Bad GI Inflammation --stool only a few centimeters thick, anxiety, uninterested in everything


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Jul 29, 2023
I've had chronic digestive problems for 2 years now. Intestinal inflammation, bloating, slow transit, gas, dry skin, poor coordination, extremely bad cognitive issues like inability to concentrate, feeling like a zombie, depression, anxiety, avoiding social interaction, extreme uninterest in doing things (all things), difficulty breathing. I find my heart rate shoots up, I get out of breath when having to speak in class and I can't come up with words. I feel like a zombie. Last year at my lowest point, my stool would come out only a few centemiters thick because of how inflammed my gi tract was. Not feeling hungry and weight loss, despite eating a significant amount of calories. I sit in bed (under a incandescent light bulb) most of the day. I am completley out after just walking to class. I have yet to socialize with anyone in my classes. I belive this all got extemelty bad when I took large doses of an idoine supplement while I was already metabolically compromised. Lugols is know to damage the mucosal membranes of the gi tract.

Some approaches I have taken to solve the issue:
- I quit my sport (college swimming and diving). Last year was my first year of college. I should have stopped the sport then, however, knowing that I would be kicked off the team but pressure from my parents because I've worked my whole life towards this kept me on the team throughout the year, so I suffered every day in silence. Cafeteria food was also aweful for me, however, I always chose the best food that I possibly could. I'm in an apartment now that's not an issue anymore.
- Quit starches. Recently I decided I needed to go on a strict plan of orange juice, milk, sucrose, liver, oysters, ground beef, shrimp, cheese, eggs, coffee, coconut oil. Everything Peaty
- Penicillin. It has given me some relief. My white tongue is gone so I'll keep using it to lower endotoxin
Cyproheptadine. This has been the most helpful thing so far. Before using this I couldn't even digest good food without an inflammatory response. Loading up on this has given me some more relief.
- Daily raw carrot
- T3 to keep metabolism up - on its own, thyroid didn't help me at all. Good diet + thyroid, but still feeling awful is pretty indicative that my issue is with my gi tract.

Please let me know if there is anything more that you think I can do, any feedback helps. I'm open to trying a more potent anti-serotonergic drug that acts more specifically on the gi tract because I don't see how else I am going to fix this issue. Let me know what your thoughts are.
Hi, it sounds like some nasty protozoa or parasite. Doing antibiotics may give relief if the dysbiosis includes bacteria and yeast, which is invariably the case when we test folks like this with the GI-MAP stool test. But long term it won't solve the problem. I don't think doing too many things other than figuring out what the pathogen is and working to remove it gently would help much long term. Worse they can lull you into a false sense of security while the underlying problem is unaddressed and potentially worsens. In the mean time using across activated charcoal may provide relief, if it does it simply supports the "you got pathogens" position. Some parasites/protozoa can travel up the bile ducts and camp out in the liver or gallbladder, even the pancreas. So trial and error may keep you in this poor state of health for a long time..


May 26, 2018
Elimination diet, bone broth, antibiotics, antifungals, bamboo shoots, white button mushrooms, carrot salad.


Jul 2, 2022
Hi, it sounds like some nasty protozoa or parasite. Doing antibiotics may give relief if the dysbiosis includes bacteria and yeast, which is invariably the case when we test folks like this with the GI-MAP stool test. But long term it won't solve the problem. I don't think doing too many things other than figuring out what the pathogen is and working to remove it gently would help much long term. Worse they can lull you into a false sense of security while the underlying problem is unaddressed and potentially worsens. In the mean time using across activated charcoal may provide relief, if it does it simply supports the "you got pathogens" position. Some parasites/protozoa can travel up the bile ducts and camp out in the liver or gallbladder, even the pancreas. So trial and error may keep you in this poor state of health for a long time..
Yeah, go chase theoretical pathogens instead of fixing the terrain by cleaning it up with a super clean diet. Your thinking is too old school. You need another 10 liters of strong coffee to wake up. IF there are pathogens they are there to try to fix thing by eating up the garbage. There are only very rare instances of parasites that cause problems and usually they are found in raw products from some weird countries. Unless the person have traveled to such a place when the problems began it is 99% certain the problems are caused by their lifestyle and a very dirty terrain.


