"A Tonic Water a Day Keeps The COVID-19 Away"


Aug 10, 2018

Started 9th Apr, 2020
Gary Joseph Ordog
Gary Joseph Ordog

COVID-19: Prophylaxis With Low-dose L-Quinine; Ponder This?​

The infection viral dose is currently estimated at 100 virions. The amount of a prophylactic antiviral blocker at this stage would theoretically then be very low. L-quinine may be more potent and effective than low dose hydroxychloroquine, considering the natural source of l-quinine contains the pure desired enantiomer, versus HCQ is synthetic and composed of four enantiomers that probably competitively inhibit the binding of the desired enantiomer. Thus 20mg (one glass of tonic water) may have more biological activity than 100mg of HCQ. Side-effects of 20mg appear to be nil to nonexistent, as million of people have imbibed this over the centuries. Obviously, one should get their physicians' advice on this. Another point is that there are billions of people on this who do not have readily available medical access, but they do have access to tonic water, or may already use it to prevent other viral and protozoal infections. Millions of people already do this chronically for prophylaxis, and the risk is low. For a placebo controlled double blind study to be done, this could take years, and is unlikely to be done because there is no large amount of money to be made anyway. Tonic water is a dollar a bottle and lasts for a week at this dose. Risk: Nil (if not contraindicated). Benefit: Possibly thaumaturgic!

Most recent answer​

4th Feb, 2021
Gary Joseph Ordog
County of Los Angeles Public Health
February 04, 2021: Quinine prophylaxis update; Anecdotal Study. Still not one infection out of 100 subjects on low dose prophylactic l-quinine (8 oz. tonic, approximately 20 mg l-quinine per day). Probably not publishable, but more of an interesting observation. Thank you.

21st May, 2020
Gary Joseph Ordog
County of Los Angeles Public Health
Yes, at least from a biochemistry point of view for prophylaxis, I think that natural l-quinine is better than synthetic, four enantiomer HCQ. 75% of the commercial product is stereoisomeric competitive inhibitor, versus 0% from l-quinine the natural product. This may be why malaria responds to l-quinine, but develops resistance to racemic HCQ. Much less l-quinine is required, so fewer side effects. In our experience, 20 mg of l-quinine has better prophylactic antiviral effect than 100 mg of racemic HCQ. (synthetic with 4 enantiomers, one effective and 3 competitive inhibitors).(This is anecdotal and theoretical information at present)

10th Aug, 2020
Gary Joseph Ordog
County of Los Angeles Public Health
Okay, for a lesson on anecdotal studies. Where I am staying, in April 2020 there was the first peak of the Pandemic locally, many sick with COVID-19 and many deaths, especially in the long-term care and nursing homes. When the virus first arrived here, and an emergency was declared by the President, I started using full PPE, and following all of the Public Health suggestions. I worked in Health Care for over 40 years, and dealt with infectious disease on a daily basis. So I personally thought I knew how to take care of it. I personally researched and reviewed all I could find on the Coronavirus, plus I read all of the journal articles on COVID-19 the day they were put on line. I determined that a good candidate for at least prevention, would be a combination of natural antiviral ingredients that I had available. The top one was a chemical that I knew very well, and knew that it had been safely used for hundreds of years, quinine. It was readily available as "tonic water" in a safe and low dose, that may be all that is needed to prevent the viral infection. I also knew, as a medical toxicologist, that it can be toxic, being a classic QTc prolongator, and many years ago it was used as a abortifacient, but currently was used widely as an immune suppressant for autoimmune diseases, and still generally regarded as safe. I also tested and saw that it could easily kill corona virus in vitro and in plants. (I also investigated others, such as resveratrol, lectins and leptins.) This was before there was any mention of HCQ or CQ by anyone else on line or in the news. I also knew, from a degree in Biochemistry that quinine was a natural product of a single correct stereoisomer, so I felt it was at least one factor (2^n) better than the synthetic HCQ and CQ that had numerous competitive inhibitors in the form of incorrect stereoisomers. I told all my friends, relatives to take a glass (20mg) a day, maybe it would help prevent the virus. I stocked up on tonic water and gave it out to people who needed it. We added foods rich in resveratrol, lectins and leptins, and the n-methylxanthines (tea, coffee, chocolate). so, the anecdotal study is that I don't know anyone personally who has been infected with the SARS-CoV-2. One of my aunts lives in a long-term care facility, where all the other 17 patients on her floor, and 4 staff members died of COVID-19, but she didn't even get the sniffles. So, anecdotal, and in this medical world it probably means nothing, it would never be published, except in a social media type report such as this. (Obviously, this small dose was not recommended to people who had contraindications, such as pregnancy or QTc prolongation, etc. The usual disclaimer, this has not been evaluated by the FDA, and is not promoted to treat any disease; only as a dietary supplement) I pray that our "luck" holds out until the good vaccine is delivered here. Thank you. August 09, 2020 Gary Ordog, MD.

