Anxiety OH MY


Jun 25, 2013
Blossom said:
The main issue that concerns me is that Etizolam may increase prolactin. I do understand though that we all must weigh out the pros and cons of all supplements and meds and decide for ourselves what choices to make. I'm also sure that I take some meds for my context that wouldn't be appropriate for everyone. Thanks for sharing your experience.

I wasn't aware of that - thanks for pointing that out! I'm going to definitely look into that, though to be honest, I haven't quite looked into prolactin physiology/functions, thus without researching it I won't personally decide if I want to decrease/maintain/increase it or not (I understand Dr. Peat's position on it, though).

There are two others to look into, for those interested:
1) Emapunil - it modulates the mitochondrial translocater protein, thus increasing levels of allopregnanolone in the brain.
2) Ganaxolone - a synthetic neurosteroid that has very potent anti-epileptic effects, yet is also mood brightening and anxiolytic; there is a currently an ongoing trial for its use in PTSD, and has even been used in children for epilepsy.

I know ketosis isn't "Peaty", but even he has stated that ketones are great fuels; they also appear to be anxiolytic, anti-psychotic, anti-epileptic, and more. I've been trying to essentially gorge on calories, sugar, salt, etc. to increase my chronically low temps and decrease my really high TSH (2.910), but ketones help with my neuro-psychiatric issues. So, how to get around this..? Caprylic acid. In large doses one might just notice that it decreases their anxiety and increases their mental clarity over time, though I don't want to make people believe that will undoubtedly happen. Furthermore, one can get beta-hydroxybutyrate salts which increases your ketone levels to around 3.0-5.0mmol/dL (essentially, what would happen if you ate a super high fat, low protein, VLC, low calorie diet), even despite consuming carbs. Win-win.


Sep 2, 2012
A few grams of aspirin is the only thing that has reliably reduced anxiety for me. Gelatin, thyroid, antibiotics, vinegar/carrot and charcoal help, but aren't as dramatic. B1 and taurine I believe helps me as well.


Feb 4, 2014

In case you can't find a root cause of your mental problems I would try HTMA test (hair tissue mineral analysis).
Heavy metals or copper imbalance could be a root cause of your problem.
There are 2 good labs on the market ARL and TEI.
You can test your hair with ARL without practitioner. You can ask this lab directly.
TEI lab cooperates with practitioners only but it is no problem to find one.


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
BigPapaChakra said:
Blossom said:
The main issue that concerns me is that Etizolam may increase prolactin. I do understand though that we all must weigh out the pros and cons of all supplements and meds and decide for ourselves what choices to make. I'm also sure that I take some meds for my context that wouldn't be appropriate for everyone. Thanks for sharing your experience.

I wasn't aware of that - thanks for pointing that out! I'm going to definitely look into that, though to be honest, I haven't quite looked into prolactin physiology/functions, thus without researching it I won't personally decide if I want to decrease/maintain/increase it or not (I understand Dr. Peat's position on it, though).

There are two others to look into, for those interested:
1) Emapunil - it modulates the mitochondrial translocater protein, thus increasing levels of allopregnanolone in the brain.
2) Ganaxolone - a synthetic neurosteroid that has very potent anti-epileptic effects, yet is also mood brightening and anxiolytic; there is a currently an ongoing trial for its use in PTSD, and has even been used in children for epilepsy.

I know ketosis isn't "Peaty", but even he has stated that ketones are great fuels; they also appear to be anxiolytic, anti-psychotic, anti-epileptic, and more. I've been trying to essentially gorge on calories, sugar, salt, etc. to increase my chronically low temps and decrease my really high TSH (2.910), but ketones help with my neuro-psychiatric issues. So, how to get around this..? Caprylic acid. In large doses one might just notice that it decreases their anxiety and increases their mental clarity over time, though I don't want to make people believe that will undoubtedly happen. Furthermore, one can get beta-hydroxybutyrate salts which increases your ketone levels to around 3.0-5.0mmol/dL (essentially, what would happen if you ate a super high fat, low protein, VLC, low calorie diet), even despite consuming carbs. Win-win.

If you research ketosis diet you will see that in general it is recommended that you are under doctor's observation while you induce ketosis due to risk of seizures. That's not very practical or safe for most people.
But the major reason why it's probably not good in the long run is that as long as your free fatty acid levels are high (which they will be if you are burning fat all the time) they will displace tryptophan from plasma and help it get to the brain contributing to a chronically elevated serotonin levels. This will make you feel dull and very apathetic. In addition, metabolizing mostly fat will generate very little CO2 which will make you chronically hypoxic as well.
Finally, the reasons ketone bodies are anti seizure is probably due to their boosting effect on GABA release. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitor and has very good effects for over excited brains. But chronically elevated GABA is implicated in encephalopathies of all kind (traumatic, drug induced, alcoholic, etc). So, in the short term you will be getting anti seizure effects but in the long run you will be destroying your brain.
Just my 2c. The people that I know doing keto-diets were doing them for specific neurological problems, under medical supervision, and for short periods of time (usually less than a month). I just don't see how being in ketosis can be healthy in the long run.
Jan 24, 2014
Things that have helped me: magnesium, GABA, salt, sugar and loads of B vits....hope you get some relief!!!
Nov 26, 2013
haidut said:
BigPapaChakra said:
Blossom said:
The main issue that concerns me is that Etizolam may increase prolactin. I do understand though that we all must weigh out the pros and cons of all supplements and meds and decide for ourselves what choices to make. I'm also sure that I take some meds for my context that wouldn't be appropriate for everyone. Thanks for sharing your experience.

