Baffling Arm Pain?


Jan 2, 2016
As there isn't a forum on muscles, bones or tendons, I figured I'd post it here. For a few months I have had an inexplicable pain in my non-dominant arm especially using it after not using it for a while. As a for instance, if I come to a somewhat heavy commercial door and have to push it open or even hold it open, I get a deep pain in the upper arm (not a shoulder or elbow thing). The pain is limited to the area between my shoulder and elbow and definitely feels more like it's on the outside of the arm rather than the bicep. It's hard to tell if this pain is muscle related or perhaps bone related. If my arm is just relaxed, there is no pain whatsoever. There is no 'incident' that caused this, it just appeared a few months ago. Any guesses as to what may be going on?
Nov 21, 2015
Usually this is trigger points in the scalene muscles in the neck. Look up scalene muscles trigger points and massage them and stretch after and see if the pain resolves.
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