Abortion Rights May 2022 and why this should matter to you




View: https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1546957961439969280

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Before the XIV Ammendment there was no legal definition of citizen.
it should be remembered that it was "We the people" as sovereign, who created the Constitution, after having first broke the unconscionable contract of the decrees of the British Crown.
The Constitution did set up the provenance for a Judicial system in the new nation that did not do away with the common law, which has its roots
in the Magna Carta. The Constitution speaks of "law and equity".
The common law is the law of the sovereign individual with no subjects but themselves.
The common law is practiced before a "court of record" which proceeds according to the common law, where the soverign as plaintiff is the tribunal makes the law
and where the magistrate (judge) does not have the right to make a decision in a case.
What has happened is that people do not understand the law, and get sucked in to pleading by lawyers who are beholden to equity law and its attendant traps.

So yes people have volunteered for a status that they think gives them rights, but actually puts them into jurisdiction where they lose their rights.

1215.org is an excellent resource for greater details. Follow the steps!
This is just to expand upon your post. You mentioned 'law and equity', however I think the word equity as it is used in the US legal system needs to be better identified for the non-legal readers on this forum. Many home owners understand equity but they do not understand its historical underpinnings in the legal system. Equity is basically fairness.
As the legal system was evolving during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in England it became apparent that laws could be applied unfairly. The Court of Equity came about to address some of these issues. In the US, the Courts of Law and Equity have been combined.
Equitable Remedies are part of the law in the US. One such remedy is a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO). A lawyer standing before a judge has to explain that unless the court orders a TRO, the law would cause irreparable damage to his/her client. Recently, this came into play with the Biden mandates where employees were given a deadline to get the jab or lose their job. TROs were granted so that the legal issues could be litigated in court beyond the timelines of government deadlines.

Getting back to the subject matter of this thread, the new abortion decision from the Supreme Court leaves no exception for rape or incest. The pedophile rapist in this story was caught and the victim went to another state for an abortion. It offend my sense of fairness.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Jan 25, 2014
Getting back to the subject matter of this thread, the new abortion decision from the Supreme Court leaves no exception for rape or incest. The pedophile rapist in this story was caught and the victim went to another state for an abortion. It offend my sense of fairness.
Wrong. It's Ohio Law that you are speaking about. Again, the Dobbs decision didn't ban abortion in any way. It left the decision to regulate it up to the states, after concluding that there is no "constitutional right to abortion." If it was the Supreme Court decision that did that, you wouldn't just be able to go to "another state." You'd have to go to another country.

The Supreme Court does not create state laws. State Legislatures do that.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Wrong. It's Ohio Law that you are speaking about. Again, the Dobbs decision didn't ban abortion in any way. It left the decision to regulate it up to the states, after concluding that there is no "constitutional right to abortion." If it was the Supreme Court decision that did that, you wouldn't just be able to go to "another state." You'd have to go to another country.

The Supreme Court does not create state laws. State Legislatures do that.
Thank you for your comment. I avoid debates on the forum; but I want to clarify my thoughts.

There are a bundle of different abortion rights issues. The Supreme Court gave the entire 'bundle of rights' to the states when it overturned Roe. Think of the 'bundle of rights' like a bundle of asparagus. The Supreme Court could have given the states less than the entire bundle and retained the constitution right to an abortion in the event of rape, statutory rape or incest. Or, it could have made obiter dictum comments. It choose not to do so and left the matter entirely up to the 50 States to decide for themselves. For now, there will be abortion shopping for states that still allow abortion.

The State of Ohio has created its own state law and state equity in the event of statutory rape. I hope that there are no other pedophile rapist in Ohio's future. I do not live in Ohio but it offends my sense of fairness.


Nov 28, 2014
Getting back to the subject matter of this thread, the new abortion decision from the Supreme Court leaves no exception for rape or incest. The pedophile rapist in this story was caught and the victim went to another state for an abortion. It offend my sense of fairness.
I think there is more to this story than first appears. I find it hard to believe that a 10-year-old girl wouldn't qualify for some kind of medical exemption based on endangerment to her health, or even her very life. I think the case could be made that pregnancy and childbirth for a 10-year-old would be life-threatening. Based on the little I've read, it doesn't sound like they even tried for an exemption. Just packed her off to Indiana. But I don't know, lots of unanswered questions.

View: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6309397392112

Yet even so, she was able to obtain an abortion. To reiterate what @tankasnowgod said, it's now up to the people of Ohio to change their abortion law if they believe it's unfair.

