
  1. haidut

    Blocking PUFA Metabolism May Reverse Alzheimer Disease (AD)

    I posted a few studied showing PUFA and its metabolites are strongly involved in AD and brain aging in general. Increased Pufa Oxidation May Be Biomarker For Alzheimers Blocking Inflammation From PUFA Reverses Brain Aging The second link above discussed specifically the inhibition of the...
  2. haidut

    SSRI Drugs Increase Risk Of Bleeding In The Brain

    Incidence of GI and brain bleeding events has been increasing over the last 30 years.Aspirin was blamed the increase of both the brain and GI bleeding events. Recent studies seem to have vindicated aspirin a bit, but the question remains about what is causing the increased incidence of brain and...
  3. haidut

    Endotoxin (LPS) May Be A Causative Factor In Alzheimer Disease (AD)

    I posted recently about a study that found many of the chronic degenerative diseases can be traced back to endotoxin and excess iron. Endotoxin And Iron Finally Recognized As Potential Causes Of Many Diseases This study went a step further and identified endotoxin (LPS) in the brains of AD...
  4. haidut

    5α-Dihydroprogesterone (5α-DHP) - Potent Role In Neurodegenerative Conditions

    While researching saturated steroids and their effects on the brain, I noticed a number of highly promosing studies demonstrating benefit of such steroid for a variety of neurodegenerative conditions such as MS, ALS, Alzheimer, Parkinson, etc. Ray has written extensively on the topic of...
  5. haidut

    5α-Dihydroprogesterone (5α-DHP) - The Primary Progestogen Neurosteroid

    It has been shown that progesterone rapidly metabolizes into more saturated metabolites such as 5α-Dihydroprogesterone (5α-DHP) and tetrahydroprogesterone (also known as allopregnanolone or Allo). The enzyme 5-AR is the one responsible for the saturation, just as it is responsible for the...
  6. haidut

    Carbonic Anhydrase Is A Key Driver Of Aging; Inhibiting It Is Beneficial

    In support of Ray's views of CO2 as one of the main factors in mitochondrial biogenesis and health, and as such in a host of health conditions, this study found that carbonic anhydrase levels are higher and the enzyme itself is more active in both aging and degenerative conditions. Inhibiting...
  7. haidut

    Theanine As A Novel Painkiller

    The placebo effect has been confirmed in many studies, and there have even been calls to change its name since the current one is at best a misnomer - i.e. we seem to have a much more fundamental and physical connection with our environment than the presence or lack of chemicals/drugs can...
  8. haidut

    Vitamin D3 Extends Lifespan By Preventing Toxic Protein Buildup

    Over the last 6-9 months I noticed that often people who communicate with Peat over email get a recommendation to supplement with vitamin D. When asked why, Peat said that he knows quite a few people who recovered from "very serious symptoms" by using vitamin D. Well, this new study shows that...
  9. haidut

    Estrogen Or Anti-androgen Therapy Shrinks Brain And Destroys Grey Matter

    This was a human study and one of the very few to look at steroid effects on the brain as a result of supplementation. As the study said, the results are very relevant for all women who take birth control pills or HRT. It even says that estrogen therapy is known to cause dementia later in life...
  10. haidut

    Estrogen Activates Habitual Memory, Progesterone Spatial Memory

    Estrogen seems to have very similar effects to serotonin on memory and behavior (as I posted about serotonin earlier this year). This study was human, so the results are even more relevant. How women navigate depends on their menstrual cycles "...We found that during the ovulatory phase when...
  11. U

    Oral Administration Of Glycine Increases Extracellular Serotonin But Not Dopamine In The Prefrontal

    Abstract AIM: Glycine, one of the non-essential amino acids, has been reported to be effective in reducing negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Recently, we found that glycine improves subjective sleep quality in humans. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of oral glycine...
  12. haidut

    Red Light Treats PTSD By Upregulating Cytochrome C And Brain Oxygenation

    The US military has been pouring a lot of money into PTSD research, and especially non-chemical treatments. The official estimates, which are likely downsized due to political concerns, are that about 25% - 30% of combat veterans suffer from some stage of PTSD. The prescribed SSRI drugs are...
  13. haidut

    Treatment-resistant Depression Caused By Metabolic Dysfunction

    While the news article quotes one of the more notable cases caused by folic acid deficiency, the study actually looked at a broader metabolic picture and found improvements in all people who got treated for the specific metabolic dysfunction. So, the conclusion at least from this study is quite...
  14. haidut

    A Challenge To The Current Theory Of Consciousness

    I remember Ray wrote about a chess champion in England who had such large ventricles that his brain looked like the inside rind of a coconut. Despite this "handicap", the chess guy was not only conscious but obviously had a pretty high IQ. The current theory on memory formation and brain...
  15. haidut

    Soluble Aspirin "highly Effective" Against Brain Cancer

    When I saw these news articles I thought it is both sad and uplifting at the same time. Sad, for the tremendous amount of disinformation on aspirin out there. In this day and age, the ability of salicylic acid to cross the BBB should be known to clinicians and there should be no need to develop...
  16. Koveras

    High Metabolism Allowed Evolution Of Greater Intelligence In Humans

    As Haidut mentions here, good to see increasing recognition for the role of metabolism in intelligence. "Humans are distinguished from the other living apes in having larger brains and an unusual life history that combines high reproductive output with slow childhood growth and exceptional...
  17. L

    New Discovery: Salts In Our Brain Control Sleep Wake Cycle

    New discovery: Salts in our brain control sleep wake cycle :shock:
  18. haidut

    Estradiol In Birth Control Pills Causes Seizures

    After 5 decades of public lies that estrogen-based birth control pills are safe, this study now finally says what Ray has been saying for years - estrogen is a brain excitant and causes seizures. And not only does it cause seizures but it causes the type that lead to brain damage. I am not sure...
  19. L

    The Magical Thing Eating Chocolate Does To Your Brain

    The Magical Thing Eating Chocolate Does to Your Brain :crazy: lolol The magical thing eating chocolate does to your brain
  20. haidut

    Brain Metabolism Predicts Fluid Intelligence And Creativity

    I am seeing more and more of these studies lately, and I consider it a good sign even though they always contain a disclaimer about the predominantly genetic component of non-fluid intelligence. Little by little, science is making an 180-degree turnaround that embraces the environment as key in...
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