Allergy to b vitamins


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Sep 11, 2023
I think I'm having histamine reactions from Lifeblud energi+ b complex. I have previously had histamine issues with folate (MTHF) bioceuticals supplement so I'm wondering if that's what I'm allergic to.

Can any really sensitive reactive people recommend a b vitamin? I know from @mostlylurking I'm likely thiamine deficient but cannot seems handle thiamine on its own yet.

Also reading amazoniaks posts that I probably need a complex to start as I am so weak and depleted.

Or do I just stick to liver and mushrooms (not sure I can handle the fibre in mushrooms though)


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Sep 11, 2023
What's your symptoms?
The best way I can describe it is head tippy fragile anxiety/ can’t cope feeling then tears. The anxiety comes 30 minutes post.

Also some sneezing but that might also be premenstrual related


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Sep 11, 2023
What's your symptoms?
I just remembered I also had orange juice without bicarb this morning so potentially that has set me off instead of the lifeblud b vitamin?
Mar 10, 2021
I think I'm having histamine reactions from Lifeblud energi+ b complex. I have previously had histamine issues with folate (MTHF) bioceuticals supplement so I'm wondering if that's what I'm allergic to.

Can any really sensitive reactive people recommend a b vitamin? I know from @mostlylurking I'm likely thiamine deficient but cannot seems handle thiamine on its own yet.

Also reading amazoniaks posts that I probably need a complex to start as I am so weak and depleted.

Or do I just stick to liver and mushrooms (not sure I can handle the fibre in mushrooms though)



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Sep 11, 2023
@Rinse & rePeat
That sounds like me. My anxiety (assuming from my gut irritation) is so bad in general I am desperate to try b vitamins but guess I stick to liver as yes all supps seem to worsen my anxiety and then cortisol, I just can’t seem to get out go of the loop
Mar 10, 2021
@Rinse & rePeat
That sounds like me. My anxiety (assuming from my gut irritation) is so bad in general I am desperate to try b vitamins but guess I stick to liver as yes all supps seem to worsen my anxiety and then cortisol, I just can’t seem to get out go of the loop
Any gut irritation can make one stuffy or have a runny nose. Ray said even sneezing. When I was lifelong into herbs and some other supplements, and I suspected they were adding to my hot mess, I thought to take out one at a time, but was’t sure that would tell me anything, so I decided instead to take them all out and add each one back in, but to my surprise I felt so much better with all of them suddenly gone that I never added any back in. I still believe in my good brand of MSM and stinging nettle leaves, both for histamines, but the nettle is also a good source of K1 and MSM for real nice skin. I rarely take them, mostly because I forget, or like the nettle, I ran out months ago. Food serves me far better than the supplements ever did.


Apr 19, 2020
The best way I can describe it is head tippy fragile anxiety/ can’t cope feeling then tears. The anxiety comes 30 minutes post.

Also some sneezing but that might also be premenstrual related
Make sure you have the B vit after a decent size meal. I checked the formula and it does not have niacin, so that's probably not the issue. (niacinimide) . But I did have reactions to a similar formula but with niacin, after drinking strong black tea, and a piece of toast with butter and honey. :): But they were more like ants attacking my head. and feet. I was sure it was a reaction to toxic clothes detergent, but.... it wasn't. Just eat a real meal, and then take the vit to see if it happens again. My 2 cents.


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Sep 11, 2023
I think my big issue is my stomach lining is inflamed (possibly all upper gi). Anything that’s slightly irritates it causes mass anxiety. 0.5mg of cypro has calmed things quite a bit today.

I think I need to do almost like gaps diet but peat (homemade gelatin as I seem to react to powdered + sugar and lactose free milk).

Bs have helped me in the past and this formula seems like the cleanest one so I think it’s my Inflammation and estrogen in there going nuts.

Thanks for this though. If I try them again I will do what you’ve suggested


Apr 19, 2020
Great you tried cypro and it seems to work. I take it on and off for allergies of pollen, etc., and when I was down with a cold/flu, with copious phlegm, I did take more than the usual (my 1/2 pill = 2 mg), as I took 1 whole pill 3X daily for 3 or 4 days. I do not get sleepy from it, but in the night it does help me sleep a bit deeper. Anyhow, if you feel something from .5 mg, then that's great. Yes, homemade bone broth is great, if that is the gelatin you are mentioning. Cheers.


