Anyone Get Carpal Tunnel Surgery?


Mar 21, 2014
Just looking for experiences with carpal tunnel surgery, positive or negative.

I was diagnosed with Carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands via nerve conduction test. The pain is pretty bad. I've been doing Peaty stuff for years. I know CTS is caused by tissue swelling, nerve compaction and hypothyroidism. The pain continues after everything I've tried (in addition to general Peaty metabolic stuff, occupational therapy, splints, copper compression gloves, lymph drainage massage and chiropractic).

Edit - also am using an ergonomic mouse, ergo keyboard and have changed configuration of work station, etc.

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Mar 27, 2018
I was getting Carpal Tunnel after renovating my home office, which switched around the height and location of my mouse, keyboard and desk. Within a few months, I noticed that my wrist was painful and tight.

I realized it likely had something to do with how I was holding my computer mouse in a strange angle and with more pressure than necessary.
Basically, I had to get a new desk and setup my work space in such an area where my wrist could always remain straight (never bent.)
Constant pressure on the wrist (muscular contraction) will overwork the area and never give it a chance to heal. Have you tried switching hands and/or changing up your computer area?

I was also going to get the nerve conduction test, but I wanted to try fixing it through physical means first, because I knew if I got the nerve conduction test all they would suggest is surgery or an arm brace.
I also own the arm brace, but never used it.

There is also 1 supplement which I believe has been studied for Carpal Tunnel, but it is NOT Peaty at all and some have suggested this supplement can't be used long-term
Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) to enhance nerve regeneration in carpal tunnel syndrome: study protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. - PubMed - NCBI

I believe it has to be ALCAR and not just L-Carnitine.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
John Sarno wrote a book called "The Divided Mind", and in it, he listed carpal tunnel syndrome as psychosomatic in origin. He also described surgery as having the most powerful placebo effect.


May 6, 2014
A long time ago, I had a moderate bout of carpal tunnel from a bad desk/computer setup, probably combined with underlying hypothyroidism. I stopped the worst symptoms by resting that hand for months--only keyed in with my left, no watch on the wrist. A carpal-tunnel weakness remained, though, for 15 to 20 years. That disappeared when I did the Wheat Belly diet, about seven years ago, and I haven't heard from it since. I credit no wheat for the cure. I can do push-ups now.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Have you tried stretching exercises? Youtube has a bunch.
Switching hands with the mouse is also a good suggestion as is having a wrist support for both mouse and keyboard.


Jan 28, 2018
Just looking for experiences with carpal tunnel surgery, positive or negative.

I was diagnosed with Carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands via nerve conduction test. The pain is pretty bad. I've been doing Peaty stuff for years. I know CTS is caused by tissue swelling, nerve compaction and hypothyroidism. The pain continues after everything I've tried (in addition to general Peaty metabolic stuff, occupational therapy, splints, copper compression gloves, lymph drainage massage and chiropractic).

Edit - also am using an ergonomic mouse, ergo keyboard and have changed configuration of work station, etc.


I suffered from CTS symptoms (tingling, numbness, and weakness in both hands), induced by prolonged bad posture in front of a computer. Apart from addressing the root cause of bad posture, I managed to eliminate the symptoms using high-quality vitamin B6 and B12 supplements (Pure Encapsulations).

Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome with vitamin B6. - PubMed - NCBI ("Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome with vitamin B6.")

Response of vitamin B-6 deficiency and the carpal tunnel syndrome to pyridoxine. ("Response of vitamin B-6 deficiency and the carpal tunnel syndrome to pyridoxine.") [...CTS is a primary deficiency of vitamin B-6 rather than one of a dependency state. Clinical improvement of the syndrome with pyridoxine therapy may frequently obviate hand surgery."]


Mar 21, 2014
I suffered from CTS symptoms (tingling, numbness, and weakness in both hands), induced by prolonged bad posture in front of a computer. Apart from addressing the root cause of bad posture, I managed to eliminate the symptoms using high-quality vitamin B6 and B12 supplements (Pure Encapsulations).

Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome with vitamin B6. - PubMed - NCBI ("Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome with vitamin B6.")

Response of vitamin B-6 deficiency and the carpal tunnel syndrome to pyridoxine. ("Response of vitamin B-6 deficiency and the carpal tunnel syndrome to pyridoxine.") [...CTS is a primary deficiency of vitamin B-6 rather than one of a dependency state. Clinical improvement of the syndrome with pyridoxine therapy may frequently obviate hand surgery."]
What forms of the vitamins and what dosage did you take?


Jan 28, 2018
What forms of the vitamins and what dosage did you take?
I use Pure Encapsulations B6/P-5-P (25 mg) and B12 (500 mcg) capsules, taking one capsule of each daily. Another aspect that may possibly have played a role is the use of topical magnesium oil. I only mention this as there is anecdotal evidence that topical magnesium oil may assist with treating carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, including pain relief. I continue to use B6/B12/topical magnesium oil on a daily basis for its general health benefits, and have not experienced any further problems with CTS type symptoms.


Feb 4, 2018
very interesting, i also have some similar problems with my arm and shoulder, more related to posture.

Taking b12 patches high dosage 5000 in December resulted in many improvements in a few days after first patch. less fatigue, cured my 20 yers old lips problem in a few weeks plus a few months for complete elasticity (still ok now), cured old anal fissure, greatly improved 20 yers old head acnee (buttons are much much smaller fewer and cure faster sonce b12). the last improvent was related to the arm, but it was not complete cure, still have soulder and arm pain but less pain on the nerve i guess. now i will try b6.
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