21st Sep, 2020
Gary Joseph Ordog
County of Los Angeles Public Health
September 20, 2020 Update: Still no one that I know, including all my relatives, have had COVID-19 or even tested positive for mRNA SARS-CoV-2. As far as I know, they are still prophylaxing with l-quinine, although the individual compliance may be decreasing. I , for one noticed some GI cramping from just 6 oz. per day of commercial toxic water. I did switch to resveratrol in an approximately equal prophylactic dose. No illness so far and negative mRNAs. (ps Is prophylaxing the proper verb for prophylaxis; as my spellchecker doesn't like it; oh well perhaps it can be my latest neologism!?)(pps Yes resveratrol is antiviral, used to treat swine pseudorabies, for one, and anecdotal in vitro testing showed it did kill the coronavirus. My theory is that it may work prophylactically, as does quinine, and that the prophylactic dose should be considerably less than the actual therapeutic dose. So the amounts of either that I am talking about here in the few milligram ranges may in fact be enough to be prophylactic for the SARS-CoV-2 in casual societal contacts with potentially infected people. Again, all of this is as of yet, unpublished, but is being studied in several hundred people over the past eight months with no cases of COVID-19 or positive mRNA tests, so far. Again, all this is anecdotal, and should not be relied upon for treatment to make all of the lawyers happy.)(ppps When this whole Pandemic is over, I will go back to all of the people involved and get exact statements as to compliance, etc. possibly for a write-up?)

Consider this cartoon published in Lancet, from 1889 regarding influenza at that time. It depicts a patient being led by a physician, surrounded by politicians. I would like you to note the figure on the bottom left holding a sign saying "quinine!" Wow, things don't change much. Gary Joseph Ordog, MD; January 21, 2021.

Sep 5, 2016
Helpful post. Thanks.


Jan 29, 2021
I don't know much about chemistry. Is l-quinine different than quinine sulfate that I could buy in bulk? If so, where would you recommend someone buy l-quinine in bulk? And thanks for this thread.


Jun 5, 2019

I had severe Covid infection last year and I drank so much Tonic water. It did not help one bit.

I'm tired sick of this bull**** 'cures'.


Aug 10, 2018

I had severe Covid infection last year and I drank so much Tonic water. It did not help one bit.

I'm tired sick of this bull**** 'cures'.
No one is espousing tonic water as a cure -- rather, as prophylaxis. The dose of quinine required for treatment is much higher than tonic water can provide. Did you drink the tonic water before or after the symptoms began?
Last edited:


Nov 27, 2019
I had severe Covid infection last year and I drank so much Tonic water. It did not help one bit.

I'm tired sick of this bull**** 'cures'.
Did you take zinc?


Jun 5, 2019
Did you take zinc?
I had literally everything at my disposal. I am a supplement junky. Nothing helped. Covid eventually left my system after 12 days.

Covid is a bioweapon though. I could 'smell' the virus, it was not 'natural'.


