Beware Haidut's products, landed someone in the hospital


Mar 6, 2022


Mar 11, 2021
Are u suggesting that haidut’s products are contaminated, or are you just expressing your disapproval of camphoric acid as a medicine?

I realise that u might be a fake account, but only a retard would take a post like that seriously.


Mar 29, 2016
I was considering buying some of his products but thankfully came across this:

You want to play around with your health and ingest something a guy concocted in his basement- well just a matter of time you end up like the above person.

You must be a reporter that graduated from Harvard. Thank you but don't you think you should be working at WaPo or the NYT?

They pay pretty well and you would be an outstanding hire there.


Sep 3, 2017
I use CamphoSal, and rely on it for SIBO, but I don't take it every day, just once if I need it. Works really well, gets rid of migraines. About 20 drops.
May 21, 2015
Take responsibility of your own health instead of trying to find some perfect health daddy. I hate this sensationalist BS.


Sep 24, 2016
I was considering buying some of his products but thankfully came across this:

You want to play around with your health and ingest something a guy concocted in his basement- well just a matter of time you end up like the above person.

It’s not „a matter of time“ as in an eventual certainty. How do you come to such a pathetic claim?

You’re right that taking any Pharmacon or supplement carries a risk depending on factors like personal condition, knowledge, dose and so forth - again though your claimed inevitability with Haiduts stuff is nonsense.

Haiduts products have thousands of good reviews btw

The guy who posted the stuff on Reddit doesn’t need further commentary. The intellectually ridiculous post speaks for itself.

I perceive a beginning pattern on RPF. Many newer members / readers that seek a quick fix of health problems by reading for 3 hours on the Forum and taking stuff without concept, context or understanding.

Than blaming Ray Peat, Users, the Forum or whatever.

Thus forum years ago was a gathering of inquisitive minds often with high intelligence and often substantial background or experience. Everybody fully aware that understanding malfunction of the human organism in context of its environment a never-endings task without easy or quick fixes.


Sep 9, 2019
Never trust a Stan.



Feb 16, 2018
Why do you think haidut puts the disclaimer "not for human use / only for research purposes" behind all his products? So he can't get sued when someone ingests his product and becomes gravely ill.

All I did was link to a post of a real person's experience, to aware people of how potentially unsafe his products are. That's straight up fact, someone ended up in the ER taking his products. Only the white knights here would have you believe that it's a fake post, nothing they have to say has any merit for they are biased and in too deep already, playing russian roulette with their health by taking haidut's concoctions. They won't admit they're fcking themselves.

This is for the people who can actually think and isn't stuck in haidut's echo chamber. Ask yourself if it's worth risking your health.


Oct 22, 2014
@Stan please stop.
@haidut is an extremely well regarded and loved presence in this community.
I'm very much looking forward to my next shipment.
I think I may have inadvertently directed you to that post by mentioning the sub, which I regret. I don't even know who the mods are over there.
You don't need to save the world - do what's right for you - live and let live - this place most certainly is not an echo chamber and there are reasons (many, actually) people hold him in such high regard.
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Sep 24, 2016
Why do you think haidut puts the disclaimer "not for human use / only for research purposes" behind all his products? So he can't get sued when someone ingests his product and becomes gravely ill.

All I did was link to a post of a real person's experience, to aware people of how potentially unsafe his products are. That's straight up fact, someone ended up in the ER taking his products. Only the white knights here would have you believe that it's a fake post, nothing they have to say has any merit for they are biased and in too deep already, playing russian roulette with their health by taking haidut's concoctions. They won't admit they're fcking themselves.

This is for the people who can actually think and isn't stuck in haidut's echo chamber. Ask yourself if it's worth risking your health.

I‘ve just read through your 20-post history.
What are you doing on this forum besides casting doubt on Haiduts work?

Reported you


Nov 29, 2017
The title should read:

“Beware, somebody landed themselves in the hospital”


Mar 29, 2016
Why do you think haidut puts the disclaimer "not for human use / only for research purposes" behind all his products? So he can't get sued when someone ingests his product and becomes gravely ill.

