Ask Your Herb Doctor - Tribute to Dr. Raymond Peat


Dec 10, 2020
Ask Your Herb Doctor
Tribute to Dr. Raymond Peat

Here's a transcript of this episode of Ask Your Herb Doctor where lot's of people call in with stories about Ray.

The script is included below, and it's also on Ray Peat Rodeo with interactive timestamps and mentions.


P.S. Double square brackets is a mentioned topic in the format of `[[Thing Being Mentioned|exact words spoken]]`.

Speaker Initials

E: Engineer
AM: Andrew Murray
SJM: Sarah Johannesen Murray
W: Wanita
F: Female Caller
M: Marine County (Male)
C: San Francisco (Female)
B: Brendon
KM: Kathy Miller
MC: Mendocino County (Female)
FC: Final Caller (Male)


E: As always on reviews and opinions expressed throughout the broadcast day, are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of [[Redwood Community Radio|the station]], it's staff, its board, it's Underwriters it's Hangers On or anyone else involved, thank you so much for joining us. Our phone number is 923 3911 where you are to be calling soon with your memories of [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]]. And here's our theme song. {Pipe music plays.}

AM: Well welcome to this month's Ask Your
Herb Doctor, November the 17th 2023
Edition. My name's Andrew Murray.

SJM: My name is Sarah Johannesen Murray, welcome.

AM: You're listening to Ask Your Herb Doctor on KMUD Garberville, 91.1 FM, and on the
web at [[Redwood Community Radio > KMUD | Redwood Community Radio | Northwestern California Radio |]]. We are also live streaming this program to our [[Western Botanical Medicine > | Western Botanical Medicine YouTube Channel]]. So you can listen live right now on our channel by searching "[[Western Botanical Medicine|Western Botanical Medicine]]" in the search bar on YouTube, and click on the live stream.

Tonight's radio show is a break from the [[Endocrinology|endocrinology]] series that we've been doing, to honor [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]], again. So it's November of '23 we did our first tribute to [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] when he passed away November of '22.

And hopefully there, amongst the stars and the bright light, his soul will continue. But I know that [[Peat, Raymond|his]] life and works impacted _so many_ people, and I think that's the purpose of any one of our lives here on Earth is to positively impact other people _for good_.

He was so anti-corruption, and he was so _keen_ to expose the truth in _science_, and in _fact_, for people to hear the truth, that sometimes it seemed incredulous.

I was just reflecting on the radio shows that we had done with Dr Peat since 2008 when we first met met him. And there's over 136 radio shows that we have recorded with him. The bulk of which, except some of those that happened during covid, which is still yet to get put up, are on our website, []( under the "Ask Your Herb Doctor" link.

So those 136 or more one hour shows that Dr Peat was just very much altruistic in his whole perspective on life, and bringing people of the truth, and not charging money. 😂 He was definitely not very financially motivated. He loved what he did, and he was just very much immersed into it, and he was probably one of the greatest Minds that I've ever had the pleasure of speaking to.

[4:18] So this month's radio show is another tribute to Dr Peat and his work. _He's_ not with us anymore but we are continuing the Legacy. So having spent the last 14 years working very closely with him and pretty much there weren't too many days that went by that we didn't phone him and didn't speak to him about clients and patients.

So from January, this year, {January, 2023.} we've continued doing radio shows around the topic of [[Endocrinology]]. That was his specialty: [[Endocrinology|hormones]], [[Thyroid|thyroid hormones]], [[Estrogen|estrogen]], [[Progesterone|progesterone]], and then a _wealth_ of other subjects health related.

So it's a tribute to Dr Peat, and we sent out a kind of broadcast flyer to people if they wanted to share any of their anecdotal history. And that's basically what the whole show's about for this next hour. So people are invited to call in any point in time from now on. We welcome any of you who've been touched by his philosophy and his approach to medicine. And the number here is 707 923 3911.

[5:23] So the lines are now open. I see there is already a caller. So let's take this first caller. Caller you're on the air. Where you from? What's your question, or what's your, what would you like to share?

W: Hi this is Wanita from Reno. I was seen by [[Gambi, Dr|a doctor]] that was a friend of [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] and he recommended some of [[Peat, Raymond|Dt Peat's]] material to me years and years ago. Did you want me to give you more details?

SJM: Hi. Hi Wanita, thank you for calling in. Can you please tell me what year that was that you were a patient of a friend of [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat's]]?

W: It was [[Gambi, Dr]] {#38} and I'm thinking it was around about 1981 or '82. Somewhere in there.

SJM: Yes. Please can you tell us a story about how you first heard of [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] in 1982?

W: I had had some [[Depression|depression]], [[Anxiety|anxiety]], [[Fear|fear]] after the birth of my first child, and it continued for quite a while. It lasted probably a total of about five years. But after about three years I had seen another medical doctor in a different town where I was living. He just wanted to put me on [[Amitriptyline|Elavil]] and told me that's just the way I was.

I did ask for a [[Hypoglycemia|hypoglycemic]] test, [[Glucose Tolerance Test|glucose tolerance]], and he reluctantly ordered it and then told me that I wasn't, that it was okay.

And then, I was kind of embarrassed and intimidated so I didn't go to another doctor again for about three years. Then I heard of [[Gambi, Dr|Dr Gambi]] and so I went to him. And he was a friend of [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]].

SJM: And where was [[Gambi, Dr|Dr Gambi]] at that time? Where were you living at that time?

W: Eugene Oregon. And I did go see [[Gambi, Dar|Dr Gambi]] and I was just bowled over by his kindness. He listened. He nodded his head and he kind of would mutter something about "well yeah that's a symptom of this or that" you know.

As he was listening to me, it was like he wasn't saying it was just _in my head_. So I started crying 😅. And he was handing me tissues, and I was just so relieved that a doctor was actually listening to me. And that was only the second doctor that I had gone to, because I had been, I don't know, embarassed by the first one, and so I thought "well this is just in my head I can deal with it."

I never took the [[Amitriptyline|Elavil]]. I flushed it down the toilet. But anyway–

SJM: Good job!

W: 😅 He asked if I'd ever had a [[Glucose Tolerance Test|glucose tolerance test]] and I said _yes_, that this other doctor had ordered it but everything seemed to be normal, apparently. So [[Gambi, Dr|he]] had me fill out paperwork and he sent for _that_: the results.

And I was nowhere in the normal range anywhere on that test! It was low. It was always below the normal range.

SJM: Sorry, Wanita can I interrupt you for a moment? Do you have the live stream or the radio playing or something because there's _a lot_ of feedback?

W: I don't have anything playing here.

SJM: Are you on a speaker phone or?

W: Oh yeah. You want me to take it off of speaker?

SJM: Yes please, if you don't mind. Just so we can hear you a little clearer.