Jul 25, 2020
Can any really sensitive reactive people recommend a b vitamin? I know from @mostlylurking I'm likely thiamine deficient but cannot seems handle thiamine on its own yet.
I am very sensitive to most things and keep my food and supplement intake as simple as possible. B vitamins are *very* important. This is what finally worked the best for me since I no longer will 'do' liver or gelatin.
I take a complete B-50 supplement about 3 times a week with one cup of whole organic milk after I have had a hard-boiled egg or 2 (I peel them and cover them with a bit of organic olive oil and organic unsalted butter and sprinkle a bit of sea salt over it all .
The B-50 complexes I use have no methyl anything. After swallowing the B-complex with milk - I put one or two sublingual Methylcobalamin B-12 1000 mcg under my tongue and let it melt. We change brands when we get around to thinking it is time to change brands
My husband sort of does the same thing with the Bs although he might only do it twice weekly.
Orange juice is not for me. I take Ascorbic-acid (vit-C) instead
In life we all need to try to find what works best for ourselves. Everyone is different
If your estrogen is "going nuts" find a progesterone cream or something that you can rub on the inside of your elbow before you go to sleep, which helps the most for me. Although it will work in the daytime too if you forget before going to sleep, Best wishes


Dec 28, 2021
I just remembered I also had orange juice without bicarb this morning so potentially that has set me off instead of the lifeblud b vitamin?
With B-vitamins if I don't have enough magnesium I get a pressure headache, at least from niacinamide. Anxiety and light headedness is more from lack of calories, so that might be one thing. I don't think high doses B-vits are necessarily bad but higher doses are definitely more likely to have adverse effects if there is something lacking. Even a B50 might be very high doses compared to what you normally get from food, so even splitting a capsule into smaller doses can have beneficial effects. But yeah that's my two cents on the matter anyway, magnesium and/or more calories. Funny that you mention the orange juice without bicarb, I just recently had a weak bladder which I realized was from too high of a acid/base ratio, and fixed it quickly with some baking soda. I don't think I had any other obvious symptoms other than weak bladder though.


Jul 25, 2020
With B-vitamins if I don't have enough magnesium I get a pressure headache, at least from niacinamide. Anxiety and light headedness is more from lack of calories, so that might be one thing. I don't think high doses B-vits are necessarily bad but higher doses are definitely more likely to have adverse effects if there is something lacking. Even a B50 might be very high doses compared to what you normally get from food, so even splitting a capsule into smaller doses can have beneficial effects. But yeah that's my two cents on the matter anyway, magnesium and/or more calories. Funny that you mention the orange juice without bicarb, I just recently had a weak bladder which I realized was from too high of a acid/base ratio, and fixed it quickly with some baking soda. I don't think I had any other obvious symptoms other than weak bladder though.
We take Magnesium, Aspirin and Glycine with a cup of milk and often more ascorbic acid in the early evening.
For at least 2 years this routine has improved sleep greatly so then the next day is comfortable.
I will not drink orange juice it makes me sick, which baking soda never improved. My husband does fine with OJ and no longer uses baking soda in anything

Taking daily B-50 complex is not the best for us. Maybe experiment with taking one capsule per week with plenty of distilled water during the day and see what develops. I hope for the best for you!


Dec 28, 2021
We take Magnesium, Aspirin and Glycine with a cup of milk and often more ascorbic acid in the early evening.
For at least 2 years this routine has improved sleep greatly so then the next day is comfortable.
I will not drink orange juice it makes me sick, which baking soda never improved. My husband does fine with OJ and no longer uses baking soda in anything

Taking daily B-50 complex is not the best for us. Maybe experiment with taking one capsule per week with plenty of distilled water during the day and see what develops. I hope for the best for you!
That's good to hear! Yeah I don't have a problem with B's myself (at this moment). My response was simply for trouble shooting OP's adverse reaction to them and what I've noticed resolved any issues for me. But all you mentioned seem like good things to try! All the best to you too!
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