The Supreme Court could have given the states less than the entire bundle and retained the constitution right to an abortion in the event of rape, statutory rape or incest.
I'm not a lawyer, but wouldn't this still be considered legislating from the bench? It's my understanding that the current Supreme Court is saying that Roe was a bad decision, that there never was ANY constitutional right to abortion. So you can't retain part of something that doesn't exist in the first place. If people want it to be a constitutional right, shouldn't it have to go through congress?


Jan 25, 2014
The Supreme Court could have given the states less than the entire bundle and retained the constitution right to an abortion in the event of rape, statutory rape or incest.
The problem is that the constitution says nothing about any sort of "right to abortion" in any way, shape, or form. If they had done what you are suggesting, they would have been doing the exact same thing that caused them to overrule the 1973 court in the first place, making up "rights" that don't exist.
Or, it could have made obiter dictum comments.
Dicta wouldn't stop any state from passing a law. Sometimes, it influences other courts, but even they are free to disregard dicta.
It choose not to do so and left the matter entirely up to the 50 States to decide for themselves.
Truthfully, it wasn't a matter of "choice." With Separation of Powers, they didn't have any power to stop it.
For now, there will be abortion shopping for states that still allow abortion.
On a long enough timeline, anything can change. But I don't see states like California or Nevada changing anything anytime soon. Probably not in my lifetime.


Jan 25, 2014
I think there is more to this story than first appears. I find it hard to believe that a 10-year-old girl wouldn't qualify for some kind of medical exemption based on endangerment to her health, or even her very life. I think the case could be made that pregnancy and childbirth for a 10-year-old would be life-threatening. Based on the little I've read, it doesn't sound like they even tried for an exemption. Just packed her off to Indiana. But I don't know, lots of unanswered questions.
When I heard this story, my first thoughts were "Who would leak this to the media if it were real?" I highly doubt any family in this situation would hire a publicist. Doctors and Law Enforcement Officials would both have a duty to keep it confidential, and even leaking details like age and plans to visit another state for a procedure would certainly be unethical, if not an outright violation. If you really cared about this girl, why would you splash this story around in the media, considering the horrors she would already have went through?

Second, if it is real, 10 year old pregnancies must be rare, and there would probably be only a handful of specialists in the country that could even attempt such a procedure. This procedure would be anything but routine, and travelling to see the best specialist would be very likely in a case like this.

I think Megan Fox made some other good points in that video.


When I heard this story, my first thoughts were "Who would leak this to the media if it were real?"
It's part of the abortion agenda to push the limits of age and stage of pregnancy.

Just 10 days ago The Intercept Brasil did something very similar with an 11 yo on her 7th month of pregnancy and publicized it as a rape case. It turned out she was pregnant from her 13 yo boyfriend who lives in the same house because he is the son of her stepfather, and their relationship had the consentment from both irresponsible parents. The judge denied the abortion, which is forbidden in the country anyway, but the prosecution recommended the abortion which was carried out immediately upon the recommendation from the state prosecutors (in the past the prosecutor in charge posted a selfie showing off her Che Guevara tatoo or whatever). So The Intercept + state prosecution are colluding to push the abortionist agenda (Soros?).


It's part of the abortion agenda to push the limits of age and stage of pregnancy.

Just 10 days ago The Intercept Brasil did something very similar with an 11 yo on her 7th month of pregnancy and publicized it as a rape case. It turned out she was pregnant from her 13 yo boyfriend who lives in the same house because he is the son of her stepfather, and their relationship had the consentment from both irresponsible parents. The judge denied the abortion, which is forbidden in the country anyway, but the prosecution recommended the abortion which was carried out immediately upon the recommendation from the state prosecutors (in the past the prosecutor in charge posted a selfie showing off her Che Guevara tatoo or whatever). So The Intercept + state prosecution are colluding to push the abortionist agenda (Soros?).
BTW this abortion occurred in the exact same day as the Roe v. Wade was overturned, as if they knew the day the dicision was going to come out.


Feb 12, 2020
I've never been an anti natalist and I get the "stop the elite's agenda" angle, but I can't square the staunch opposition to abortion with this forum's insistence that health and consequently happiness is impossible to reach without providing a child an optimal environment. Every mishap, every mistake made by the parents such as choosing formula in favour of breastfeeding, suboptimal childhood and pre natal nutrition, vaccinating their children etc is presented here as a permanent mistake that will forever drag people's health down and will never allow them to be healthy/happy/attractive and truly attain their genetic potential.

