually a lesbian and is in fact bisexual and her current sexual preference is due to being in an extremely left wing environment for most of her life and likely a number of other health issues that cause a number of hormonal imbalances.

I've seen a few discussions on the forum on homosexuality but this is mainly focused on male homosexuality and I think this is quite different to female homosexuality.

What are peoples opinions on possible biological causes of lesbianism? One thing I have read on the forum is that PCOS is very common in lesbianism. My theory is that high estrogen, high serotonin, cortisol and low progesterone is a big causal factor.
I have had a few friends seemingly suddenly turn gay. Though I do know some women who have been clear lesbians from the start.

In the case of my friends though, there were some traumatic events that preceeded the switch.
One was a woman who's husband was a violent drug dealer and had used her as a mule. She broke out of that hellish dynamic and married a loving woman.
That was like 20 yrs ago. She and her wife love each other very much and are such a comfort to one another.
Another young mother had an extremely serotonergic husband who berated her constantly. She turned to alcohol and pills. After divorcing, she married a woman. Happily ever after. Whenever I see them, they are always smiling and holding hands. She has also gained a good deal of very much needed weight. She was drained skeleton in her previous marriage.
Another childhood friend had a similar break from an overwhelming marriage.

I don't think in these above scenarios that the woman just found themselves sexually craving homosexual sex and had to have that. I think they craved companionship and affection and a trusted friend. Neither of three women I've noted above are the slightest bit masculine. In fact, they are especially feminine and nurturing.

As I also noted above, some people are just gay. I've known a woman in my neighborhood for 20 years. She is a very pleasant Doctor. Conservative, kind and confident. She happens also to have always been a lesbian.


Nov 21, 2012
Personally, I don't think there's any deep reason for it like environment, hormonal/metabolic imbalances, trauma etc. They might play a part in it, but ultimately I think some people just feel more attracted to their own gender.

When I look to the animal kingdom, there are also certain species where it's normal for them to be attracted to the same gender....and I don't think it's bc they're hormonally disregulated or something...;)
Love knows no boundaries.


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Someone I know recently came out as being in a relationship with a women for a number of years. She does not exhibit any of the stereotypical lesbian characteristics, she presents relatively feminine although I would say she is more aggressive than the typical women.

I do not believe that she is actually a lesbian and is in fact bisexual and her current sexual preference is due to being in an extremely left wing environment for most of her life and likely a number of other health issues that cause a number of hormonal imbalances.

I've seen a few discussions on the forum on homosexuality but this is mainly focused on male homosexuality and I think this is quite different to female homosexuality.

What are peoples opinions on possible biological causes of lesbianism? One thing I have read on the forum is that PCOS is very common in lesbianism. My theory is that high estrogen, high serotonin, cortisol and low progesterone is a big causal factor.

Many factors, but endocrinologically the main factor is elevated estrogen, which masculinizes women, and feminizes men. Hence, high estrogen can be a driving factor of homosexuality in both sexes. See my post below from last year.

In corroboration, here is something else to consider, which can explain why 35%+ of people under 30 identify as non-binary.


Mar 27, 2021
From what I’ve seen, women that are “lesbians” have typically had bad relationships with men growing up, generally their fathers.


Mar 15, 2014
Many factors, but endocrinologically the main factor is elevated estrogen, which masculinizes women, and feminizes men. Hence, high estrogen can be a driving factor of homosexuality in both sexes. See my post below from last year.
Progesterone is also known to correlate with homosexuality, especially for lesbians

My suspicion is that the type of homosexuality that progesterone correlates with is the "faithful" kind, and among both genders
While the type that estrogen correlates with is gay male homosexuality, and is way more promiscuous

Personally, I don't think there's any deep reason for it like environment, hormonal/metabolic imbalances, trauma etc. They might play a part in it, but ultimately I think some people just feel more attracted to their own gender.