All I did was link to a post of a real person's experience, to aware people of how potentially unsafe his products are. That's straight up fact, someone ended up in the ER taking his products. Only the white knights here would have you believe that it's a fake post, nothing they have to say has any merit for they are biased and in too deep already, playing russian roulette with their health by taking haidut's concoctions. They won't admit they're fcking themselves.

This is for the people who can actually think and isn't stuck in haidut's echo chamber. Ask yourself if it's worth risking your health.

It's one thing to say be careful and another to say don't ever go out as lightning may strike you.

But what you're doing is the latter.

Your mom may never have let you use a skateboard much less play in a see-saw or ride a swing.

Nor have you been to riding a roller coaster nor to ski nor went downhill biking.

But please don't tell people to stop living just because somebody died in an accident.

Go live in your bubble and enjoy the bubble.


Feb 11, 2017
idealabs has been the best thing that happened to me in the past five years.

once you realize that physiology and hence your personality is changeable through altering neurotransmitters/hormones, you look at your body much differently.

these supplements are incredibly potent, which is why i take low doses of everything. you should experiment until you figure how much you tolerate. too many supps lower cortisol too much and that doesn't feel good either.

i very much doubt camphosal created trouble. i've been using camphosal for the past month and for the first time in my life my acne is getting better. also digestions and elimination is insane.

anyway, watch out for your own body reactions. but don't try to tarnish @haidut reputation. lots of people owe a lot of happiness to him, myslef included.


Jun 26, 2022
@Stan please stop.
@haidut is an extremely well regarded and loved presence in this community.
I'm very much looking forward to my next shipment.
I think I may have inadvertently directed you to that post by mentioning the sub, which I now regret. I don't even know the mods over there.
You don't need to save the world - do what's right for you - live and let live - this place most certainly is not an echo chamber and there are reasons (many, actually) people hold him in such high regard.
No, this sure isn't an echo chamber (I'm new but have read for months), but holy moly Reddit sure is! Every sub has devolved into the loony 'left' (who think they are democrats or liberals but pretty much just hate the orange dude :) ) making everything political. I read that entire thread and it was insane, reminded me why I never go to reddit anymore - as I don't find intelligent discussion there. There were a couple of comments about this forum being overtaken by "right wing conspiracy theorists". Translation : people who think independently, ask questions, and understand what is going on in the world :)

It is unfortunate that the young man making the post had a bad reaction with a product. I'm not familiar with it and what it does. Unfortunately he seems to have jumped to a conclusion that his reaction is b/c the product is bad - vs that his body did not react well to it - something in it (or something unrelated. People have bad reactions to antibiotics all the time, to any medication. They are rare , but they happen. That does not mean the product is bad.

Of course, what he doesn't seem to understand is that many people love the idea of buying products that are "home made" so to speak, i.e are made by a small business , with a small operation - so there is no need to 'batch numbers' and safety seals , etc., because the entire goal is to produce high quality products without toxic crap.

One could contrast that with the "products' being rolled out by the billions by our fine U.S. gov't, , that they tell us are 'safe and effective' , yet are killing and injuring people more than any drug or product ever put on the market. A vaccine for one of the past fake plagues, the swine flu, was recalled after 50 deaths. These do have lot numbers, one can even look it up to see just how deadly your version of the experimental formula was. Those people don't even know what is in the product AND they don't even have the option of suing the manufacturer if they land in the hospital - or worse.

I'll take my chances with Haidut's products - in fact, I have a couple I'm going to order now :)


Oct 22, 2014
No, this sure isn't an echo chamber (I'm new but have read for months), but holy moly Reddit sure is! Every sub has devolved into the loony 'left' (who think they are democrats or liberals but pretty much just hate the orange dude :) ) making everything political. I read that entire thread and it was insane, reminded me why I never go to reddit anymore - as I don't find intelligent discussion there. There were a couple of comments about this forum being overtaken by "right wing conspiracy theorists". Translation : people who think independently, ask questions, and understand what is going on in the world :)

It is unfortunate that the young man making the post had a bad reaction with a product. I'm not familiar with it and what it does. Unfortunately he seems to have jumped to a conclusion that his reaction is b/c the product is bad - vs that his body did not react well to it - something in it (or something unrelated. People have bad reactions to antibiotics all the time, to any medication. They are rare , but they happen. That does not mean the product is bad.

