A mild Vitamin A deficiency decreases DHEA and Pregnenolone formation by about 40%


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Has anyone on this forum gotten blood tests before and after? Specifically men to show changes in testosterone and sperm quality parameters? I'd love to see these tests
Many blood tests have been shared, even today someone posted in the love your liver group their testosterone is higher then it has even been and in 8 short months. He went from the 300's to almost 600 and he has never been able to do that before. He was doing Grants "prison diet" so he is basically eating just beans and beef and some K2 and nicotinic acid. Dr. Garrett Smith's testosterone is around 900, and many more people have shared dramatic results and I will be sharing mine eventually too. The men and women are becoming so fertile it's actually a bit of an issue for some.


Feb 15, 2024
Many blood tests have been shared, even today someone posted in the love your liver group their testosterone is higher then it has even been and in 8 short months. He went from the 300's to almost 600 and he has never been able to do that before. He was doing Grants "prison diet" so he is basically eating just beans and beef and some K2 and nicotinic acid. Dr. Garrett Smith's testosterone is around 900, and many more people have shared dramatic results and I will be sharing mine eventually too. The men and women are becoming so fertile it's actually a bit of an issue for some.
So no one on the RPF, then?


Sep 8, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think anyone is encouraging a vitamin A deficiency, rather they're encouraging to detox the harmful amounts of vitamin A that are in your liver, especially if you've been eating loads of carrots, eggs, fish oils, vitamin fortified foods etc.

I am almost certain I read in one of Grants blogs that he hypothesized that some people go too far and feel poorly because they become vitamin A deficient. I would guess it's almost impossible to go vitamin A deficient simply because not only is vitamin A stored in your liver, it's also stored in your adipose fat tissues which your body will use if it needs to, so I don't think it's realistic to worry about deficiency unless you are hard core water fasting for months at a time ongoing for years.


Sep 13, 2012
How can anyone still trust the WAPF people who are dying like flies to rancid cod liver oil?

WAPF is either a controlled opposition organization, or it's leaders are poisoned by their own ideology. During this "fermented" (meaning rancid) cod liver oil saga they supported a known liar and probable psychopath, the guy who runs "Green Pasture", and ousted Kaayla Daniels, a member on their board who exposed the scam of "fermented cod liver oil".

The Green Pasture product is advertised as "fermented", even though it's impossible to ferment oils. Only carbohydrates can be fermented. Rather, the oils just turn rancid. Their cod liver oil is put into tanks that are rotting away outside for weeks. It's beyond ridiculous.

The "vitamin" A activity of "fermented" cod liver oil was close to zero, when measured in a lab. Kaayla was not aware that this implies the retinol has actually turned into highly toxic retinoic acid. The reason many people are dying from "fermented" cod liver oil is that this means doing the same what the early "vitamin" A researchers did to their lab rats - feeding them a diet without retinol but with concentrated sources of retinoic acid. This can kill you within weeks.

We don't know whether the current lab rats on a low vitamin A diet are actually fed a low vitamin A diet, or whether it still contains retinoic acid. Until lab rats receive a healthy diet of natural foods that do not contain any carotenes, retinol and retinoic acid, these studies do not say much. Often it's just a play with numbers.

This study on steroid synthesis did not even analyze the actual health of the rats by comparing their behavior, looks, certain blood parameters. It's way too myopic to have any meaning. As Nick writes, in response to poisons the body can actually upregulate it's defense mechanisms and increase protective hormones. But this is a short-term reaction, long-term this will lead to disease and degeneration. The entire context has to be taken into account. Research like this is not self-explainable. It needs to be put into the right context and interpreted correctly to be meaningful.

All of the research on the essentiality of retinol stands on faulty grounds of the early studies that got refuted by Grant Genereux. It can't be said enough, these studies showed rats dying within weeks of receiving a "low vitamin A" diet. They were not dying from a deficiency, they were dying from a poisoning, likely retinoic acid.