When I look to the animal kingdom, there are also certain species where it's normal for them to be attracted to the same gender....and I don't think it's bc they're hormonally disregulated or something...
Love knows no boundaries.
Animals are pretty polluted too. But I don't think being lesbian is driven by environmental pollutants. Being gay (as in man-man) probably is

Being somewhat bisexual seems like the peak state of health for a female organism, if anything.
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May 30, 2018
Sexual behavior and relationship pairings are as moldable as culture and language from what I can tell. Heterosexual mating for life is rare in nature among mammals especially primates. Most common among some types of birds. Very dependent on certain conditions and conditioning in early life for humans. I'm in favor cultivating these conditions, but they aren't automatic or what happens without guidance and planning on every level of society to allow men and women to pair bond and continually strengthen their relationship. Elites don't seem to care to create these conditions for the masses probably intentionally so we are on our own.


May 31, 2018
Try explaining to someone why you are attracted to the OPPOSITE sex.

Same thing for someone who is gay.

People are born gay, I'm sure some people even choose to be gay for whatever reason, who cares. If one is to point out debauchery in the gay world, the same can be found in the straight world. And I guarantee you most of that scene is on the left, whether gay or straight.

As long as it is a mature, kind relationship, who gives AF. Trying to put everyone into the same box that gay = this hormone imbalance or whatever else I've read here (LOL), THAT'S the slippery slope I see here.


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This just doesn't make sense to me.

Well, as the saying goes, life is stranger than fiction:): Ray also talked about it and there were some discussions here on this topic almost a decade ago. Here are some links.
"...“You have to have testosterone to have estrogen,” says Dr. Lawrence C. Layman, chief of the MCG Section of Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility and Genetics. While aromatase is the magic that makes the conversion, it’s estrogen – not aromatase or testosterone – that has the final say, Layman notes. Masculinization of the brain is another great example. During the first days of life it’s estrogen that actually masculinizes the brain. Transgender research, for example, has shown that mice exposed to estrogen shortly after birth, often in their bellies, exhibit male behavior, mounting females even if they are female, Layman says. When you block the estrogen effect, the mice act more like females. “So a male who feels he is really a female likely has less estrogen,” says Layman."


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
Many factors, but endocrinologically the main factor is elevated estrogen, which masculinizes women, and feminizes men. Hence, high estrogen can be a driving factor of homosexuality in both sexes. See my post below from last year.

In corroboration, here is something else to consider, which can explain why 35%+ of people under 30 identify as non-binary.
Thanks Georgi. That was what I was suspicious of also.

I thought of a lot of the people who abuse steroids who appear to be masculine but end up having very elevated estrogen levels and then have homosexual tendencies and obviously this could apply to men and women.

The psyop stuff is even more evil and nefarious.


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
I have had a few friends seemingly suddenly turn gay. Though I do know some women who have been clear lesbians from the start.

In the case of my friends though, there were some traumatic events that preceeded the switch.
One was a woman who's husband was a violent drug dealer and had used her as a mule. She broke out of that hellish dynamic and married a loving woman.
That was like 20 yrs ago. She and her wife love each other very much and are such a comfort to one another.
Another young mother had an extremely serotonergic husband who berated her constantly. She turned to alcohol and pills. After divorcing, she married a woman. Happily ever after. Whenever I see them, they are always smiling and holding hands. She has also gained a good deal of very much needed weight. She was drained skeleton in her previous marriage.
Another childhood friend had a similar break from an overwhelming marriage.

I don't think in these above scenarios that the woman just found themselves sexually craving homosexual sex and had to have that. I think they craved companionship and affection and a trusted friend. Neither of three women I've noted above are the slightest bit masculine. In fact, they are especially feminine and nurturing.

As I also noted above, some people are just gay. I've known a woman in my neighborhood for 20 years. She is a very pleasant Doctor. Conservative, kind and confident. She happens also to have always been a lesbian.
I think women are definitely more malleable then women when it comes to homosexuality. They definitely can switch much more than men.