I had literally everything at my disposal. I am a supplement junky. Nothing helped. Covid eventually left my system after 12 days.

Covid is a bioweapon though. I could 'smell' the virus, it was not 'natural'.
How do you know it was covid? I smelled burning hair before I got sick with flus.


Nov 22, 2017
I had literally everything at my disposal. I am a supplement junky. Nothing helped. Covid eventually left my system after 12 days.

Covid is a bioweapon though. I could 'smell' the virus, it was not 'natural'.

Different strokes for different folks. I used those things and it helped tremendously.


Aug 10, 2012
Different strokes for different folks. I used those things and it helped tremendously.
I did too. HCQ etc for 5 days. And I am an old bird.


Nov 24, 2017
I had literally everything at my disposal. I am a supplement junky. Nothing helped. Covid eventually left my system after 12 days.

Covid is a bioweapon though. I could 'smell' the virus, it was not 'natural'.
Same here for two common colds. All that stuff did nothing.


Jan 25, 2014
But why do you think this was his mistake when you think there is no covid I wonder ?

I didn't say it was "his mistake." He said he had "literally everything" at his disposal. So, I was just checking on two things that are (very obviously) part of everything, and that others have had success in treating the collection of symptoms that is being referred to as "Covid."

And yes, I don't think this "Novel Corona Virus" even exists. But get this..... I do think people still get sick. Shocker, I know. One of my big arguments is that they are simply rebranding a lot of other diseases and conditions as so called "Covid." Considering both Birx and Fauci are caught admitting to this very thing on tape and on National Television, this really shouldn't be that controversial a stand.


Nov 24, 2017
I didn't say it was "his mistake." He said he had "literally everything" at his disposal. So, I was just checking on two things that are (very obviously) part of everything, and that others have had success in treating the collection of symptoms that is being referred to as "Covid."

And yes, I don't think this "Novel Corona Virus" even exists. But get this..... I do think people still get sick. Shocker, I know. One of my big arguments is that they are simply rebranding a lot of other diseases and conditions as so called "Covid." Considering both Birx and Fauci are caught admitting to this very thing on tape and on National Television, this really shouldn't be that controversial a stand.

Do you have a link to that fauci and birx thing?

How much crypto and famotidine would you take ?


Sep 13, 2012
Those who use the most supplements and drugs will probably fare the worst. Before covid people just did their normal thing when they got sick, now everyone takes everything but the kitchen sink and wonder why they are sick for 2 weeks straight. The fear of it being really bad makes you think you need all these drugs and supplements, when maybe just maybe your body can take care of it.


Feb 26, 2018
You've been using quinine for some time.
Have you found any effect on male health?

I found some studies showing that it increases testicular lipid peroxidation and decreases testosterone.
This study showed a significant decrease in testosterone levels in rats after beeing fed quinine for 8 weeks. HED was about 125mg.

"Both the serum and testicular levels of TT in rats administered QU only were significantly (P < 0.001) lower than those of the control and QU plus TT-treated rats. "

This study showed testicular damage in rats. Which was reduced by vitamin C .

"Our results showed that the cytoarchitecture of seminiferous tubules of rats treated with QU only was grossly distorted, while that of rats that had both QU and AA was not significantly different from that of the controls. "

Another study finding the same results.

"The results showed that there was a general destruction of cells of the seminiferous tubules and the testicular interstitium that persisted even after the discontinuation of QU and to the end of our experiment that lasted 20 weeks."

The MoA here seems to be the increase in lipid peroxidation.

"Quinine significantly (p < 0.01) increased free radicals (from elevation of MDA) and decreased testosterone in the testis compared with those of the control group and those treated with a combination of quinine and ascorbic acid. The semen of rats treated with only quinine demonstrated a significantly (p < 0.001) lower sperm concentration and motility compared to the controls and those treated with quinine plus ascorbic acid."

"Quinine does not only make male mice recover completely, but also cause inflammation on mice testicles tissue."

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