W: Is that better?

SJM: Yes that does sound better, thank you Wanita.

W: You're welcome.

So, anyway, [[Gambi, Dr|he's]] told me that, you know, I did have [[Hypoglycemia|Hypoglycemia]] and he recommended that I buy a book called [[Peat, Raymond > Nutrition for Women|Nutrition for Women]] by [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Ray Peat]] and I still have that book and it has a lot of articles about– good information about all kinds of conditions that women have: menstrual [[Mastalgia|breast pain]], [[Arthritis|arthritis]], [[Stress|stress]], [[Immunity|immunity]], [[Fatigue|fatigue]].

And [[Gambi, Dr|Dr Gambi]] at that time told me to take [[B Vitamins|B complex]], a very high amount of [[B Vitamins|B complex]], which I did. And I took it for– I took it after he told me to, until I started seeing you guys.

SJM: See, what year was that that you first came to see us?

W: Well, I think it was around 18 years ago.

SJM: Yeah, that sounds about right. And that was when I had first started working with [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]]. And when you first consulted with us you were so surprised that _we_ were working with [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] because you had worked with [[Gambi, Dr|Dr Gambi]], who had worked with [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] and it was just such a beautiful coincidence.

W: Yes. Yes, it was actually kind of reassuring that I was heading in the right direction after having my experience with [[Gambi, Dr|Dr Gambi]]. And we had in the meantime moved to Reno so I had lost that contact.

SJM: Right. Well that's wonderful. Thank you for sharing that Wanita.

W: I have another story about [[Regina|Regina]] but it's not so much [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] it's more with what [[Western Botanical Medicine|Western Botanical]] has done for her.

SJM: Well if you'd be happy to share that, that would be great. And I can put in how [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] helped me with helping her.

W: Okay. [[Regina|Regina]] is my daughter-in-law, and she started having [[Epileptic Seizure|seizures]]. She had passed out a few times when she was younger. Her mom had had her tested and they didn't find anything that they thought was causing it. But it wasn't real significant, but it continued to escalate, and finally she was having [[Generalised Tonic-Clonic Seizure|grand mal Seizures]]. And they were so bad she couldn't drive for about three months at a time after each one. Her stomach was always upset.

She had to stop–her husband's a minister–she had to stop going to youth camps and church things with him because she might have a [[Epileptic Seizure|seizure]]. And this wasn't, you know– her life was just, kind of like, you know, from [[Epileptic Seizure|seizure]] to [[Epileptic Seizure|seizure]]. And so somebody told us about [[Western Botanical Medicine|you guys]] that had had– their son had had an experience with you guys. And so I called you and you told me "well I need to talk to [[Regina|Regina]] because if she's not willing to change her diet then it's not going to do any good.

And you called us. We had a conference call. And when she explained her symptoms and what was going on, the first thing you said was, you know, high [[Estrogen|estrogen]] causes [[Epilepsy|epilepsy]]. And _she_ had just gotten some lab results because after she'd been diagnosed with– after these [[Epileptic Seizure|seizure]] she went to a Neurologist and had been diagnosed with [[Epilepsy|epilepsy]] and was on [[Phenytoin|Dilantin]]. And he had ordered some labs and her [[Estrogen|estrogen]] was flagged by the labs as it was off of the chart in the lab.

But he said "ah, don't worry about it." So [[Regina|she]] asked her gynecologist and she said "don't worry about it."

AM: 😨😅

W: So that didn't seem to be a concern to anybody. And of course, we didn't know any better.

[12:21] But [[Regina|Gina]] was very willing to try what [[Western Botanical Medicine|you guys]] were telling us about, cuz you said "if we weren't willing to do the diet that it wouldn't do any good." And so we drove the seven and a half hours over there and consulted.

And she started in– and I think with your training and your help she was able— it took her about a year to get off of [[Phenytoin|Dilantin]] if I remember correctly. And she continues to still have a [[Epileptic Seizure|seizure]] once in a while, but not nearly as often as– you know, before they were just breaking through like every two or three months, even with the [[Phenytoin|Dilantin]]. And they had raised the [[Phenytoin|Dilantin]] to 500 milligrams a day. And I think 600 was about the top that they could give her, but she was at 500. And she was having all kinds of side effects from that.

But she changed her diet at your recommendations and from your consulting with [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]]. She did the testing for [[Thyroid|thyroid]] levels and you guys gave her really good advice. And she is the only [[Epilepsy|epileptic]] that I know that had [[Generalised Tonic-Clonic Seizure|grand mal seizures]] that is completely off of any kind of neurological drug. And she controls it with her diet.

SJM: [13:39] Yeah and I just want to say that I– when you first contacted me I said "well I can definitely help you with herbs, but I'm working with this _brilliant_ doctor who can help her with the diet, and I think together she can come off her [[Epilepsy|epileptic]] drugs, and she can be free of [[Epileptic Seizure|seizures]], for the most part."

W: And she has been.

SJM: And she has been.

W: Even more so as years have gone by. I don't think she's had a seizure now for about a year and a half.

SJM: Yeah.

W: And usually those are under like maybe a lot of [[Stress|stress]], and maybe some [[Nutrition|diet]] interruptions or something.

E: [14:16] And my understanding is [[Phenytoin|Dilantin]] and the other seizure medications are actually really, really horrible and affect your day-to-day life in a lot of ways, is that accurate?

W: Oh! It was terrible! The doctor even told [[Regina|her]]– he said "well with [[Phenytoin|Dilantin]] you wake up"– and he said "you just wake up stupid." And so [[Regina|she]] would try to do something like, say, make coffee, and [[Regina|she]] would maybe forget to put the grounds in. So [[Regina|she'd]] start over and then [[Regina|she'd]], you know, maybe forget– she might get it all together but forget to turn it on.

I mean it was this in the morning when [[Regina|she]] would first get up, [[Regina|She]] had this really awful time. And then–she has a sensitive stomach anyway–and the [[Phenytoin|Dilantin]] made that 10 times worse, and [[Regina|she]] never really felt good and [[Regina|she]] was always thinking "well maybe I'm allergic to this, I'm allergic to that," and [[Regina|she]] would try eliminating it and then [[Regina|she]] would still feel the same way, or [[Regina|she]] just– we didn't know what to do. We had no clue, we just didn't know what to do. I didn't know that you could treat [[Epilepsy|epilepsy]] other than with, you know, pharmaceutical drugs. So it was such a relief to find you guys.

Because she couldn't she couldn't attend Bible camps with her husband. She couldn't drive her kids to music lessons, or soccer. I was filling in for her with all those things, but those were things that, you know, you're missing out on your children's lives.

SJM: Exactly.

W: And so it was just a _joy_ to finally get [[Regina|her]] to where [[Regina|she]] could live again and start taking part in all the things that [[Regina|she'd]] had to quit.