Not only that, but the health recommendations here such as moving to a low pollution area, living a low stress life eating an organic/grass fed diet, having all organic clothing/low exposure to chemicals, top of the line water and air filters. This type of recommendations are not only completely unrealistic for some people due to how polluted the environment is becoming, they're also impossible to follow unless you're in the top % financially.

There's also the fact that if too a large number of people were to live this way, the current societal structure will crumble and everything will need to be rebuilt in a different way which will take decades. In other words, for this luxurious lifestyle of eating pounds of organic tropical fruit and grass fed organs to be possible for a small percent of people, 90% of the cogs in the machine need to keep living the same way to maintain the structure

How many of these people that you don't want to abort can actually provide even 1% of what it takes to create a healthy child that's capable of achieving, facing the obstacles of life, procreating and being happy and hormonally balanced?

How likely is it that those children whose mother had microplastics in her womb will be stuck living with an hormonally deranged appearance and neurochemistry, autism, serotonin dominance depression, chronic fatigue researching health all day long and saving up their summer job money for SIBO tests, water filters and mold remediations?
And that's a best case scenario. If they're unaware and depending on their relationship with authority figures, they'll most likely just go on a downward spiral of substance abuse or a downward spiral of trusting their doctor's SSRI prescriptions, mercury-laden vaccines, fluoride pills, etc. After all, those vaxxed people that are dehumanised in these circles all started as a baby that was born into and raised in a suboptimal environment
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Jan 25, 2014
I've never been an anti natalist and I get the "stop the elite's agenda" angle, but I can't square the staunch opposition to abortion with this forum's insistence that health and consequently happiness is impossible to reach without providing a child an optimal environment. Every mishap, every mistake made by the parents such as choosing formula in favour of breastfeeding, suboptimal childhood and pre natal nutrition, vaccinating their children etc is presented here as a permanent mistake that will forever drag people's health down and will never allow them to be healthy/happy/attractive and truly attain their genetic potential.
No, it's not. In fact, many posts and members have claimed exactly the opposite.... that every mistake, every disease, any condition (even a long term one) has the possibility to be reversed/cured given the right environment. That often involves simple, straight forward fixes.

Not only that, but the health recommendations here such as moving to a low pollution area, living a low stress life eating an organic/grass fed diet, having all organic clothing/low exposure to chemicals, top of the line water and air filters. This type of recommendations are not only completely unrealistic for some people due to how polluted the environment is becoming, they're also impossible to follow unless you're in the top % financially.
Ridiculous. Sure, to do all of the above perfectly may require some extra money, but why would you let "perfect" be the enemy of "good?" You can always make better choices within your budget, and plan for longer term changes.
There's also the fact that if too a large number of people were to live this way, the current societal structure will crumble and everything will need to be rebuilt in a different way which will take decades.
Being that there's only like tens of thousands of members on this forum, and billions of people in the world, this is totally irrelevant, even if it were true.
In other words, for this luxurious lifestyle of eating pounds of organic tropical fruit and grass fed organs to be possible for a small percent of people, 90% of the cogs in the machine need to keep living the same way to maintain the structure
Do you even Peat, bro? One of the reasons Peat has constantly recommended milk and orange juice is because they are relatively cheap, nutritious, and widely available. You don't hear him recommending "pounds of organic tropical fruit," even if that would be beneficial.

For example, I have heard him talk about how eating lobster every once in a while is healthy. But he knows it's a really expensive food. So, he doesn't talk about it much. But, if you can afford to eat lobster every month, he would probably think that's a good thing for your health. But, not totally necessary.
How many of these people that you don't want to abort can actually provide even 1% of what it takes to create a healthy child that's capable of achieving, facing the obstacles of life, procreating and being happy and hormonally balanced?
Wut? So that's the only two choices....... perfect existence or termination? Average, good, and great just isn't a possibility in your world? Striving towards improvement isn't a thing?

I have two nephews, both who probably have had many vaccines in their lives, and they both seem to be in pretty good health, and both seem to be pretty happy, and both incredibly smart for their age. So, because they may not have perfect health, you think they should just be wiped off the planet? Everything you are saying about abortion here could be applied to murder, euthanaisa or genocide. Not a good argument, and not a side I would be on, personally.
How likely is it that those children whose mother had microplastics in her womb will be stuck living with an hormonally deranged appearance and neurochemistry, autism, serotonin dominance depression, chronic fatigue researching health all day long and saving up their summer job money for SIBO tests, water filters and mold remediations?
And that's a best case scenario. If they're unaware and depending on their relationship with authority figures, they'll most likely just go on a downward spiral of substance abuse or a downward spiral of trusting their doctor's SSRI prescriptions, mercury-laden vaccines, fluoride pills, etc. After all, those vaxxed people that are dehumanised in these circles all started as a baby that was born into and raised in a suboptimal environment
It is not a "best case scenario." You are describing a bad, below average (yet becoming more common) case scenario.