Forum Supporter
Jul 29, 2023
Yeah, go chase theoretical pathogens instead of fixing the terrain by cleaning it up with a super clean diet. Your thinking is too old school. You need another 10 liters of strong coffee to wake up. IF there are pathogens they are there to try to fix thing by eating up the garbage. There are only very rare instances of parasites that cause problems and usually they are found in raw products from some weird countries. Unless the person have traveled to such a place when the problems began it is 99% certain the problems are caused by their lifestyle and a very dirty terrain.
Thanks for your opinion. In my clinical experience you are not correct and I have helped hundreds of people with this methodology, as have thousands of other practitioners like me. You seem a bit bitter, that is not a sign of high metabolic function, you may need to revisit some of the Peat principles. Usually if one is happy and satisfied they don't feel compelled to "tell off" other people in such a manner, although I guess in Bulgaria this kind of thing is the norm... I should know I am from there :D Feel free to disagree with me but no need to be rude ;) thanks. Have a great day!


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Jul 29, 2023
Also if pathogens do not exist, why does peat recommend antibiotics and why do people feel better after them?????


Forum Supporter
Jul 29, 2023
Also, if anything your position is theoretical, not mine, friend. A lot of organisms exude chemicals that are harmful, not to mention endotoxin/LPS, of which we have evidence. Where is your proof these microorganisms are repairing anything? Is there even one shred of evidence? I am open minded, and will consider it of course.


Jul 2, 2022
Thanks for your opinion. In my clinical experience you are not correct and I have helped hundreds of people with this methodology, as have thousands of other practitioners like me. You seem a bit bitter, that is not a sign of high metabolic function, you may need to revisit some of the Peat principles. Usually if one is happy and satisfied they don't feel compelled to "tell off" other people in such a manner, although I guess in Bulgaria this kind of thing is the norm... I should know I am from there :D Feel free to disagree with me but no need to be rude ;) thanks. Have a great day!
I am never bitter or rude towards normal people on this forum and never pick up fights with them BUT have a special attitude reserved for "health practitioners" who earn money giving health advice. I've known personally way too many of them to know many times they do NOT help or even make things worse. Sometimes they do help but that is not the point as there are many different view points on health and some of them seem to "work" but lead to other issues down the road. Just like regular allopathic medicine practitioners.

Wonder whether your presence here on this forum is a form of advertisement for your practice ? Obviously you are not a stupid person and it is a good thing you are trying to help especially children and I am sure you have dug down the rabbit hole trying to learn as much as you can but in my opinion you are misguided and scaring people that their GI symptoms are caused by nasty parasites and is not right in my view without asking about any story of travel to a weird far away destination or something of this sort.

A much better approach towards those kind of issues is an ultra clean diet that allows the system to flush everything that is clogging it ie raw milk only diet for a month and restore the system instead of chasing pathogens that may or not be there and may or may not be the primary cause of the disease ( they are not).

Have a great day too.


Forum Supporter
Jul 29, 2023
I am never bitter or rude towards normal people on this forum and never pick up fights with them BUT have a special attitude reserved for "health practitioners" who earn money giving health advice. I've known personally way too many of them to know many times they do NOT help or even make things worse. Sometimes they do help but that is not the point as there are many different view points on health and some of them seem to "work" but lead to other issues down the road. Just like regular allopathic medicine practitioners.

Wonder whether your presence here on this forum is a form of advertisement for your practice ? Obviously you are not a stupid person and it is a good thing you are trying to help especially children and I am sure you have dug down the rabbit hole trying to learn as much as you can but in my opinion you are misguided and scaring people that their GI symptoms are caused by nasty parasites and is not right in my view without asking about any story of travel to a weird far away destination or something of this sort.

A much better approach towards those kind of issues is an ultra clean diet that allows the system to flush everything that is clogging it ie raw milk only diet for a month and restore the system instead of chasing pathogens that may or not be there and may or may not be the primary cause of the disease ( they are not).

Have a great day too.
This is again where our views differ. In my opinion your advice is actually much more dangerous than mine, because people will be lulled into a fall sense of security that a clean diet is all that is needed. Sometimes it's not enough. If you go run a few dozen stool test on people with gut problems you'll quickly see... Also if pathogens don't exist, why do people feel better after antifungal or antibiotic treatment? Why was Ray so supportive of their judicious use. You're free to your options but in my free opinion you're the one doling out unsubstantiated advice. Like what proof do we have that the bacteria and fungi are doing repair work, for example? As opposed to the endotoxin and many chemicals bacteria and fungi exude that are showing harm clearly in the an abundance of published research. Anyway, lets agree to disagree.


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Jun 21, 2023
United States
I went through the inflamed gut thing and pooping little squiggles for months back in 2020 when I took several antibiotics, including Bactrim, for a UTI. I figured out that my problem was a thiamine deficiency topped off with a thiamine functional blockage. I recovered via high dose thiamine hcl.

suggested reading:

Do you have any silver amalgam fillings in your mouth? This would make you predisposed to a thiamine deficiency.

