
  1. JamesGatz

    Leave the Receipts at the store - Receipt Paper is LOADED with ESTROGENS

    If most of you haven't noticed from your own experience touching paper receipts - it seems to give a really big boost to estradiol - especially for users working cashier jobs I would advice having thick gloves or metal clamps to touch this kind of stuff - really not good handling it all day...
  2. haidut

    Even "non-carcinogenic" estrogens can cause cancer

    I know, the title is a "paradox", but this is truly what the article discusses. By now, we already know that the word "paradox" in science is just a euphemism for idotism and/or fraud. Apparently, mainstream medicine has managed to convinced the public somehow that there are carcinogenic and...
  3. shine

    Social isolation stimulates hippocampal estradiol synthesis

    "17β-Estradiol is synthesized de novo in the rat hippocampus. However, the regulatory mechanism of hippocampal estradiol synthesis has remained unclear. We investigated the effects of social isolation on rat hippocampal estradiol synthesis. Rats were divided into two groups: social isolation and...
  4. Lokzo

    Elevated Serum Estradiol Levels May Impair Erectile Function

    Erectile dysfunction attributable to testosterone deficiency is less common in young males, and the effect of estradiol on erectile function in eugonadal young males is unclear. We analyzed data from 195 male participants, including 143 eugonadal patients with erectile dysfunction and 52...
  5. haidut

    Estrogen Can Both Cause And Exacerbate Lupus

    A quick post as a response to a recent argument I had over email with an endocrinologist who follows me on Twitter. His claim was that the causes of Lupus are currently unknown but are likely "multifactorial" and me ascribing such causes to "isolated peculiarities" such as endotoxin (LPS) or...
  6. haidut

    Estrogen Lowers T, DHT, And Fertility; Inhibits 5α-Reductase (5-AR)

    I am posting this study below as a response to numerous angry emails I have been getting over the years. People sending me those emails just cannot accept the idea that estrogen can be detrimental for males (and females as well), and that estrogen levels are directly antagonistic to the male...
  7. haidut

    Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) + DHT Combo May Reverse Kidney Disease (CKD)

    A truly great study for a number of reasons. First, it cites extensive evidence that male patients with diabetes (both types) have low androgens and high estrogen (estradiol). The association between this endocrine abnormality and the severity of diabetes is apparently quite strong, yet it is...
  8. haidut

    Estrogen Directly Causes Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

    The worldwide rates of PCOS are skyrocketing, and have more than doubled over the last 10 years. Currently, about 12% of women in child-bearing age living in "developed" countries have PCOS and as a result struggle with infertility, diabetes, CVD, acne, bone issues, and even cancer. The fact...
  9. B

    E2 Is Not The Problem

    “. E2 promotes energy homeostasis, improves body fat distribution, ameliorates insulin resistance (or enhances insulin sensitivity), improves β-cell function, and reduces inflammation. “ The Role of Estrogens in Control of Energy Balance and Glucose Homeostasis Aromatase activity and bone...
  10. haidut

    Estrogen, Not Androgens, May Be The Cause Of Baldness

    A quick post about a study calling into question yet another dogma in medicine - i.e. that the "evil" androgens (especially DHT) are the causes of men losing their hair and getting prostate cancer. So, the "solution" modern medicine proposes is "chemical castration" with drugs like finasteride...
  11. haidut

    Inhibiting Estrogen Synthesis May Treat / Prevent Ectopic Pregnancy

    I just made a post about the role of estrogen in male infertility, which matches perfectly the evidence about estrogen's role as a metabolic inhibitor, and an agent that causes atrophy in both male and female gonads. Male Fertility Depends On Intensity Of (sperm) Metabolism Now, a new study...
  12. haidut

    Pregnenolone (P5) Fully Prevents Testicular Atrophy Due To Steroid (ab)use Or High Estrogen

    I often get emails from bodybuilders, athletes and others who have used or currently use steroids and want to either protect themselves while using those steroids or want to recover after long-term usage. It is well-known that most performance enhancing steroids, including plain testosterone (T)...
  13. haidut

    Estrogen, Not HPV, Causes Cervical Cancer; Progesterone Can Stop / Reverse It

    Yet another one of the carefully crafted, fear mongering myths that modern medicine literally sells to us on a daily basis just got busted. As many of my readers know, there has been huge publicity over the last 10 years in regards to the human papillomavirus (HPV) and the multitude of cancers...
  14. haidut

    DHT May Treat Prostate Cancer, Estrogen (E2) Strongly Promotes It

    As I have posted many times over the last 4-5 years and discussed numerous times on Danny Roddy's podcasts, the so-called "androgen hypothesis" (as in androgens being a cause) of prostate cancer appears to be little more than untenable conjectures often combined with outright fraud. What's...
  15. haidut

    Elevated Maternal Estrogen (estradiol) Again Linked To Autism

    Just weeks after the first study on the link between elevated estrogens (all types) and autism, a new study again demonstrated a link between elevated maternal estrogen (estradiol in this case) and risk of offspring autism...
  16. haidut

    Estrogen Is A Stress Hormone, It Can Both Trigger And Potentiate The Effects Of Stress

    I was quite surprised to see this article in WebMD - a website that is bastion of mainstream medicine. It regularly promotes dogmas related serotonin, estrogen, oxytocin, growth hormone, etc and the myriad of "benefits" these substances bestow upon humans. However, a bit of truth apparently...
  17. haidut

    Estrogen Excess During Pregnancy May Cause Autism

    Finally! Some common sense is emerging from the medical profession. For one, it points the finger straight at estrogen as a possible cause of autism. And not just estradiol, which the medical profession considers the only estrogen of note, but all 3 of them (estrone, estradiol, estriol). So, all...
  18. haidut

    Niacinamide And Methylene Blue Increase Estrogen Deactivation (by Liver)

    There is an old study often cited by Peat in regards to liver health and estrogen. That study found that vitamins B1 (thiamine) and B2 (riboflavin) are crucial for the deactivation/metabolism of estrogen by the liver. Vitamins B1 & B2 Are Required For Estrogen Inactivation By Liver The study...
  19. haidut

    Pregnenolone Is As Potent As Progesterone As An (irreversible) Aromatase Inhibitor

    Progesterone does not need an introduction here and most people are likely aware of its antiestrogenic effects. A few years ago, I posted a thread with an old French study showing that a 500mg daily dose pregnenolone completely blocked estrogen's effects - an effect identical to what...
  20. haidut

    Pregnenolone Is A (functional) Estrogen Antagonist

    About 2 years ago I posted a thread on the antagonism of pregnenolone to estrogen. Pregnenolone Is An Estrogen Antagonist That claim was from a study, which itself referenced an old French study from 1950. I asked @burtlancast to find it and he was able to trace it to a hardcopy of the French...
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