Being transwoman doesn't equal being female



Thanks for sharing.

"no transgender athlete who had gone through male puberty would be permitted to compete in female world ranking competitions"

The "gone through male puberty" made be think of the castrati.

I guess those poor guys would not be considered "gone through male puberty".

Maybe World Athletics ban is a move in the right direction. Maybe it's just window dressing. My feeling is that the "gone through male puberty" it is still an arbitary divide as is the blood testosterone level. What's wrong with saying that a person that's been born with male sex organs is male, and males have no business in female competitive sports?
I thought about this too. It is one step in the right direction but only time will tell if it's enough.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Humans don't have a gender, they have a biological sex (ie, male or female). Nouns have gender. Gender is a lingustic construct to make language less cumbersome/repetitive and thus more efficient (say same thing with less words).

Would you rather say/hear:

"After Danny Smith graduated from high school in New York, Danny Smith moved to Colorado where Danny Smith attended college and met Danny Smith's future wife, with whom Danny Smith had 7 kids."


"After Danny Smith graduated from high school in New York, he moved to Colorado where he attended college and met his future wife, with whom he had 7 kids."

If someone wants you to use "their" pronouns, simply don't use any 3rd person pronouns and talk about them like the 1st sentence. Or instead of using their name, say "this person" or "that person". Don't play their game.


Jun 20, 2015
Humans don't have a gender, they have a biological sex (ie, male or female). Nouns have gender. Gender is a lingustic construct to make language less cumbersome/repetitive and thus more efficient (say same thing with less words).

Would you rather say/hear:

"After Danny Smith graduated from high school in New York, Danny Smith moved to Colorado where Danny Smith attended college and met Danny Smith's future wife, with whom Danny Smith had 7 kids."


"After Danny Smith graduated from high school in New York, he moved to Colorado where he attended college and met his future wife, with whom he had 7 kids."

If someone wants you to use "their" pronouns, simply don't use any 3rd person pronouns and talk about them like the 1st sentence. Or instead of using their name, say "this person" or "that person". Don't play their game.
What do you do with the second part of your example sentence?

- Danny met future wife and they had 7 kids.
- Danny met the future wife. Danny and wife had 7 kids.

This would make you sound like a foreigner who has never heard of grammar.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
What do you do with the second part of your example sentence?

- Danny met future wife and they had 7 kids.
- Danny met the future wife. Danny and wife had 7 kids.

This would make you sound like a foreigner who has never heard of grammar.

Did Danny's wife have 7 kids with him, or did she (they) already have 7 kids when he met her (them)? Pronoun nazis totally butcher grammar.



Oct 13, 2017
The first time I heard about anyone wanting to change sexes... I instantly guessed they were mind controlled to want to do this... by orbit altitude directed energy weapons... that was in 2010... now they want 5g satellites by the 10s of thousands to energy extract people by/for anti mater...

Now I just live in my barn and sleep on my trampoline, quality of life is 10 000x better...


Mar 26, 2014
Humans don't have a gender, they have a biological sex (ie, male or female). Nouns have gender. Gender is a lingustic construct to make language less cumbersome/repetitive and thus more efficient (say same thing with less words).

Would you rather say/hear:

"After Danny Smith graduated from high school in New York, Danny Smith moved to Colorado where Danny Smith attended college and met Danny Smith's future wife, with whom Danny Smith had 7 kids."


"After Danny Smith graduated from high school in New York, he moved to Colorado where he attended college and met his future wife, with whom he had 7 kids."

If someone wants you to use "their" pronouns, simply don't use any 3rd person pronouns and talk about them like the 1st sentence. Or instead of using their name, say "this person" or "that person". Don't play their game.
Nice. :cool:


Jun 20, 2015
i find it strange that you can't see the threat tbh, when people have literally mentioned specific men who rape women, then pretend to be women, being sent to women's prisons...only to rape more women. i mean, it seems a fairly self evident issue

here's blaire white, arguably one of the most famous trans influencers on the planet, explaining the problem to a pedophile who is abusing "her" new trans rights to sexually harass children and women in bathrooms via canada's new trans laws, a trend which is growing in every nation that embraces unisex toilets, because it allows men the opportunity which they never had before

no mate it's a question of objectivity vs subjectivity.

sex is objective, scientific fact. gender is a social opinion that has zero definition, can never be defined and has an infinite level of potential interpretations. the bbc released 100+ new genders last year for all the plebs to quack about, and even then they admit it's no where near complete lol

the laws are changing to compel people to acknowledge subjective opinion instead of fact, which means many more rapists will be allowed into female prisons because they stick on a dress, and because the people on the outside demand these poor trans prisoners have "freedom" to express themselves, all over their next victim apparently.

i find it absolutely bizarre that you think this is a question of "freedom" when trans people always fall into two categories - the rational trans people who realize they can only transition between male or female and generally just wanna get on with it...and the irrational trans people, who want to compel everyone else to use the "right language" have the "right thoughts" and if they don't, they should be locked up for violence.

that's kind of like the definition of narcissistic injury - if someone doesn't "comply" and play along with the narcissists delusions, then narc rage ensues and the person who failed to comply must be utterly devalued.

here we can see how totally incapable such people are of having ANY "common ground". they aren't interested in debate. they aren't interested in learning, all they want is for everyone else to change and do as they are told. in their mind, the 99.99999% of the population is the problem and should bend over to accommodate them

sure, i think crowder is being intentionally belligerent because the asexual potato is clearly hostile and has no interest in discussion but rather wants to "educate him", but the point stands - the potato believes that if you "misgender" it, you're committing violence and must be stopped. that is, having an opinion, or simply not being aware of someone elses' opinion, is, in the minds of these people, an act of violence

so personally, i think encouraging or defending this sort of thing is incredibly dangerous because it posits that language and meaning are totally arbitrary. once you have a society that literally cannot tell the difference between a man and a woman, you have successfully neutralized that society.

so while i completely disagree with you on a very fundamental level and personally think your opinion is the antithesis of freedom, i totally accept that the vast majority of people will, eventually agree with you for no other reason than group think

Thank you for introducing me to Blaire White. I really like to listen to her (transwoman) or to her friend Arielle (lesbian) if I feel I need some fresh air of common sense.

Arielle in one of her videos explained the difference between trans people and trans-activists: Trans people are those with gender dysphoria. They are e.g. biologically male, but they feel they are female. This causes them stress. They want to be perceived as females, and they make huge efforts to be perceived as females. Trans activists are those with the blue or green hair and a nosering that talk nonsense you don't understand.

That's how I am going to refer to those people in the future: either trans-activist (if referring to authoritarian cretins) or trans-confused (it referring to brainwashed, confused (mostly) teenagers). Or when dealing with true trans people, I am going to refer to them as I perceive them.


Jun 20, 2015
I'm not one to promote Jordan but this interview is useful especially for parents with young children

Parental Trauma in a World of Gender Insanity | Miriam Grossman MD | EP 347​


It made me sad to read the stories shared in the comments. This ideology has destroyed countless families.

Miriam Grossman has a page with resources for parents on her website.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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