AM: Yep may it goes

SJM: Well thank you so much Wanita for calling in and sharing yours and your daughter-in-law's story, [[Regina|Regina]] I really appreciate that.

W: We're _very, very_ appreciative of you guys and the good results that she's had and that I've had too, because I followed the diet. Thank you so much.

SJM: Awe, thank you for your call.

W: Thank you. Bye.

AM: [6:10] Okay so let's just put this out again, whoever's listening, we're taking calls from now until 8 o'clock. The number's 707 923 3911. There's lots of chatter going on in the live stream and I know that we sent out a request earlier on if people wanted to call in.

So just going back to the very beginning of what we, yeah, what we found in 2008, this treasure, and just, I guess, just kind of buried there, because nobody knew about [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] at that point in time, and the internet really wasn't that prominent. I know YouTube had probably just started gaining traction and you know the internet in general. It kind of just you know just starting to take off and people were on devices and, I think, iPhones were just starting to come out.

But but nobody knew [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]]! I mean, you couldn't find anything. If you Googled [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] you wouldn't find a thing.

[17:05] So let me take this next caller. Caller you're on the air. Where you from and what have you got to share?

F: Hey Andrew.

AM: Hey, good evening.

F: Good evening to you and Sarah. It's so lovely, it's just a gift to get to [inaudible].

You know I first met Ray when probably–

E: Caller, you're cutting in and out a lot. If you're on a cell phone is there a better place you could, maybe, talk from, or if you're talking through your computer maybe you have a connection issue?

F: [inaudible]

SJM: Yeah, we're having a really hard time hearing you.

F: Oh!

E: Like, every third syllable cuts out.

F: Oh, well um. Hold on a second.

AM: Yeah we'll wait for you to get a better signal if that's what the issue is. But we'll sit tight.

F: Is that [inaudible]

AM: No...

F: Hello?

AM: Yeah, carry on say something.

F: Is that better [inaudible]

AM: Erm, no. Well I heard "is that better" but then you cut out.

F: Okay, well let me call back on a different line.

AM: Sure, yeah go ahead and do that. Okay, no problem. We'll wait on that.

[18:21] So, as I said, back in 2008 when we first came into contact with [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] it was through a [[Breast Cancer|breast cancer]] survivor whose daughter had gotten diagnosed with [[Breast Cancer|breast cancer]]. And that was the very first time we'd ever heard the name [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] and, like I said, you couldn't find him anywhere!

SJM: Well, apart from his website, he did have a website.

AM: Yeah, okay. 🙂 he had a website. 😅.

SJM: –in 2008.

AM: He did.

SJM: I couldn't find very many external links or, you know, mention of his name online in 2008. I know there were people, I've talked to people, like, you know, I mean, the client Wanita, who just called in. She had been working with [[Gambi, Dr|Dr Gambi]] in the 80s, who was working with [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]]. So obviously he's been busy working away all these years, but when you searched on Google or you did an internet search it was hard to find him listed. And we're so delighted that, now, on Twitter, on YouTube, there's just so many _wonderful_ ways to hear [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]].

AM: [19:26] Yep. Okay. So 2008, that was the first experience. He came on the radio show and he did a program specifically on [[Polyunsaturated Fat|polyunsaturated fats]] and it was kind of mind-blowing because, even with our, kind of, [[Herbal Medicine|herbal medicine]] degree in England, which was a four-year, full-time degree that you did once you'd got your prerequisites done; you did a four-year University program. We were taught, you know, [[Fish Oil|fish oil]] was good for you. We were taught [[Sugar|sugar]] was bad for you. [[Table Salt|Salt]] was bad for you. And all these things that [[Peat, Raymond|he]] just exploded as completely untrue.

[20:02] And, okay, caller–let's take this call and let's see if we've got better reception–go ahead.

F: Hi Andrew, is that better?

AM: I think it could be, yeah go ahead.

F: 😊 Okay, well I first met Ray when I was about 30, and I was a [[Veganism|vegan]] at the time and [[Cold Sensitivity|freezing]] and had [[Hypothyroidism|low thyroid]] and everything, and [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] just set me straight and told me pretty much everything I was eating was not working.

AM: Alright.

F: And then about seven years {Around 2016.} ago I had major health issues and [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] saved my life!

And something that [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] did which I haven't ever shared with anyone, is he actually worked with my doctor.

AM: Okay.

F: He did phone calls with my doctor to help my doctor understand what was happening.

AM: What year was this?

F: That was 2013.

AM: Okay.

F: Yeah, he actually did three way phone calls with my doctor to help with what was wrong with me. [inaudible]

AM: And you have an open minded doctor too.

F: Oh, she was amazing. She _actually_ heard about [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] from several of her patients. And at one point she said "I defer to [[Peat, Raymond|him]]." She said "because he knows more than me!"

AM: Yep.

F: You know, which was pretty vulnerable, but it was _so_ loving of [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] to do that, and so vulnerable. And, you know, I've often thought about that, and about just the _love_ and the caring to do something like that.

And what I found to be true from being friends with [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] was his relationship with his wife [[Katherine|Katherine]]. {#39} Because _she adored him_. And we got together several times, and just to see how much _love_ and _caring_, and how she felt about him–she calls him "Raymond"–and just when she would say his name you could feel her love!

And, you know, I think about, you know, [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]], like you said, like [[Fish Oil|fish oils]] and [[Sugar|sugar]] and all these things, and about [[Estrogen|estrogen]] and [[Thyroid|thyroid]], these were so radical, like, how could a person be brave and tell the truth all the time?

And as I got to know [[Peat, Ray|Ray]] and [[Katherine|Katherine]] I realised it was because the _love_ he had in his life! You know, I think that you have a lot of love around you, you can be _brave_, because you have that love and,

AM: Yep.

F: So, you know, I know oftentimes people don't know that much about, you know, [[Peat, Raymond|Rays's]] personal life or [[Katherine|Katherine]] or anything, but he really had a good life.

AM: [23:16] Yeah, I never met anybody, I think, who has just given so much and, yeah, he was just so passionate about it that I think _all_ the time [[Peat, Raymond|he]] was by his computer and he was searching stuff, and he was, you know, he was just like a bookworm, an old fashioned bookworm, you know, with a head in a book.

[[Peat, Raymond|His]] head was in the computer and he was searching abstracts and articles, and I don't think there was anything that I ever asked him about that he didn't have an answer for, he was incredible.

SJM: [23:48] He did tell me one time,😂, he said "I still haven't figured out a couple things."

F: 😅🤣

SJM: Cos I think I said to him, I said "is there anything you _don't know_ [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]]?" and he said "well, I don't understand why cats purr."

F: 😂 That's interesting, well he has–

SJM: And [[Peat, Raymond|he]] also said "I don't understand why we yawn."