Here's a video for your consideration:


Interesting, no silver algams in my mouth. I suspected thiamine deficiency a few months ago, and took high doses of thiamine hcl for a few weeks. I might have to try it again and for longer. How much did you take, and for how long? What did you notice?


Forum Supporter
Jun 21, 2023
United States
Hi, it sounds like some nasty protozoa or parasite. Doing antibiotics may give relief if the dysbiosis includes bacteria and yeast, which is invariably the case when we test folks like this with the GI-MAP stool test. But long term it won't solve the problem. I don't think doing too many things other than figuring out what the pathogen is and working to remove it gently would help much long term. Worse they can lull you into a false sense of security while the underlying problem is unaddressed and potentially worsens. In the mean time using across activated charcoal may provide relief, if it does it simply supports the "you got pathogens" position. Some parasites/protozoa can travel up the bile ducts and camp out in the liver or gallbladder, even the pancreas. So trial and error may keep you in this poor state of health for a long time..
What is across activated charcoal? I use activated charcoal when I don't eat a raw carrot.


Forum Supporter
Jun 21, 2023
United States
Yeah, go chase theoretical pathogens instead of fixing the terrain by cleaning it up with a super clean diet. Your thinking is too old school. You need another 10 liters of strong coffee to wake up. IF there are pathogens they are there to try to fix thing by eating up the garbage. There are only very rare instances of parasites that cause problems and usually they are found in raw products from some weird countries. Unless the person have traveled to such a place when the problems began it is 99% certain the problems are caused by their lifestyle and a very dirty terrain.
I agree it's lifestyle. There are always exceptions but it's much better to do what would help 99% of people, not the 1% exception.


May 13, 2015
Interesting, no silver algams in my mouth. I suspected thiamine deficiency a few months ago, and took high doses of thiamine hcl for a few weeks. I might have to try it again and for longer. How much did you take, and for how long? What did you notice?
I started with 300-350 mgs 2Xday and spent 4 months titrating up to 1 gram of thiamine hcl 2Xday. I'm following Dr. Costantini's protocol. I've been on that dose since 2/1/2021.

I noticed: eradication of my lactic acidosis and all the inflammation that goes with that; normalization of my body temperature; normalization of my digestive tract. I had issues with very poor peristalsis, low stomach acid, SIBO, gut disbiosis, leaky gut. It all went away and started working again like I was 10 years old and healthy.

I should say that prior to the Bactrim debacle in 2020 and trying high dose thiamine, I had been eating a healthy diet, following Ray Peat's advice, and had avoided PUFA like the poison that it is for over 5 years. I had also addressed my hypothyroidism with a good endo and had optimized my dose of prescription desiccated thyroid. I got really sick anyway because of my thiamine deficiency + functional blockage.


Nov 21, 2012
@mostlylurking if you don't mind me asking, do you also take other B vitamins with Thiamine hcl?
as I've heard high dose thiamine can deplete other b vitamins (I want to say it's B2...but I'm not sure at the top of my head).

And why is Thiamine hcl favored,as I've heard it has a poor absorption, compared to other forms like Benfotiamine for instance?


Forum Supporter
Jul 29, 2023
I agree it's lifestyle. There are always exceptions but it's much better to do what would help 99% of people, not the 1% exception.
My friend, after reading your post is sounds like you are in that 1%!! None of the things you're suffering from are normal. You sound like you're also very young. I hardly think a poor diet can do that to most people, some people eat crap and drink and party for decades before health problems become heavily apparent. The very fact that penicillin gave you some relief is rock solid indicator of gut dysbiosis.... I can't see it being much more apparent than that. Suffering for 2 years must be torture and I empathize with you. Please get some professional help, life doesn't have to be like that. Anyway, just trying to help as I see way too many people suffer for years and get horrendous advice in the mean while doing trial and error that hurts them in the long term. Best of luck with your health journey!


Jul 17, 2015
I had histamine and prurit problems, with gas and bloating.
Got informed on MMC and SIBO through Dr D'oro (Switserland). See Dr Mark Pimentel for English doc.
MMC = Migrating Motor Complex.
Now under control. Pause to recover cyp450 pathway operating (detox pathway).
Soon 2nd phasis to kill bacteria overgrowth, at least what's left behind biofilm, with essential oils and adapted diet (less starch, more fiber from vegetables, nutrients against leaky gut, etc).
Note: If SIBO / SIFO is installed, a specific antibiotic is used, in addition to a prokinetic.