Even if the lab rat diets of today contain less retinoic acid, no one has ever attempted to look into this matter.

The WAPF is doing a disservice to Weston Price by promoting a product he never endorsed - rancid cod liver oil. They do not act in his heritage and should just be written off as a bunch of hypocrites. The WAPF article on vitamin A mentions that it is difficult to absorb for the body - the opposite is true. Vitamin A easily absorbs according to the medical literature, and the absorption rate is up to 100% in lower doses.

I don't really trust Weston Price himself so much either. He just observed that people living remotely on a whole foods diet and natural lifestyle were not suffering from tooth decay like modern people do, and that animal foods were highly priotized (which shouldn't come as a surprise). Peope ate what animal foods were available - meat, eggs, fish, seafood, dairy.

His chapter on the Polynesians in the book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" does not even include a description of what constitutes the "native foods". except that shellfish was eaten regularly. He just explains that once the islands got flooded with sugar and canned foods from the west, people began to suffer. Other chapters will probably be similar. His work merely shows the degenerative influence of the western lifestyle compared to fresh and whole natural foods. His observations should be separated from the solution he came up with, mixing butter oil and cod liver oil. It should not come as a surprise that switching to a diet high in refined sugar and canned foods is not good for health.

The food chain of the past was not contaminated with artificial carotene and retinol supplementation, the animals were not treated with antibiotics to prevent infections, and people lived under the sun and had to deal with many infections themselves. Their lifestyle depleted retinol all the time. Herding animals, shielding them from all kinds of natural stressors, and feeding them high-carotene foods on top of supplements makes retinol accumulate in the meat and milk eventually.
Very good post!!!

I was duped by WAPF about the fermented cod liver oil. Spent our hard earned money buying that nasty crap. I think I went through two bottles before Ray Peat opened my eyes. And it was during that time I began having tons of digestive problems. I thought I was going to have a kid with the best teeth and best constitution because I ate liver, cod liver oil, butter, eggs, raw milk. But his teeth practically crumbled the moment they came in and he was the fussiest baby. Barely slept for yrs. Thanks WAPF for your lies!


Apr 26, 2020
This is where Ray Peat missed the mark. As Dr. Garrett Smith points out the liver "accumulates" toxins until it can expel them.
Such as what toxins? All the ones I've read about are mainly stored in fat, not the liver.


Mar 27, 2023
I recall trying cod-liver oil two times. The first was after I read book called "Arthritis and Common Sense" . I was having joint pains and thought this would help. It made it much much worse within days so I stopped. The second time was with the fermented cod liver oil mentioned at the beginning of this thread. One dose made me very ill with most of it shooting out of the back of me. Taking retinol orally always gave me hip pain. So I just avoid it. Conversion of carotenoids to retinol probably vary by individual so I am not yet that concerned about that. Here is one study showing the rate : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022316622070493 .
It would be interesting to know if the rate of conversion is slower in individuals needing more UV protection . It's certainly very clear that excess Vitamin A and D can be quite toxic


Jun 6, 2016
This is where Ray Peat missed the mark. As Dr. Garrett Smith points out the liver "accumulates" toxins until it can expel them.

This is definitely true. When it comes to PFAS, the liver has the highest concentration of all parts of the body. For example, researchers use the liver of wild boars to determine PFAS contamination in the environment.

extrapolating that Vitamin A is bad because Bill Gates has a program to distribute synthetic Vitamin A in developing countries is just a guilt by association argument.

If you still don't know what Gates is up to and that he isn't doing things for money, then you haven't been paying attention to what he does. No one makes money with giving out free vA pills. All of this is a "philantropic" endeavour, just like the vaccines and both the vA and the vaccines are part of a population reduction and control program.

We know that vA is bad independent from what Gates is doing. But once you realize that vA is a poison, this shows these programs in a new light.

Could the vA program synergize maybe with the vaccination programs in causing disease and infertility and thus breaking a once proud and healthy population? vA is given to people in developing countries at the same time as vaccines are, and vA is known to worsen the toxicity of vaccines by making the immune system run amok.