There are two things, 😂 he told me, 🤣

F: Oh, I wish I'd known that. I read somewhere once that people yawn because you're trying to get more oxygen.

AM: I think that's the commonly accepted theory for it. But hey, we're not in a position to refute it at this point.

F: 😄

AM: [24:29] How– so just go ahead, now you've called in, what's one of the most relevant things that he's helped you with, or he helped you with back then when you were consulting with the doctor through him?

F: Well, the biggest thing that [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] helped me with was [[Sugar|sugar]].

AM: Uh-hmm.

F: You know, that was– I had been someone who had, like– I could go years and not touch [[Sugar|sugar]]. And I did all the diets and everything, and he was the first person that I said to him "I know you won't believe me but I probably only eat about 500 calories a day and I can't lose weight!" And [[Peat, Raymond|he]] said "Oh no, Of course! Someone with a [[Hypothyroidism|low thyroid]] of course." And that was _revolutionary_ for me, because anyone else I ever spoke to, they'd look at me and they'd go "Oh my God you're overweight, you must eat _this_, and, you know, I wasn't, and that was revolutionary and when he talked to me about eating [[Sugar|sugar]] and I, you know, I would say "are you sure [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]]? Is it really all right to eat [[Sugar|sugar]]?" and he'd say "Yes, it's really all right to drink orange juice. Yes, you really need it" and that was lifechanging for me, you know, besides about [[Estrogen|estrogen]] and my [[Hypothyroidism|thyroid]] and everything. But just that level of _acceptance_ from someone, to please say, like, "No! I don't overeat" and, you know, "I do everything and I'm not losing weight." It was so so healing.

AM: Uh-hmm. Yep.

SJM: [26:09] I know, and a lot of times I think people _understand_ that if you eat [[Sugar|sugar]] or [[Honey|honey]] _without_ the [[Starch|starchy carbohydrates]] like the [[Flour|flours]] and everything else it goes with, and you just have it with your [[Coffee|coffee]], or with your [[Milk|milk]], or added to your [[Orange Juice|orange juice]], if you just add [[Sugar|sugar]] or [[Honey|honey]] to those items that don't have that _[[Starch|starch]]_ there it doesn't feed the [[Bacteria|bacteria]] in your [[Small Intestine|small intestine]], and it doesn't cause the feeding and overgrowth of [[Yeast|yeast]] organisms and [[Candida|candida]] because it's absorbed in the _[[Stomach|stomach]]_ and there's nothing left when it enters the [[Small Intestine|small intestine]]. And that is what [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] was meaning when he was saying "eat [[Sugar|sugar]]." He wasn't saying go eat [[Cake|cakes]] and [[Cookie|cookies]]–

F: No, no, no.

SJM: –and [[Candy|candy bars]], you know, he was suggesting that you use it as a fuel, as a [[Carbohydrate|carbohydrate]] fuel– and he told me one time, he said "well how do you think the pyramids were built?"

AM: 🙂

SJM: 🤣

F: 😆

SJM: [[Peat, Raymond|He]] said, "the [[Ancient Egypt|Egyptians]] had discovered [[Sugar|sugar]]."

F: Yeah, and I remember recently coming across something somewhere that [[Peat, Raymond|he]] wrote that he was talking about "every great civilization that was innovative and intellectual," they all ate [[Sugar|sugar]]!

AM: Uh-hm.

F: And, you know, I mean, _still_ every day you see on the internet somewhere: "don't eat [[Sugar|sugar]]."

AM: Yeah.

F: "Don't eat [[Sugar|sugar]]."

AM: It's a cult. Yep.

F: And, you know, it's still out there. And when I think about the impact on _women_.

AM: Umm.

F: And the [[Misinformation|misinformation]] that women get. And, you know, friends of mine that have had– females that have had health problems, and the [[Misinformation|misinformation]], the things that they're told, it's really, it's sorrowful.

AM: Yep.

F: [28:02] But I also want to say, that I think is really important since [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] has left the physical plane, is there's so many people now talking about [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] and his ideas. And places like [[Ray Peat Forum|Ray Peat Forum]], as an example, even though there's, you know, sometimes there's things there that are inaccurate, there's a _love_ there of people wanting to help each other, and people caring. And like the work that you and Andrew do, that [[Peat, Raymond|Ray's]] work is continuing and the love that he started is still ongoing, and I think, like, what a wonderful thing to think about your life, that you started all this, and it's continuing.

And, you know, I know how important it is, the work that you and Andrew do: I lean on it. And, you know, so many other people that are sharing [[Peat, Raymond|Ray's]] information, it's just, it's beautiful.

And even though I know sometimes there's inaccuracies and things like that, but the love is still there, and people wanting to help each other, and I really think that's good, especially now in our world where we need more love.

AM: Yep. Can't get enough.

SJM: Yeah [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] set a really good example of sharing information and caring for people– truly caring. He truly _cared_ for every client I would ever talk to him about. He truly cared and he wanted to help.

F: Oh yeah, he did.

SJM: [[Peat, Raymond|He]] wanted to help everybody. And I think that's a good example he set for all of us practitioners who use his wonderful advice, and for people that are trying to help themselves from his advice. You know, it really– the love spreads.

F: Yes and there, you know, sometimes, you know, just because [[Peat, Raymond|he]] had that information– it was his choice as a person to share it, to be that kind of human being. He didn't go "oh I've learned this and I'm going to keep it to myself!" he was _gracious giving_. I have a friend who says "gracious giving is when you give a part of yourself when you give," and [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] practiced gracious giving. He was always–

AM: Yep.

F: –you know, if I'd have a phone call with [[Peat, Ray|him]], an hour later I'd get an email "Oh, here I want to tell you this."

AM: Yeah.

F: Just, you know, it was so beautiful, and I think he was a _happy person_ because of that–

AM: Uh-hm.

F: You know, even though he didn't get the recognition that he deserved, and certainly monetarily–

AM: Yeah.

F: But he was happy.

AM: [[Peat, Raymond|He]] wasn't interested in that. He just wanted to be on the phone, talk to people, and share what he knew.

F: Yeah, yeah.

AM: That's the bottom line. He was not at all financially motivated I can– be assured of that. can
Well thank you so much for calling in and sharing. I just want to make sure that people that are waiting get a chance to share also, but thanks so much for saying what you've said about [[Peat, Raymond|him]] and remembrance of him.

E: [31:27] So, a caller would like the _spelling_ of [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat's]] last name so that they can find stuff online.

SJM: Okay, it's– well his website is [[Peat, Raymond > Ray Peat |]] and that's "R A Y," and then the name is Peat: "P E A T,"–like peat, moss– ".com". So, "PEAT." "RAY PEAT."