Of course, what he doesn't seem to understand is that many people love the idea of buying products that are "home made" so to speak, i.e are made by a small business , with a small operation - so there is no need to 'batch numbers' and safety seals , etc., because the entire goal is to produce high quality products without toxic crap.

One could contrast that with the "products' being rolled out by the billions by our fine U.S. gov't, , that they tell us are 'safe and effective' , yet are killing and injuring people more than any drug or product ever put on the market. A vaccine for one of the past fake plagues, the swine flu, was recalled after 50 deaths. These do have lot numbers, one can even look it up to see just how deadly your version of the experimental formula was. Those people don't even know what is in the product AND they don't even have the option of suing the manufacturer if they land in the hospital - or worse.

I'll take my chances with Haidut's products - in fact, I have a couple I'm going to order now :)
There's still some good reddits (related to health and bio-politics). r/DebateVaccines for example. Just take the Jab, Church of Covid, Church of the Current Thing. Vaccine Longhaulers. r/detrans. Those are providing people with much needed relief from stifling social conformity. And information they won't hear on the news.
But yeah the irony is rich. Maryanne Demasi's latest newsletter talks about how Pfizer significantly changed their formulation for "vaccine" for the babies, with no clinical trials. They took out the sodium and potassium and put in worse preservatives to make it more "stable".

I have some mitolipin on the way. Good stuff.
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Jun 26, 2022
Why do you think haidut puts the disclaimer "not for human use / only for research purposes" behind all his products? So he can't get sued when someone ingests his product and becomes gravely ill.

All I did was link to a post of a real person's experience, to aware people of how potentially unsafe his products are. That's straight up fact, someone ended up in the ER taking his products. Only the white knights here would have you believe that it's a fake post, nothing they have to say has any merit for they are biased and in too deep already, playing russian roulette with their health by taking haidut's concoctions. They won't admit they're fcking themselves.

This is for the people who can actually think and isn't stuck in haidut's echo chamber. Ask yourself if it's worth risking your health.
Ummm don't you know? So he can provide good quality products that would otherwise be unavailable to people who are interested in using them. No one has to purchase them. They are meant to be used by people who are educated about the substances know how and why they are using them.

Both you, and the young man who wrote the Reddit post have made serious errors of logic. He is assuming since he purportedly had a reaction to the product - that this means there is something wrong with the product. Most likely, he just had a reaction. A second possibility is that he did not understand how to use it. People have reactions to drugs - prescriptions, over the counter, even cosmetic products all the time, every day. In fact, I believe pharmaceutical drugs are one of the top 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. There isn't anything wrong with them. They are rare, but people have bad reactions to antibiotics that are prescribed by physicians. There is nothing wrong with the bottle of pills.

You also are making the error of logic that what was likely an allergic, or just intolerance to a substance - means there was something wrong with the product or the producer has nefarious intentions. You also said "products". According to the reddit post, the young man used ONE particular product - i.e perhaps it didn't agree with him - and he was well enough to be typing about it, and home the next morning. Some people go to the ER for minor things, another person might not have even gone. I do not know, I am just speculating.

I purchased some rather pricey digestive enzymes from a company I knew little about, but was rather well known. The first time I took them, I became violently ill, and vomited all night, and was sick for a day. I supposed I could have asked them if I could return them, but I didn't. I don't know that it was a 'bad' product, but it sure was a bad product for me. In fact - I didn't really think taking enzymes that are meant to work in the small intestine orally was a good idea at all - but many people were raving about these products, so I thought I'd try it. I got sick because I didn't listen to my 'gut' , lol, and take a product I knew didn't make logical sense. I couldn't be angry at the company for selling it, nor could I say their product was 'bad'.
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