Jul 27, 2022
I've had chronic digestive problems for 2 years now. Intestinal inflammation, bloating, slow transit, gas, dry skin, poor coordination, extremely bad cognitive issues like inability to concentrate, feeling like a zombie, depression, anxiety, avoiding social interaction, extreme uninterest in doing things (all things), difficulty breathing. I find my heart rate shoots up, I get out of breath when having to speak in class and I can't come up with words. I feel like a zombie. Last year at my lowest point, my stool would come out only a few centemiters thick because of how inflammed my gi tract was. Not feeling hungry and weight loss, despite eating a significant amount of calories. I sit in bed (under a incandescent light bulb) most of the day. I am completley out after just walking to class. I have yet to socialize with anyone in my classes. I belive this all got extemelty bad when I took large doses of an idoine supplement while I was already metabolically compromised. Lugols is know to damage the mucosal membranes of the gi tract.
ive had/have similar digestive problems for same timeframe. thin stool has been the default if at all
dont wanna speak too soon i still have gut pain & swelling but my stool recently improved more towards normal , appetite is coming back & eating some more.

Protocol you can try for 7 days if you want to see if you replicate:

- on wakeup sodium bicarbonate 2g
- buy type 00 gelatin capsules and some cayenne powder. scoop capsule through powder a couple times to pack it. 3 or 4 hours after the sodium bicarb swallow with capsule lid off (get burning sensation on tongue. & important to respect this dose for potential benefits). or just measure out 300mg - 500mg if not using caps. empty stomach
- few hours after that take 375mg or 750mg citrulline. empty stomach
- few hours after that take last 2g sodium bicarb empty stomach
- 15g PHGG if go a day without bowel movement
(avoid microcrystalline cellulose fillers, and probably silicon dioxide)

- (extra: switching out the OJ for a glass of pineapple juice for thyroid. or 1 glass each if oj tolerated. idk if theres enough to be a problem but ethanol in thyroid products might be irritating if it doesnt disperse in water well idk (better in milk?), goats milk for easier digestion. 40g sugar water as long as have couple milligrams thiamine intake away from stuff that hinders absorption - for easier digested calories/carbs&igf-1 needed for intestinal cell growth & 3mg zinc to help prevent deficiency, & 40mg hesperidin if not drinking oj). i switched to organic einkorn wheat with butter as starch for 60g carbs. using ghee for cooking oil)

(i read in your other post you ate a lot of egg yolks, if still eating them, that by itself can worsen mood a lot for some people from the choline. even 2 can be too much)

& if dealing with a virus infection probably best to pause the bicarb & cayenne until gone or mostly gone

i think a lot of chronic GI damage is from failure of m1 macrophages switching to m2 repair so the gut gets stuck in inflammatory unrepaired state. (havent fully developed why yet but so far maybe 1 piece is a common defect of OTC enzyme needed for citrulline which can go either way but is needed for m2 macrophage switch.)
Last edited:


Forum Supporter
Jun 21, 2023
United States
I started with 300-350 mgs 2Xday and spent 4 months titrating up to 1 gram of thiamine hcl 2Xday. I'm following Dr. Costantini's protocol. I've been on that dose since 2/1/2021.

I noticed: eradication of my lactic acidosis and all the inflammation that goes with that; normalization of my body temperature; normalization of my digestive tract. I had issues with very poor peristalsis, low stomach acid, SIBO, gut disbiosis, leaky gut. It all went away and started working again like I was 10 years old and healthy.

I should say that prior to the Bactrim debacle in 2020 and trying high dose thiamine, I had been eating a healthy diet, following Ray Peat's advice, and had avoided PUFA like the poison that it is for over 5 years. I had also addressed my hypothyroidism with a good endo and had optimized my dose of prescription desiccated thyroid. I got really sick anyway because of my thiamine deficiency + functional blockage.
Great thanks, sounds like I should at least try it for a few months. Were you eating a lot of white sugar? I notice that orange juice bumps up the daily B1 numbers by a lot, whereas other fruit juices and white sugar don't. Another factor to add to orange juices' myriad of benefits.


Forum Supporter
Jun 21, 2023
United States
My friend, after reading your post is sounds like you are in that 1%!! None of the things you're suffering from are normal. You sound like you're also very young. I hardly think a poor diet can do that to most people, some people eat crap and drink and party for decades before health problems become heavily apparent. The very fact that penicillin gave you some relief is rock solid indicator of gut dysbiosis.... I can't see it being much more apparent than that. Suffering for 2 years must be torture and I empathize with you. Please get some professional help, life doesn't have to be like that. Anyway, just trying to help as I see way too many people suffer for years and get horrendous advice in the mean while doing trial and error that hurts them in the long term. Best of luck with your health journey!
I appreciate the help, and you make a very good point. So let's say I have gut dysbiosis. If you were me, what exactly is the first thing that you would do?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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