And now that we're talking about his website, it is in the process of being updated. And you can't order books or newsletters on the website at the moment, but you _can_ now email [[Peat, Raymond > [email protected]]] to order books and order [[Peat, Raymond > Newsletter | newsletters]]. And please remember all of this copyright material is protected, and please respect the copyright, because, he's dead, but his copyright is not.

E: And, I foolishly said I'd ask a quick, easy herb question for you guys. Well, maybe easy cos you're a smart group of people: "blood coagulant herbs." Someone had an operation or something and they want herbs that will thicken the blood.

AM: Mmm.

E: And of course, you caller, you're probably listening in, and you should always– I should have said "no." Because you should always really be available to get more information, because whatever they tell you now is not as good as the information you would get if you actually let them ask you a few questions. But here it is guys: "blood thickening herbs please."

AM: Yeah.

SJM: [32:55] Well–

AM: Alright, I'll say my piece after you say yours.

SJM: So [[Vitamin K]] is [[Amphoterism|amphoteric]]. [[Vitamin K2|Vitamin K2]], it helps to keep the blood from being too thick and too thin. So that is the one supplement–

AM: In terms of regulating [[Platelet-Activating Factor|platelet-activation factor]] and those other [[Coagulation Cascade|clotting cascades]].

SJM: –yes and [[Coenzyme Q10|CoQ10]] is a precursor for your body, I mean [[Vitamin KS|K2]], sorry, is a precursor for your body to make its [[Coenzyme Q10|CoQ10]]. So [[Vitamin K2|Vitamin K2]] and [[Coenzyme Q10|CoQ10]] are what I would call [[Amphoterism|amphoteric]], they'll help keep your _blood_ healthy.

E: And what herb or food sources have a lot of [[Vitamin K2|K2]]?

SJM: [[Vitamin K2|Vitamin K2]] is found highest in green leafy vegetables such as [[Kale|kale]]. [[Kale|Kale]] is King. Also in [[Urtica Dioica|nettle leaf]] and you can get some of that through making [[Urtica Dioica|nettle leaf]] infusion, but really [[Kale|kale]] is probably higher in [[Vitamin K2|vitamin K2]]. You do need to be careful with [[Kale|kale]] because it is very [[Goitrogen|thyroid suppressive]] so you might want to, if you have [[Thyroid|thyroid]] issues and you want to eat [[Kale|kale]] and eat enough to get a lot of [[Vitamin K|vitamin K]], then you would need to boil it. I usually boil it for about an _hour_ in order to help make it more digestible, and to get more of the vitamins and minerals out. _But_ having said that, there's still not very much in there if you really need to regulate blood thickness and keeping your blood in a healthy range you would probably need to supplement with [[Vitamin K2|vitamin K2]].

E: [34:19] And [[Fermentation|fermented foods]] have that as well?

SJM: Yes, [[Fermentation|fermented foods]] do have some [[Vitamin K2|vitamin K2]] as well.

AM: But as [inaudible] said, there's one milligram per drop [[Vitamin K2|K2]] product by a well-known manufacturer, so– can easily be found on the internet, folks. So, if you type in "1 milligram per drop [[Vitamin K|vitamin K]]" and you expressly look for one milligram per drop you'll find a good company. It's not cheap but it's very alternative and one drop will buffer the effects of a 325 milligram [[Acetylsalicylic Acid|aspirin]] tablet in terms of its, you know, blood thinning quote unquote–

SJM: That will help [[Coagulant|thicken your blood]] if you want to say it like that. If aspirin [[Anticoagulant|thins your blood]] you can take [[Vitamin K2|vitamin K2]] to help [[Coagulant|thicken your blood]] but it doesn't really thicken your blood because it's, like I said [[Amphoterism|amphoteric]] so it helps keep it regulated, and the company is [[Thorn Research|Thorn Research]]. It does come in [[Medium-Chain Triglyceride|MCT oil]] which a _lot_ of people are allergic to [[Medium-Chain Triglyceride|MCT oil]] even in the one or two drops daily, so you have to use about four times as much topically if you need one drop. So you'd have to use four drops topically rubbed on the inner part of your arm or your inner thighs.

AM: [35:24] Okay, so we have a couple of callers waiting here. Let's take this next caller.

Caller you're on the air, where you from, and what would you like to share?

C: Hi I'm from the San Francisco Bay area and I'd like to share a memory that I have with [[Peat, Raymond, Dr Peat]].

I was fortunate enough to speak with [[Peat, Raymond|him]] every weekend for about four years that started in 2018. And [[Peat, Raymond|he]] just dramatically changed my life. It was a huge blessing that I don't feel like I was– deserved to have. But I'm so grateful for [[Peat, Raymond|him]] and that relationship. And I would say my most memorable conversation I've ever had with [[Peat, Raymond|him]], probably the last, maybe the second to the last conversation I had with [[Peat, Raymond|him]], I think it might have been in September of last year {September, 2022}, is I told [[Peat, Raymond|him]] that I wanted to one day be able to be of service to, potentially, families that have children on the [[Autism|autism spectrum]] and help them out nutritionally somehow with, maybe, some of the stuff that that I've learned.

But I said, you know, "[[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] maybe could I just forward people to your email and have you interact with them" and he, you know, he graciously mentioned that he's a bit too busy for that. But I told him, I said "I feel bad cos I'm not courageous enough or strong enough to help in this capacity, because you'd have to reveal a lot of truth about," you know, I've had people tell me that their children have been [[Iatrogenesis|injured]] by [[Vaccination|vaccines]] and they saw a significant night and day difference before and after which has led to [[Autism|autism]].

But [[Peat, Raymond|his]] response, which I can almost hear his voice thinking about this, and it just it just shows a lot of courage, it's just who he was as a person. I told him I didn't think I was courageous enough to actually spread truth about this.

And [[Peat, Raymond|he]] said–I actually wrote a note on my phone let me just find it real quick–he said "it's not a question about how strong you are, it's not a question about how much courage you have, it's about what _needs_ to get done and what's right."

And [[Peat, Raymond|he]] basically–and I'm paraphrasing this because this happened a while back–but he basically said "that there are a lot of people that have been injured or hurt or just a lot of devastating things that have happened to people's health" and he basically said "it's really about doing what's right–


C: –and helping these individuals that are suffering." And I was _blown away_ by that.

AM: It's not a worldly view is it, perhaps?

C: Yeah, yeah. And I'm just so grateful for [[Peat, Raymond|him]] for everything that he's done. If people haven't started out his [[Nutrition|nutritional]] recommendations I just recommend they just start because it's life-changing. I started that before I even tried supplements and just his nutritional recommendations have changed my life.

[38:08] And then the last thing that I want to mention is, I've come across a book recently, it's a dating book. {#49} It talks about how a woman can actually amplify her husband's [[Testosterone|testosterone]] levels and it made me think of [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat's]] [[Katherine|wife]].