This vA program is as large as the vaccination programs. 60-70% of children in developing countries receive these pills containing a year worth of retinol or so.

Imho, both the vaccines and the retinol pills are designed to cause infertility and disease. Fertility rates are goign down at an alarming rate, soon humanity will start to shrink. They are on their way to completely eliminate the ability of humans to reproduce, and at one point natural reproduction will be outlawed.

An example of hypervitaminosis A was documented in rural Zambian children who have adequate diets in VA, mostly as provitamin A carotenoids from fruit and vegetables; who were given high dose VA supplements to age 5 y; who have access to VA-fortified sugar and add it daily to maize porridge and tea; and whose mothers had access to VA-fortified sugar throughout pregnancy and lactation. Many of these children not only had high serum provitamin A carotenoid concentrations but also experienced hypercarotenodermia during mango season.

Who in their right mind gives children surrounded by mangos and other high A foods a high-dose retinol supplement?
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Apr 26, 2020
This is definitely true. When it comes to PFAS, the liver has the highest concentration of all parts of the body. For example, researchers use the liver of wild boars to determine PFAS contamination in the environment.

If you still don't know what Gates is up to and that he isn't doing things for money, then you haven't been paying attention to what he does. No one makes money with giving out free vA pills. All of this is a "philantropic" endeavour, just like the vaccines and both the vA and the vaccines are part of a population reduction and control program.

We know that vA is bad independent from what Gates is doing. But once you realize that vA is a poison, this shows these programs in a new light.

Could the vA program synergize maybe with the vaccination programs in causing disease and infertility and thus breaking a once proud and healthy population? vA is given to people in developing countries at the same time as vaccines are, and vA is known to worsen the toxicity of vaccines by making the immune system run amok.

This vA program is as large as the vaccination programs. 60-70% of children in developing countries receive these pills containing a year worth of retinol or so.

Imho, both the vaccines and the retinol pills are designed to cause infertility and disease. Fertility rates are goign down at an alarming rate, soon humanity will start to shrink. They are on their way to completely eliminate the ability of humans to reproduce, and at one point natural reproduction will be outlawed.

Who in their right mind gives children surrounded by mangos and other high A foods a high-dose retinol supplement?

Can you give a list of toxins that behave like this on top of the PFAS? I would like to research all this.


Jun 6, 2016
Can you give a list of toxins that behave like this on top of the PFAS? I would like to research all this.

I dont know much more about it, but afaik when the liver of cattle is analyzed compared to other organs, it always has the highest toxin load of heavy metals, for example.

Most toxins go through the liver and thats where a lot of them stay.

"Although the data of US EPA [31] indicate that the organs susceptible to the toxic effect of a given element may differ between species, for mercury in warm-blooded terrestrial vertebrates it is clearly indicated that the kidneys are the organs particularly susceptible to its toxic effect (in the case of inorganic compounds), along with central nervous system tissue in terms of organic compounds of mercury. The organs in which bioaccumulation of this element takes place are the aforementioned kidneys and liver [32,33,34,35,36]."



Apr 26, 2020
I dont know much more about it, but afaik when the liver of cattle is analyzed compared to other organs, it always has the highest toxin load of heavy metals, for example.

Most toxins go through the liver and thats where a lot of them stay.

"Although the data of US EPA [31] indicate that the organs susceptible to the toxic effect of a given element may differ between species, for mercury in warm-blooded terrestrial vertebrates it is clearly indicated that the kidneys are the organs particularly susceptible to its toxic effect (in the case of inorganic compounds), along with central nervous system tissue in terms of organic compounds of mercury. The organs in which bioaccumulation of this element takes place are the aforementioned kidneys and liver [32,33,34,35,36]."