I wasn't aware of that - thanks for pointing that out! I'm going to definitely look into that, though to be honest, I haven't quite looked into prolactin physiology/functions, thus without researching it I won't personally decide if I want to decrease/maintain/increase it or not (I understand Dr. Peat's position on it, though).

There are two others to look into, for those interested:
1) Emapunil - it modulates the mitochondrial translocater protein, thus increasing levels of allopregnanolone in the brain.
2) Ganaxolone - a synthetic neurosteroid that has very potent anti-epileptic effects, yet is also mood brightening and anxiolytic; there is a currently an ongoing trial for its use in PTSD, and has even been used in children for epilepsy.

I know ketosis isn't "Peaty", but even he has stated that ketones are great fuels; they also appear to be anxiolytic, anti-psychotic, anti-epileptic, and more. I've been trying to essentially gorge on calories, sugar, salt, etc. to increase my chronically low temps and decrease my really high TSH (2.910), but ketones help with my neuro-psychiatric issues. So, how to get around this..? Caprylic acid. In large doses one might just notice that it decreases their anxiety and increases their mental clarity over time, though I don't want to make people believe that will undoubtedly happen. Furthermore, one can get beta-hydroxybutyrate salts which increases your ketone levels to around 3.0-5.0mmol/dL (essentially, what would happen if you ate a super high fat, low protein, VLC, low calorie diet), even despite consuming carbs. Win-win.

If you research ketosis diet you will see that in general it is recommended that you are under doctor's observation while you induce ketosis due to risk of seizures. That's not very practical or safe for most people.
But the major reason why it's probably not good in the long run is that as long as your free fatty acid levels are high (which they will be if you are burning fat all the time) they will displace tryptophan from plasma and help it get to the brain contributing to a chronically elevated serotonin levels. This will make you feel dull and very apathetic. In addition, metabolizing mostly fat will generate very little CO2 which will make you chronically hypoxic as well.
Finally, the reasons ketone bodies are anti seizure is probably due to their boosting effect on GABA release. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitor and has very good effects for over excited brains. But chronically elevated GABA is implicated in encephalopathies of all kind (traumatic, drug induced, alcoholic, etc). So, in the short term you will be getting anti seizure effects but in the long run you will be destroying your brain.
Just my 2c. The people that I know doing keto-diets were doing them for specific neurological problems, under medical supervision, and for short periods of time (usually less than a month). I just don't see how being in ketosis can be healthy in the long run.

There is a "Peaty" blog written by a student that had a post about the ketones being similar to GABA, suggesting they might imitate its effects (they also can mimick thyroid, apparently). What do you think about the theory suggesting people with the ApoE4 gene are getting Alzheimer's from carbs?


Sep 19, 2013
I have continued to rapidly decline. I've gone to doctors, been to the ER, etc. No one can help. It's not blood sugar because sipping on OJ, or eating any sugar for that matter does absolutely nothing. I am extremely faint and cloudy around the clock, and going out in public tops me off. It's a NIGHTMARE. There is definitely a legit issue because I am even terrible in tv comfort of my own home.


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
iLoveSugar said:
I have continued to rapidly decline. I've gone to doctors, been to the ER, etc. No one can help. It's not blood sugar because sipping on OJ, or eating any sugar for that matter does absolutely nothing. I am extremely faint and cloudy around the clock, and going out in public tops me off. It's a NIGHTMARE. There is definitely a legit issue because I am even terrible in tv comfort of my own home.

Have you tried a larger dose of pregnenolone (500mg+), a larger dose of niacinamide (1,500mg+), larger dose of magnesium (500mg+), etc? I know people who work in an experimental facility with drug addicts in withdrawal. I am pretty sure that whatever anxiety issues you have can probably be matched by the anxiety a heroin addicts experiences in the first 2-3 weeks of withdrawal. The compounds and dosage I listed above, especially in combination, are capable of stopping an anxiety/panic attack mid-session no matter how sever it is. I don't say this lightly. The pregnenolone for some people can be anxiogenic, so maybe not the best thing to try right now, but high doses of niacinamide and magnesium have the effect of drugs and can even sedate you if taken in high enough doses. I am also think most doctors would have no problem prescribing those things to be administered IV as well.


Sep 19, 2013
I can try it, I have tried all the above, but in much lower doses. I also have this issue around the clock, so either I have a bacterial/viral issue, or something is permanentely off/wrong.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
iLoveSugar said:
I can try it, I have tried all the above, but in much lower doses. I also have this issue around the clock, so either I have a bacterial/viral issue, or something is permanentely off/wrong.

That bacterial/viral issue is certainly a possibility. One of the best immune boosters in the world is available over the counter in the US. Search Peat's website for the word "inosine". In Europe, where I am from, it is sold as a pharmaceutical drug and is being used for all kinds of conditions from herpes, Epstein-Barr, JCV, etc to cancer and HIV. You can buy inosine from Amazon pretty cheaply. It also has metabolism boosting properties and protects from cancer as well.
Anyways, if the niacinamide and magnesium help with the anxiety at least you will be functional enough to stat researching more about the underlying cause of this. I can help with more information but try to get the anxiety under control first.
Good luck and keep us posted!


Sep 19, 2013
Well the problem is, I am "always' faint. It doesn't come and go. Yes, I do get worse in public, and around people, but I am like this even in the comfort of my own home. I do have Lyme and HSV2, so not sure how responsible any of this is.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
:imsorry you could check out This guy healed from Lyme and
his work might interest you but if not please disregard. I don't have Lyme so I can't speak from experience. He does list Ray Peat as a link although he does caution people with a history of eating disorders about taking Ray's work out of context?!?!!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Correction: The above should have read OCD not eating disorders.
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