And thought I just know that there's no way that man could have accomplished everything that he's accomplished without a _good_ woman by his side.

AM: Haha.

C: and I'm just so grateful that [[Peat, Raymond|he]] was blessed to have [[Katherine|Katherine]] in his life, because I don't think he would have done nearly what he accomplished without her.

AM: Yep, it takes two to tango. Well thank you so much for your call.

[38:45] I think we have another caller here waiting on the line. So for people that are listening it's a tribute to [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]], it's the first year of his anniversary of his passing, Thanksgiving 2022. The number's 707 923 3911, if people are listening, they want to share their experiences with recommendations that they took from him and how their lives improved thereof then please go ahead and call 923 3911. So let's take this next caller.

[39:09] Caller you're on the air, where you from what is your question?

Hey we got... engineer? Okay caller you're on the air, I think. Go ahead, where you from and what would you like to share?

M: So, Marine County.

AM: Okay Marine County, go ahead.

M: Yeah so I just want to say without [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] I wouldn't have known to get a [[Thyroid Function Test|thyroid panel]] as a young guy, you know. So seeing what my [[Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone|TSH]] was, you know, [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] basically influenced me, you know, take a moderate dose of a [[Thyroid Hormone|thyroid hormone]].

Energy levels are up. [[Testosterone|testosterone]]–even though it's okay–went up 100 points. [[Peat, Raymond|He]] help me, you know, give [[Progesterone|progesterone]] for my [[Arthritis|arthritic]] mother. I've been able to help a lot of people with just his recommendations.

AM: Uhm.

M: [40:07] And one thing I'm gonna say about [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] that I think is really underrated is, you know, with a lot of [[Alternative Medicine|Alternative Health]] stuff you hear, like, [[Ancestral Diet|ancestral diets]] and stuff like this, but I thought [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] was really good at making people appreciate New World,like, knowledge. Like, you know, mentioning [[Frangula Purshiana|cascara sagrada]],

AM: Uh-hm.

M: You know, and stuff like this cos–

SJM: Sorry Carl, can I interrupt you. We're having a really hard time hearing you, are you on speaker phone?

M: I am not on speaker phone.

SJM: Okay, because your signal must be cutting in and out because we're not hearing all of your sentences.

M: Okay. Hello, can you hear me now?

SJM: Well, yes carry on.

M: Okay, did you get what I said about the New World?

SJM: You were starting to say "New World", and "[[Peat, Raymond|he]] had a way of helping people see something" and then I couldn't hear.

M: Okay, so I just appreciate the fact that [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] opened up the– just the idea that the New World has so much to offer with regards to health. Because with a lot of [[Alternative Medicine|Alternative Health]] communities you hear about like [[Ancestral Diet|ancestral diet]] and stuff, but [[Peat, Raymond|Ray]] was big on [[Frangula Purshiana|cascara sagrada]] and [[Masa Harina|masar harina]] and stuff like this.

AM: Uh-hm.

M: And I think without [[Peat, Raymond|him]] the New World contributions to health would be overlooked. Yep.

SJM: Yes [[Peat, Raymond|he]] had an amazing amount of knowledge that he so freely gave.

M: Yeah, and I think [[Peat, Raymond|he]] basically inculcated, like, a lot of knowledge for a whole new generation, and I think there's like, maybe, at least a hundred of, like, top minds that are going to be contributing, like, for the betterment of society. Like, we'll see. We'll see in the next decades.

SJM: Yes I believe that.

AM: That's the hope, that's the Hope.

M: Yeah. Okay that's it. But much love for [[Peat, Raymond|Ray Peat]] and much love for [[Western Botanical Medicine|you guys]].

AM: Yeah, thank you for your call.

SJM: Thank you for calling in.

AM: [42:28] Okay, so once again the number here if you want to call in with any tribute is 707 923 3911, and the show's running until 8 o'clock.

So, just to go back over the, some of the history with [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]], looking at the shows that we've did with him over those 14 years. some of the kind of groundbreaking things that he brought to light were how [[Toxin|toxic]] the [[Vegetable Oil|liquid oils]] were, that are ubiquitous in the food supply.

[42:58] So the [[Vegetable Oil|Criso's]] and the [[Polyunsaturated Fat|polyunsaturated fats]] the general industry was touting as _healthy_, how [[Toxin|toxic]] they were, how [[Goitrogen|thyroid suppressive]] they were. And [[Peat, Raymond|he]] brought out plenty of evidence supporting the _perceived_ benefit in [[Psoriasis|psoriasis]] patients or [[Dermatitis|eczema]] patients, that would experience relief from their inflammation and their itching and their condition by using [[Polyunsaturated Fat|polyunsaturates]] or [[Fish Oil|fish oils]] as we commonly call them being some of the worst culprits, is because they actually [[Immunosupression|downregulated]] the [[Immune System|immune system]]. So they were very [[Goitrogen|thyroid suppressive]] and [[Immunosupression|immune suppressive]].

So, whilst that may have been perceived as some kind of a benefit, the [[Toxin|Toxic]] effect of it was the _reason_ why somebody felt like they were getting better. So, to the detriment of their [[Metabolism|metabolic rate]] and their metabolism in general it was just perceived as being a good thing, but he brought out the science {#51} of how dangerous it was and actually to get to the bottom of someone's [[Psoriasis|psoriasis]] or their [[Dermatitis|eczema]] as a matter of fact to be the best way of approaching it.

[44:04] So, let's just take this next caller.

You're on the air, where you from and what would you like to share?

B: Hi, my name is Brendan I'm from Pomo County.

AM: Okay Brendon go ahead.

B: Yeah, I just like to share that after [[Peat, Raymond|Peat]] kind of came to me in a, sort of a, a dreamlike state. I was kind of in a shallow state of dreaming. It might have been an [[Rapid Eye Movement|REM]] type state, and he just came to me. And I never really had any interactions with him before but, I don't know if any other people that had interactions with [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] could share this relationship, but–

SJM: Okay, well sorry caller, can I stop you right there. Are you–

AM: Terrible, every call has been such a poor call quality.

SJM: –I know, I'm sorry we're having poor quality here.

E: I was able to hear that?

AM: I can hear– there's nothing but, kind of, reverberation, and echos, and–

E: Well he feels that [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] came to him when he was in, sort of, a half dream state and was curious if other people had experienced any sort of–

AM: Hhm.

E: Is that is that correct caller? Did I hear you correctly?

B: Yeah, yeah. You're correct, and I think I had heard of [[Peat, Raymond|him]] before but I never really knew any relationship to him or actually knew him as [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]], but he just– and I just woke up, and it was kind of like, you know, day– kind of a [[Daydream|Daydream]]. I don't recall if I actually went to sleep or was just during the day, and I came out, just felt more full and kind of more energized, and wanted to share that experience.

