Aluminium at "tolerable" human intakes causes gut inflammation & colon damage, higher doses ulcerative colitis, lower doses gut pain


Jul 27, 2022
Yesterday i noticed dark grey residue on a pan again after scouring with a metal pad & cleaning it with some kitchen tissue.

This stuff is likely Aluminium , which is damaging in the gut >10mg, & brain.

either the metal scouring wire i've been using or the pan itself is aluminium

Effects of Aluminum on the Integrity of the Intestinal Epithelium: An in Vitro and in Vivo Study

5mg/kg+ aka ~25mg+ human dose of aluminium orally, over 13 weeks, increases colon oxidative stress markers a lot, shortens colon length, induces inflammation, damages barrier function. and the higher doses induced ulcerative colitis.

They used 5mg/kg in mice to represent levels set as tolerable for humans

25mg for humans is higher than typical estimated intakes ~10mg daily. so many people probably don't have to be concerned about it to this extent.
but that can vary. e.g i'm pretty sure that grey residue i've been eating for a while counts as a decent amount of mgs. some medications antacids can be in the 100s of mgs


lower doses in another study 1.5mg/kg around 8mg human dose in mice (less than estimated standard human intakes when going by average food & water),
didn't induce colon damage alone but made colon damage after DSS worse

in rats 1.5mg/kg (~15mg) causes hypersensitivity & gut pain in rodents

[but i guess dosing all at once instead of spread over a day might make a difference in these studies?]

A U.S. food additives survey calculated that most Americans ingest from 0.01 to 1.4 mg$kg body weight$d of aluminum. In the same study, it was estimated that about 5% of Americans ingested more than 95 mg/d aluminum (meaning 1.58 mg$kg$d if a 60-kg person is considered).20
In the present study, we showed that a 1.5 mg$kg$d ingestion of aluminum induced dose-dependent and persistent colorectal hypersensitivity in rodents
. To link aluminum and IBS condition, we highlighted that aluminum triggered mechanisms involved in IBS pathophysiology. Indeed, we demonstrated that aluminum induced mast cell degranulation and activation of the proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) which were required for aluminum-induced visceral pain. Our findings indicate that oral exposure to aluminum can reproduce clinical and molecular features of IBS. We revealed a role for aluminum as a dietary factor that can promote abdominal hypersensitivity and a possible therapeutic strategy via controlled aluminum uptake or chelation.

Aluminium is absorbed mostly in the distal lower part of the small intestine.
some antacids & medications are very high in aluminium ( i wonder if this applies to pepcid/famotidine too)
food sources, chocolate and confectionery can be especially high Aluminium content of selected foods and food products - Environmental Sciences Europe

Ray peat mentioned steel frying pans that aren't magnetic (fridge magnet test) are high in nickel , which he said is worse than aluminium and excess iron
"There are two main types of stainless steel, magnetic and nonmagnetic. The nonmagnetic form has a very high nickel content, and nickel is allergenic and carcinogenic. It is much more toxic than iron or aluminum. You can use a little "refrigerator magnet" to test your pans. The magnet will stick firmly to the safer type of pan."
(nickel is magnetic so this is strange but looks to be a thing How Can You Tell if Stainless Steel is Good Quality? (Try this test!) – Wilmax Porcelain by this basically all of them are nickel containing only magnetic on the bottom side)

what protects against aluminium/nickel in the gut?
hesperidin from orange juice protects in the brain. thiamine chelates existing body aluminium.

might switch to an iron pan, glass ones don't seem good for flame heating. comes with problems in high amounts but should be better than aluminium or nickel. im typically on the low side for iron anyway and cooking in iron pans gives an extra 1mg - 5mg per meal.
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David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
No known physiologic need exists for aluminum; however, because of its atomic size and electric charge (0.051 nm and 3+, respectively), it is sometimes a competitive inhibitor of several essential elements with similar characteristics, such as magnesium (0.066 nm, 2+), calcium (0.099 nm, 2+), and iron (0.064 nm, 3+).

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
OSA is not the same as silicon dioxide, and may be a good way to get some of the aluminum out of your body, amongst its other benefits:


Oct 4, 2019

What foods cause plaque in the brain?​

White foods, including pasta, cakes, white sugar, white rice and white bread. Consuming these causes a spike in insulin production and sends toxins to the brain. Microwave popcorn contains diacetyl, a chemical that may increase amyloid plaques in the brain."


Jul 27, 2022
Aluminium is absorbed mostly in the distal lower part of the small intestine.
correction on that think its mostly absorbed in the proximal (upper) part , but most of it found in the intestine is in the distal part in the mucus



Sep 22, 2020

What foods cause plaque in the brain?​

White foods, including pasta, cakes, white sugar, white rice and white bread. Consuming these causes a spike in insulin production and sends toxins to the brain. Microwave popcorn contains diacetyl, a chemical that may increase amyloid plaques in the brain."

What website is that crap written from? LOL

Yes, because consuming these foods in their more BROWN form (less processed) makes them far more healthy.

What idiot would even eat popcorn anyway? Doesn't even taste that good and offers next to zero nutrition input. Its a pointless food that I would only eat (if it was prepared to be low PUFA) if I was on a long road trip and there was literally nothing else to eat.


Oct 4, 2019
What website is that crap written from? LOL

Yes, because consuming these foods in their more BROWN form (less processed) makes them far more healthy.

What idiot would even eat popcorn anyway? Doesn't even taste that good and offers next to zero nutrition input. Its a pointless food that I would only eat (if it was prepared to be low PUFA) if I was on a long road trip and there was literally nothing else to eat.
Ask @David PS
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