I don't believe though that some people are "just gay" everything has a cause and given that almost every aspect of the organism is environmentally influenced I don't see why sexual orientation is not the same.


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
Try explaining to someone why you are attracted to the OPPOSITE sex.

Same thing for someone who is gay.

People are born gay, I'm sure some people even choose to be gay for whatever reason, who cares. If one is to point out debauchery in the gay world, the same can be found in the straight world. And I guarantee you most of that scene is on the left, whether gay or straight.

As long as it is a mature, kind relationship, who gives AF. Trying to put everyone into the same box that gay = this hormone imbalance or whatever else I've read here (LOL), THAT'S the slippery slope I see here.
Say that 75% of the population was "born gay" the world population would collapse and actually that is exactly what is happening.

Given that the percentage seems to go up every year and is now at an absurd level that can not be explained as a purely natural phenomenon it seems the height of naivity and irresponsibility to simply just accept that as it is.

Yep it is a slippery slope, a slippery slope to extinction


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
Personally, I don't think there's any deep reason for it like environment, hormonal/metabolic imbalances, trauma etc. They might play a part in it, but ultimately I think some people just feel more attracted to their own gender.

When I look to the animal kingdom, there are also certain species where it's normal for them to be attracted to the same gender....and I don't think it's bc they're hormonally disregulated or something...;)
Love knows no boundaries.
10 milenials in my family 3 homosexual thats a rate of 30%. I know famlies where they have 6 kids and 3 are homosexual. If these were the typical percentages throughout history we would have died out. And yes obviously people were in the closet before but if you really think that there is not an environmental factor at play here I would say you have not looked into it sufficiently. The evidence is overwhelming


Nov 21, 2012
10 milenials in my family 3 homosexual thats a rate of 30%. I know famlies where they have 6 kids and 3 are homosexual. If these were the typical percentages throughout history we would have died out. And yes obviously people were in the closet before but if you really think that there is not an environmental factor at play here I would say you have not looked into it sufficiently. The evidence is overwhelming
Sure, some might be influenced by their environment but who's to say these people didn't carry propensity for homosexuality inside of them to begin with? Yeah, maybe being in an environment of gay people might make it easier for one 'to come out as gay'. So,I think in that regards environment can play a factor in that it can act as a trigger but it can't 'make one gay'.
Just like I've heard some lesbians proudly proclaim that they 'turned their (het.) girlfriend lesbian'. That is such BS imo, you can't turn someone gay/bi....you can only trigger something which already is inside of them.

In regards to environment,it works the other way too......I've seen many men and women in a hetero relationship or marriage after years come out of the closet. These people came either from strict religious backgrounds or just very conservative/intolerant backgrounds which made them suppress their feelings for decades.

I don't think it's possible to conclude that 'x' amount of the population is gay/bi/straight until everyone, people ,will finally stop caring about what others will expect and think of them and instead live as what feels authentic to them.


Apr 19, 2020
Yep it is a slippery slope, a slippery slope to extinction
Yeah you right! Seriously messed up hormones PLUS the non-binary "Gender-Pushing" or "Gender dissolving" info-proganda from schools and society adds up to learned behaviour. This is a heavy combo, a one - two punch. As above that Haidut wrote "Estrogenic pollution ..... " and etc. .

I grew up in New Orleans in the 60's/70's, with the Gay community very strong in the French Quarter and Garden District, along with SF and NYC and probably Austin. We had a close family friend who was an MD, and happened to be gay. He also was a musician, and a patron of the arts, so there were always (predominately) male friends hanging around, or living there short to medium term that I remember. He had usually two Steinway grand pianos and 5-10 other instruments there in the front room of his French Quarter abode, and plenty of talent about to play them. All of this was open and natural back in those times, even though the surrounding Southern (redneck) culture was heavily Macho and armed.

So my opinion from experience is that there are always some percentage of folks who do feel more same-sex oriented, and live that way either quietly, or openly. The current situation is way too extreme (in numbers) to account for by natural orientation. My two cents.
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