I don't know if anyone else experienced that, but that's just what I had experienced at that particular moment about several months ago.

SJM: So you're saying you felt like [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] appeared to you in a dream several months ago?

B: Sort of like that. I was just– it's kind of hazy at this point, but [[Peat, Raymond|he]] kind of, I guess he just kind of reached down and touched me in that kind of way. And then I just woke up [inaudible] and I was lucid again. I was interacting with the real world, and I just felt totally different like a totally different personality and mindset, shift.

AM: Hhm.

SJM: Well that's very interesting.

[46:03] I have had several clients miraculously be cured recently.

AM: Finally wwith [[Thyroid|thyroid]] patients too.

SJM: You have [[Thyroid|thyroid]] patients who have taken thyroid for 15 years–

B: I have to go, that's just what I had to share.

SJM: Thank you for sharing.

B: Thank you, bye.

SJM: Yeah, we have a client who has been taking thyroid for 15 years and they just miraculously were able to come off of it and they feel totally great!

AM: I'm mean [[Peat, Raymond|he'd]] always said that the body could just continue manufacturing [[Thyroid Hormone|thyroid hormone]] and that taking supplementation would not block your [[Thyroid|thyroid]] from doing anything again. So it was always there in the background.

[46:44] So there's two more callers lined up. Let's hope that the call wuality is better, because I can barely make out what people are saying here. Hopefully that's not the way it comes over to people listening, and hopefully on the audio live stream it's not that way either.

But let's take this next caller. Caller where you from and what would you like to share?

KM: Hi, my name is Kathy Miller and I'm from Humble County. I wanted to say that I really appreciate this show whenever I hear it however to be honest I don't listen to the radio very much at night.

AM: Sure.

KM: But when I did catch this show I really got a lot out of it and [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] confirmed for me that doing the [[Coenzyme Q10|CoQ10]] and [[Vitamin D|D]], [[Vitamin D2|D2]], [[Vitamin K3|K3]] with my condition was– it was right. And I'm really appreciating that.

[47:45] What I wanted to know is: what was [[Peat, Raymond|his]] view on [[Coronavirus Disease 2019|COVID]]–

AM: Oh, haha. [[Peat, Raymond|he]] had a very, very clear view on [[Coronavirus Disease 2019|COVID]] and it's unfortunate that we haven't gotten around to it, if that's the right word, I just get so busy. I've got probably 14 radio shows that we haven't put up on [[Western Botanical Medicine > ASK YOUR HERB DOCTOR | the website]] yet from, let's see, I started doing the 2020 shows and a couple of 2021 shows.

There's the bulk of the rest of '21 and all of 2022 where [[Peat, Raymond|he]] is just completely adamant that the whole [[Coronavirus Disease 2019|covid]] thing is pre-manufactured, it's a concerted effort, a [[Wuhan|Wuhan]] experiment gone wrong released to the public, and that the whole [[Spike Protein|spike protein]] thing was just a big, big, big no no.

KM: Okay, that's it. And so [[Peat, Raymond|he]] advised that you don't take the vaccines, or?

AM: [[Peat, Raymond|he]] was, yeah. He was just saying it's an experimental drug and as such it had _no_ testing. And people like [[Peter Andrew McCullough|Dr Peter McCullogh]], a famous cardiologist, and a well-published literary giant in the world of safety data and related [[Vaccination Adverse Event|vaccine adverse events]] reporting, that was his specialty. He was a _vociferous_ opponent from the very beginning.

And then [[Malone, Robert Wallace|Dr Malone]] along with [[Peter Andrew McCullough|McCullock]], once they started publishing data about what was going on with patients when they were complaining of all of the side effects, they started doing research.

And [[Martin, David E.|Dr David Martin]] he produced _massive_ amounts of data because he was a patent analyst, and so he was looking at all the patents that had been done on these [[Coronavirus Disease|coronaviruses]] back in _2000_ by some pharmaceutical giants basically positioning themselves to take advantage of something like that with a pre-prepared product.

And [[Martin, David E.|he]] said it had never been tested it, was totally unsafe and that people should _wait_, and that, as it had a pretty low mortality, in reality it was 99.7% survivable. And he said that the data surrounding the _deaths_ was being completely inflated. And the [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention|CDC]] were in cahoots with [[Vaccination|vaccine]] manufacturers, and the whole thing was completely rigged.

KM: Huh.

AM: So, not to say that people didn't die. People did.

KM: Yeah. Lot's of people died.

AM: Yeah, and lots of the causes were later on revealed, were either [[Mechanical ventilation|ventilation]] problems where people were poorly treated, and everything else that was around it, so.

KM: Okay. All right, well thank you.

AM: Yeah, you're welcome.

[50:24] So let's take another caller. Caller you're on the air. Where you from and what would you like to share.

MC: I'm calling from Mendocino County and I'd like to find out the views that you hold about [[Fermented Cod Liver Oil|fermented cod liver oil]].

AM: Hmm. Fermented.

SJM: Well, the [[Fermentation|fermentation process]] does help make the [[Fat-Soluble Vitamins|fat soluble vitamins]] more [[Bioavailability|bioavailable]]. But [[Cod Liver Oil|cod liver oil]] is also high in [[Polyunsaturated Fat|omega oils]] which, in the short term, can act as [[Anti-Inflammatory|anti-inflammatories]] but in the long term they're damaging to your [[Immune System|immune system]] and that's how they're actually [[Anti-Inflammatory|anti-inflammatory]], because they're helping to reduce your [[Immune System|immune system]] response. But that then can predispose you to other problems like [[Cancer|cancers]] because you _need_ your [[Immune System|immune system]] functioning to fight _cancer_.

So, you know, people notice a benefit when they use [[Fish Oil|fish oils]] and I totally understand why, but it's not safe in the long term, and, you know, they used to use [[X-Ray|x-ray radiation]] on people's [[Acne|acne]] on their back because it's [[Anti-Inflammatory|anti-inflammatory]] and helped reduce inflamation of the [[Acne|acne]] but it also caused a [[Immunosupression|supressed immune system]].

So, that is our view on [[Fish Oil|fish oils]] and [[Fermented Fish Oil|fermented fish oils]].

oxidation but then when it goes in your body you're eating like oxidized fat so those are inflammatory themselves and also if you eat it when it's not oxidized and not fermented right like it's SJM: Yeah, [[Fermentation|fermented]] would speed up the [[Oxidation|oxidation]], but then when it goes in your body your eating, like, [[Oxidation|oxidised]] fat, so those are [[Inflammation|inflammatory]] themselves. And also, if you eat it when it's not [[Oxidation|oxidised]] and not [[Fermentation|fermented]], right, like it's fresh then the [[Oxidation|oxidation]] process takes _place_ in your body and robs you of [[Oxygen|oxygen]].