PFAS seem to be poorly stored in fat because they are neither fat or water soluble, and it seems like the body's only way of detoxification is through the urine. It's a very difficult molecule to detoxify in general, my guess is that it sticks to any tissues. If you breath it in, your lungs will accumulate it. If you eat it, your liver would accumulate it. That being said, here is a study showing that it's not primarily accumulated in the liver in humans

Am I missing something?

Things like DDT, that is fat soluble, from my understanding, accumulate in the fat preferentially over the liver. Can you list toxins that preferentially store in the liver over every organ, not just any organ it comes in contact with? What I'm looking for is the body intentionally putting toxins in the liver. I don't think using a molecule that would accumulate in any tissue it comes in contact demonstrates this.

I don't think mercury demonstrates this either since the distribution between the kidneys and liver is not very large in the study you gave. If the liver actively stores mercury to deal with later, it should not accumulate much in the kidneys, right? Given the fact that it accumulates generally in many organs, including the brain, it sounds like this is just a demonstration of the body bing poisoned, not that it's storing it.


Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
Even a mild Vitamin A deficiency decreases DHEA and Pregnenolone formation by about 40% in rats.
Not surpsing, since Vitamin A is needed for the enzyme that converts cholesterol into pregnenolone ( Vitamin A deficiency impairs gonadal steroid synthesis)

View attachment 61703

Even more evident was the effect on androstenedione, which suggests that the important enzyme 3bHSD was not working anymore (3β-Hydroxysteroid-Dehydrogenase – Wikipedia)
In the testes the conversion was more than 4 times lower when the animals experienced an "acute Vitamin A deficiency".
View attachment 61704

- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1264968/?p
The method of this study is quite vague. it refers to a deficiency method from another source, and notes the ' deficiency' rats lost weight. We therefore have two variables at play, not just reduced vitamin a.

However, doubt aside, I have resd a more descriptive method from a more recent study a few weeks ago which I did look into in more detail that did agree.

In that study the vitamin a rats were indeed larger at 87 days ( when killed) with larger testicles and more testosterone. However rats do not typically stop growing at 87 days.

Wistar rats ( as per type in the study) growth:


Had the study continued, the low vitamin a rats may have outgrown their vitamin a brothers, or not, we do not know.

The problem is increased growth rate is not necessarily a good thing, often it is not. Retinol is well known to increase the proliferation of skin cells, however this comes with consequences, doubling proliferation rate, and the same may well be true here, especially considering how common epithelial cells are in the body.

Premature development also happens in stressed humans, for example puberty blockers were prescribed originally for children with cancer who start developing secondary sexually characteristics at too young an age. It is besides the point that these have horrible side effects.

Children who go through precocious puberty are larger and stronger temporarily than their peers, however most often end up stunted in adult height. I have a few friends who were giants with beards when I was 14, but small guys when I was 20.

So this may be the case with these rats.

Put simply we do not know the long term dimensions and health outcomes of these rats, and the diets and are a little vague.

If anyone is desperate for the study I speak of, ask, as I'll have to search for it.


Dec 29, 2015
Clearly I'm not a fan of Gates and his work with vaccines is criminal. However, extrapolating that Vitamin A is bad because Bill Gates has a program to distribute synthetic Vitamin A in developing countries is just a guilt by association argument.

I haven't studied the liver myself, but I have studied Ray Peat's work for many years and I don't see anybody providing any evidence of these Vitamin A toxin claims other than the words of a self-proclaimed 'toxic vitamin a expert' who isn't even in the same league as Ray Peat' with his decades of research and experience. I'm gonna need a lot more to convince me.
They may not be in the same league as Ray, but they provided studies and papers showing that large percentage of cadavers were tested via liver biopsy, and found hypervitaminAosis. That is a big deal, since Ray never tested peoples livers for VA content.


May 22, 2021
They may not be in the same league as Ray, but they provided studies and papers showing that large percentage of cadavers were tested via liver biopsy, and found hypervitaminAosis. That is a big deal, since Ray never tested peoples livers for VA content.
Do you have a link? Thanks.
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