As such, it's good that you aren't in charge of abortion policies. That has been returned to the states, as it should have been the entire time, to anyone who cared about the Constitution. Ironically, the states that allow and even promote abortion the most are the same states that are the worst offenders in the other factors you mentioned. Maybe that's even the game..... places like California want to make life so hellish that people will seek to destroy life any way possible.


Sep 13, 2012
No, it's not. In fact, many posts and members have claimed exactly the opposite.... that every mistake, every disease, any condition (even a long term one) has the possibility to be reversed/cured given the right environment. That often involves simple, straight forward fixes.

Ridiculous. Sure, to do all of the above perfectly may require some extra money, but why would you let "perfect" be the enemy of "good?" You can always make better choices within your budget, and plan for longer term changes.

Being that there's only like tens of thousands of members on this forum, and billions of people in the world, this is totally irrelevant, even if it were true.

Do you even Peat, bro? One of the reasons Peat has constantly recommended milk and orange juice is because they are relatively cheap, nutritious, and widely available. You don't hear him recommending "pounds of organic tropical fruit," even if that would be beneficial.

For example, I have heard him talk about how eating lobster every once in a while is healthy. But he knows it's a really expensive food. So, he doesn't talk about it much. But, if you can afford to eat lobster every month, he would probably think that's a good thing for your health. But, not totally necessary.

Wut? So that's the only two choices....... perfect existence or termination? Average, good, and great just isn't a possibility in your world? Striving towards improvement isn't a thing?

I have two nephews, both who probably have had many vaccines in their lives, and they both seem to be in pretty good health, and both seem to be pretty happy, and both incredibly smart for their age. So, because they may not have perfect health, you think they should just be wiped off the planet? Everything you are saying about abortion here could be applied to murder, euthanaisa or genocide. Not a good argument, and not a side I would be on, personally.

It is not a "best case scenario." You are describing a bad, below average (yet becoming more common) case scenario.

As such, it's good that you aren't in charge of abortion policies. That has been returned to the states, as it should have been the entire time, to anyone who cared about the Constitution. Ironically, the states that allow and even promote abortion the most are the same states that are the worst offenders in the other factors you mentioned. Maybe that's even the game..... places like California want to make life so hellish that people will seek to destroy life any way possible.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I was happy to see this yesterday. My community is stepping up to help those who feel abortion is their only option. These girls and women are going to need all the help they can get. I’m saying this from the perspective of a young unwed single mom 32 years ago that opted to not abort. There’s a link on their site to national resources, adoption support etc. C06004D8-17ED-4267-A0CB-B03AABCC7424.jpeg 65456DA5-4592-4D9E-B96F-1372BB870CFB.jpeg


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Mar 10, 2016
I've never been an anti natalist and I get the "stop the elite's agenda" angle, but I can't square the staunch opposition to abortion with this forum's insistence that health and consequently happiness is impossible to reach without providing a child an optimal environment. Every mishap, every mistake made by the parents such as choosing formula in favour of breastfeeding, suboptimal childhood and pre natal nutrition, vaccinating their children etc is presented here as a permanent mistake that will forever drag people's health down and will never allow them to be healthy/happy/attractive and truly attain their genetic potential.
This is a valid sentiment. I'm glad that Roe v. Wade was overturned. I also really feel for people who will raise a child without the opportunities and knowledge that some of us have been blessed with. Childhood health is absolutely important to adult development. It's not always cut and dry. Remember this?

"I haven't found Ray Peat's thoughts on psychopaths, so I asked him what's his guess about what causes it and if it can be cured. His response:
I think it's usually a combination of some neurological-endocrine damage and the effect of parental, especially maternal, neglect. I think there's an interaction of learning with brain development, and like language learning after puberty, it's probably very hard for an adult to learn to have empathy. Cultures can have attitudes that resemble psychopathy, attitudes about how people should interact, degrees of xenophobia, for example.

Then I asked him if by maternal neglect he referred to something like not touching or talking the baby and he replied:

Yes, touching, talking, looking.
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