So, either way they're not ideal because if you eat anything that has to [[Oxidation|oxidize]]– this is the theory behind why you don't want to eat [[Omega-3|Omega-3s]] and [[Omega-6|Omega-6a]] and [[Polyunsaturated Fat|polyunsaturated fatty acids]], is because when they go in your body they're so hungry and starving for [[Oxygen|oxygen]] they'll rob you of your [[Oxygen|oxygen]] and go [[Rancidification|rancid]], and that's why they were used for paint because they form a [[Resin|resinous]] surface when they react with [[Oxygen|oxygen]].

We have it on the wood in our house, it's beautiful. Forms a lovely [[Resin|resin]]–

AM: That's where it belongs.

SJM: –of waterproof coating. It belongs there, not inside your arteries and causing [[Atheroma|plaque]] in your [[Cardiovascular System|cardiovascular system]].

So, even if it's [[Fermentation|fermented]] it's still going to have those [[Toxin|toxic]] byproducts of [[Fermentation|fermentation]] and [[Oxidation|oxidation]].

AM: [53:16] Okay, do we have another caller? Are we still waiting for the another caller there? No. Okay, so I wasn't sure whether or not we had another one lined up.

Okay, so you're listening to Ask Your Herb Doctor, KMUD Garberville. 91.1 FM, from now until 8 o'clock callers are invited to call in 70792 33911 to share testimony of how they have been–

E: Until 7:58 actually.

AM: Say again?

E: Till 7:58, [inaudible]'s in the chair at 8 starting his show.

AM: All right, got four four minutes folks. So, otherwise I will just carry on exposing a few things that I've dug up since.

Okay. So, as I said we did 136 radio shows with [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] and I know he probably did 10 times that with the group of other peoples that– he did [[Politics & Science|Science and Politics Show]] he did other shows with other radio hosts all across the country.

And things that [[Peat, Raymond|he]] came up with– he had a very different approach to [[Cancer|cancer]] as a kind of Hot Topic. But, for example, using [[Iodine|iodine]] topically on [[Cancer|precancerous]] tissues. Things like [[Actinic Keratosis|actinic keratosis]] and other, quote unquote, suspicious skin lesions. Had some very personal very successful effects with that, as also treating [[Basal-Cell Carcinoma|basal-cell carcinoma's]] with [[Dry Ice|dry ice]] and or [[Progesterone|progesterone]] pre-treatment, [[Caffeine|caffeine]], [[Acetylsalicylic Acid|aspirin]] and those kind of other compounds that he had a small kind of formula for, that I used personally, and definitely worked.

[54:51] Let's take the next caller. Caller you're on the air and I think you've got about three minutes before we need to give out details and wrap up the show.

FC: Yeah [inaudible], you know, I was thinking about the [[Fatigue|fatigued]]–I'm a young pup at 61–and the [[Fatigue|fatigue]] that I've been noticing, you know (and I'm thinking [[Coronavirus Disease 2019|COVID]]) but I've been taking for the last, maybe, three or four years the [[Omega-3|Omega 3]] and [[Omega-6|Omega 6]] vitamins and stuff with my meals, my breakfast (my small breakfast, if I eat if I eat too much I fall asleep.)

But that's what I wanted to ask about: making you tired, yeah!

SJM: Yes, the [[Polyunsaturated Fat|omega oils]] are also [[Goitrogen|thyroid suppressive]]. I'm sorry I didn't mention that earlier. So they _will_ make you more tired because they'll [[Anti-Metabolic|suppress your metabolism]] and your [[Metabolism|metabolism]] uses [[Thyroid Hormone|thyroid]] to help get and deliver [[Oxygen|oxygen]] to your cells. Without adequate [[Thyroid Hormone|thyroid hormone]] you don't have adequate [[Oxygen|oxygen]] to your cells. And therefore your [[Metabolism|metabolism]] doesn't work properly. And, yes, you do feel [[Fatigue|tired]].

FC: And so with the maybe like a normal diet I don't need the the omega?

SJM: Yeah, there's lots of scientific literature to show that those [[Polyunsaturated Fat|omega oils]] are just, they really are not [[Essential Fatty Acid|essential]]. And we've never eaten so many [[Omega-6|omega-6 oils]] which are the [[Polyunsaturated Fat|polyunsaturated fatty acids]] like [[Canola Oil|canola]], [[Soybean|soy]], [[Maize|corn]]. Because who can make oil out of [[Maize|corn]]? Who can make oil out of [[Soybean|soybeans]]? It's a process that involves a lot of chemicals and a lot of machinery and it's not natural, we naturally get oils from [[Animal Fat|animals]] or from [[Coconut Oil|coconuts]] or from [[Palm Oil|Palm fruits]], or from [[Olive Oil|olives]]. Those are _natural_ sources of oils. And those are the safe oils.

AM: We better–

FC: You've done so good. I didn't hear the whole show but this one really piqued my interest and thank you so much.

AM: Yeah.

SJM: Well thank you.

AM: It should be up on the internet if you wanted to listen to it.

SJM: Yeah, you can listen to our show as the live stream now, or you can listen to it later on our [[Western Botanical Medicine > | Western Botanical medicine YouTube channel]]. And it's also on [[Redwood Community Radio > Redwood Community Radio Archive | KMUD Radio Audio Archives]]

AM: Okay, well thanks for the people that have chosen to call in tonight.

FC: And remember, you've got mud in your ear!

AM: Hah, that's right, there we go. Well welcome and thank you to [[Redwood Community Radio|KMUD]] again, it's a big shout out to [[Redwood Community Radio|KMUD]].

We've been doing this show since 2003. I looked the other day and 2003 was when we first started doing our radio shows, once a month on the third Friday of every month. So, again, once more, to [[Peat, Raymond|Dr Peat]] out there in the stars. Yhank you so much for your time here on Earth and I know lots of people have taken some good advice, and we continue to propagate the truth, and people bear out witness to that in terms of being helped, seriously helped.

So, you can visit our website [[Western Botanical Medicine > Western Botanical Medicine |]]. We have a [[Wester Botanical Medicine > | YouTube channel]] and a [[Western Botanical Medicine > | Twitter feed]], and until the third Friday of next month–it'll be real close to Christmas folks–Happy Thanksgiving to all of you out there!

And we can be reached at 1888-WBM-HERB, Monday through Friday. And also, our website address for my email is [[Western Botanical Medicine > [email protected] | [email protected]]].

So, thanks so much for listening my name is Andrew Murray.

SJM: My name is Sarah Johannesen Murray, happy Thanksgiving and thank you for listening.

AM: Good night.

SJM: Good night. {Pipe music plays.}
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