Are You Suffering Hay Fever? What Are You Doing For It?


Aug 10, 2012
I have 25-100mg but don't want take it continuously.
I'm just using one drop orally after food .
Vitamin e succinate also helps a little.
I haven't found anything that helps a lot .
Thank you. I am pulsing doxy at 50mg three days a week. It's a program for fibromyalgia. Agree on not taking it continuously. Can't say it has helped w hay fever since have been doing this for several years. Might help somebody else that way tho.

Main thing helping me, and not a lot but noticeable, is using low fat milk.


Sep 14, 2020
OK - this is how I slayed the beast that is Hay Fever.

Massive dose Vitamin C.

I buy a huge jar of vitamin c tablets - 1000mg from Holland & Barret (though I have bee informed that the body can only metablolise 500 mg at a time, never mind, they are usually cheap at this time of year) and I dose as follows:

Begin - take around 5- 6 tablets through the day until saturation point - normally 4-5 days. The length of time will be down to how low your vitamin c levels are.
You will know when this is because your gut will rumble and you will feel like you ate bad prawns (do not underestimate how bad this might be. Ascorbic acid is given to patients prior to a colonoscopy so they literally clear their bowels out prior to the procedure).

Then maintain the does of around 2 - 3 tablets a day.

I have suffered from hay fever since I was 19 until I started this 3 years ago when I was 42. I wish I knew this back then.

Try it out, its not too expensive and you don't have much to lose.
Doesn’t this impede recovery and strength building in the gym?
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Mar 25, 2016
Doesn’t this impede recovery and strength building in the gym?
I wouldn't know. My hay fever would be so debilitating that strength training or gyms would be the least of my worries. I'd have cut my own penis off with a blunt rusty knife to find relief from it.


Feb 22, 2014
I’m using rhinocort and ketotifen eye drops. Not the greatest but I can’t find anything else that works.
Do you still use these products, and do they work? My main issue is really itchy eyes. Not sure of cause, since it's not typical allergy/hayfever season. Had wanted to avoid antihistamines because of concerns about how they affect the brain. Are there other options you've found that work?
Mar 10, 2021
Every year I get it for about 6 weeks starting now. I'm in the Northern Hemisphere so this is spring.

I have tried lots of things but what works and is adequate is benedryl.

Either way, with the hay fever, I get a tired feeling and feel like I have a cold. I sleep more.

With the benedryl, I am a little tired, but I don't feel as sick, and I don't just sneeze and sneeze and sneeze which is what happens without it.

I have tried bee pollen, theanine, quercetin and many other things, plus the "new" antihistamines (which I no longer take and don't believe are safe). The benedryl is the only thing that actually works. I am taking about 2 per day.
MSM is good for your symptoms…

“One multicenter human trial found that the consumption of 2.6 g of MSM effectively reduced symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR). This dose of MSM improved the frequency of upper respiratory signs and symptoms such as runny nose, nasal obstruction, and paroxysmal sneezing after a week of oral intake”

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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