Zinc. How Many Mg Do You Take?


May 11, 2017
30 mg zinc orotate per day. Cured my long years bleeding gums overnight, also same about the chemtrails induced loss of smell.
20 mg zinc orotate per day - white spots on nails appear. Probably some absorption issue or too much environmental estrogen which suppress the thymus.
Don't know. Probably some kind of copper overload scurvy.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Somebody wrote this here in the forum :

"Very easy . Zinc lowers magnesium which makes copper biounavailable. This will lower your serum manganese. Since serum manganese goes down your IRON cant come out into the serum. IRON is what makes DHT sensitive.

Calcium magnesium copper zinc manganese supplement will fix you up. Copper alone 25mg will increase sodium too much and that will lower magnesium and basically ceruloplasmin will tank , even if you take 25mg which is insane.

Bottom line, copper when you take it , it tanks potassium and puts pressure on magnesium. When potassium tanks on taking 25mg copper, body will increase sodium extraction and will try to retain potassium by increasing 3 beta hsd, and will retain magnesium. Since you dont have enough magnesium , you taking copper is doing nothing.

This is the biggest mistake of people taking copper. Copper only should be taken with potassium and magnesium and sometimes manganese. Otherwise taking copper will never raise your ceruloplasmin.

This is what happened to you. when you took zinc, your potassium in the cell went up since zinc increases 3 beta hsd.

Then you took a little bit of copper and your drive sex drive went up. But you took so much copper that your potassium tanks from high to low. Now body is retaining zinc and gettting rid of copper LOL

For your body to retain copper you need to support potassium level with potassium and magnesium.

In any case, try supplement

magnesium, calcium, d3, zinc, copper , manganese, boron

It should fix you within a week or so.
Zinc definitely doesn’t lower magnesium. It will actually
Help raise it along w raising potassium. If you have tanked potassium, mag will hurt that. If you take zinc it will probably fix both the low potassium and bio unavailable magnesium.
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